Game Fuel thread

What do you like to eat/drink/take while playing Yea Forums? I love getting high and playing upbeat games or even WoW classic.

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Literally water because I sweat pools while playing intense games.

Gallons of cum


have sex

loli-pop loli-pop
oh loli loli loli

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Water, Apple Juice, and the very occasional Rockstar/Monster (for the taste)

I'll have a soda or water/coffee if I'm gaming, but I never eat at my desk.


I too enjoy smoking some refer and playing WoW. Especially if it involves fishing.

god I love weed
it is probably one of the best feelings in this world
straightfags will never know this feel

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I'll smoke a bowl for you bro as I kill raptors in STVietnam

Typically a glass of water or very rarely some gummie snacks.


Smoke one for me too user.

I'm feeling sentimental and I want to know somebody is thinking good thoughts about me.

I smoke copious amounts of weed and slam half liters of whatever the cheapest beer i can find is, online games i use a combo of speed and mdma depending on what i'm playing lol but i'm also drunk.
unrelated: suck my ass

I've stopped playing video games some times ago, but I usually enjoy eating Onions derivatives, such as Huel.


got u bb

Getcho gay ass senpai

Weed and games are so good. Its like games are the literal best thing you can do while stoned

>Playing SF4AE when it updated
>Controller/stick drenched in fucking sweat, smelling like wet steel/iron
>Sweating buckets even if the AC is all the way down
Fucking hate that

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Riff Racer is a fucking top tier game to play while stoned.


Actually not a fan of getting stoned and playing classic. I don't get anything done. Did it my first play and I had a lvl 8 Hunter in 6 hours. Sat back down sober with a Warrior and he's currently 31 and the highest BS in guild.

Weed is better for shit like city builders or management sims.

Eggo waffles and shot after shot of whatever the strongest alcohol I can find is.

Spyro man, try it

max cringe incels

I’ll be glad to let you know what a bullet to the back of your head feels like in the future degenerate

lmao i'm sure pretending you have any power whatsoever online is more fun than drugs
say hi to your mom for me

Weed for me is amazing for any game that has great sound. Made BF1 actually enjoyable.

I'm 23 and I'm playing Spyro Reignited stoned. I haven't played Spyro since I was 10 years old at most. Revisiting all the old areas is incredibly nostalgic, not to mention meeting my childhood waifu Elora.

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I don't smoke weed very often, last time I did was back in march for REmake 2. But man, what an experience it was to play the whole game high... with quality headphones and the alternate soundtrack DLC. I almost had a panic attack the 1st time I ran into Mr.X (well not really but my heart stopped for a second)
I'm gonna get Gears 5 in a couple of days so will probably buy weed as well for the campaign. I bought RDR2 this week and the slow-pace + fantastic world make it ideal for weed, but I am discipled and not sure I wanna spend like 2-3 weeks smoking weed every single day after work to play RDR2

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who hurt you?

Back before any of you faggots were posting I played through the whole of the original wii release of bit.trip.beat stoned as fuck and have never managed to repeat that sober.

I like weed but "weed culture" deserves to be mocked at every fucking turn.

Jesus Christ I didn't see that coming.

but marijuana is for blacks and mexicans and thugs

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'weed culture' is 15 years ago, no one cares anymore, it's legal in all the good states and europe is hands-off even if it isn't legal, no one is 'dude weed lmao' anymore except the usual kids
i was in seattle on holiday last month and the shops there are more akin to a computer parts store than anything else

>"weed culture" deserves to be mocked at every fucking turn.
yeah, how dare people talk about something

>smoke weed
>smoke it so much it becomes apart of daily routine and barely notice/speak about it
>randomly stop either due to work or just general monotonous of smoking it
>smoke with someone
>tolerance has dropped
>get really lit
>"ah this is nice, why did i stop"
>rinse and repeat

longest streak was 3 years and some change because i was working a job that said they did random tests(never even tested me), tolerace was so low i ate a whole box of waffles and hillshire farm hotdogs while stumbling around the house light headed. low tolerance high is best high

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Why did you post this.

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Nobody. I'm not a fucking brainlet that needs weed to "enhance" my experience because I've burned out and receptors in my brain from drug use

>burned out receptors in my brain
thats not how it works

>I'm not a fucking brainlet
>doesn't smoke weed

pick 1

Ive recently started to dab instead of buying grass and it's some insane shit. Currently playing mordhau and that game gets surreal at times

I enjoy teriyaki beef jerky of some kind and gatorade, if earlier in the day coffee and toast

you dont know what weed is enough to properly debate it

people who dab are actual marijuana addicts
seek help

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I wish it wasn't so expensive I'd eat 3 meals a day of it

I knew a bunch of dudes in their 20s and even early 30s that were like goofy weed snobs that were too retarded to understand that some people just don't really like weed.

I play Mordhau stoned too. great game to zone out and listen to music or podcasts


Weed smoking dope fiends seething

I feel bad for them. They don't know what they're missing.

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Got any more gifs like that but not anime?

>first time smoking last week
>decide to fap during one of my sessions
It was mostly thumbnails to what I was wanking. I didn't click on a single video

>perfectly good water thread ruined by OP and his crummy marijuana

Anime is life.

Great, isn't it? Fapping is so intense while high it just seems lackluster when I'm sober.

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Fuck off I want more anime weed pics.

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I get paranoia when I smoke dope. However I did go down the k-hole once and it was quite something.

You weedbrains probably smoke ao often you dont even remember what it's like to be high.

>Doesn't change sides
>Doesn't address their presence with eye contact
>Doesn't do a confident chad walk but instead tries to walk past them revealing his nervosity
He literally did everything wrong.

How about this?

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Drugs are for when you have things to do that involve leaving the house. You want a clear head, and a hydrated body when you game.

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Wish I could find Ketamine

I love how they set up a stage for the weed to look extra pretentious for extra Instagram kudos, lmao

What? I get paranoid when I'm out and about high.

3/10 bait have a (you)

>low tolerance high is best high
Accurate. I'll routinely take very long breaks. Not because I want to lower my tolerance or anything, but I just get bored with weed pretty quick. I'd usually go two to three years clean each time, and then smoke for a few, on and off. As long as I didn't hang out with my burnout friends, whom I've grown separate from anyway, I'd smoke just a pinch in a little one hitter, and be off my ass. I'd buy an eighth, smoke every day, and it would still last me over a month.

Friendly reminder that Yea Forums is full of brain-fags

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It was not bait :^)

Stop smoking weed
Weed is artificial happiness
Going to a gym is a 1000+ better than smoking dried up shit

I said drugs. I guess weed is a drug, but it's a lameo nerd drug that only cowards do.

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Ronny Reagon said that it was probably the most dangerous drug to reach the streats of the USA

I wanna Yea Forums bf to smoke and play video games with.

>snorting heroin and playing jrpgs

Holy shit bros

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Homosexuality is a disconnection from God
God doesn't smile upon the union of same sex relationships

>highest enjoyment of videogames comes from them actively stimulating your brain and forcing you to think and react in new and interesting ways

where are some good games with medieval settings? those games are the best while high

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>actively stimulating your brain and forcing you to think and react in new and interesting ways
You just described what weed does my man.

I can't smoke weed around other people. I haven't smoked for years now but when I did I would always regress and want to be along. Other people just kill my high.

All other drugs are pointless and harmful. Weed and meditation is more than enough for any patrician individual.


Shit, thanks for reminding me of the remake. I didn't realize it came out on PC.

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Nobody asked for this

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Try having sex on a combo of weed, LSD and MDMA. Literally mind blowing

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my wife chino


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What drugs do you do, cool kid?

RE2 Remake And RDR2 were amazing games with weed, same with the new God of War and DMC5.

>1 hour

What? Chinawamen don't fuck with drugs?

You know what's even more amazing with weed? Fucking VR games.
Souls games on the other hand... I played BB from start to finish stoned out of my mind and almost got PTSD from getting my ass whooped by Ebrietas 50 times or more.

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So you're just a cranky bitch by default? Maybe you should try drugs.

Honest question, why do people get this mad and obsessed with others smoking weed?
Is it just incel rage like with tattoos and women not being virgins or is it just unironical underages with catholicuck parents who still parrot what they hear their dad mumble after beating their mom for the second time tonight?

Tea, Dr pepper, or water and sometimes cookies



just some water

>smoke weed
>have intense existential crisis

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Because weed is for niggers.

would cbd pills help with anxiety?

Sometimes when i smoke weed i think about my organs too much and it freaks me out but overall i dont panic over things

Do some LSD and face the crisis instead of it happening to you

CBD is awesome, its just extreme relaxation. THC is for niggers.

You sound paranoid...

Too much shitty quality weed?

How is this still up l m a o

I don’t think I could do VR with weed. I’ve never even tried VR but I feel the immersion plus my paranoia while stoned would get to me, but who knows.

i mean, yeah that's how it goes. weed makes you very introspective. if you're already the kind of person to go off daydreaming and have anxiety issues, smoking weed will have you questioning every choice you ever made in your life. eating weed brownies is even worse in this regard, if you really want to experience being in a mental hole, eat too many weed brownies



Zoomers out.

>had great friends once but they were normies
>loved getting high with them
>nothing but laughter and munchies
>distance myself from them and start hanging out with autists/outcast stoners as time goes on
>become paranoid and depressed
Reminder not to smoke around autistic social outcast degenerate negative faggots.

i cant wait for winter when it is super freezing

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smoking weed and playing games is the most degenerate and hedonistic thing you could do. it's like taking shrooms and watching tv, go outside you fucking goober

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Fuck weed and fuck stoners
Post you're favorite drink

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is 12 degrees celsius here atm user, very cozy with my coffee

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cringe as fuck


I always avoid bad or depressing shit when high. It was kinda natural for me to tell people to shut up with their depressing or downer shit

>tastes like shit
>smells like shit
>makes your burps rancid
>makes you vomit
>makes you vomit the next day
>more expensive than weed
>more likely to get violent
>can die from withdrawals if addicted


>best feelings in the world
lol what?
It's overrated af.

Nah it's based. You can get fully absorbed in the game and perform better in mulitplayer games.

lmao pussy
reminder that weed is just psychedelics for pussies, gotta get those good vibes bruh wholesome xD

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>used to be the high energy uplifting guy
>became the depressing downer
That's pretty much why i stopped smoking around other people, then stopped entirely.

>perform better in multiplayer games
What? like fucking overfags? get the fuck out of here faggot.

shit thats like the opposite of what it should be if youre a stable normie
this man right here is actually hardcore

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>people get angry over bad habits of other people
lmao why are you so insecure, faggots

Yeah, fps, moba, even strategy like SC2 i was better at when high. What's your problem exactly?

Yea Forums is one of the most insecure places on the internet
everyone here are fucking losers

Just ignore them. They're sheltered downers that resent those who live open and freely.

i don't smoke weed when i wan't too play vidya unless it's a low stress game where i don't need to be hyper aware 24/7 with high apm or get my ass kicked, mostly it's just a weekend thing and at night thing when i got too go to bed for work and shit, my legs are fucked up so bad it makes it hard too sleep, after years of going to the doctor and them saying "just take some ibuprofen" i just said fuck it and started self medicating and doing stretches, best decision of my life, and i'm glad i live in a legal state.

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You weren't, faggot.
hoes mad
>tfw no drug dealer bf

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Weed is good, but I can't play games under it. I lose awareness.

>leg hurts
>goes to doctor
this is why big pharma is so fucked up. go to a fucking physical therapist you fool, you've been brainwashed. might be able to fix your leg without just painkillers

I literally was though. Why would i lie about it?
Not only games, but i also played better guitar, had better sex and enjoyed better food.

Hoes mad indeed. (you)


This dumbass thinks he was better at things when high on weed, what a fucking moron.

i didnt know you fucked with drugs, tomoko poster, you seem too autistic
smoke weed at all?

>I lose awareness
in my experience, weed makes me play well (sometimes better) in games where i've already played so much of them that it has become autopilot. there's no way i can smoke weed and go try to learn how to play a new grand strategy game or something like that, but if it's a game i've played a shitload like league of legends, i can totally slip into it and be baked out of my mind and do really well, because it's all second nature by this point, i don't have to think about how to play well, i just go autopilot. seems like repetitive tasks that you've done before, weed can make quite fun or interesting, and learning new complex tasks while on weed is awful

Patrician choice. Don't kill animals for protein just drink as much sperm as possible!

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Not really even though it's legal here.
I'm too autistic to buy drugs but if I could I would buy lsd and shrooms.

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It's literally classified as a performance-enhancing drug by the World Anti-Doping Agency.

This fucking faggot.
>dude literally
>kike doping agency
Get out Jew.

>i just said fuck it and started self medicating and doing stretches, best decision of my life
>Both legs get amputated in 5 years

Psychadelics are the most over-glorified shit imaginable.
Look at how the hippies pretended communal living, nudism and dreary protest songs about libshit views were the greatest thing ever?
Shrooms and LSD belong with those.

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it's some kind of tendinitis, I've had it since i was a kid, feels like fucking needles being driven into my calves and knees at random times of the day. and trust me when i say i don't trust doctors with medication recommendations and would rather smoke a bowl before bed and deal with it than be put on some fucking opioid.

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I wasn't on the basketball team, and I don't generally like sports. What does a stoner do when he doesn't feel emasculated by the qualifications on sex and positive thinking?

Nothing beats Jack Herer

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Nah bro, don't smoke period, drink a glass of weak alcohol only because people seem to have it in their heads that "YOU GOTTA DRINK TOO BRO!", so non of that either ... who even does that tho, get drunk or drugged out of their mind before playing a game, shouldn't you be trying to stay focused on the game? Yep, just water. Don't really sweat that much unless it's really hot out or something.

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I've done it before and liked it every time.

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haven't had that yet, though northern lights and kryptonite are my fucking jam.

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How can people enjoy weed? the only thing that shit makes me feel is thirst, paranoia, anxiety, hyperthermia and tachycardia


>I don't do drugs but if I did, I'd pick something that kills me or breaks my mind.
Based suicidal tomoko poster.

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>got shit on over and over and didn't even make it to level 10 in league before he ragequit
sorry you can't enjoy fun games, user. i was playing league back in 2011 and it was great fun

They don't though.
Tbh I want to try heroin but I'm way too autistic to buy that and I'm scared of fent.

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>Used to get high every weekend with eating Edibles
>Did this for about 4-6 months
>Go visit my family in a different state
>Remember that they have Acid and I did it one time ago with them a long time ago
>Ask for some and I get two tabs in total
>Start feeling really good and having fun
>Decide to take some of my Edibles that I brought with me and eat some
>Ended up eating 100MG of Edibles and then 1 hour later freaking out and thinking I was going to die
>Was like this for 8 hours, and then I just fell hard to sleep even though I should have been awake all night
>Get back hope and after a few weeks start eating some Edibles again and then get some acid flashbacks
>That horrible horrible feeling happens again
>Quit eating Edibles and drugs all together since I got back 4 months ago
>Had to deal with these horrible feelings and they only stopped feeling a lot of them 3 months after I quit
I know it was my fault that i mixed those two drugs together, but god damn that shit was awful and I'm just feeling bad thinking about it.
I never want to do that stuff again

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Yea that too. Imagine drinking alcohol to get drunk.

You have no idea what you're talking about.
Like every other one of you anti-drug retards.
>but dude, look at this documented instance of a bad thing happening as reported here in the Jewish press
Kek. Fucking pathetic.

I've done it a lot and had enough bad experiences with higher doses that I don't anymore.
But moreso that you have to spend a minimum of 6 hours for lemontek shrooms to 12+ for acid for what amounts to either a shitty bodyload and some mild hallucinations or being completely gone for most of it.
Also my experience of all the big-time acidfags and shroomheads coming across as lacking all ambition and drive because of the ego-killing aspect.

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is this id tomoko on steam again lole
if it is then

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Of course they do user, they mess you up so hard that you eventually overdose.

>proud of playing assfaggots
You will never be white.

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>posts anime image
you'll never be asian

unfortunately i think psychedelics are pretty overrated myself but really i only once took shrooms with a small group and outside of one guy who can NEVER hold his shit having attacks it was ok. wouldn't do it alone, though, feels like a waste of time. weed, however, is great when im alone.
dont be stupid.

No one wants to be fucking asian ching chong bing bong ding dong faggot.

I've done it plenty you gullible faggot.
I said it was over-glorified and faggy, not that it was about "muh bad things". The worst aspect of psychedelics is the ego-death, potential "i'm going crazy" bad trip and fearless of being outed aspect and that's about it.
Haven't read a degenerate kike paper in over 13 years now.

lol pussy acid and weed go amazing together. Especially when you take a whipit and rail some molly on the come up

Weed is my go to gamer fuel. Just makes everything better, 10x easier to get immersed. One time when I bought some dmt off silk road I sprinkled a small amount on top of a fat cone. I tried to play deus ex hr but before I even got to the menu screen I was slumped on my bed tripping seeing mayan faces and patterns. Felt like I had an understanding of the universe, shit was crazy.

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No thanks, that shit made me feel like I was literally dying
I felt as if my chest had 1000 pounds of weight on it.
It was not fun, dealing with that all day.

this dude fucks, you also made me spit out my drink

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>look at these hippes
Sure you have t_d boomer faggot.

So you'd just end up getting addicted peeling your skin off from withdrawl and then understand why it's a bad idea to do it ... guess that's one way.

All backalley opiods and a fair deal of powder/pill shit should be avoided thanks to the Chink fent epidemic.
>exact ld50 is unknown but super small

"DUDE DRUGS LOL" the thread.

I brought up hippies because they were the ones who popularized acid and shrooms, and if you hang in Gen X and older shroom circles you're going to come across more hippies than even weed used to net you.
Fucking ew. Reddshit on any subject is a cancer.

I only tried weed on comedown, but whippits and psychs are next dimension shit, it feels more like a place than a drug combo

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Only boomers and people brainwashed by boomers hate drugs.

why are there so many unironic redditors here

>Even if you can overdose on lsd I can't afford enough to do it.
Hoffman considered like 200µg and above to be an "overdose" iirc and that's like sub-$20 in Euroland.
Very high doses are pretty shit though, more disorientation and loss of reality than anything else. The fucking worst is doing them when you have something to do later/the day after because that's all you're going to be freaking out and thinking about for the comedown.


had to google this

Whippits are nitrous oxide cartridges that are used to charge dispensers of whipped cream. As neutral and as harmless as it looks, there are actually people who use whippits to get high because of its euphoric effects.

wow is there a more nigger drug than this? jfc you degenerate motherfuckers are disgraceful

Where can I buy Marijuanas?

That's nice and all but I'd rather not waste my money, time and health on drugs.

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While it's often associated with hippies, Steve Jobs famously said that doing LSD was one of the three most important things he ever did. The other two were creating Apple, and quitting Apple. Bill Gates also advocated the use of LSD.
Psychedelics and a lot of drugs in general have this weird bell curve when charted by the IQ of people who get into them. You have a bunch of low end brain fried hippies, and high end mensa types are the most likely to do psychedelics. It's generally the middling average people who stay sober. Intelligent people are more inclined to be curious, and more inclined to not take people at their word, and find things out for themselves.

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nigga you think the secret club is anything but dead far before the election tourists even happened you might be high.

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First of all none of what I wrote is "hate" you thin-skinned underaged homosexual.
Secondly anyone who've hung in drug circles for any amount of time or used enough learn that a lot of the distaste for, at least certain, drugs are fairly justified.
No one's stopping you from shooting up fentanyl into your eyeballs so feel free to do so and spare the rest of us your sanctimonious "all psychoactives are the best!!1" spiel from retarded faggots who've never spent a day tripping in their life.

find a local dealer and check where he gets his shit
or ez gaybaby mode move to cali

>i dont like these people
>fucking drugs

it's laughing gas retard

I would think doing lsd as a shut in NEET that avatarfags on Yea Forums would drive you to suicide, you would see no point in continuing your life, stick with the fent instead, at least it'll be more pleasant.

I'm not moving to fucking Burgerstan

Nah fuck that, kill yourself.

unless your in the fucking middle east it's the same shit just look for the college age people who smell like skunk and be subtle / get too know them over time.

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I'm lonely but also secretly happy.

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Acid is the only psychedelic I think had more of a positive afterglow effect than the actual trip.
But Jobs was the kind of retarded baby boomer who thought alternative medicine was a solution for cancer and was mostly a PR genius so who cares what he thought.
Lurk more and become literate before you post again you subhuman cockmongler, maybe get your retardewrangler to read it for you.

the first one then
unfortunately i cant help you with locales since i dont live in bongsville/canadaland/thirdworldia

What are you rambling about gramps? It's the people you don't like, not the drugs.

lol all it'll do is let you see some shitty patterns, lenticular effects and let you have some hallucinations in tune with music doesn't even improve music like weed. Maybe hyperfocus on outside things, LSD is a lot more extroverted than introverted.
Shrooms might make you focus on your feelings but in all likelihood it's more likely to make you fear for your life and pray to some kind of God that he exists and can let you live through whatever shit the shrooms are making you go through.

why would you keep your happiness a secret
what is the point of that

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Yea Forums just assumes

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It depends on your disposition, really.

>What are you rambling about gramps?
Your illiteracy and strawmanning ITT mainly. I doubt you've even done anything stronger than MDMA considering how butthurt you get over people noting mediocrity of psychadelics or the ills of stronger shit.
>It's the people you don't like, not the drugs.
It's both. Strong opioids for instance can turn fairly decent people into slobbering messes very quickly. Hence why you had the Sackler and Sassoon kikes push it on others. Or as the former's associates testified under oath that they had expectations that "the prescription blizzard will be so deep, dense, and white."

Honestly, I just brought up Jobs because he's one of the more famous people who openly did lsd.

I played Skyrim VR with Bloodborne weapons and some other mods a lot during the summer, the thrill it gives you is unreal and some of the most fun I've ever had with video games
Games where you can go fast are lots of fun too, from F-Zero (also in VR sometimes) to even skate 3

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About to play horizon zero dawn. Which one should i load my vape with?

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>Secondly anyone who've hung in drug circles for any amount of time or used enough learn that a lot of the distaste for, at least certain, drugs are fairly justified.
this is true, disgust always felt like the most natural and understandable initial reaction

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load up a better game first my guy
no reason to waste perfectly good death star

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played burnout paradise high off my ass for like 4-5 hours straight a couple weeks ago. it was fucking awesome but i never went back because i got my burnout license so fast and even when high off my ass the races in paradise were far FAR easier than i recall. still though, that was some fun shit. been craving another game like it since.

more accurate

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CBD is an anesthetic, it will help with any "being alive" related issues.

I drink red wine and get progressively worse until I can't play for shit and then come and shit post on Yea Forums instead

...Lol? Let the adults talk here.


Make yourself some Irish Coffee, tastes godlike.

Stop posting cringe.

Sounds like you are smoking something else there.

Retard, LSD was made by the feds for MKUltra, Do shrooms or truffles if you are going to do any psychedelics

i feel like fapping on weed is even better

fapping while high >> sex
at least from my experience

can't even imagine how sex while high must feel like

lol what?
weed is the most underrated thing on the planet bro. it is unironically one of the most powerful drugs human kind has ever experienced.

what is it like being high? how would you describe it to someone who's never been high? maybe it's because I'm european and had a very sheltered childhood, but I never even got the opportunity to smoke weed

why was this bitch ass cracker yawning


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gonna smoke a bowl right now, and then tell more people on the internet about it

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Your body feels warm and fuzzy, And your mind thinks a lot. You laugh at stupid shit, Music sounds good, Your taste is more intense etc. And It wears off in like 2 hours too.
Some people swear they never feel anything the first time, I was one of them, Maybe it was just shitty weed.

Take a trip to Holland (not Amsterdam) and find out.

doesn't sound too different from the buzz you'd get from alcohol desu

I never really got to play video games high.

I played video games all the time as a child, then when I started smoking weed and become a degenerate druggie I stopped playing games. Then I stopped doing drugs, and started playing video games, and now I live in Japan where drugs are absolutely illegal and prohibited.

I am kind of excited to try and get high again when I move back to the US, it has been years. Hopefully I have a good game to play.

I like to smoke weed and drink coffee while playing Shinji Mikami games.

I like it for a while but after an hour or so the immersion breaks down and i'm suddenly very aware of the fact that it is a game, like more so than sober. Suddenly you're not beating enemies and getting stronger but i'm defeating programmed entities that give me exp points that will let me increase my statpoints.

Case in point.

the only correct choice

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I don't think OP implied he only enjoys games by being high.
Playing games while under the influence is a different experience so not sure why anybody would be against that lmao.

the one and only

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Fat fuck

if you dont toast that bread ur a fucking nigger

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sheep balls


Nutella mixed with peanut butter on some nice whole-grain bread with seeds and almonds is a top-tier bulking snack.

Haven't had nutella in more than a year now... ah, I'd sure like some.

glad this e-bin meme died

>Been holding off restocking because it's good to go without for awhile and remember why it's a nice occasional release
>get into work this morning, after about an hour one of the guys who works in the shop walks into the office and just gives me a nice little 2-3 gram nugget of stuff he's been growing at home that he gave to my father yesterday

Sometimes living in canada isn't so bad

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Based zoo-- boomer? How do you call people who are 23 yo?


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people who don't appreciate weed don't smoke it right because they don't know about vesicles and absorption mechanisms

heres the 1337 pro gamer strat famalams, get ready to get more ripped in a single hit than you've ever been before:
>1. breathe in until you physically can't fit any more air in your lungs no matter how hard you keep succing
>2. breathe out completely until you physically can't squeeze any more air out of your lungs no matter how hard you keep blowing
>3. repeat steps 1 and 2 a couple times and your lungs will be warmed up
>4. take a slooooow drag off the joint/pipe/bong/glass/etc, keep going for as long as you can muster without triggering the cough reflex - if you start to cough you dun goofed
>5. when you've got a good mouth-/trachea-/upper-lung-ful of smoke, detach your lips from the thing, then continue the inhale seamlessly, just suck air in as fast and hard as you can until you, like in step 1, physically can't fit anymore in your lungs
>6. hold and eventually exhale
happy highs, Yea Forums !

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Yikes sweaty, let's unpack this, who hurt you?

not a single person in my life knows I smoke weed

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>tfw my dealer is on vacation for a month now


you had to get it from SOMEWHERE unless you just stole a plant from someone

Same. Best way to go about it.

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you know what I meant dick head

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Just say water faggot

>wife sucked and jerked me off while I'm super high yesterday
>buckets everywhere it even made a huge mess
She was surprised how much there was

>Americans still losing their shit over weed in 2019

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>those nails
>that hand in general
Every time.

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funny way to spell europistanis

I'm Dutch, bro.

Hands in his pockets with little to no way to defend himself.
Yeah, cracker got got

Fucking this. I've tried it twice, and it was fun, but I don't get why mutts love it SO much.

I exercise AND smoke weed so I win

>having sex on LSD
my sex drive is in the negatives while tripping wat

My condolences, Mustafa.

>tfw gonna get high as fuck tonight with my bros after I finish work
feels good man

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Well... I haven't smoke a cigarette yet. I feel like, despite the extreme negativity to it, I wonder what it tastes/feels like.


And boom goes the dynooomite

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lmao this is the first time I've seen anyone make fun of people that use the word "unpack" like that and I really appreciate it

>kill all my mental faculties
You're thinking of alcohol

Seethe, imagine not hitting cones, bet you piss sitting down too

Why the fuck would you watch TV on psilocybin? If you really wanna enjoy the shrooms you should take a walk through the woods or something and actually take in all the nature around you.

It feels nice and smooth going down your throat and coming back up. I used to smoke for like 5 years, quit cold turkey havent touched a cigarette in 3 years.
The buzz is alright, I never really liked getting a strong buzz, gives you that same jittery feeling like drinking a lot of coffee on an empty stomach. The whole ritual of it is relaxing.
I mainly did it because of food service, if you dont smoke you never get out of the kitchen at all.

>implying I live in the randstad

My gamer fuel is cucumbers dipped in pristine loli sweat.

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I'll probably try it at some point. It's honestly funny that Cigs are look down on, while people smoke like 10 joints and down bottles of alcohol.

This is so retarded tho. In many workplaces going out for a cig gives you a carte blanche to take a short break basicaly whenever you want. If you did that without smoking people would just think you're lazy and fucking around.

Your life is sad

Go back to plebbit fag

I work full time and went back to school recently also full time to change careers. Living in a legal state is a fucking BLESSING. Makes it 10x easier to relax when I have those few precious hours to spare for gaming. Gonna pick up some edibles after work and binge on Iceborne.

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Water or some nice ginger lemon tea. Keep hydrated, faggots.

If I'm playing a VN or something slower and "cinematic", I smoke a nice blunt to take the edge off and immerse myself in the game. Some of the best and meaningful adult entertainment experiences I've ever had was with a nice high.

I am always severely dehydrated and hungry, not because I have nothing to eat or drink, but cause of my self destructive tendencies
I will, however, occasionally drink alcohol or smoke cigarettes while playing

what the fuck, do you really need the breath exercises? i already do the rest of the shit and my pulls are always glorious(provided the weed isnt crap)
seriously though im with you about the coughing man, learn your limits BEFORE you fuck up the hit. ive met like three people now that ive invited to smoke who claim to be big into it but all of them literally start coughing and burning good shit milliseconds into sucking from my bong, simply because they pull too hard or burn from the top without discretion. god damn.

>Needs weed to have a nice experience


Acid is an experience that I think most people should try at least once. It doesn't have any lasting negative side effects, the effective dosage is in micrograms, and literally everyone I know who has done it has come out of the trip with something that they didn't have beforehand.
As long as you know what you're getting into and you have someone around to keep track of you, it has at worst a neutral impact on your life.

>he exercises his lungs before smoking weed
I can't tell if you're the smartest guy in the world or the nerdiest

Eat: meat, fish, vegetables, beans, lentils
Drink: water, milk

>Shitposting, misleading greentext which distorts what's written so he can feel big on the internet

There, there, user. It's fine.

>started to smoke weed regularly about a month ago
I like how good food tastes and how amazing fapping is high, but loathe how fucked my lungs have become. Might have to start buying more at a time and making brownies.

coughing with weed in your lungs objectively yields a stronger headrush and initial buzz

most cringe post in the thread

replace meat with fruit and add coffee and thas me

>making brownies.
if you do this, do NOT munch on all of them at once. You might be led to believe that the high is weaker when you start eating them, cause it takes time for the high to really kick in. Eat only a brownie or two, and then just sit still and wait. A buddy of mine ate a few, and cause he thought the high would be nearly instant like with inhaling, he gulped down all of them. When it kicked in, it fucked him up.

congrats bud you topped me

Oh I know. I've had brownies before, but I've been trying to save money because I'm in uni. Now I'd rather save my lungs.

>Tried acid for the first time with 2 friends
>Said friends were dating and decided to go home and fuck while high
>Dosage was much higher than she though it was
>Spent the whole weekend having the worst trip of my life, not knowing that having taken all kinds of drugs and poison throughout my life would have never prepared me for this shit
>Saturday night, exhausted and terrified, ended up playing fucking Undertale of all things until I beat the fucking game

To this day, I still couldn't tell you what the fuck the game is about.

I can’t wait till I’m on break and can smoke + play classic.
Fucking school and responsibilities, I just want to mentally retard myself enough to feel like I’m a kid playing WoW again

Nostalgia bombing is my favorite thing to do stoned. I love finding old games I played on CD-ROMs as a kid that I've never played since and let the nostalgia sail me across a sea of comfy.

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I did salvia while peaking on acid. Would recommend. I just hope one day I won't make it back

>your friends left you alone while tripping on your first time
Damn dude that's fucked up. On your first time especially everything is wild because your brain has no clue what's going on.
The quality of a trip is almost entirely dependent on the environment in which you are tripping, being ditched like that must have fuckin sucked.

Jesus Christ, where did that even take you my man?

Why is weed so fucking hard to find in France ?

For me, the cure to any bad high with a 100% succes rate is wholesome Gordon Ramsay content

I think the acid kinda fucked with it, because I was listening to this album (Miracle Milk - Mili) and the fluttering from the instruments made my brain feel like a rubix cube and then after a flash of colors I came back and started describing my trip to my friend while pacing and then there was this pulse that went through like, reality. As if everything was being reset but something got stuck. My friend just looked at me and said "did you feel that?" Then suddenly the floor was above me and I had to pull my self out of the ground, then I finally realized I never actually was pacing and had just finished tripping. If anything it makes the salvia easier to handle, I think what makes salvia fucked is going from sober to out of your mind

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Thanks. José

Been smoking weed semi-regularly for the last 1.5/2 years, but quit now to only smoke at birthdays and stuff. It's fun but smoking it often also taught me to enjoy the clarity of being sober, and besides it isn't really good for you anyway.
To keep it vidya related, it's fun but my performance normally takes a bit of a dip. Would recommend for slower or more story-focused games, no ultra-hard Mario romhacks or stuff like that.


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Galleons of cum

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Wie, that's really interesting, user! Care to elaborate further?

Jacking it while high is way better than normal

we're zoboomafoo's

can confirm
idk the science behind it

For me it always feels like the orgasm part lasts for a solid few second instead of just one instant.

>that turn
FUCK this looks clean. I really want to get into animation but skill ceiling is so high I think i shouldnt even bother.

>Damn dude that's fucked up. On your first time especially everything is wild because your brain has no clue what's going on.

They were major assholes and I still break their balls to this day. We still have some pretty good sessions once in a while.

if you intentionally start smoking cigarettes knowing what we know in current year, you're dumb enough to be sterilised


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Whatever I'd eat and drink while not gaming.
Gaymer fuel is gay.

t. /fph/

Something to do with your dopamine receptors that weed affects.

Why is weed so fucking ugly?

>the Yea Forums stereotype is of a complete loser who lives in his mom's basement, doesn't shower for months, eats disgusting food like hot pockets, pisses in jugs, sleeps with an anime bodypillow and leaves his cum tissues everywhere
>yet Yea Forums as a whole seems to be rabidly anti-weed because it's "degenerate" for "junkies"
Why is this? Is it because these people never had any friends to offer them weed/buy it from?

when classic came out i took LSD and started dwarf, the opening scene looked like a snowbal fight from my childhood, then the survival and fight for scraps of quest mobs began...and my cron magnon survived

ever had sugar or caffeine? it's a drug too

bruh If I get too high I get stuck in a state of anxiety, I can get a little bit high and sort of enjoy it but it's not fun and doesn't make me laugh heaps like it used to

Just smoked some gorilla glue. Wish i was playing iceborne but i got work.

sometimes I trip acid and play games

I bet he's american and doesn't even know how to punch cones, they use their weird fuckin sliding bowls and shit

acid is good like once a month or less probably, I was doing it every weekend for months and it completely ruins the experience

It's a plant. How good the plant looks depends on how the person takes care of it. Since it's illegal in most places, they take care of the plant in shitty conditions or try to rush growth before they're caught.

A couple of beers combined with 600mg of caffeine. Feels nice, games are more fun and makes me fairly energetic.

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From 2014 to 2016 this weebsite was invaded and colonized by election tourist redditors and normalfags.

They took their DARE training in school way too seriously.

>Weed does as much harm as a schedule 1 drug like heroin or meth