Why yes, I do make children cry, how can you tell?

>why yes, I do make children cry, how can you tell?

Attached: Terry.png (599x765, 499K)

Other urls found in this thread:


It's just Ken with a hat. Fire powers, same sleeveless outfit, same face and hair. Even the same two finger "come on" taunt.

So is the "Ken with a hat" thing a meme or..?

No, it's literally fact.
Terry does have fire powers, have the same appearance as Ken and has the same taunt as Ken. He's just Ken with a hat and you can't prove otherwise.

>fire powers
>Same sleeveless outfit
>unironically confusing a trucker outfit with a red karate gi with no sleves
>same face and hair
>same taunt
only in the intro

I can prove your gay.
You're making it really obvious

Considering Terry is very friendly to kids, that line sounds very wrong.

Attached: cg_terry1.jpg (1920x1080, 610K)

>has no comeback to facts
Terry does have fire attacks, same exact fingers taunt, same sleeveless swole look, same face and hair. Drowning me in your tears won't change that.

>even copied Ken's long ponytail from the older games
El oh el

Attached: 1561507453375.gif (391x365, 890K)

>when the devs just say fuck it and add what they want

imagine actually speculating on this shit lmao


>zoomers still coping

Attached: 1567094600336.png (442x493, 267K)

I want to Terry this character. I want him to choke the life out of me and throw me against the wall, spit on me, call me a slut and demand I make him dinner.

No homo.

Im fine with Terry as long as they add this song.


>Buh, he blonde
Just post wojaks, we know that's what you're here for.

It's been established for a long time that SNK makes rip-offs of SF characters. I don't know why Smashbabies are doing this revisionist history just so they don't have buyer's remorse for the fighters pack.

But that's KOF.

And Megaman got Megaman X music.

*he blonde, and has fire-based moves, and has that same taunt, and has the same face, the only difference is he has a hat

>SNK makes rip-offs of SF characters

outside the Art of Fighting series, I dont see any other rip offs

If only Terry was in King of Fighters or something, oh well.

Terry is KoFs Ryu. Shitposters is retarded.

Attached: wubba.jpg (540x378, 41K)

Kyo is KoF's Ryu, zoomerfaggot. Why are you zoomies so fraudulent? Terry is Fatal Fury's Ryu. And you still have no answer to Terry just being Ken with a hat because he objectively has the same fire gimmick, same look and even copied a taunt from him.


Shut up dweebenheimer.

>same fire gimmick
>literally completely different moveset
i guess roy is sword ken and mario plumber ken, they both have red and fire fucking retard

Well, he has different moves. Unless you are seriously saying Power Wave and Hadoken are the same thing. Only thing they share is an anti-air and even then one is a punch while the other is a spinning upward drill kick plus nearly ALL fighters have an anti-air.


Attached: pranked.png (1913x1079, 2.25M)

>exposing yourself as a bad faith actor
ya fucked it kid


>all this samefagging

>red is what makes him ken
I never even mentioned the color red in any of my posts, but keep the weak strawman coming.

Hadoken and Power Wave are both projectiles despite different visuals. It's not like you're gonna deal with a hadoken by crouching under it, you deal with them the same exact way.
>Only thing they share is an anti-air
And their looks, them being fire-based characters, even the cocky "come on" personality, and the taunt.

>Doesnt look the same
>Doesnt play the same
>Doesnt even act the same
>doesnt have the same backstory



Attached: 1567422388724.jpg (480x360, 12K)

I didn't know Ken had a Burn Knuckle and Crap Shoot kick.

Or was this a result of you playing too many MUGEN games?

dont bother, arguing with smashers is like trying to force a square through a round hole

i want him to make me cry while he pounds me

Should have been him instead

Attached: headband ken.jpg (420x720, 82K)


yeah, its just Ken with a hat

Attached: EDkD8gFX4AYyxKb.jpg (550x578, 31K)


That's not a smasher and you know it, that's someone who's shitposting because it gets easy (You)s. Stop feeding the damn trolls.

Or Billy Kane.
He is Ken with a bandana.

If it was THAT easy, Yea Forums would be a much better place.

would anyone really do that? Come on Yea Forums for some letters?

I know, I know. The more things change, the more retards stay the same.

Attached: ifthisbitchchuckles.png (547x614, 445K)

I still don't understand the whole
The confirmation of a second fighter pack completely nullified the shit storm that would have happened if a character this irrelevant would have been the second to last dlc fighter. There is no reason to be mad about a new character from a console which has gone unrepresented until now, and especially now that we know that he isn't the second to last fighter. Let's all get along now.

KOF made me gay

Thanks Iori

He technically does with killing geese and all and rock being a little bitch.

I think what's more funny than the majority of smash players not knowing who Terry is, is that the fighting game community getting mad specifically for smash players not knowing who Terry is, and trying to not acknowledge smash players as part of them, haha

>why yes i did get cucked by a midget skeleton, how could you tell?

because you are a bully

>even copied Ken's long ponytail from the older games

Fatal Fury - 1991

Street Fighter Alpha - 1995

So Ken is hatless Terry

Attached: math.jpg (741x568, 73K)

Ken is just mario without a hat

>duuuuuuuuuururrrtrrrr stop asking for bandana dee he’s a goomba with a hat
>*asks for Ken with a hat*.....B-But it’s different

Attached: EE58CFD0-44DD-45AB-893F-A4DCD3AFBC12.png (200x265, 48K)

>hat Cody

Imagine being such a nothing character that your reveal gets overshadowed by a mii costume

Attached: Gue.jpg (304x304, 24K)

Imagine screeching so hard for a character, only for it to amount to a Mii Costume, while SNKchads didn't have to lift a finger to get Terry in.

Indifference != Crying

Who will he pair with in fanart? I say Leaf in a strictly cute, annoyingly obsessed crush sort of way.

Attached: leaf_pokemon_trainer___biography_by_kingofsupremechaos_dcy704g-pre.png (703x1137, 633K)

No one had to screech to get the mii costume in, Sakurai himself said he got BTFO by the mii costume creator and that's why he put him in. No one cares about Terry, they love the mii costume more. Now get back to cleaning my house, Juan.

>why yes, I do make children cry, how can you tell?
Because you walked out of a kindergarten and I see crying girls with semen flowing out of their vaginas.

>No one had to screech to get the mii costume in
But he literally mentions that too in the same direct. Face it, you guys were cucked and proud of it.

And he also mentions the reason he directly put in the mii costume is because the creator beat him at his own game. People whine about characters all the time but Sakurai ignores them. Again, this doesn't change the fact that a mere mii costume got more love than Terry. And nothing will ever change that fact, tacobreath.

No. He just related an anecdote about how TobyFox visited and whipped his ass. Nowhere did he say the Sans costume was a reward for Toby winning.

>People whine about characters all the time but Sakurai ignores them
If you think any of those rosterfags can outwhine the Twitter/Tumblr combination meme machine you got another thing coming
>Again, this doesn't change the fact that a mere mii costume got more love than Terry
How can that be true when Nintendo is currently slaving away at tons of content dedicated to just him?


>character punches and kicks
>zoomers seethe