Divinity: Original Sin 2 is on sale right now

Divinity: Original Sin 2 is on sale right now.
How is it?

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it sucks ASS stinky shit don't bother

got it, tried to install some mods and the game borked to shit no matter what mods I installed none worked and my party consisted of a bunch of random characters that I couldn't remove from my part in any way
haven't touched it since

It's great
evil playthrough is actually fun
armor system is an acquired taste though

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Good game

Fantastic co-op game, okay singleplayer one

It lives up to the hype.

I like how they made the Elf girl really pretty on the cover, her in-game model is hideous as fuck.

Good game but retarded item scaling.

Too much fire
Too hard without lone wolf skill

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It's very good.

It's awesome. At first I thought it was lame when on the ship but once you get to the island the world really opens up. I don't usually play top-down games but I got used to it quick.

>game is too hard without literaly easy mode perk

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I'd probably argue the other way here. Me and my two buddies(probably the hardest configuration, no lone wolf no full party) have completed the game multiple times in tactician/honor. The only difficult part of the game is in learning how to do well or even break the game. Hell I wouldn't even say we know the game in and out due to things surprising us like a steal-only bow that sets evasion or corpse explosion getting reflected by deflecting shield

Then this is Godwoken of your savefile and you are just a little bitch, I bet you want to be manhandled and fucked over every furniture in your house

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Why is it that every companion except Ifan is written as such an insufferable cunt?

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The writing and dialogue is unironically pure Reddit and made me not want to play the game.

I got bored at the prison island level and uninstalled the game
Am I a brainlet or is the plot in the beginning slow? If it is, does it pick up later on? Is it worth the drag?

One of the best RPGs of this entire millennium, though that isn't that high of a bar. The transsexuals that paid actual money for PoE shitpost endlessly about it for whatever reason even though they're not competitors.

Sebille is the most edgy during first act, then she is kinda more sufferable
Lohse is best waifu fite me
Fane will have depression is 2nd act
Beast story is fucking worthless
Red Prince will always be a cunt, but loveable one, also dem hot red lizards sex scene

Lohse is cute! CUTE!

Damn you got me down to a T user.

Too bad the writing is bad.

is Irfan good as a main?

That’s literally the tutorial island you got filtered

I got to the jungle and lost motivation a few months back. Is the third map worth going back and completing the jungle for?

>any female monstrosity in this game
Only if you never look at the neanderthal ingame models maybe.

>tfw you know how to bug mask of the shapeshifter and have perma elf form on fane with elves +1 ap and dmg bonus combined with fane timewarp
>then you proced to dab on god king and get free 2 ap from him

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It's great. It awakened my thirst for the genre only to find that the genre as a whole is basically dead and every other noteworthy game is either ancient at this point or an imitation of an ancient game, much to my annoyance. It's not perfect but I feel like Larian is the only one who actually tried to make a modern game in the genre.

4th forgot about prison island

>*free two talents
sorry I have no brain, I'm skeleton

Ifan turns out to be an insufferable cunt in the end as well, and wants you to go full commie.

>there are more interesting companions than the amount you can recruit at a given time
this needs to stop. Literally, what is stopping me lorewise from having a 10+ member gang?

fuck the void


In that user's defense that guy also tends to be the champion of driftwood in my runs with friends.

The game tends to be kinda slow on the island due to a mixture of having to introduce every part of the plot/companion subplots, lack of gear making fights be somewhat like rocket tag, and general lack of the more interesting skills or well anything that defines a build.

Didn't they fix that mask bug in DE? Not that it wasn't nice to have but I'm pretty sure it's gone

le prison island is one of the best memories i have from the game, if you didn't like it don't bother

this so much.
Fuck the voidwoken.

Okay. Why is this? I've seen a few people say this but watching trailers and gameplay just makes it seem like it would be a hassle if the person you're playing with isn't already really into this sort of thing.

It managed to be both good and boring, idk of that's just me but i couldn't finish it because i got bored by the second act i think and can't bring myself to replay it anymore since i did that multiple times and always get bored by the time you talk to the gods or around there.

I love playing through the beginning and through Fort Joy.
But I always have so much trouble playing past that. Like almost as if there is too much shit to do once you get around to the next hub, and you get overloaded. I remember in my main playthrough I did most of the shit in Driftwood, and I got to Blood island or whatever it is called, and just didnt want to deal with it. I really want to pick it up again though.

Nope. I can still put mask, shapeshift, put mask on the ground and quickly tp somewhere, confirmed to work

They just want to come home. Not their fault they were thrown out by greedy jews.

First half of the game is great but the second you get Apotheosis combat turns into kill everything in 1 turn and move on. Main story is bland, side quests are kinda boring. Probably still worth getting on sale

lmao just install mods

I think my party stopped using incarnate on our 2nd 4 man coop because how easy it is, but to be honest the person who did that 1 shot killed the harbringer of doom later...

It's really, really good.

I bought it on GOG day 1. It is one of the best cRPGs ever made.

>want to get the Switch version
>literally nobody talks about performance or resolution
I'm scared bros

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The game doesn’t take itself seriously and the story is just kinda there because it needs to be, idk it would kinda be like playing a tabletop RPG with just one player and a DM if you played it singleplayer

>shitch playing any game well
nintodlers are delusional

>getting a switch version of anything

Anyone try the switch version? Hows it run?

i bought it. Haven't try it yet

540p with 22fps
Also limited saves

>540p with 22fps

Honestly as long as your partners enjoy your company/playing the game it's fine as a not so serious coop game. Like in the group of 3 I most commonly play with we have myself and another guy who run around doing things, a guy who just chills until it's time to fight and spends the time theorycrafting his build, and occasionally we have a 4th who we let take the lead when it comes to story stuff due to him not playing the game as much and being unfamiliar.

Oh wait theres another variation of the bug? The old one I remember was just crafting the solo elf mask and switching after transforming. Good to know.

Yeah it kinda falls off later on but it is a massive crutch early, especially if you can get summoning 10 quick. I'm usually the one playing the summoner and veer towards more supportive roles(we sometimes joke my only role late game is to go first and set up for big AoE) and by the last two acts it's plain to see how outclassed in terms of damage per turn an incarnate is compared to a dedicated damage dealer. Granted someone who actually swaps between the elements would probably do much better than my lazy ass in keeping the incarnate relevant

Why would you subjugate yourself to such a torture??

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Eh I'll take it, I can't have a gaming pc for a few months so it'll have to do

I can run it just fine with my 2015 $600 laptop
what are you using user?

I recommend scoundrel/warfare/poly/pyro build Ruptured Tendon + Chicken + Bleed Fire is hillarious, this and sparkling swings are great for a Rogue and Warfare skill can backstab

I havent played a rpg in years. Should I look up specific builds for my character or just go in blind?

No u

Shitty laptop from walmart with an AMD e2-9000, no graphics card and 8 gigs of ram

I'll need some source on that
I believe this however.

>no graphics card and 8 gigs of ram
damn that's a bummer. I only got 4 gigs of ram but I can run a lot of games just fine cause of a "decent" graphics card.
Yeah the switch version might be the optimal thing for you right now.

Just go in blind, after the 1st act you can respec indefinitely in case you fuck up. You're going to have some people tell you that you MUST make your party all phys or magic, don't listen to them.

I thought of that build blindly, I was at first thinking of going rogue/aero but I noticed I can just go full physical and magic as utility for me, like buffing myself before jumping in etc

>Giving everyone gods power
gee i wonder what could possibly go wrong
Daily reminder that only reasonable endings are to destroy the source and God king ending if you play as fane

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Timewarp is so good sourceskill that its not even funny. Other character's skills cant even compare

DOS2 or Underrail?

I spent like 130 hours on my first playthrough and I don't remember the plot. That usually tells that it's nothing special. Same thing happened with Neverwinter Nights 2.

Yee the game seems pretty fun and I don't think a low fps will bother me much in an srpg, I'm gonna pick it up

>Lucian did nothing wrong and Ifan is a salty bitch because he couldn't score Elf pussy after deathfogging
>Give everyone powers, yeah we all are equal, oh shit God King can still come here
>Yay I'm God how can you kill a Go... oh shit God King can still come here
>Demons! Yay we pushed the God Kin... I NEDD MORE POWER! POWER! POWER! POWER! POWER!
>No Source?? No God King, fixed and M'lady still finds a way to cure you

Daily reminder that elves are verming in any setting they show in and should bee genocided on sight

Melee magic staff builds are fun. A few points into Warfare to pick up skills like Crippling Blow, Whirlwind and Blitz Attack, then throw the rest into Two-Handed and either Aero or Pyro (whichever you prefer, both get OP ass staves in the final act). Aero melee gets Superconducter, Pyros get Supernova (you'll need some high fire resistance though, Nova hirts the user too. If you want, put a point into Poly and get Flaming Skin, then get the Demon talent)

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Can you romance her?
Can you fuck her?

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yes and yes

I'm going Lone Wolf next. Just me and her.

>don't cut trees that's my grandpa :(((

Earthquake is the most funny skill because the salt it can generate that your party is now in oil

If I want to make a spears user, should I invest just enough points into STR to wear heavy armor (I think you only need 14 for endgame armors), or stick with medium armor?

God King best girl.

Whatever you want homo

>First playthrough I was an Undead Skele Lizard Female Witch
>Only partied with Red Prince
>Fucked him and freed his waifu
>Became God

Fun game.

Are there any mods to make fual-wielding not suck so much in comparison to 2handed for a warrior? Can't find anything in Nexus.

even a decent pc shits itself when you set the entire screen on fire. switch has no change unless it's like 240p.


Yes OP, definitely worth it.

Check the workshop

Depends on your other spells. I would say if you're going warfare (not rogue, though) or poly, then dump hella points into strength. The shields in late-game are really good.

You don't really have to unless you want to wear str armor. Not having lopsided armor stats might be useful especially with how easily mages can fuck you in this game and how easy it is to bump up physical armor with spells. Then again the balanced approach of finesse armor isn't that great either so it might be a good idea to specialize

>already got punished for buying GOG version by not having steam workshop
>now don't have switch cloud saves

One of my favourite games in recent years.

Just got off the prison island and I'm really liking it so far. Killed the elf bitch because she pulled a knife on me and thought she was hot shit.

If any archer in your party does not have Tactical Retreat you fucked up big time.

>killing Sebille

My archer (Red Prince) had Tactical Retreat and Phoenix Dive, shit was great

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>N-N-No Fane don't leave me alone by brining everyone except me back, F-F-Fane! What about covenant and what is that weird Scythe!?

Highly recommend fixing that with mods.

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I mean you could probably expand that to if anyone in your party doesn't have one of tac retreat, cloak and dagger, or phoenix dive considering how much mobility is valuable in this game

Why would you play as Ifan when you can romance him?

source 2nd amendment is best end, and Ifan not abandoning a goal that defines him as a person because you like, talk nice to him, or whatever, is a breath of fresh fucking air.

It's what I'd consider canon. He does great as a main.

Play ToEE.

So how good is Lone Wolf and would it make travelling with just Ifan on Tactician doable?

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I just finished a 130 hour playthrough at the start of the month and I already want to do another one.

OS1 is ridiculous like that. Must've played the first act like 5 times and I never completed the game. The beginning is 11/10, greatest of all time, and the rest is outright bad.

how do i kill the spiders in the sewers in arx?

Anyone checked Divine Scaling mod?? Because atm I'm checking Divine War and it's a bit off a mess, specially when author wants to push his shitty OC's as enemies

Duo lone wolf is literally baby mode user, you must be retarded for not completing the game with something so broken, don't do that

Honestly there's way too much teleportation options

Very good and very viable. You compensate for the lack of numbers with doubled point investment in skills leading to a quicker curve into the easier/stronger points in your build and have more diverse skills to take on anything that comes your way. It's stronger in the non-DE version as that one allowed you to hit DOUBLE the stat cap for everything making you hit absurdly hard but the DE version more toned towards having a wider variety of skills is no slouch either. Lone Wolf is probably easier than juggling 4 dudes and making sure they're all equipped properly

Don't get lone wolf. The cubic+ scaling means it completely breaks the difficulty curve. Which is already bad enough as is. The start gets even harder, and anything after act 1 is completely fucking trivial.

I think gutting Cloak and Dagger, Pheonix Dive and Tactical Retreat could be a good decision

Attack them until they die. There's a certain type that shits out Deathfog when they die so stand back from them and finish them off with ranged.

I don't know about a divine mod, but if you're talking about fixing the retarded scaling, mods are great. I used reduced number bloat DnD style and I loved it.

Where can I find mod which enables achievements with mods??

Well, think I'll give it a go and see how it plays out.

Don't say I didn't tell you so.

Don't come back & complain about the game being too easy

Your fucking switch will explode during the oil blob hellfire fight.


I want larianiggers to leave.

how to build wayfarer?


play it with friends, otherwise it's mediocre and way too easy, even on harder difficulties.


umm why?

Literally just finished this last night.

It was fun to make broken characters, but I think a lot of the fun came from the game being designed to be played with 2 players. If you don't have a gaming partner it will take away some of the enjoyment.

well yeah, the biggest demographic on the alpha testing versions as well were legit couples playing the game together, that goes for the first game as well, which is why they added split screen coop in 2.

Just finished my DE path of blood run, good to know it still allows me to completely skip the final battle with a few dialogue options. Picked up from a save at the end of driftwood when this thread started and did the bare minimum to reach the ending(Only had to fight twice). Would have taken longer if I didn't mange to rope Jahan into clearing the encounter outside arx for me. I should try a stupider challenge run

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You get that for not killing anyone as your character, right?? But it doesn't count incarnates

No killing, No stealing, No Source stealing(aside from the forced draining your god), No being sworn. And yeah doesn't count summons but it does count kills due to surfaces you make (the battle log counts it as you killed x) so I had to use a mod to check every now and again that I didn't accidentally invalidate myself. It's not really a hard challenge run, just play a support style summoner and leave the illegal shit to your companions. It's my preferred playstyle in multiplayer anyway so the only big tweak I made was making sure I don't kill, meaning it's a little harder early on when I didn't have a buff incarnate to do my share of murder

But Villain Tag interaction with the ghost of that bitch who bumps before you to the path of blood is priceless

Casual trash

Counterpoint getting to tell Braccus Rex to fuck off and him listening is even better and besides nothing is stopping you from being a dick AFTER you get your wings

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Kickstarter level.

Not that user but more than likely it's because the wayfarer described by the game requires you to split your stats between finesse and int as well as your attribute points for damage which is much worse compared to just pumping one damage stat. Probably one of the closer ways you can do a working version of that is to forego any spells that just purely does damage but still pick up utility/cc spells while building like a regular ranger. It means getting the usual value point pickups like peace of mind and haste while also investing in more niche skills like venom coating or the rain + turn to oil combo. That way you have some more CC without having to bring out your limited arrow supply

Reminds me to pirate this thing for the weekend, thanks

>implying arrow recovery won't solve arrow supply issue

I am that user, and you explained it better then I would've, although Arrow Recovery somewhat negates the limited arrow supply. That 33% kicks in more often that it should

I thought it was fantastic and my goty

>added 8ap mod to consoles

Wouldn't this trivialize the game? Why was this one of the most popular mods?

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i wasn't ready to see the full image

what the fuck

Marceline was made to suffer

Because people are shitters who want to trivialize the game

It’s probably the best RPG made in the last 5 years. That said it’s just a pretty okay game. It does a lot of things well but it didn’t introduce anything super impressive

I feel bad for this but source?

I enjoyed the hell out of it. Even when it was still in alpha. Very engaging and proper role playing game. The combat is great and leaves a lot of room for creativity but, even still, it's a mere shadow compared to how good the combat was in the tactician mode from OS1.

just this once google it you dumb fucking idiot

Mediocre, like most CRPGs.
Get Underrail if you want something combat focused or Age of Decadence if you want more "roleplaying" options, D:OS2's only perk other than not being PoE is looking fancy.

Underail is boring

Not as good as the first one.

should i be playing with any mods?

first-time? sure, you can probably install some quality of life mods like increased running speed, extra tool tips, expanded customization system.
just open up the workshop and look at the mods it has there and decide for yourself, I'd say to just probably steer clear of anything that isn't 5 stars.


Any of the added skill / class mods any good or mostly OP? I've already finished game when it came out and have been meaning to do a new DE run.

Reminder to avoid the Switch version. Not worth the massive downgrade and piss frame rate

i bought it cuz portable

We are no longer friends then.

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It already looks like a shiny mobile game. I'm gonna get it with the switch lite and you can't stop me.