Rebel Galaxy Outlaw

Has anyone played this? How bad is it? The reviews all read like paid shilling while the SpaceGameJunkie stream made it look ridiculousl repetitive and simple. Seems like the devs had a hard-on for narrow FoV cockpits and then had to compensate the lack of situational awareness with automatic target following and autoaim

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>repetitive and simple
It is a privateer clone, so of course it is repetitive.
And you can get ships with a more open cockpit.
My gripes with the game are that it plays like ass with kb&m. It sort of works but feels pretty janky to control. And the auto-follow trivializes combat whereas not using it makes it extremely hard because the enemy ships zip around so fast.

>that yahtzee review where he admits he didn't even know how to apply the brakes until hours later
shit makes me laugh
but space trucker games are inherently going to be repetitive and dare I say boring. that's both the allure and nature of trucking, although in space you can admire some pretty fukken starfields while you're cruising along.
anyway i didn't see it on steam so i assume it's chink store exclusive

I saw that you could switch to more open figher cockpits that don't block half the screen, but in the end the FoV still seems harcapped at a tubular 60 degrees with no freelook

It's be easier to control the recticle directly with the keyboard than this scheme of dragging it around with the cursor.
Maybe they thought it would be too easy for mouse users and this was the only thing they could think of.

I was perplexed for some time too by the fact of it working only in increments and holding the button does jack shit.

>it's out
Oh nice. I loved the first one and have been waiting for this one. Also the original was also repetitive and simple, so, yeah.

I checked the settings and you're right. I can't find any FOV setting.

Controlling with keyboard feels so fucking strange.

It's shit.

I just want fucking capital ships.

>I can't find any FOV setting

>spin circles around each other in 3D space the game
>dogfights without the depth and physics of actual dogfights with planes and without the advantages of being able to turn on spot in space
and who thinks this is fun?

>without the depth and physics of actual dogfight
reminds me that DCS is only fun when playing guns only

They character assassinated Aunt Juno. Other than that it's just Privateer 3.

only ww2 birds have soul

>The reviews all read like paid shilling

>Rebel Galaxy Outlaw
>main char looks like a transitioning man.

So it should be right up your alley. What did you think of it?

That's literally autistic boomer incarnate though.

Attached: ding.jpg (456x297, 24K)

Boring and shit, makes sense that they took the epic money instead of letting it stand on its own.

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Guy needs to learn what a sandbox game is

>first game is 2d broadside combat with big ships

>make sequel as generic as possible: fighters only, first person space shooter

It's bad. Barely any new games that have hueg ships. Except X series.