Is it dead?
Did the aliens won?
Other urls found in this thread:
Post yfw the first time seeing a golden alpha down there
Seeing golds is horrifying in any EDF game
>mfw the mission in 2017 where you have to clear a huge field of gold eggs and like 30 break out simultaneously at the end
Inferno room?
Inferno room is up:
vdf, rage, buyfrogs
Mission 59
Gonna join right as i am done with a missiin i am in now
>finish super hard mission
>last spawning pole is super high and i cant reach it with any weapon
why the fuck is this allowed?
>playing ranger
this has happened too many times
So how many of you have played Barrage?
It's RJ145229 if you're curious.
The aliens did won...
what's the best class for a new player
Fencer/Air Raider
>playing air raider
see that mountain? you can nuke it
Tips for Wing Butt?
Dragoon Lance + Plasma Heavy/Great Cannon
Don't res without warning
Hard mode
Mission 100+
No password
Join fags.
Do a barrel roll
The best way to fly is to hover, then boost
The best way to fly low and cheap is to jump (no jetpack) and boost
Her best role is short range DPS, I recommend either of the two lances, phalanx, or rapier
Stopped after finishing 4 times on hard and one on hardest.
There just aren't enough pub rooms and I don't have friends to play with.
I-it's n-not my f-fault.
This room is 3/4 on mission 78 right now
Ranger for sure, it is balanced and will teach you proper aggro management.
webms or 404
is the titan any good?
it's very bad i recommend it
will try next game-thanks user
Just make sure there's no NPCs or anything in front of the barrel, it's very easy to wipe everyone because a lamp blocked the requiem cannon
they always know right when to get in the way
Got some questions because last EDF game I got (EDF 4.1) was dead af.
Did most people buy it or pirate it?
How to online if pirate?
Is the online actually fucking alive?
>Is the online actually fucking alive?
not so much, used to be you could find Yea Forums lobbies active 24/7. Now if you want to play the whole game online you'd have to play with randoms, which can be a mixed bag. Default room finding shows players EVERY room, even locked or higher difficulty rooms, so expect starter players wandering into your inferno rooms. For hard though, you should have a pretty good time, the game gives later players a reason to replay on hard.
>How to online if pirate?
>Install Steamworks Fix V2 patch to your pirate install
>Run pirate version while steam is running and logged in
>Did most people buy it or pirate it?
On steam, buy population is about 2x the pirate population
>Did the aliens won?
What's with all you dumb ESL niggers making these threads?
Hola amigo
Gook oigames always die
You can use misiles underground?
It has to be the fencer's missiles, Leviathan is the one in the clip, but you can also use Pheonix. AR needs either a laser kit or a beacon, laser kits give more control. You do have to be careful about where you launch the missiles.
Reopened, room for one more
Room name: Nice!
Comfy % completion gains, starting from mission 1 since never played Wing Diver
No password
I'll join in a bit, if you still have room then.
>laughing enviromentalist bugs
suck a dick human scum cunt
you sound like a miserable person
Bump for The EDF Deploys!
is this fun co op ?
Coop is the best way to play, the game is made for it
>Why is obscure multiplayer game dying? Surely it's not because I only start threads and don't host, right?
Have you looked at any of the webms posted in the thread?