Kung-Fu > Ninja > Caveman > Cowboy > Wrestler > Mecha > SF

Kung-Fu > Ninja > Caveman > Cowboy > Wrestler > Mecha > SF

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Bump cuz i saw anime in the OP

Fantasy > All

Ninja > Cowboy > Kung Fu > Caveman > Mecha > Wrestler > SF


>wrestler, a chapter which only has you engage in a few battles
>better than any other chapter
Your IQ is at least below 90.
You fucking retard.

Ninja sucks because there's literally no fucking benefit to going pacifist route, all it does is underlevel you for its final boss and the final chapter. The entire gimmick of it doesn't work.

Medieval is the best and Oersted is my favorite jrpg villain

Character copying abilities by getting beaten down is my favorite trope so I liked it. Although after I posted it I realized I should put mecha above.
Still better than SF, though they're all fucking good obviously.

I killed everyone but the women.


Xin shan/Oersted>Oboro>Sundown>Cube>Pogo>Akira>Masaru

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>Still better than SF
You can only think this if you hate the horror genre. SF is a masterpiece of a chapter thanks to its atmosphere and the slow pacing. You also have to avoid enemies until the very end, when you face the boss.
I also know I'm stating the obvious, but this is the best track:

One of Square's hidden SFC gems, but you're mistaken.

Cowboy > Kung-Fu > SF > Mecha > Wrestler > Ninja > Caveman

Oboro has the easiest final boss for a reason. You just gotta make up the RP in your head.

Wanted to pick this one for a while now, is the fantrasnlation easy to come by?

Very easily yeah. Go play it right fucking now and leave this thread or you'll get spoiled.

Truest motherfuckers know that Sammo makes the best kung-fu chapter.

>Caveman last
shit tastes desu

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Aye aye. Thanks, user

Yeah you're right - on second thought, Ninja was the worst.


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I am a sucker for 'weakest becomes the strongest'

live a evil?

I hate the bitch even more.

>Medieval chapter
Is this that "kino" thing you kids keep talking about?

The most kino thing is Oersted's strongest attack being Alicia's ghost

Yeah, the title makes sense at the end of the game.

Li is best girl.

And due to being the only girl in the party, she is simultaneously also worst girl.

mecha has the best battle theme you cannot dispute this

Caveman > Ninja > Mecha > Kung-Fu > Wrestler > Cowboy > SF

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>Not Gynophobia

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I cannot