Smashfags have become the new bronies

Smashfags have become the new bronies

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Other urls found in this thread:

Impossible. At least one horsefucker has managed to make their dreams come true.

/vp/ should be retconned into /nin/ for all nintendo games(including yiffemon) and leave Yea Forums for the discussion of real video games

not really, bronies were usurped by Steven Universe fags


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>currently over 22 smash threads on /v
>jannies refuse to make a containment board for them

At the risk of b&
>Impying jannies do their goddamned job unless it's something they do/don't like seeing

>cute Japanese girls wearing them
>cute anime girls wearing them
>no trap garbage
Japan is going to remain the sole reason the world deserves to exist. They have achieved levels of based that shouldn't be possible.

a whole board for nintendo cringe and smash is a bit much but they should be contained to /vg/ at least

wearing what?

>Playing smash with my sister because she wanted to show me this skin
>I suck at the game because I genuinely don't play it, figure out the controls fairly easily
>Fuck it. I'll pick Little Mac because he looks like an actual fighter
>Turns out Little cuck is apparently one of the worst characters
>Sister picks sans skin and constantly plays Megalovania every time because dammit she paid a whole dollarydoo to get it
>Somehow beat her a fair few times, more often than I lost
>Fuck it. Let's play multiplayer
>Us two vs two random niggers
>Every... Fucking... Faggot... Is... Playing... Sans
>Five rounds of Sansfags
>A few people after pick real characters and actually prove a challenge
>Anyone who played Sans sucked at the game
>I came to the conclusion that the only people who even bought the skin were children so I didn't feel so victorious beating them
>Some nigga playing Banjo and another playing Joker
>Finally, a worthy opponent
>Banjonigger running around the stage like a headless chicken, decided to pick on my little nig Little Mac
>At this point the sheer simplicity of Little Mac's attacks meant that I pretty much mastered this motherfucker
>I actually ended up doing pretty well, but after a genuinely fun and challenging match we were defeated
>We came across these two guys a few more times and had some good matches
>Almost every other team we were up against were Sansfags

I'm sure this underfail spergout will die down soon...

undertale sucks

>and leave Yea Forums for the discussion of real video games
Kek, now that's just delusion


They're "clacking" to pornographic pictures of skeletons?

undertale is a great game and even if you don't like it you should be able to understand it's cultural importance

Based triggered snoyggers. Writhe some more.

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>Banjokes suck
What else is new


the pope did


this uronically

anna oop-
sksksksksks thats the tea sis
wig = snatched

>cultural importance
zoomers really believe this

>If I shit on smashfags I'm a snoy fanboy
Get new material nigger.

pingu 4 smash ):

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Undertale fans wouldn't be nearly as obnoxious if the game was actually good. It's very not-good, however.

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>/vp/ should be retconned into /nin/ for all nintendo games(including yiffemon) and leave Yea Forums for the discussion of real video games

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>undertale sucks

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Every board has a cancer
Yea Forums has smash bros
Yea Forums has game of thrones
Yea Forums has steven universe


>9 years later people are still looking for the next em ell pee

>memegame with tumblr humor good

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>game with kino moments and fun characters bad

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For some reason /vg/ just doesn't have a nintendo general which is bizzare. PS4 has its own general for fuck sake.

smashfags are it, they do exactly what furfags and bronies do

they inject obnoxious unfunny smash talk into any kind of conversation they can and their original interest is irreversibly ruined with garbage that overshadows what initially started it all and got them into smash (the actual fucking game). now it's just rosterfagging, MUH WAIFUS, console wars, pedantic esports cringe, etc etc etc. it doesn't help that like 90% of them are zoomers with zero self-awareness and autism and interest in literally NOTHING but smash

>zoomer that finds tumblr shit like undertale and steven universe funny thinks he knows what kino is

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This, they're the most obnoxious faggots on Yea Forums and the rest of gaming

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Checks out

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What the fuck is an Undertale

this. Like the community it is based on, it is redddit: the game

Painting everyone who likes a certain thing as an extreme stereotype that fits your one-dimensional view of the world.

Go outside kid.

>it's cultural importance
the shit I took this morning has more cultural importance retard

it is a gay game, just like dream daddy, main character of that game made it to smash to appease gay kids and shemales

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How many threads are you filtering?
26 here

>How many threads are you filtering?
>26 here

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Undershit fags are really neo bronies. Soi based nerds.

>implying I don't shit on both cringy fanbases

Jannies love nintendo. Don't you remember how that nigger streamer got sticky when he offed himself just because >BING BANG WAHOOO GOOD ?

how do you set up filters im a brainlet

They'll eventually go away when the DLC cycle for Ultimate is done. It'll take a while but it'll stop. Just have patience my friend.

Need to buy a Yea Forums pass first

Bottom right corner of pic related

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different being the media that bronies like is actually good, until the last episode

Become a tranny

What went wrong? Didn't watched that shit in like 3 years


>actually watching a show for little babies
Ewwwww cringe

twilight becomes new ruler and looks like celestia and some shipping/waifufags fans btfo

this image triggers the binger

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The only solution is to spam the board during Direct and spam the smash threads with unrelated crap until the problem is resolved. Smash threads aren't moderated at all so you can piss off jannies and smashfags at the same time.


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>He's in
I don't know why but seeing that filtered made me bust out laughing


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You have to go back

Ban filters, amirite?

So what's the moveset that's recommended for him? I play Mii Gunner already but my set up (Charge Shot, Missile, Lunar Launch, Absorbing Vortex) doesn't feel like a good fit for Sans.

I feel like the logical assumption is to go full zoning and multihits, so Laser Blaze, Flame Pillar, Arm Rocket, Bomb Drop?

play a game that isn't for children

when will ralsei be a playable character

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Why do Smash threads bother you? Compared to several forced, unfunny Wojak and Pepe spam threads, why do Smash threads get your jimmies rustled?

literal child's defense, neck yourself you pathetic virgin zoomer

A Ralsei costume is somewhat likely.

Cool blog

No, you fucking sperg

Why are threads on video games bad but threads on off topic shitposting from reddit and Twitter ok? Do you consider those threads acceptable? Better yet, when Bethesda was shilling Doom Eternal here there were just as many threads. Thoughts on those?

how is the other thing being justified by this being criticized you insecure faggot

god smashfags are so stupid, try graduating high school

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Do you like those threads? If so you're an autistic, non vidya discussing shitposting faggot who's opinion doesn't mean shit. Real easy to understand for someone that isn't autistic.

Simple yes or no

>make a voard
>everyone post roasterfaggotry
>every character is anounced
>nobody post anymore

obviously not you spastic retard, i come to a video game board to talk about video games. that doesn't mean video game discussion can't be fucking annoying and void of its own problems, and smash threads are almost always garbage

Why are Smash threads bad though?


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for reasons listed and the fact that most often they genuinely just don't give a fuck about the actual game. rosterfags are the worst of it because look at all the YEARS and YEARS of ridleyposting and now literally no one cares about him whatsoever, its all just fuel for unfunny memes with very little room for any actual discussion. and then you get shit like these pathetic constant attentionwhoring "leak" faggots and shitposters like stevefag that make rosterfags seethe at eachother which make the threads even more unbearable. all of which wouldn't be so bad if there wasn't like a billion smash threads at once at any given time.

>and now literally no one cares about him whatsoever
What do you mean, that people should be making "RIDLEY IS HERE" threads every single day? Would you be content with that?

literally no one uses him

barely anyone cares that hes shit let alone enough to talk enough about changing his character up and rebalancing

We all know that this is not going to happen. Because that would require some effort from the mods and actually start giving a shit about the state of Yea Forums.
....Mods will never give a shit about Yea Forums.

Hell, they even continue to keep wojak/pepe faggots and all matters of meme triggerwords unchecked. Why do you think they'll go the extra mile and create an entire board?

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Do you know the majority of the players aren't tourneyfags?

majority of Yea Forums's audience are tendies and tendies falseflagging as everyone else
you should get the hint and fuck off back to pedoera, where you'll be able to circlejerk the merits of lesbians and trannies in video games in peace

yet they still obsess over esports, viability, tiering etc etc etc like they are

this is a problem with smash players being retarded and not staying in their ballpark. if a lot more players just played what they liked instead obsessing over tiers and who's good ridley would have more players

Where's Kermit when you need him

Sans is a great character

>falseflagging = spamming the board with Smash shit
>falseflagging = not being able to have a proper vidya discussion without consolefaggotry or someone(s) throwing some triggerwords to derail the thread and get (You)s

You are a complete retard. Just saying.

>not just filtering everything

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i didnt watch the direct, but i heard on of my guildmates talking about it on discord about how they "showed some kof character at the end" and i wondered if it was gonna be terry, the fact that zoomers dont know the games main character and mascot makes me sad

>all this over a mii skin
is not even a fighter

It will never stop. Smash 6 has roster faggotry about who will be cut and shit. Next level autism

>>not just filtering everything

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I just apply the filters and holy shit, Yea Forums seems healthy for fucking once! Why was I such a retard and kept faggotry appearing instead of filtering it?

Now how do I exclude wojaks? Can it be done?

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There was a huge list of filters for it by someone a while back, but they were for 4chanX as far as I know

These are mine. But I would really appreciate if someone showed me how to get rid of wojaks for good.

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u mad bro

Nah, not anymore. I've filtered what annoys me.

this desu

>These are mine. But I would really appreciate if someone showed me how to get rid of wojaks for good.

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imagine being so sensitive and BTFO'd you do this

Big Badda boom based boys where the fuck we at let’s get litty

What does that even mean?

This is the precise moment when smash bros jumped the shark

Seriously who cares if your favorite character gets in smash now? It's not an accomplishment anymore, it's meaningless. A memepick from some pixelshit indietrash made it in, anyone can get in now as long as their name is screeched hard enough by autists on the internet.

cope harder Puppetfag

This is how it starts. First he comes as a Mii skin, then he becomes playable.

So... we HAVE to listen to everything? I didn't know it was law

I'm actually interested in playing Undertale now. The brunette loli with the striped green shirt is sexy as fuck too but I don't know anything else and what Sans does.

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>make a thread about video games with pic related in op
>deleted in 20 minutes
>meanwhile literally over 30 threads about the same thing flooding the catalog, but that's fine
Fuck this board, and most importantly, fuck jannies

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Sure thing pepe poster.

>fuck off it's board culture lol

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Then why do Smashfags keep bleating when they aren't called a fighting game?

smashfags are so fucking bizarre
normally the relatively normal people are the casuals in a fanbase while the hypercompetitive tourney beasts are the super autistic ones, but in smash it's flipped on it's head where said tourneyfags seem like the only people that actually fucking care about gameplay while the casuals are losing their fucking minds over any reveal this game gets

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I think it's mostly because smash is a crossover game, meaning the roster is the entire appeal of it, and the fact that people seem to treat it as some kind of vidya hall of fame doesn't do anyone any favors.

pussy faggot

You are undertale you genius

Looks like the jannys and mods are back, look at the catalog and watch the threads disappear, it was fun bros

make it happen hiroshima

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