Gamer President

Will you vote for him?

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how can you memorize the history of azeroth when blizzard keeps changing it
kinda like liberal trannies


And then you wonder why Trump will win again


I hate this term so much


It’s funny that I have no idea whether this is a joke or an actual candidate


kinda like......

I’m not a burger, but I don’t see how trump is more of a joke than bush jr or clinton

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The fuck is Azeroth
This is a writer of a satire site

>The fuck is Azeroth

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Is it from that one game made with Rhode Island taxpayer money?


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No, because "trans rights" and "gay rights" and all that shit already exists. All Americans have the same basic human rights. There is nothing that a straight white male has that a gay or trans person can't. What they're demanding is respect, which is not an unalienable right. You get the respect you earn. You can't demand it.

Come now, stop pretending. I'd say nobody was that retarded but Trump has already proven me wrong on that.

Please do keep saying this, it makes 2020 easier for us. Don't worry you won't be left behind unless you wish it, like commiefornians

Please see: Ronald Reagan.

>respect, which is not an unalienable right. You get the respect you earn. You can't demand it.
nooo you cant just say that you fucking incel!

We want trump to win, more chaos = more fun.

Blizz just didn't think straight when they created Chromie.



Yes WOW doesnt change thr name of Azeroth to Westeros and pretends to be a tv show.

No. Games are too distracting. A president can play vidya once in a while sure, but I don't want a "gamer" president.

Warcraft lore is fucking mess, I can't keep track of that shit.

He's right, you know

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>Under my presidency
what the fuck

>Many people have asked
The only thing people ask him is whether he's serious or not. That's it. That is the only question he is ever asked.

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