/tg/ here:
You CANNOT "redeem the succubus"
It's unrealistic, misses the point, is thematically inappropriate and is just dumb
/tg/ here:
You CANNOT "redeem the succubus"
It's unrealistic, misses the point, is thematically inappropriate and is just dumb
Other urls found in this thread:
You're too stuck in your ways, /tg/, there's no reason not to redeem the succ.
grognard faggot d&d sucks alignment system sucks dice suck pen sucks paper sucks free yourself killyoureserlllff
>playing censored games
>"I'm an ambassador from another board"
yeah you're not, you're a loose retard
>"Men just want one thing and it's disgusting"
She was a succubus in name only but not in behavior, she was CG, CN at worst
Holy shit, bitch is aryan.
>the board with the most trannies per capita
>having a relevant opinion on anything
also /tg/:
Laura bailey being an angel balances it out.
Yea Forums here
I'm not expecting a literal autist to be able to understand themes that don't adhere to binary values, but Full Body's core simply asks the divine question of individual agency and the choices in life that lie beyond the basic, expected and easily understandable. Full Body is an experience that takes love as an example and asks you to stop being an NPC, instead daring you to live life how you see fit and take decisions based not on external values, fear and cowardice, but intrinsic morals and individual judgement.
And so, it tells you that being a cuck is fine if you know what it implies. It tells you that being a prancing lala homo man that loves dicks and travels space alongside his cute bottom idol personal boypussy onahole ayylmao is possible if you will it and put in the effort to make it true. It tells you you, too, can raise a loving, caring, warm, wholesome traditional family with a succubus as that too is just another possibility in the infinitely untangling threads of life, you and only you deciding where it all ends, and how beautiful life is for that.
It's actually a pretty based message. Not that I expect autists and NPC poltards/trannies to be even able to absorb something as basic in the first place.
You've got it all wrong. When people say it misses the point, what they're trying to say is that the original game had two mediocre choices with pros and cons and a fuck off bitches ending.
Their is literally no reason to ever look at any of these endings anymore because why wouldn't you redeem the succubus given the choice. It's objectively the best decision for everyone involved.
Hey, /tg/. Remember when you weren't shit?
Why not?
>2010 was 10 years ago
Who would ever enter a long term relationship with a literal semoen demon whore
>/tg/ Fag complains about someone doing what they want with there story and not following retarded DnD logic
Catherine has problems user, but complaining about the concept is peak grognard.
isn't it just the name in the credits?
Shut the fuck up Coronzon
Getting rid of quest threads was such a deal with the devil. They were cancer but apparently filtered out the retards.
Just got to where Rin reveals she's not a she and its killes my boner is it too late to switch for catherine
/tg/ thinks SCP is better than ever, that says it all
Most of /tg/ thinks demons are just people with horns and red skin. Your point is correct, but you obviously don’t speak for /tg/
Well what just happened? What are you seeing in the picture you posted?
Don't worry the true final stage/boss is exclusive to her route anyways so you still get to have fun
A lie.
why were you even going after him in the first place?
why does this image exist
based SCP hiring disposable fags.
Japs out to pander to trash cum-in-brains yet again. Not surprised at all.
>after the flyer was brought to the Director's attention, all involved were immediately transferred to Class D personnel, and assigned to [REDACTED].
>pansexual and lithromantic
The fuck is a lithromantic?
maybe when you get off to lithium batteries
Is this a joke?
Google says it's being into someone but then if they decide they're into you too you're not interested anymore.
A true fa/tg/uy would never dismiss the possibility of dicking the evil out of anything.
15 bucks to get all the voices for catherine, is this shit even worth iy?
Fuck you and your board. This is videogames.
/tg/ is pro redeemable succubi retard
It's when you're in love with stones.
>It's objectively the best decision for everyone involved.
The "succ ending" in the original game had you saving all the men in the world by sexually satisfying every succ in hell. Sounds like a much better situation for "everyone involved."
>/tg/ here
haha your board is named after a tranny fetish, no wonder you're such a faggot lol
I thought succubi are all about fucking with people literally, not figuratively. If all they need to extract as much semen as possible, why not just stick with the same one bull which has the best production output?
maybe back in the good old days
these days they would deem it "toxic masculinity" without a shred of sarcasm or irony
I thought they fucking killed the men they fuck.
I saw that thread and they said all you need to do is give headpats to redeem succubus.
Because depending on the universe's rules it tends to lead to the death of the victim after prolonged exposure, sometimes even after the initial encounter.
The hell does TG stand for in fetish terms, Is it literally just "Trans Gender"?
If so kek that whole identity is fetishized.
>succubus is the best girl
what games besides Dark Messiah do this?
Succubus and other demons in myths and folklore represent aspects of human behavior. The idea behind the original stories is that the human is tempted by their desires, in this case sex, and must reject that desire completely in order to be closer to God, or closer to enlightenment in the case of Buddhism (see Mara). Redeeming the succubus therefore represents the human accepting that desire and mastering it for the purposes of good rather than letting it control him, which is completely thematically appropriate if you're not a braindead YHVHfag.
Depends on the Succubus because the language surrounding the myth is vague and ill defined. As a result you get some succubi that need as much sperm from as many men as possible, some succubi that don't need sperm but literally suck the life out of men, some succubi that just drain the mental faculties of their targets, some succubi that are basically leanan sidhe with sex involved and the list goes on.
Typically Succubi + Caring Love isn't a combination because Succubi are supposed to be on the Perma-Evil side of the alignment chart as far as /tg/ is concerned. Japan however doesn't give a fuck, and there are even manga about Succubi basically just being "magic creatures that have sex powers" with no real distinction for motives or alignment. Just Japan being Japan.
/pol/ here, who let this nigger breed with that aryan Übermensch
I want names and addresses
Catherine has always been the best girl.
The official novel confirmed it but not many people know or bother with it.
This is why it is so amazing that they took aspects of the novel ending and made it into an even better ending.
Single greatest piece of foreshadowing in a game ever: youtube.com
I'm still going to do it and your hot opinion on how it ruins the theme of demons or succubi is gay shit that I don't care about. It's controversial on /tg/ too so don't pretend to represent the board.
Now post demonesses
>mommy's milk
holy shit
Doesn't sound like a sexuality but a mental issue
>that slow unzipping
fucking christ, my dick
depends on the setting.
because two guys produce more than one guy and demons are chased down adn killed if found so you want to keep traveling to prevent anyone from knowing your place
Did they removed the old endings in full-body? Or can you still get them?
All 8 endings in the og game are still there.
>get rid of the retarded anime haircut
>grow out milkers a little bit
>suddenly a 10/10 design that easily wins over K
>tender loving housewife mom on top of that
Sexual attraction to printing presses
>redeem the evil woman with the power of dick
When you're 16, this idea sounds hot as fuck.
When you're 30, this idea sounds stupid as fuck.
joker's puberty must have been hell
>Once known as the "blue board /d/"
>Against redeeming succubus
Begone heathen.
Tradition must be upheld.
So what does Rin add to the story?
alien penis I guess
"Catherine: Full Body" misses the point.
The Japanese were your allies in the war you can't let go of that you lost, you stupid fuck.
he's the way SUPER EASY MODE is explained away
nothing, she feels out of place, just like the Catherine male power fantasy ending
this game completely misses the point of the classic original
/tg/ here too, that wont stop me from trying
>/tg/ is full of seething cucKs
So, is Katherine retconned to NTR vincent or is that just some bad ending?
stfu you've been shitting our board for weeks now
It's an optional ending but bear in mind that it's the only new ending she gets and compare it to the new Catherine ending.
There's a much simpler name for that kind of behavior, and it's called being a bitch
>It's an optional ending
How optional? Do you just trigger it by doing some random shit?
Yeah, but it's still quite possible that you can stumble upon it by accident. You'd basically think you'd be getting a bad ending but because you did some extra stuff you get the new ending.
You need to do additional steps to unlock via responding to their emails in a certain way or not responding at all.
If you do all the steps correctly they take the slot of the True ending when you make the final decision at night 9.
So could you potentially do everything right and then still get cucked because some optional bullshit?
Do completing different endings still unlock stuff for future runs, like jukebox songs and saucy text pictures? I always liked that touch.
No. this user is a bit mistakenIf you don't do the extra stuff required to get the new ending, you would just get the bad ending.
K new ending you need the karma meter in the middle or red.
C new ending you need the karma meter in the middle or blue.
Maybe jukebox songs but I don't think there are any new pictures unlocked by doing runs.
I mean given the other ending where you become a demon yourself and screw whoever you want, sort of irrelevant. I mean you become so powerful you get a ton of women under your thumb. Why bother redeeming when you can join and conquer?
>reddi/tg/ang here
I wonder if these retards have moved on to discord or if they still shit up their old irc channels.
The price on catherine dropped to 53 on amazon, will it probably drop anymore in the near future?
There is also the fact that he was draw to here BECAUSE he was irresponsible and wasn't willing to take the next step in life. his girlfriend only wanted one baby and that freaked him out.
>he can't tame succubi with his heart
MTF trannies are scum but FTM are based
>we're actually the cool kind of trannies
fuck off
BPD is a sexuality now, deal with it bigots
>it is only the beginning
Kucks seething that their shitty controlling roastie got BTFO
I hate having this fetish
I miss the days where MTF only stood for mobile task force...
God what happened to scp is so fucking depressing
>/tg/ hates succubi
>/tg/ hates furry races
>/tg/ hates quests
>/tg/ hates elf slave what do
What happened to /tg/?
>Be world-wide agency dedicated to the preservation of humanity versus existential, memetic and extradimensional threats
>Waste your time not hurting the feefees of trannies and fudge pokers
Even if you're not into politics, the Foundation giving a fuck about things which ultimately aren't relevant to its goals just doesn't make sense.
Especially since they sacrifice D class by the boatload. Security personell is disposable and most scientists are too. It just doesn't make sense.
>sir D class 65852 is transgender
>Yeah so? I told you to feed him to 682!
discord trannies colluding with thirsty janitors
same thing is happening here
>Give Brianna (formerly Brian) expensive reassignment surgery, his own room for dilation and telling all the staff not to use the wrong pronouns
>Random SCP breaks containment and slaughters half the staff, including him
But it's been happening for years. Discord Trannies didn't exist back in 2012
yeah they did, only back then they were simply crossdressers now they're full blown pronouns&pinkwigs&hormones
>tfw your SCP gets rewritten and "improved" over the years
Shut up
>Look back at an old article
>See some 'supplemental' document for it
>The tone is wildly different and it's just some talentless hack piggybacking off a more talented writer
>no gays
How long until the G gets removed from the LGBTQ+?
Alternatively you're a boring fucking traditionalist boomer
And you are the authority on this why?
True neutral fuck bitches go to space ending >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Every other ending
>hehe I'm MGTOW and I just posted this smash character, aren't I cool?
>you could be cool like me if you went MGTOW too
>please, I'm so lonely
dont you have some bait thread to bump or another epic greentext to write for your r/DND/ comrades
sucubutt thread?
>Not wanting to into space and fuck around
>Choosing to get into relationships and the drama that ensued
Wow those orcs are treating those pure looking elfs so gently and kindly! What wholesome manga or anime is this?
Someone needs to give him lamb eyes
>>/tg/ hates furry races
I'd like to clarify that /tg/ always hated those (especially chakats and sergals), but it has changed dramatically apart from that.
For me, the biggest problems that the board faces now is that its users are too easy to bait and there are people actively shitting on what made the board good in the first place. I went into a world building thread the other day and I saw some guy arguing that it shouldn't be on /tg/ because it wasn't strictly related to any particular traditional game. These fuckwits run around and try to police the board, not knowing what made /tg/ special in the first place was the wide variety of topics you could discuss in great depth with everyone else.
It still has some of its old spirit, but it's suffered as much as any other board has with the increased traffic Yea Forums has had over the last few years. People are more interested in shitposting than good discussion, bait is always bitten, you have newfags who are actively undermining the creative aspects of the board and people are looking to wage culture war with each other, regardless of what board it's on.
>hehe I said nigger, aren't I cool?
>you can be cool like me if you too follow the path of MGTOW
>please, I'm so lonely
Kuroinu, it's like Shougeki no Souma but with elves :)))
>avatarfags with animegirls
>thinks there are women on Yea Forums
keep digging that hole, bro
>made him feel self-conscious enough to not post an anime girl this time
wasn't scp just some creepypasta wiki some guys from /x/ made, the fuck is this shit
To be fair, he didn't post one before either.
Gay still have cis male privilege after all.
I have entered this thread to post anime girls against you
Maybe not that one.
>MGTOW slowly leaning towards Rin
we know
A mgtow wouldn't go with rin, let alone lean towards him.
Most DnD games i've witnessed/played/dm'd completely disregard alignment outside of class's specific to it, because it's fucking retarded. Rules Lawyers who yell "Unless you use magic to change alignment you can't save that baby cuz you're lulz evil on paper get ejected or shut up quick.
whatever that means
I don't know what any of those moon words mean but I'll check it out! I just want to watch something were pure and pretty elfs aren't ravaged and degraded and are treated kindly.
It was, then like anything with entertainment value, it was stolen by a bunch of faggots with no talent, who then forced out anyone who disagreed with anything they did and all that's left is a pile of shit and propaganda pieces.
Thought it was tttt.
Actually /tg/ here. Depends on the setting, faggot.
Even if you go by hardline D&D rules, creatures that are listed as "Always Chaotic Evil" in the Monster Manual (such as demons) can have one-in-a-thousand exceptions to the rule.
Is this an actual meta SCP?
Whatever you say, it will not deter...uh, certain individuals from marrying a succubus.
no, people that dev games have no taste
/tg/ here: don't look at us, we don't want this faggot either.
>connecting this to 3d women
gonna start posting the same thread too
>cares for you
>does everything in your best interest
>literally part of you
>helps you dethrone your nigger dad and become kang
Is there another game with girl as perfect as that?
How does Rin even become a romance option?
The whole plot of catherine only really works because catherine is literal succubus and seduces vincent
>>helps you dethrone your nigger dad and become kang
>not staying loyal to dad, living happily ever after as a family and conquering the world with your succubus wife
you chose the shit ending user
>/tg/ here
I have something for you Mr./tg/!
>womb tattoo succubus
>nigger dad
kill yourself my man. Your dad is a total bro
Do people still visit /qst/ anymore?
I like how japan breaks these notions and goes into new territory.
I want to purify a succ and marry her.
>You CANNOT "redeem the succubus"
>It's unrealistic
Based retard
>childhood friend half succ that asks her childhood friend to provide her with nutrition
search for Shachiku Succubus no Hanashi
my lad, its succubus related but not lewd or childhood friend related.
modern /tg/ is so shit
>dude what if we killed monstergirls instead of fucking them, isn't that edgy and epic
You can, through EXTREME BONING.
Friendly reminder that C is a virgin and also the best girl. Keep seething closet faggots and uggo loving beta cucks.
/tg/ has always been shit. 40kids ruin everything they touch.
is this the best succubus kino?
I would only kill the shit ones, Rest are fine by me.
Stay mad because of a name in the credits, incel
>Not razing followers of heresy
>trying to turn the succ into the housewife
>never think anything of Catherine
>suddenly she starts being a mommy gf
>instant erection
I've got problems
You gotta be careful, though. What comes around...
have some succ daily life
>you want mommy's milk, don't you
Part of /tg/ really liked Sergals, the way they looked, the ceramic tech thing they had going and so on. They didn't like the whole fetish porn thing they came from, and tried to sanitize the whole package. It didn't work.
That's the story those faggots try to tell, but the truth is /tg/ is full of scalies/furries who shill their creepy subculture whenever they get the chance. They even go for the whole "oy vey, anti-furries are SO much worse than furries! Don't you agree my fellow yiff loving totally normal human?"
>the board that started the trend of janitors selling out to discord trannies
eat shit and die
Ewww gross, stop fucking posting breeding on here. Generic ass character designs.
Bitch is some kind of demon succubus, piss off.
Stop posting this game that contains faggotry.
Faggotry, just faggotry.
how do i get a succubus wife?
I mean succubus are still half human so the offspring will probably looks like a human.
This is fucking disgusting, if there's one hting I hate about fucking hentai and anime it's the weird ass focus on fucking having kids, stop it, it's gross.
Hot sex with Tieflings/demon girls is at the very core of /tg/ though. Also Catherine isn't evil, she's Chaotic Neutral.
That's not /lgbt/ OR /cgl/ OR /soc/ though
Is that the one where the girl had a vampire dad and a succ mom and makes fuck with her human friend? I don't remember what it was called.
>saves a gay man from the hellish existence that is transsexuality
She's chaotic good at worst.
ANYONE can be redeemed if you fuck them long enough.
>Hot sex with Tieflings/demon girls is at the very core of /tg/ though
Absolutely, undeniably true.
what games are succ core?
Repent, all of you.
Especially you
/tg/ has pretty much always been cancer. it was ok for a couple months after it was created with most threads being about warhammer armies or creative min/maxing in d&d, but then it got invaded by fags from other sites who wanted to use the board as another Yea Forums but with a neckbeard. threads talking about actual games were outnumbered by non-game roleplaying cancer like "see this what do," and "oc" threads where people would post their gay ideas that they pretended were for a game setting but were really just inane shit like "dude what if there were vampires but in space." posters got high breathing their own farts and called themselves the most creative board and then cried like babies about "nazi moderation" when threads that weren't even indirectly related to any kind of game got deleted. thy also pretend they're he man womanhaters but they're actually the 2nd or 3rd most s*y board after Yea Forums.
so this demon girl is based off of Bailey Jay, yeah?
>anime game is just dumb
woah no shit
Any user have that CE OST link?
What in the fuck are you on about? She isn't "redeemed," she is doing what she wants, following her heart. Redeems implies that she's changed her evil ways. When any woman gets married she isn't 'redeemed,' she just gets married.
I would enjoy watching you, burning alive, slowly dying. You piece of living human shit.
>too stuck in your ways
>basing off a girl of a guy who looks like a girl for a living
4D chess