Somebody at blizzard thought retconning draenei into blue alien goats was a good idea

>somebody at blizzard thought retconning draenei into blue alien goats was a good idea

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Other urls found in this thread:

Goats are hot.

>no dick
Get it out of here


no bulge, no buy

Space goats have big futa cocks and they convert every race into becoming subby light infused futa cock worshipping sluts.
This is canon btw

Yrel is my wife!

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Murder yourself you homosexual

post more goats

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>draenei without big pp
this picture is inaccurate, no draenei looks like that

You have 10 seconds to explain how hot tall blue alien chicks are ever a bad idea, dick or not


I always wanted to play as a Broken.

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a thick futa cock will break you nicely alright

Well speaking about Draenei superiority, you could say that they are the GOAT ones

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I always played female goats because i really liked how cute their sitting pose.

What were they originally???

ICE is on the way as we speak

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Your wife is a public display orc cocksleeve

Isn't that a tiefling?

What tag is this considered as?

The last good idea Blizzard had.


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I like how they made the males basically like Archimonde, ugly ass roided motherfuckers.
And then, when designing the females, just went like fuck it let's make them these super hot babes with nice round asses and tits. And add horns, cause why the fuck not. But not some retarded furry face.

Best retcon ever.

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I want to marry and impregnate a Draenei.

thank god

And that's a good thing

Well they're pretty hot and I'd love to stick my dick in em

Somebody at blizzard was right, they have natural high heel and horns to grab.
Draenei are made for fucking

proof? Didn't think so.

and damn were they right

She looks like she fucks human men

Colosseum of Lust

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Which is ridiculous, who would go for the smallest cocks on the planet?

I hope they make a classic universe in which they're retconned out again
Spaceships are stupid.
Naaru are stupid.
Draenei only cater to semenminds and are also stupid.

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based and brokenpilled

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No Draenei makes it impossible for me to roleplay though. I only know how to RP as draenei futa dominatrixes at this point.

Lightforged girls are for courting, romancing, introducing to your parents and marriage

i only know how to rp as a dumb slut dominated by futa draenei so i also have problems

It's like we're made for eachother bro.

Slap yourself in the face

Do goat girls wash their hooves properly? Feet are a very important and sexual part of a body for a woman, but what about draenei?

Y-you think so?

WoW sucks, you should play Starbound instead. That game is way better.

I wish I was the Night Elf in the fourth one :s

this thread is proof that TBC was a mistake

the first one is the meaning of life

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gib draenei futa gf

Right here~

god I want to suck a cock

why does wow attract so many futafags


but draenei futas dont actually exist

Futa on futa is highly homosexual
Futa on female however is the straightest one can go

You think a Lightforged Draenei could cure Jaina's infertility?

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I can be an RP gf

Definitely, me on the left.

I wish I knew user. Its just one of those mysteries of the universe

That man deserves to go to heaven

>TBC is the most popular expac
>introduce a race for trannies and a race for futas

It really is.

>all these races and sub-races
>still no etheral + unique class

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why do you have to bring up trannies, night elves were already the futa race btw

An entire species of chads and stacies, truly the master race

Who wants Ethereals when you could have blood elves with blue saturation set to max.

>hiding the disgusting feet
hoping for a remodel someday changing that

Stacy doesn't normally have a 14 inch horse dick though.

Boring trash with horrendous voice acting

Imagine if she did tho

Nice abs!
I don't care if it's got a dick with abs like those.

Ok Mahmud, that doesn't mean the whole world wants to fuck a goat.

Faggots in denial are as bad as furries

I'm not in denial, I love futanari and I don't care how gay it makes me.

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Totally, same for their horns and tails, I remember some flavor items referencing those and how they care of them.

That was the moment I completly gave up on WoW.


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It's not gay at all so long as it's futa on female.

I agree, though I like pretty much all of it so i'm definitely on the gay meter.

I like pussy and dick on girls


Come on user lets go to the park together and hold hands

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C-can I hold your peepee instead....

real gay hours in here

You make me fucking SICK!

can I fuck your throat while using your horns to hold your head?
we can do this at the park too no problem

god I wish female draenei were real

Too bad. You only get futa draenei instead

I'd rather watch her hold some poor gnome down.

I'd like to be that gnome


I shall now demonstrate the dance of my people

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They still can't compete with eredars though

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I wish I was a hot dranei futa
I would be cute
feel wanted
and have a huge cock
and huge tits

Same but any race of girl, futa or not.

I want to have a huge dick tho not take the dick
that would be gay

having a huge anything can't be comfortable for your back or for sleeping

I hope that man got a raise

I could always sleep on my side

What's the point, you'd still be a lazy antisocial slob and waste that miraculous body you'd been granted.

I want to take the dick I don't mind it being gay.

Actually she's goat hitler now

The original rp futas were female NE though

I bet it still wouldn't be comfortable, not to mention we naturally shift positions like 50 times during sleep

>tfw no lazy NEET futa draenei gf

God bless that man.

Didn't they say the reason etherals aren't playable is a combination of
>their genders being indistinguishable
>they aren't a race that picks sides
>armor issues

God I wish that could be me

futas still have vaginas so i can live with that

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Even better to rape and break then

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Seething vanilla child unable to accept one of life's simple truths, the penis ALWAYS wins, no matter the orientation and preference, it is inevitable.
Futa may never be gay, that's what traps and trans are for.

Now on to the other side
>Deep inhale

Attached: It always wins.jpg (551x858, 119K)

imagine being this gay

Hold up ... I know that art style ... this guy draws variations of Basic girls and Futa girls for most of his art doesn't he? Pretty Based

thats a broken tho


True, the whole wrold wants to sleep with unicorns, not goats.

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You people are such literal faggots. So obsessed with dicks. Fucking homos.

Draenei retcon sucks shit but Female Draenei are pretty rock hard.
Too bad the only relevant one is Yrel, one of the worst written and most hamfisted characters Warcraft ever had. Shame cause her design is cool and the idea of her isn't bad at all, should've just been alliance version of Nazgrim instead of a literal OC insert.

Yeah, nude and non-nude, different combinations of cunts and dicks if there's more characters involved.
Used to be known as Samefaceami for the obvious reasons, but gotten pretty good lately.

But I'm not futa...

They added her in a wrong expansion.
Damn shame.

Then of what use are you to us user? Away with you!

>added one of the worst ham fisted characters in the worst expansion ever made

She is in the perfect expansion moron

I-i am though

Meaning they could have chosen better setting for what was supposed to be an important female draenei, retard.

>giving a fuck about the lore

What were they before?

We all crave that which can never be had.

I really love his artstyle, this kind of old comicbook look he gives to his characters and the way he draws muscle. Shame that his newer art is kind of subpar compared to the old.

Some ugly monsters native of Draenor (hence the name) who could go invisible

Originally the Broken were what the Draenei were supposed to be before the retcon

The original story was that these Eredar (Archimonde, for example) were like the ultimate evil who corrupted a titan into doing evil shit.

Retcon is that the titan was evil and corrupted the Man'ari into Eredar . The Man'ari who didn't accept the deal fled to Draenor, thus calling themselves the Draenei.

A retcon space goat deserves nothing of value

Futafags are the fucking worst.

It's one of the least offensive normalfag tier fetishes, I don't see how they are.

Because you can't have a thread about draenei without them.

You might want to consider practicing ignoring things you don't like.

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Bad idea more like WOW lore...

How can humans compete?

>guy enticed by prospect of sexy times
>wants to write about dick because he aint straight
>afraid of being called gay
>only plays with females and other dickgirls, >unironically have to mark self as 'gay' anyway to keeep dudes away
>'but its got tits and feminine pen-'
Imagine loving writing about cock but being eternally afraid of it so it has to be attached to a fantasy woman. Futa is cancer.

Vanilla kids throwing their sub par opinions around are about as bad as bad as lolicons.

You can like cocks but not like men. I love dicks because they are a source of pleasure, but I can't ever get hard looking at a man, which is why dickgirls are so great for me. You get a dick and a pretty girl, that's a double win. The only cancer here is you getting mad about people liking things.

it was. and adding horse cocks to them was an even better idea

That's still gay.

>fled to Draenor, thus calling themselves the Draenei
Draenei means "Exiled Ones", Draenor means "Exile's Refuge". The orcs and ogres never felt the need to name the planet and just accepted the alien refugee name for it because they're faggots

I think it's just a bodypart fetish together with narcissism. Dicks were idolized and enshrined by mankind since before recorded history. You can scream "gay" all you like, but dicks are power and power is sexy.

This, I don't wanna do back door stuff or have anything shoved down my throat, and I don't like the concept of guy on guy, guy pretending to be girl, It's girls or nothing. Kinda just kills the mood to notice the guy, which makes like guy giving girl head a mood killer, since the guys face tends to be way more in focus than the genitals getting worked. Lesbian head is perfectly fine for me tho. Can not see my self as gay, just sounds like some guy reeing because he doesn't have the same kinks, so he has to scream "GAY-GAAAAAAY!" to feel better about him self. What ever makes you sleep better at night dude, we don't gotta agree, but you look pretty ridiculous screaming gay at a guy with a wife and kid who doesn't want to have intercourse with men.

If you love dicks, you're gay m8.
simple as

Human sexuality is never that simple.

>TBC Draenei
>aloof and somewhat close minded
>self righteous
>borderline zealots
>looked down on their own people for being "impure"
>WotLK onward Draenei
>they're Nice
>that's it

It's a pity they couldn't be bothered to complete the half finished Broken model in the files

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They were never self-righteous, they were just determined to right their wrongs as they stirred a lot of shit up by arriving to Azeroth and fucking up the night elf lands there with their crashlanding and they were also determined not to allow demonic shit to take root anywhere because they've had a lot of experience with how bad it can get.

The entire Aldor/Scryer conflict comes from the Aldor being so far up their own asses they refuse to accept help from Blood Elves

There was far more to it than that. Blood Elves, all of them, without exception were corrupted by demonic energies and were holding a Naaru prisoner.

Despite the fact their corruption never really comes up and M'uru was in on it the entire time. There's also a Sha'tar priest who looks down on "those filthy refugees" and a general who decides to get around his people's ban on torturing prisoners of war by getting Broken to do it for him

leave my fucking money alone gondar

Liking Penises as a male is in fact homosexual.
It doesn't mater what they are attached to at the end of the day you are still a mentally ill degenerate that will burn in hell for all eternal.

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Am I the only person who prefers them with human cocks? In general I don't get the whole horse cock meme. Yeah, they're big which is nice but human cocks are much more aesthetic. Why does everyone want horse cocks?

They're more exotic and I think it sort of makes sense biologically because everyone calls them space-goats.

Where are they hiding the horsecock?

>makes sense because everyone calls them goats
>gives them horse dicks
That doesn't make sense at all. A girl with a dick is exotic enough and personally I think horse cocks are pretty ugly. They look like if your removed the flesh from a human penis and sawed off the head of it.

That's the stuff!

>rape and break then
Do not break them or else pic will happen

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One time I ERPed with somebody who used magic to hide her futa pp until it was time for FUCK at which point the spell was cancelled and all 15 inches were out
Maybe this one is just hidden like that? Its just magic dude

Goat penis is nothing like horse penis

Horse cocks go inwards, so you can hide even a huge one easily

>love draenei
>don't want to sacrifice my soul and play wow again
what do

Well... yeah. They had a cocksleeve race in the Blood Elves for the Horde, and needed a counterpart for the Alliance.

That about sums it up.

>no cumshots
Miss me with this breeder shit

just fap to them

is that gondar

second life

just for you user

I agree. Human clocks are infinitely better than horse cocks. At least the majority of futa art with them has them with human dicks. Those who like horse cocks have mental issues.

That's nice and all, and you can keep lying to your self as much as you want, but don't worry, we still love you. No homo tho.

Sounds like something a homosexual would say to try and sway people in to having sex with him. Pretty sad really.

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>had a whole 2 months nofap built up
>this thread

t. human thinking his penis shape is the best shape.
You're lucky you don't need me to take you places anymore Dave!

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just for you

Horse cocks FUCKING SUCK
Who in their right mind would want to be Mr. Handsed six feet under?

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But also for grabbing life by the horns and fucking the shit out of it

God I love cock.

Jesus, he said he didn't want to sacrifice his soul and you suggest that degenerate social-life-vacuum hellhole? That's just plain sadistic.