I play games for the story

>i play games for the story
well read the fucking book then retard

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I play games for the setting. Maybe I should travel more.

I think something ain't right with your kubrow

i play games and listen to audiobooks at the same time

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books aren't interactive imbecile


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t. OP, who definitely loves Deus Ex and Planescape: Torment for the gameplay

>not playing sports while reading a book while listening to music with earphones
Not gonna make it

The pages dont flip themself, retard

I can do both. If the book is an audiobook I can do both at the same time.

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they do idiot

>this retarded frogposter can't cross his eyes and read while he plays vidya
lmfao what a fucking joke

>reading books

I always wondered how libraries are doing in the age of internet and playing video games for money on twitch.

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Nonone reads anymore retard what are you and old fuck?

I read threads for the images.

Are you an actual shut-in? About half the people read books on a normal basis.

anyone got any recommendations for books where the main character swings a sword at a wolf and kills it and gets 30exp and levels up and is able to choose whether to have a +1 increase to strength or luck?

>i play games for the gameplay
Well go exercise and challenge yourself physically then.

>About half the people read books on a normal basis.
lolno, get real

>I play games

Maybe grow up

what the fuck is a book?

Okay this is based

>I play and buy fotm so I can be a g4mer

I prefer games over books and movies because they tickle multiple senses at once.

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too lazy to read


Stopped reading there.

love these things, I have 2 from the same big series, The Citadel of Chaos and Return of Zagor or something and I played the shit out of them
The stories themselves honestly weren't that good (barely average JRPG tier when analyzed together) but they were still fun as fuck

Books are synthetic totems that induce hallucinogenic effects in their users (nicknamed "readers") causing them to see people and places that aren't there in their heads. The government recognizes certain medicinal properties of books and issues library cards for certain members of the population to read legally.

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>read a book
But its not interesting, homie.

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Libraries make their money from taxes. It doesnt matter if people are reading or not.


I can’t see people or places when I read so I don’t am I retarded?

98% of Games don't have interesting Stories.

There's a difference between reading a story and being IN a story, which is what videogames make you feel like.

I literally know no one who reads books on a regular basis.

>I read books for the gameplay

Neither are books.
Ok, you know, how i know that you trolling me? Because if you actually read some books, you understand that there is equal amount of shit to hollywood movies and bideogames.

>being IN a story, which is what videogames make you feel like.
You're one of those self insert retards aren't you?

That's entirely fair I have trouble finding book cause of that, as long you don't bullshit me saying games have good stories when 9/10 times they dont

point taken

Nope. I don't even name characters after myself. That doesn't mean that actually controlling someone and interacting with things in a story is the same as simply reading words on a page.

le pige :)

What about those pick your own adventure books?

pige pige pige

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What's a good place to get free audiobooks, fuck paying for some b-celeb's voice.

>i play games for the challenge
well go play sports then retard

But what if I want to interact with the story?

>I really liked the art direction
next time go to an art gallery instead of a video game forum faggot

>i play games for the combat
well just go fucking kill someone

what kind of game would just be pure gameplay without any story of aesthetics

like sudoku or something?

Which one?
There must be like dozens of books out there.

A step in the right direction, but I'd also like my narratives to hinge upon my reflexes and acuity. That is, if I don't respond quickly enough or think fast enough, the story can segue into a different direction.

Also, I'd like to explore my environments in-depth and easily retraced so that I can pick up on clues I may have missed. Not impossible with a book, but starts to require more detail than can be accurately be included in paper-back.

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Why would you read a book over a visual novel?
Books are completely obsolete and primitive. It's a caveman media.
Want me to look at wall carvings next and maybe jump at my own shadow?

this one

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>Books are completely obsolete and primitive.
Are you being ironic right now?

What does a book offer that can't be done equally as well or better in visual novel format?

Games offer better immersion than books, so I prefer games as a storytelling medium. If the developers know what they're doing at least.

so you never learned anything from a book in the past few years?

It a roastie hobby nowadays. Just go to goodreads you will see most posters are femoids. Also btw you should avoid modern writers as they pander to females a lot in their schlock (which is rated very highly on goodreads of course).

then you arent reading interesting books.

That's quite a nonsequitir. What does that matter? I'm saying anything a book can do, a VN can do better.
Obviously it's a bit overkill for nonfiction I'll give you that, if you're talking about a phonebook then sure that probably doesn't need voice acting and an OST to improve it.

your stating opinions as facts tho, go read more books.

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It's not an opinion, a VN is objectively superior to a book. It has the same function plus extras. A VN could literally just be a book on a screen if it wanted to be, or it could be more.


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im in a private tracker called myanonamouse and it has every book i've ever needed.
>private tracker+ kindle
free books forever.

>A VN could literally just be a book on a screen if it wanted to be
No, at that point it wouldn't be a VN anymore. Not to mention that the VN format tells some stories better than others. Lots of direct speech is usually a signature sign of a VN.

Can't read or something?

>Lots of direct speech is usually a signature sign of a VN.
Sure, but that doesn't mean a narrative heavy VN isn't a VN anymore. My point is that it can scale from the simplest delivery of a story via text to something more elaborate and fully animated like SG;E. It contains all sorts. A book has natural limitations which make it objective inferior to the visual novel medium. It's outdated and obsolete. The only reason to write a book instead of a VN is budget and laziness.

>i play games for the gameplay
go play some sport then retard

Hey buddy, you seem to have fucked up your referencing. Don't worry, I'm here to help your (You) end up where it was meant to go! No need to thank me, friend.
If you didn't want that (You) to end up there, however, maybe you should consider not posting in the future.

>I play games for gameplay
Lmao just go play outside.


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>that doesn't mean a narrative heavy VN isn't a VN anymore
It doesn't but a book or audiobook might well be a better choice for an author than a VN if they make a narrative heavy novel.
>The only reason to write a book is budget and laziness
A book with no art or music is better than a VN with bad art and music.

But you seem to think that everything should be MAXIMUM ALL IT CAN BE, but with that logic all video games should be AAA games. Anything less is pathetic signs of being poor and lazy.

Consider some more, faggot. You reached the wrong conclusion the first time.

>A book with no art or music is better than a VN with bad art and music.
Why are you comparing appels to oranges here?
That was clearly an intentional switch.

Why would a book be better than a VN with no art or music?
If it's literlly just words on a screen with save positions and a backlog, that's still better than a physical book with all its inherent flaws.

>Consider some more, faggot. You reached the wrong conclusion the first time

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>Why are you comparing apples to oranges
What are you talking about? This has been about comparing VNs to traditional books from the beginning.
>If it's literlly just words on a screen with save positions and a backlog, that's still better than a physical book
No user. It's not. The book has save-load features built into it, and a backlog as well. I don't have to start over every time I read one and I can go back as far as I want, if I want to reread something. If you are unable to do those things then I understand why you don't like books.
It is also much easier to transport and doesn't require power to run.
And last, but not least, I will once again underline my point that books are better for narrative heavy stories and VNs are better for speech heavy stories.

kill yourselves you pathetic subhuman niggers

Whoops, looks like you messed up again. Here: Everyone makes a similar mistake on their first day of posting. Just keep at it and you'll eventually figure it out!

Ringworld game when?

cute pige

How is reading not gameplay? You're literally firing billions of neurons to understand the text, that's more brain activity than playing a game.

what are some braindead games i can play while listening to audiobooks?

>It is also much easier to transport
A library? No it isn't. It's a huge undertaking to store and transport. Also it decays after a measly hundred years and rots to dust.
The power cost of a VN is largly negligable since it doesn't add anything significant extra to the computer you're already using in your day to day life.

>he doesn't play his own character and act it out as the movie plays

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>he hasn't founded his own book club with 2 reading and discussing sessions each week
do you like being retarded?

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Pigs are cute desu

What item is a book?
What mobs drop it?
How much does it cost on GE?

Name the last book you read that had that "just one more page" feel that made you lose your sleep.

Imagine needing external motivation to read a book

Ideally, you want a game where you don't have to read anything on screen and you don't need any other audio playing. I personally find that roguelikes are great for that.

Not OP but I do like Deus Ex for the gameplay

Unless you exclusively play arcade games you're deluding yourself

oats wow

Give me a genuine book recommendation guys

The real story is the one you make along the way, user.

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Any specific genre you're interested in?

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The Wanting Seed

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Anyone else find it really difficult to do just one thing? When I'm plying games I also need to have tv on and a twitch stream and somtimes the radio too and I read a book during cut scenes. Its like I need constant stimulation or feel extremely bored. I can't go a minute without actively doing something. I must consonantly be doing. I hate going to bed and find it extremely difficult to fall asleep at night.

Are you an actual toddler? lmao