Zoomers will never understand

Zoomers will never understand

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Isn't the guy who did that 40 now?

rare footage of daigo actually angry

zoomers think this is what fighting games are about

imagine if you could just block all of your opponents moves in chess, what a shit game genre

Absolute unit completely disrespecting his opponent by parrying the high kick

it isn't disrespect you fucking idiot it's the optimal punish

I mean its just like sekiro right? If i memorized the timing i could do it too

based and redpilled, this is also why sniper rifles are a cancer meme in FPS games

parrying the first hit is tough, after that its not.

who is chun-li? do you have any clips of geno?

He would of lost if he didn’t parry the high kick since he had a magic pixel.
Anybody watch TAS videos of fighting games? Shit is amazing.

Yeah i'm a zoomer and i don't get it, is it impressive because you actually have to manually block all the individual kicks from Chunli's combo?

>would of

Basically you have to input [block] and right when the attack is going to to connect you immediately push forward.
There are even red parries which are frame perfect.

thats my favorite part

you hit forward at the moment each kick hits to successfully parry.

would take a few hours to learn how to parry this ult alone, but daigo has probably a few thousand hours in this game

>fighting game TAS

How do you do a TAS for both sides? Purposely let one character hit then do next guy?

Like this:


Zoomers can't handle fighting games and it's always funny whenever I see a post of someone saying they want to get into fighting games. No you don't, stick to fps and whatever you grew up with.

I don’t think that fair to say.
Fighting games are overwhelming at first but just take your time and naturally you will improve. Just like all things, if you really want to get good, you will always find ways to improve.

I think it's more than fair. There is a reason why most fighting game players are people who grew up playing said games. Sure there's post-09 fags who maybe started with SF4 or another game but the majority of the FGC is still people who grew up playing FGs. Zoomers just aren't capable of putting the time into the games.

Boomers will never understand that Shit Strike sucks ass. Grand Master is the only street fighter game that is good.

>Zoomers just aren't capable of putting the time into the games.
Maybe it's because I grew up near an arcade even as they were dying, but I'm prime zoomer (21) and I more than put forth the effort and the hours into the fighting games I wanna learn.

You can

I started playing fighting games with Guilty Gear Xrd in 2015 on PC and then Street Fighter 5 in 2016 and I fucking love them.

That isn't impressive, using that move without hitstun is asking for punishment against a skilled opponent.

Well that is true, mainly the FGC are long time fans of the genre. I just feel you don’t give enough credit to the new generation of the FGC. Zoomers aren’t all ADHD ridden and seeing how accessible some fighting games are, we could very well have a new age of heros.

Bruh he's only 37

You ARE a zoomer. You watched Evo Moment 37 on youtube and, because you've never played fighting games except to bandwagon, you think that's what fighting games are supposed to look like. You're completely unaware that nobody liked Third Strike back then, you're unaware that Daigo doesn't even like it today, and you're unaware that parries are degenerate mechanic that fuck the neutral 5 ways to Sunday. You were born in the late 90s at best, thus a zoomer.

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I like how this webm of excellent execution is always used by STards to shit on 3S.

They got fucking shit on the ENTIRE GAME, parried a couple of moves so they deserve to literally 100 to 0 the better player? I fucking hate you people.

Imagine dying to a single command grab. What a dogshit game.
>b-but muh meter
>b-but muh kara cancel is hard
>b-but muh screen positioning

Execution doesn't excuse how fundamentally retarded it is. The act of jumping should never be a 50/50 situation, end of story. If you like this backwards game because it's SO HYPE then that's fine but stop trying to push it on everybody else as some holy grail of fighting games. Xrd's YRC and Blitz are similar in concept to 3S parries but they don't completely throw the neutral out the window and have far more applications.

To be fair, tons of people complain about YRC because it destroys the neutral game, but at least it costs meter I guess?

>Ryu goes for a hard Shoryu that gets parried and keeps him in the air while Makoto gets to the ground safely
Yeah, he does. He should've seen the meter on Makoto, gotten his hits in, and backed off. He got greedy and got punished for it. Hard.

It's not that I like it because it's hype. It's that you guys hate it because it isn't ST. It's a good game that's overhyped, but also overhated because of that overhype. It's bullshit.

Imagine wasting your time at the arcades playing fighting games when you could be getting mad pussy playing DDR or gathering crowds with House of the Dead.

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capcom fighters have always been boring shite games. "muh neutral" is just code for "I suck dog dick at fighting games and i cannot adapt" go play smash you smelly little shit and stop posting on my board.

In a lot of YRC situations, if both players have meter, the guy who was put on the defensive can usually YRC back and negate or reverse the advantage completely on reaction. Yeah it's fucking stupid but it's an over the top anime game where the neutral still exists.

>trying to anti-air your opponent in a street fighter game is being greedy
3S is not real street fighter.

Yes, and he did an optimal punish by adding the jump in between.
After that event parrying Chun Li's super as well as others became some sort of a famous challenge for everyone to try and many people are able to do it after moderate amount of training, but at that point using that move for chip damage when the opponent had no health was a legit tactic. Daigo parried it all in the semi-final of what basically was the world tournament.

kusoge airdashers don't have a neutal anyway
as in they do until someone gets a knockdown and they turn into degenerate oki fests

Never said it was, dipshit. That's LITERALLY what I'm telling you. You only hate it because it's not ST. Also
>Your moves are all getting fucking parried by this clutch Makoto
Anti-air or not, he had plenty of opportunity to get the fuck out of there and he chose not to.

This post reeks of projection.

Name 1 fighting game where this is not the case

>"muh neutral" is just code for "I suck dog dick at fighting games and i cannot adapt"
How can someone suck at a fighting game which has no rules of commitment? The neutral is what dictates how a fighting game unfolds, it sounds like you need to go play Smash if you wanna play some random wacky guessing game all day

season 1 sfv

Cool i saw that nakey jakey video too

Samurai Spirits

Not everyone who disagrees with you is an "STfag". But come on, no matter HOW UNSAFE anything he did was, he doesn't deserve to literally lose the ENTIRE ROUND because of it. The reward he got for landing that Shoryuken was going to be a tiny amount of chip damage compared to the reward that Makoto got for parrying it and that's why Third Strike is retarded. Parrying rapes neutral to the point of nothing being worth doing because it can just get parried and you get ass blasted for it.


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>hurr just concede the corner pressure and sit back and throw fireballs what could possibly go wrong?
Fucking retard. At any rate he deserves to lose because he picked Denjin ryu against kuroda. Denjin is only used when you want to style on shitters.

Let me ask you this: Have you ever played a game of 3S where the opponent you played was skilled enough to take an entire round off of you because of that shit?

fukin saved

>throw loops

only in the corner, you went back to neutral outside of it

Third strike was the downfall of the fighting genre and only zoomers or the xbox generation defend it

If you brought it on day one for the dreamcast like an actual fighting game fan you'd have realised how slow it was compared to alpha and how the dpad on the dreamcast pad would shred your left thumb from overuse, third strike is where SF lost its soul

Also, ps1 pads without the dual shock sticks are the pinnacle of fighting game pads, prove me wrong

I have. I used to play against dyne regularly. He was pro level but unfortunately for him he was too late to the scene. He had an absolutely sick Dudley, the only way I could put any considerable challenge against him was to go full pussy with chun li or a complete clusterfuck match with akuma, but he was too good at parrying so one wrong guess on my part and the round was done. Basically I was guessing on offense hoping he wouldn't parry my shi because then he would put me in the corner and it was essentially 50/50 if I ate a whole combo on wake up.

Why aren't you playing samsho or last blade then? Those are the ultimate neutral games aside from kusoge shit like bushido blade.

Alright, I concede. Dyne's fucking crazy.
My point is I believe 3S' glaring faults arise at the higher levels. 3S offers a very good experience for newcomers and a downright excellent one in the middle level. It's not fair to write the whole thing off based on what the really fucking good guys can pull off with its bullshit. 3S is unbalanced and parries can be unga-bunga at times, but if you aren't 100% on point at taking advantage of that shit, it doesn't take away from much. At least that's what I feel.

>playing fighting games on pads in the first place

My personal favorite TAS video is this one

God, UMK3 on the SNES was so inferior.

This is my favorite pad. Hori Fighting Commander is similar.

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How you played such a garbage game? Yeah they probably won't. Street Fighter was never good.

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Yeah it was cool that he did it back then but that shit is easy these days

Why didnt he just block it?

Chip damage.

Chip damage (something SFV fags arent aware of) would have killed him

He was at pixel health.
>Get chipped out
>Not have an epic moment that still gets referenced.

Supers still chip you in SFV

some zoomers have the soul of a boomer

>shitting on a game you know nothing about
SFV supers can chip kill.

> Chip damage
What a retarded mechanic.

meanwhile in ST you land one jump in and 100% someone because everything does a billion points of (literally random) damage/stun

Nah. It's good because it stops you from turtling like a pussy.

You can though retard. That isn't what this gif is. This is seeing what your opponent will do before they do it. You can't input parry on super flashes. That super has an instant start up. Chip damage kills are a thing in this game.

t. Guile main

Diego is GOD

Except that you can actually antiair in that game.

that user is right, i also play 3s with my neighbor, and believe it or not a lot of parries you probably do know are option selected, and the reward one gets for small parries is insane compared to the things he was parrying, just look at it, a guy who carefully is playing footsies dealing small dmgs with pokes, and the other guy keep spamming parries and keep guessing, eventually he parry a poke and boom get a full fucking punish i some situations, which is really fucking unfair and encourage kind of turtling style, not the fireball turtling but just a way in which you just provoke your opponent to make mistakes.
AAAAA, finally a nigga knows how it fucking feels.

but still i can't say i hate 3s tho, its the only game i have found people to play with and have made a lot of friends in, for a super hated game it sure is popular in wide locations, compared to other fighting games in which if you are not from some big country, good luck finding players to play with.

It just makes the skill gap far bigger than in other games. I can go to the arcade and condition someone to srk all my jump ins for almost two whole rounds. Then on the critical moment I jump in again just like always and this time I parry his srk and blast him with a 40% combo. He feels cheated because he's not at that level yet. It's not the same as getting bodied because you don't know your optimal combos or execution. This is just another skill that you can only achieve mentally which sometimes makes the game too frustrating.

Imagine dying to a single knockdown. What a dogshit game

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don't get knocked down nigga

>gatekeeping this hard

How often do you get a raw jump-in attack in ST? Your best bet is safe jump which doesn't even guarantee you anything against any character with an invincible reversal and you still need to win the neutral.

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Poor damdai

I love that this thread is full of dumbasses who don't know the game works and salty veterans

Y'all should play Tekken instead anyway

>invincible reversal
good fucking luck pulling one off with no input buffering whatsoever

Fighting games are shit and always been shit since the very start of this trash. Kill everybody who plays this kill yourselves your family all you die now.

sure but lets be honest life is over after 40

Ok bye

>3D garbage

Your still here die please!

"i don't understand it so it's bad"
literal NPC mentality, fucking kill yourself you fat retard

I've been playing the best one 4

Wow, that's some real anger there Pajeet, did someone waste your time on the scam hotline?

I keep getting black vertical lines on the emulator so I can't be bothered fixing that.
Very nostalgic though

No i fucked your mom in the ass while you were at school.

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>There are people who like 4/5 over Third Strike
Say it once, say it a million times --
Fucking casuals

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Don't get grabbed then, nigga.
All fighting games have varying degrees of these scenarios, it's our job to avoid them while we try to make the other nigga fall for them. Even samsho with it's worshipped neutral of the gods ,you can eat easily 80% of your life in a mistake. Damdai should have fucking blocked

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He's on Yea Forums dude

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No seriously, he sees that Makoto has parried literally every move yet he decides to go for the easiest to parry move that leaves him completely open to the hardest punish in the game.
That mustve been a misinput.

>Don't get hit bro
>just git gud
>i'm a huge faggot baaaaaa
Fucking autism kill yourself you nigger faggot.

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Oh look, it's the one moment that justified the existence of the entire professional FGC, and was never surpassed since.

Can you people really afford to be gatekeeping so hard when SF is declining so hard in popularity?

People literally do it all the time and you can start the input as you're waking up, what are you talking about? You can't say that ST has no input buffer at all when it still has shit like negative edge, it's just harder because you don't have 20 years of buffer like SFV

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Thats some degenerate play right there

There's something about the weight of this game that feels so good. The tone is great, too. I've never been a super hardcore Tekken player, though, but I'm interested in giving Tekken 7 a second shot.

Well Season 3 is coming out in september 10th, so I highly recommend it

Look everybody, he posted it. The only video 3S players have to deflect from their shit game. All he had to do was pick a direction and hold it. Can you even show me a tourney that Claw won in the past 5 years? Probably more like a decade.

but you didnt even refute what the other user said. is your brain really that slow? or youre just retarded?

>taller than everyone
>limbs thinner than everyone too
this guy looks like a twig holy shit

That's not even hard. I can show you fight me on V.

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