How do you manage to fuck up everything using only one girl?

how do you manage to fuck up everything using only one girl?

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Leave Nergigante to me

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>Dodo X is actually good GL armor this time around


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Cute butt

>oh fuck how did HE get there

Not as painfull as being smack down by elders really

I can't wait to break its stupid ugly beak.

>Zorah is the end game boomstick set.
I'm ok with this.

A reminder that the only reason Nergigante is an ED is because no one understands how it regenerates

Also he has a crush on you

This could be said for any ED
>the only reason Kushala is an ED is because no one understands how it controls tornados
>the only reason Kirin is an ED is because no one understands how it summons lightning strikes
>the only reason Jhen Mohran is an ED is because it's fucking big

Jhen has tiny feets and is strange cute

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that's why Hub Lass is best girl.

>heard you talking shit

No, Kulve best girl
You undress her and she gives you good weapons for it like the slutty boy you are

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>bazel tries to ram the hunter and handler in mid air while they are descending with wingdrakes
>Basically a fighter-bomber is lining up to shoot down downed pilots in paraschutes

Bazel is literally warcrimes personified in Wyvern form

How in the fuck did Nergigante even get up to kill steal you after the Shara Ishvalda fight?
Like I get he's Mary Sue the dragon but is he ascending into "OH MY RUBBER SPIKES" territory?

>all the uploaders showcasing male armors
Homos. Rock gook is a blessing.

Does Iceborne have Meowstress? This is important

Take your slut armors and get out of here.



>Hunting coral pukei
>He literally splits his lasers and shit, does a tremendous amount of damage
>Kill him after going back to restock three fucking times for ammo
>Hunt Nightshade Paulumu
>He spams his fucking sleep shit and is in the air constantly thank fuck for being ranged
>Takes 120+ elemental shots to kill

Jesus they really increased the fucking HP on these things, the hoarfrost stuff wasn't bad at all but this is just awful. They don't do anything except spam AoE's and shots now. How are melee fucks dealing with this other than spamming flashpods?

Alright I've been sufficiently weakened
I still have my save data on PS4, if evens I double dip if odds I wait

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Did you upgrade your gear?

My armor a bit but I'm holding off on upgrading it too much. My LBG's can't be upped yet since I'm using lunastra shit. I guess I could upgrade My Jyura bullet but I don't think it'd make much of a difference.

Upgrade your stuff nigger, its a brand new rank.

>it's okay when japan does it

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What do you mean zero

The fact that she is actually capable of facial expressions is a huge boon.

His power is to regenerate quickly, and the kill-stealer is an even stronger variant with proportionally stronger powers. You did enough damage to knock him out but also spent enough time fighting Shara that he had time to heal up and ambush Shara who had just gotten the shit beaten out of it too.

Did they do something to Handler's face in cutscenes? She doesn't look as garbage as I was used to.

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The lighting is better so she loses the baggy and slightly sunken eyes that makes her nose and cheeks look puffier.

Everyone hates Handler though

Until the doujins fix her

There's no way to fix that pile of shit

Guys walk up to a Popo and press circle

Holy shit.

He cute

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There is hope.

i have literally no problem with the handler other than a few of her lines. she's girl-next-door cute. not somebody i want to bone though

Design wise she's actually pretty cute as far as her outfit/hair/etc, but goddamn that goofy, ugly face.

Any vids of this in action?

2 looks normal enough to maybe appease the SJW crowd, yet a whole lot cuter.
3 is IMAGINE tier.

It'll never change in the official version though, since the rage of feminists flipping their shit would be never-ending.

>1 normal
>2 korean surgery
>3 plastic doll

Your family must have horrible genetics if handler is "normal" to you.

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They state that Elder Dragons are just monsters that don't fit into the other groups. (ie: Brute Wyvern, Fanged Wyvern, etc) So I'm sure there are some "elder dragons" that are massively unimpressive.

>talks about genetics
>posts a gook who try to fix theirs with plastic surgery all the time
Now that's some rich irony right there.

>Here's your new handler bro

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cope more pigskin

i bet you wear make up faggot

I'd be perfectly fine with this

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I swear it looks like they tried to subtly pretty up her model in Iceborne. Am I crazy?

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It's just the light.

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handler is cute
the main problems i have with world is
1. you have to sit through the same cutscenes over and over when ever you reroll, which i have to because i can only use a single weapon per character
2. you can not delete all your kinsects, which bothers me because unless im using insect glaive there is always that one kinsect sitting in storage reminding me
3. arena requires you to use multiple weapons on the same character, and so i cant do it.