How can we, Yea Forums, save arcades?

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keep the nig-nogs and other unruly trash out

Ok, have you ever been molested as a Child?

Arcades were always about being able to play games that were far more advanced than what consoles can do at home. Unfortunately nowadays, that means that successful arcades have to be full-on "experiences", which is why VR arcades have become quite popular. You can get a decent crowd for retro enthusiasts but it's arguable whether the crowd is big enough to support arcades unless there's additional booze or food involved.

What's the appeal of arcades anyway?

>The games themselves
>The arcade scene
It will be niche outside of korea no matter what we do

i meant asia

>nintendo arcade machines
no thanks

Arcades have been surpassed by home consoles by quite some time now that the only reason to play one is if you bought it and brought it home for a collection.

>download old arcade games and throwback arcade-style games on PC
>deck out battlestation in neon lighting
>pretend you're in a real '90s arcade, while drowning the loneliness with alcohol

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Dave and Buster's is opening up shop this month and Round1 next year in my city so I wanna ask, what does D&B have in comparison to Round1? Is it just PIU and DDR that D&B have for actual games?

There's a round 1 at my mall, it's pretty cool

d&b is just redemption shit

same appeal /tg/ hobby shops give except for vidya

D&B is more ticket games and stuff normal people would recognize like Mario Kart or some shooting games like Time Crisis while Round1 has more of a JP feel with imported machines and sit down arcade cabinets on top of the typical DnB fare

tldr round1 is basically DnB with JP imports and shittier food

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Yeah pretty much the only reason for arcades to exit now would be for games with expensive, specialized hardware like full-body experiences or VR. Also credits are shit jewery and contribute to manipulative design not unlike that of phone "games". An entrance or membership fee would be more reasonable.

sell beer

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Would you go to an arcade that charges you to play by the hour? Has updated arcade cabinets with more variety of games. Has a bar with drinks and food.

We can't. Go to some hipster arcade bar, build your own cabinet, or let go.

literally this. Alcohol attracts boomers, zoomers, doomers, hipsters and sipsters.

i only see two types of arcades: Round 1 and hipster arcade bars.

dave and busters still exists but i wouldnt really call them arcades at this point.

Where are the good round ones? Seems like all the ones on the east cost are dogshit.

D&B is literally just the adult version of chuckie cheese. their arcade is mostly just ticket redemption games. you might get lucky and see actual arcade games like a lightgun game or fighting game. but yeah, its mostly ticket games.

Round 1 tries to have a more variety of arcade games. They also cycle out new japanese arcade games every now and then which is neat. if you go on their website, they show you what games they are going to have.

of course though, the majority of the japanese machines they have are going to be rhythm related.

Move to Japan

This is one of those things that niggers made go away.

Ban all nigger children and niggers in general. They actually destroy everything they touch.

Went to a new dave and busters that opened in my city it was the first of its kind. Went in a few months after grand opening so we wouldnt be in massive crowds and wait lines.
Go in, every game id near broken and ragedy.
Try to wonder how theyre all so broken in such a short time maybe think it was refurbished machines that DB supplied this one location.
Turn corner to see tons of nigger kids slamming hands and fists on touch screen games, climbing in the ski ball games and basketball games, and putting their feet up against the glass and kicking the screens in the cab shoot em up games.

I shit you not. Its genetoc coding for them to just destroy shit.

I use to work in a place sort of near the new DB, and would pass the DB about 4 times a day. Each and everytime i did there was a black family kids and all being arrested for fighting and destroying property in DB within its first 6 months.

Yikes. Have sex, incel.

Change business model. Shit just doesn't hold up nowadays.

Carmack talked about big VR "experiences" on Joe Rogan, where you run around a warehouse with a plastic gun. But this sounds pretty damn gimmicky.

Found the nigger

It would be nice if I can go to a current day arcade and not have to spend like $50 just to play a couple of games.

>Play the Luigis Mansion arcade game.
>Its shit.
>Play Tomb Raider arcade.
>Its shit.
>Play Halo Fireteam Raven.
>Its shit.

I get my Sound Voltex Vivid Wave and Maximum Tune 5 arcade dose every weekend though.

>worst bemani game

Seems like you are broken user, how ironic. Also are you fat?

You may be 20 years too late for that.

The reseterafags are seething but you're 100% correct, whatever niggers cannot steal, they will destroy. You can't have arcades anywhere outside of upscale areas because of that shit.

One opened up in my neck of the woods. Has Marvel Superheroes, M vs Streetfighter and a japanese import that can be changable any CPS2 games. the owner is a Pinball collector so it has a great pinball selection.

With money and exploitation of addicts

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you sound like of them /jp/ rhythm game thread niggers
go back faggot