Smashtrannies finally EXPOSED as FRAUDS

>smashtrannies finally EXPOSED as FRAUDS
>smash finally confirmed as NOT A FIGHTING GAME


>b-but smash is a fighting game!

Attached: real fighting game.webm (640x360, 1.14M)

Is this actually the best looking sprites ever?

i do miss 13 it felt very smooth

Attached: 1456895785861.gif (400x300, 16K)

>get hit once
Wow nice """"""""""game"""""""""" you have there

I hope Terry wins EVO next year in Smash. Even joker seething won't come close.

next time start your shitpost thread with a game that didn't kill the series and the company that made it, ok?

nice.......... another guy who punches, kicks and turns to face the other guy like hes in a fighting game........... cool.................

Attached: 1560722962296.png (773x645, 22K)


Attached: King_of_Fighters_XIV_cover_art.jpg (220x280, 28K)

This looks like one of those horrible and dumb infinite-combo games from ArcSys.
Post something pre-2002 or get the fuck out.

They're painted over 3D models, it's kind of cheating.

>Some people not liking a character who has had a running joke about being generic and boring for decades makes Smash not a real fighting game
Now this is some reaching

kof13's sprites were so elaborate it bankrupted SNK when nobody actually bought the game due to a combination of kusoge 15 second combos everywhere and the ugly ass artstyle that made the smooth animations not worth it

the only reason KOF14 came out is because rich chinese people with nostlagia for their earlier games bought the company out and replaced it with visuals that look like something out of a porn game. KOF as it existed died with KOF13, we're on nu-kof made by chinese

If you get caught by a raw ass jump in and the other guy is on his last character, has every possible resource maxed and the guy is good, you better expect to be eating shit. In any case, KOF is a team game. At the absolute worst, you can only lose a maximum of 33% of your total health from even the most fucking nutty conversion.

Still took them 14 months to make one character. KoF 12 almost kill the company, but was saved thanks to Doki Doki Majo Shinpan being a surprise success.

>get hit once
>lose all hp
>no way out of it
>y-you'll get good with practice
No, if I ever get hit once I won't.

What a joke of a genre.

You'll get good with practice.

I know you're trying to bait replies but I think this thread should be used to discuss what we think Terry's moves will be. What do you think op? You clearly play video games. Right?

Smash isn't a 'real' fighting game. It's more about having fun, interesting characters (minus FE characters) from a wide variety of franchises. If it were up to faggots like you, the DLC would have consisted of the following:

>Terry Bogard
>Ryu Hayabusa
>Akira Yuki
>Ryo Sakazaki

And so on. Oh and absolutely no female characters, cause girls are yucky.

Nah, I don't have a stick anymore and I don't feel like purchasing another, I quit, besides I was more into games that weren't very popular.

B: Hado-- I mean, Power Wave
Up B: Shory-- I mean, Rising Tackle
Side B: Tats-- I mean, Burning Knuckle...

That's like saying using blue shells in Mario Kart takes skill.

>Ryu is a clone of Luigi
holy FUCK nigga

>it's going to be another "practice shouldn't make you good at the game" episode
oh no no no

Overdrive combos, especially ones that will kill outright, are a great degree more execution intensive than a just pressing a button to fire a shell, and getting a proper lead in to a combo that can kill like that is a whole 'nother ball game, never mind the tight resource requirements.

>Accusing the fgc of disliking girls

Attached: sakura sniff.png (600x771, 276K)

That got released on XI era retard.

we loved the inclusion of ryu and ken, nobody cares about your spic character sorry (not sorry)

Yea Forums still mad at smash being the most popular fighting game

>imagine actually buying a game meant for 8 year olds
i fucking hate these semi lobotomized creatures. play a real mans game like quake

Marco and the rest of the Metal Slug crew would have been a much better SNK pick.

Is the franchise actually fucking dead? Merely looking at this shit was more than enough to tell it was garbage.

A Smash thread died for this

God KoF XI/XII are fucking gorgeous.

I'd love then to come to modern systems.

SNK should put out a new KoF Collection with like everything up to 14

>You shouldnt be rewarded for proper meter management

Reminder that not even self proclaimed fighting game fans actually play SNK games

>but muh Garou

Don't you have a CS thread to shit up Quake fag?

SNK doesnt really have enough money to pump into a competitive scene like Capcom with that ludicrous points system at every local

This but unironically.

>man who hasn't played a quakeworld duel in his life declaring what "real video games" are

>No female characters
Imagine thinking FGC people wouldn't want Chun-li or Morrigan. Also
>Ryu Hayabusa
Not a fighting game character originally, retard.

>He didn't play CvS2 then
>He doesn't play SamSho now
Loving every laugh

WHY do YOU type LIKE this?

If he HAD to have a gimmick what would it be?

>B: Projectile
>Up B: Rising Anti-Air
>Side B: Attack that Covers Horizontal Distance

Congratulations, you just dissed the Mario Bros. and Star Fox as well.

yeah bro im sure youre a very accomplished CVS2 player from your arcade days very cool

Tagging out to Andy and the other dude

Do you think he'll have the real inputs like Ryu/Ken?

SNK died after 1999 tbqh

Hard to say. My money's on no, unless they use Mark of the Wolves' simplified commands. Holding down to pull off a Rising Tackle would be kind of awkward, and that's not getting into trying to do a Power Geyser. All those people crying about missed inputs trying to do the Shotos' moves would cry tears of blood.

it died after 00

I hope, imagine if it was Geese instead of Terry. Smashfags would cut their balls trying to do the pretzel.

>retards falseflagging as fg players by posting touch of death combos as if they're the norm
This board needs to be shut down already.

godd i fucking hope xv brings back pixel art. XIII is a pinacle of pixel art

At this point I'm convinced one of the company founders used some blood magic or pact to \make sure the company always comes back from death in some form or another. We'll probably see them die and come back at some point again in the next ten years

He might. In the gameplay preview he crouches before attacking Marth with Burn Knuckle, so unless that's his Down B you may have to do down, down-back back

I'd rather by a casual smash player and rub shoulders with normies than be a socially inept stinky autistic fgc fag.

Attached: 1438693017283.jpg (640x718, 118K)

Eat shit faggot