Moon: Remix RPG Adventure

we'll we be able to discuss moon without zoomers going all "omg it's just like undertale?!!!111"?

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will* we

Is it finally coming to the west?

redpill me on moon
the concept sounds interesting
should i wait until it comes out in the west or just find a fan translation
wait and buy the game
there are no complete fan translation projects as far as I know

seeing how many people still haven't heard about the localization, they really should have shown it in the english language direct
but I guess it's still several months off?
the japanese-only version is coming out in about a month

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I honestly doubt Moon will ever catch on just because of how obscure it is, and how little effort has been put into the whole marketing.

The Undertale diehards will have no clue that Moon was a thing over a decade back and won't appreciate it. The people who played Moon back in the day probably aren't the sort to fanatically advertise the game (and to be honest, Moon was ridiculously difficult to play without a guide, infinitely more so if you didn't know moonrunes). And then all in all, the genre isn't really mainstream. The zoomers will probably overlook the game entirely, which could be seen as a good thing I guess.

It's really a nostalgia game more than anything. Hopefully they do the game justice with the port.

they made sure to advertise that the original staff got back together to make this happen, so it's very important that this sells so more games like it can happen in the future
it's been over a decade since captain rainbow, probably the last game in the same vein (and it bombed HARD)
this is the last chance to show interest in love-de-lic type "alternative RPGs"

Never heard of this. What is it?

>""""postmodern"""" rpg literally made by onions
meme magic wins again

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Shit for EOPs.

It's like a Japanese Undertale. That is to say, better in every way.

The game is probably older than you.

I knew learning JP was never worth it and that every good game eventually gets a translation
Laziness wins again

probably by about a decade I'd reckon

Not vns, though. All the juicy stuff is still stuck in moonrunes.

VNs died 20 years ago dude
Its nothing but nukige now

Reading that page this game is literally undertale
Toby is such a hack

getting to play things in the original is still good
people learn icelandic (basically norse) and greek to read ancient shit in the original and those languages aren't really marketable as a skill

>durr zoomers, game old so it must be good
Just because it's and old game from japan doesn't mean it's not the literally the same pretentious hipster trash as undertale is now.

Nah, you get some plain jane vns, but even from the earliest years a lot of vns had sexual content.

Not that I mind.

substantiate your claim

>whoa killing is bad
>isnt it fucked up that you have to kill people in rpgs?
>so deep...
I dare you to prove me wrong.

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Nah, moon is undertale but good. Undertale is what happens when someone takes the basic concept of Moon and tries very poorly to recreate it.

No I agree but why havent I never seen the comparison before? The only one you see is to the Mother series.
He even copied the Love bit for fucks sake
Japan loves UT though, probably because its cute

play the game

Because the kind of zoomers who give a shit about Undertale are pretty far removed from the kinds of people who care about obscure 20 year old Japanese-only RPGs.

Nips love Undertale because they aren't some great bastions of culture. If you knew Japanese, you'd see the same kind of retarded normalfags praising capeshit and Fifa. The majority of people are always going to be retarded, and Moon is hardly a household name, even over there.

omg it's just like petscop?!!!111

I dont know, Moon is already showing up in the ranking of best selling switch games on the JP eshop at number 14 or so just from the preorders, so it seems to have good reputation.

Moon is obscure even in Japan and being a Japanese exclusive from the PS1 era meant that most people outside of Japan will never have heard of it, so it's perfectly reasonable that no one makes the comparison.

On top of this, back in the day when Moon was released, it had mixed reception because the game was convoluted and getting through the game alone on a first playthrough was frustrating enough (because the story is obscure and instructions can be vague). The game is fun as a story experience, and it does hit on the same "meta" notes well before Undertale did, but the sheer challenge and lack of social media meant that it really only got a niche following at best.

The key difference is that this is the main plot of Moon, namely the meta context of what happens to the NPCs after a Protagonist blunders through doing what you'd typically do in a JRPG. There is no choosing how to deal with things, you're mostly picking up after things he already did like sending the souls of monsters on their way.
Undertale on the other hand pushes your decisions specifically as some serious impact but also manipulates you with an illusion of choice by telling you that you CAN fight but punishing you for doing so.

One tells a narrative about watching a hero do JRPG things and seeing the ramifications that wouldn't typically occur, one tells a narrative that you're the villain of someone else's story when you decide to fight.

Does moon have different endings too

Mizura Falls when

It was in the direct, obviously it's going to get a lot of exposure from that alone. Hell, there are probably some undertale zoomers looking into it for the first time.

This is the one I want.

That sounds like a lot of onions user.

That is some serious onions stuff.

Mmmmm yes more meta context in my rpg. Push it in deeper!

Is having a conversation about video games without buzzwords really so hard?

yes, this is 4channel

It's not like they can actually play the game, so just writing it off as an undertale clone is the best they can do.

yeah I almost forgot this release is SWITCH EXCLUSIVE, so it's gonna catch the same kind of funposting Astral Chain and Deadly Premonition 2 did