Have you praised your king this fine day?

Have you praised your king this fine day?

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wtf is this?
why do I see this shit so frequently?

A revival of the Italian rennaicance concept of paying an exorbitant amount of money in sponsorship of an artist to create good works in honour of your house and name. Exactly the same as last time, they mostly blow the cash and generally fail to complete their work.

It's glorious!

i had a second glass of horse cum in his honor

My king is Mordred the true Briton.

Attached: ynGqaOR.png (2552x1904, 1.54M)

And just as back then, some of them are making pretty good shit and you can just look at it.

Are Brit women really this cute?

Yeah, my Dutch/British GF looks exactly like this.

>half naked loli girl
>"Heh, little did you know that I'm actually Mozart II. ..."
FGO is the cringiest shit

>half dutch
Doesn't count. Also the only good looking Brits have French blood. The rest are all inbred Islanders.

This dumb brat will never be king.


Attached: 1310032212268.png (500x375, 248K)

Actually she's Dutch and half British.

>tags: areola_slip

Tell me what's a niche that needs to be expanded on the anime porn industry and i'll work on it. I want an audience.

A way for artists to actually make a living off their art in exchange for neat content for their supporters and not having to flip burgers on the side.

I want to fuck the king and her son at the same time. I want Arturia to use me to teach her son how to please a man. I want my dick between the king’s breasts as she and her son practice performing oral on me. I want the king to kiss feed her son semen and teach her to swallow. I want the king to ride my dick like a horse and I want her son’s vagina on my mouth. I want to cum inside the king as I eat out the king’s son. I want the king to part her son's legs and show me her vagina. I want Mordred to scream for her daddy as I pound her. I want to fill her with just as much cum as I filled her father. I want enjoy Arthurian-style oyakodon.

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What could the king possibly ask of me?

The perspective/anatomy on this is fucking awful, it makes Mordred look like she's 8 months pregnant because he fucked up and had to shift her legs and waist over to the left halfway through drawing.

It's not even like usual incredibly common spine-bending since her stomach just grossly stretches up at a 90 degree angle to her warped waist making her look pregnant


I like the edgier seibafaces

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Attached: 1550452320349.png (956x532, 885K)

Mhxx is only edgy in her design personality wise she's completely normal and is the kind of girl you run into at the library browsing the fantasy section

>tags: areola_slip

Dumb babby

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She makes me want to cum lots and lots...

Imagine how many horses dicks she drained with those milkers

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But user, my country has a president.

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amazing taste

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holy fuck

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i didn't vote for her

>king arthur canonically killed mordred with a spear
>fate/ series arturia canonically grew a dick that one time thanks to merlin
i wanna see Mo-san get pierced by her dad(mum)'s "spear"


>kings and men are women
>women still retain male titles
>faggots like Astolfo
At one point the faggotry reaches a level it stops being just for laughs, Japan.

I'm grateful for the japanese.

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Actually this is Mozart

Attached: wolfgang_amadeus_mozart__fgo_fanart__by_ripshinaide-dbz7i6j.jpg (816x979, 163K)

Is she in Jap version only ?

And this is the guy that everybody thinks killed Mozart, but didn't so he's really fucking mad all the time.

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>faggots like Astolfo
That one is on the source material.

>I fart in your general direction. Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries!

Attached: jeanne taunter.png (450x300, 105K)

>I fart in your general direction
Delete this post before you attract the brapfags

I didn't vote for her

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I've had some good experiences with patreon. I used to do $20 a month for Lucien who created dominions chain. Won a few of the raffles for that tier and got some free art of my own as a reward, I'd share that but I'm at work. He got a full time job and backed away from patreon but I respected that he was openn with his supporters about slowing down on the art for future updates. Now I'm doing $7 a month for Ling Xing who mostly does overwatch and weeb stuff. Always updates on time, I think the new drop is today for all supporters so I'll probably have a mega link waiting for me when I get home. I think it's all about finding the right artist or creator and looking objectivly at their history of updates. There's probably a lot of scammers out there putting out shit work or slow updates.

His legend revolved around being tricked by women. Although it make sense for him being a faggot since he tired of being tricked by hoes every day.


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Nerofest is fucking ass

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I want to bathe in my emperor's sweat.

Attached: WHORE OF BABYLON.jpg (293x300, 40K)

Nero is lame.

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>hear about all the lolis in FGO
>keep rolling grannies
>can't even hack the game to bypass the gacha grind/bullshit
>this has generated 2 billion in revenue in 2 years

i just want to play video games
why does the mainstream make everything terrible

Isn’t that the goddess, not Artoria?

>Outdated and has no reward packs in shared files
I can totally look at shit thats nit there!

What do we say about gift horses, user?
You're getting paywalled content for free. Sure, a more complete collection would be fine but at least try to be happy with what's there.

why would you pay money to play shitty gacha when you can find free porn of the lolis for absolutely free

A president is fine too

Attached: Screenshot_2019-07-20-18-49-32.png (1280x720, 926K)

mordred isnt dumb
mordred is cute!

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its more wondering why such a shitty game has generated 2 billion in revenue, then feeling sad when realizing its entirely because of an exploitative skinnerbox loop.

i started playing f/go today after beating fate/stay night like two weeks ago. should i beat hollow ataraxia first or just go through with this? i don't really care about spending money since i realized you can get redman from your trial summons.

I want Nero to sit on my face!

Go finish FHA.

Same but with Tamamo

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AzurLane is the cunnymaster's game, FGO is for Hagchads mainly.
What? No.

can the gacha currency in azurlane be hacked or is it all serverside like FGO?

>AzurLane is the cunnymaster's game
"paizur lane" is a tag on pixiv

True men of culture.

Why are you calling two women a king and son?

Feels good to praise with other anons

why is this so arousing? whats the science behind this?

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I want to impregnate a king

Attached: __artoria_pendragon_mordred_mordred_and_saber_fate_stay_night_and_etc_drawn_by_nanaya_daaijianglin__ (787x1114, 791K)