Fix the Heavy in 5 words or less
Fix the Heavy in 5 words or less
my peenus weanus of course !!!! :DD
Let him jump while firing
additional weapon slot for lunchbox
Give him the Soldier's banners
medic gets a new primary weapon slot weapon that's just a saddle which lets Heavy ride on his back like a horse, allowing him to move at the speed of a medic but at the cost of not being able to control his own movement
three good sessions of liposuction
Warrior Spirit allows Heavy leaping
minigun but it fires shotguns
>it's a pic related episode
>it's on repeat
Or this
Maybe both
>both zeros are spies
>the 44 on the other team is also a spy
Even worse
>The second highest scorer on your team is a spy
literally perfection don't change anything
put him in smash
Raise his skill ceiling
>DeMoNaN iS hArD
We posting teams?
What does Demoman have to offer besides sticky jumping that makes his skill ceiling so high? Aiming pipes?
Getting hit gives speed boost.
Who wins, Yea Forums?
BLU because of the Heavy/Med combo
lets do a quick rundown top to bottom, assuming start of round
>abolute average joe
>f2p with negative kdr
>tryhard soldier/heavy/demo with aussie weapons and unusuals
>kritzkrieg med with everything painted pink
>boomer that's either a third wheel or a massive pubstomper
>trash that will go spy and score 1 kill
>100% goes scout and spams voice commands, skill varies from running into sentries to 2shotting you from any angle when you least expect it
>will go engineer
>soldier that kills himself with rocket jumps
>f2p scout
>taking up a spot an actual player could've used
>redditor that will choose a pubstomp class and fail miserably, blaming his team
>some shitter from /tf2g/, barely better than the person below him
>will get out of spawn at some point
>will go gunboats soldier/kunai spy and score 3 kills
>goes scout, warps due to shitty internet, all deaths come from falling off cliffs
>engineer that builds at spawn and stays there
>"i visited KYM once", will 100% go heavy and stay glued to the cart
>wood division scout, vanilla loadout, misses all shots, first to arrive and die on mid, profile is full of stranges farmed on afk servers
>that medic which will latch onto one person and just keep pressing W until he dies
>basically the same as above except goes soldier/scout/sniper
So i got my new 144 hz monitor yesterday, and TF2 definitely feels almost like a whole new game to me now, but I kinda like it.
more guns means more fun
Smash Bros Ultimate Pack Five
Maybe give him something that allows him to flank people more effectively. He's already extremely good at being a battering ram or a chokepoint holder if there's half-decent support from his team.
You can fly with recoil
I don't know, I'm awful at the game and I love playing demo. You just spam pipes on a tight hallways and wait for people to die. Occasionally, you can place stickies where people are going to retreat. Nothing feels better than booby trapping a healthkit.
>being 100hz behind the curve
Give him teleporters
well, it was under a budget.
Landing pipes against scouts is quite challenging.
240 isn't as big a jump desu and i can't see it helping with nutty killshots too much in tf2
>mfw I crit
did the SU movie really make that much of an impact? I've been seeing a lot more mentions of the show now recently.
>did the SU movie really make that much of an impact?
Yes, considering it was better than the entire second half of the show. I think it's like Minecraft though, it's not like people ever really stopped liking it, they just have more reasons to bring it up again
Heavy is inherently a low skill ceiling class. When I turn the corner and get mowed down by a heavy, I don't feel like "wow this enemy player has great aim and his beats me in a fair fight". I feels like an idiot for getting killed by a heavy. Bonus points if I hit 3 or more pipes and he survive because of a pocket medic. He's just not fun to play as and against.
Accept he's a simple class
actual lol
well, backstabs do give 2 points.
so the heavy requires the most skill to play effectively
Give him scout movement speed
>Pyro mains
t. [EG4Lx] Ass4ssIN thinking he's a fred
I'm a Seilornad but with the inexplicable scout quickscopes
Command grab and weapon throwing.
Red wins on account of having more weebs.
I don't know why, to be fair. Maybe to make a class that tends to die often and not do a lot of stuff, outside of those dopamine rushes, feel more gratifying.
Immense majority of TF2 players are Sailornad.
I learned to headshot a lot more by just watching an area and waiting for people to come by, rather than trying to aim my crosshair at them.
>thinking Billy Mays is average
That's clearly the guy with the themed Avatar-Name combo that plays 60+ hours a week on the server.
breaks his weakness to sniper: bad design
Gru movement-speed when minigun unequipped.
Razorback but for headshots
I'm really enjoying the work put into these.
on a chart where the x axis has "bro" on the right and "faggot" on the left, the y axis has "skilled" at the top and "trash" at the bottom, where do you think you are? i think im slightly leaning towards bro while being firmly in the trash zone
pyro has retardedly high skill maneuvers.
>underestimating billy
Always bet on Duke.
You wanna talk Dane being full of himself for his crit video, no, Pyro mains are still worse at that imo.
>retards in this thread don't know the difference between skill floor and ceiling
every class is weak to sniper, you backass
but most of all
yall know me
as the boom boom king
Make him fun
The Heavy becomes the Scout.
put him in smash brothers
WM+1 would be the skill floor.
Doing flare jump axtinguisher kills would be the ceiling.
it's sad this still has to be said, but if you hate W+M1, it's because you can't aim, or have bad positioning
if a pyro is walking in a straight line, and you don't kill him with three clean hits, or with decent tracking, YOU fucked up
W+M1 is the shittiest way to fight, but if they win that way, it's on you
>not fire+airblast+shotgun
Flak cannon that becomes accurate
New flames hurt eyes
Whatever floats your boat. Point is that casual pyros doing W+M1 isn't the ceiling, it's the floor.
>going through narrow room with turns
>go through one turn and a Pyro appears before you
>somehow it's your fault when you get caught in his W+M1
unless if you're Heavy you're pretty much fucked.
Dunno about Heavy specifically but I'd like this thing to give him: Immunity to movement impairing effect.
that's literally how close range fights work
would you beat anything besides a medic, spy or sniper in that range?
think about what would happen walking into a scout, soldier, demo or engi at that range
if they have decent aim, and get the jump on you, you lose
most people complain about wm1, but don't consider they would still lose in that situation against almost any other class
because close range is just three factors: aim, movement, and RNG
if you have equal movement, and neither person crits, it's up to aim
in that close of a space, shotguns, explosives and fire are all relatively easy to aim
I always treat pyro fights like it's a scout with soldier's knockback from rockets, makes me less cocky and more likely to fight properly
just don't play 5cp maps
Forgot pic related
wow its almost as if you're not invincible and can be donked bad by a given circumstance.
remove from the game and ban anyone off of steam that has more than 10 hours played as him, its the only way
The trio of Yusuke, Pekka and Johny seem like top lads. Also, red has a higher probability of speaking english.
What about these teams?
Unnerf Tomislav.