Irony culture has plagued the gaming industry for so fucking long

irony culture has plagued the gaming industry for so fucking long.

*someone enjoying a retro game
>old games good, new bad? cringe retard!
*someone exclusively plays nintendo switch
>seethe harder onionfag bing bing wahoo!
*someone plays gacha every so often on their phone
>gachanigger cringe! imagine spending money on pngs!

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Other urls found in this thread:


You are absolutely right OP, but you saying this will do nothing.

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>people enjoying an Earthbound rip off made in game maker
>only thing that comes out of it is a meme of a skeleton
>the irony of it is that these are the same people shitting on Wonderful 101, Shenmue, Starfox Zero, Nioh, etc..

ironic humor just needs to fucking die already. someone expressing an opinion is “cringe” to these people

that's a hell of a reach, dude.

But Gachaniggers deserve the noose

everything you posted in green is completely justified you fucking faggot with your facebook image filename
fuck off to where you came from

what the hell did you just call me you bastard? you realize i can report you for calling me that right? i’m NOT gay

>Iphone filename
>defends Gacha shit

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Yet you remain the biggest faggot of them all

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What’s wrong with not paying Gachas?

the difference is that Undertale costs $10 while trash like W101 and Starfox are $60


>someone enjoying a retro game
What the fuck is a "retro game"? It's either an *old* game or shit that looks old on purpose. Cringe retard.
>someone exclusively plays nintendo switch
Bing bing wahoo indeed.
>someone plays gacha every so often on their phone
It's not even cringe, you know those people are mentally challenged.

So is this the truth of the matter? People just clinged on to Undertale because they couldn't buy a real game?

It makes sense. Neets/children can't afford a solid game like Wonderful 101 (or even a Wii U) but they have a shitty laptop from 2003 that can run Undertale.

It makes so much more sense now. This is the same laptop that is supposed to be for school yet they spent their time watching meme videos on YouTube and shitpoting on Yea Forums, jacking off to ponies and Steven universe hentai.

Why can't people like things and be truthful

You sound a bit buthurt - you don't actually do these things do you?

Phone&casual gaming is cancer. Exclusively Nintendo gaming is weird and deserving of mockery. Old game good new game bad is valid debate in an evolving (& devolving) industry.

People can like things. Just don't get upset when people with better taste start to question why the fuck would you play X or Z game.

that's not irony or plaguing the gaming industry
that's just Yea Forums being flooded with brain-dead shitposters

>wah wah why don't you conform to my beliefs i get ANGRY when people don't conform to my beliefs

Because of desire, temptation, and fear.

>t. insecure gachatard

What is the correct response to it? Throwing it back at them? Lying down and taking it? Whg is one persons opinion more correct? Then everyone falls into the same seethe and cope insults. I'm tired of it really

Nu-Yea Forums hates vidya, they're just in it for the (you)s

gacha is actually cancerous dog shit though with no merit for consumers

>R E N T F R E E
I hate gacha actually so I don't post in gacha threads or care about gacha posters, unlike you schizos

Its a white person thing. Dont worry they are only screaming all the time because they are mad from psyops brainwashing them

Starfox Zero is shit

>I-I'm not a gachatard, it's just that you're as bad as gacha players for looking down on gacha. I'm only defending gacha threads because you're so bad!

>gacha gacha gacha gacha gacha
gacha was a very small part of what OP was talking about, you're just latching on to it because you're obsessed.
I don't give a fuck about gacha but gacha threads still exist and you're SEETHING about it lmao

>I don't give a fuck about gacha BUT
oh no no no no

2 obsessed people

you forget about meme culture, pop culture references and Easter eggs, these are one of the biggest cancer in gaming industry overall.

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People who defend gatcha on Yea Forums have a legit mental illness. Anyone who avatarfags with anime girls and talks like a retard is already on the tranny tier but these people are cucking themselves to a random japanese LLC.

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Ignore them, hide threads, filter buzzwords and KEEP ON with your business. It may not work, but it's the best course of action.

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Its actually much more simple then that.
There is a common fallacy that questioning something that someone likes is seen as a personal attack on them and not the object in question. This happens when the person has too much emotional connection to the thing in question.
Undertale bombards you with trying to make you emotionally invested in the game, which would establish a emotional connection, one that makes the person defend it to the death.
In fact, think about someone trying the game out for the first time and treating it like a normal rpg with refusing to get emotionally invested in it? The game punishes you for this, you get punished for killing enemies in random encounters. The game punishes you for wanting to remain unbiased. The game punishes you for not taking its fictional character's lives seriously. Basically the game punishes you for refusing to become a cultist that defends the game to the death.

Now you might be thinking, "just how strong is emotional connection? are there really that many people willing to let a game take them over in that way so easily?" And my answer is, ever wonder why One Piece is the highest selling manga of all time?

>only thing that comes out of it is a meme of a skeleton
That's not true though, the game has had a rabid fanbase for years that love basically every aspect of it.

Anyone who avatarfags still are embarrassing. You are avatarfagging

Your writing is so boring. I feel bad for any teachers who have to read your work

>There is a common fallacy that questioning something that someone likes is seen as a personal attack on them and not the object in question.
It may be a fallacy but it's also human nature. I swear, were the people who wrote up the list of fallacies autistic robots that don't understand how normal people act?

Sounds like you simply have shit taste.

The fact that you felt the need to take the time to make a post and click post, just to try and change the subject at hand implies that you took my post as a personal attack.

oof, and now we get to essence of it. The raw unfiltered butthurt behind the OP.

Not to mention these people also have very malleable brains which makes it easy to inject them with the game's blue pills and (((programming))).

Nice i got a paragraph reply. I did good frogposters

Except its a fallacy because if you normally like something, you can tell what is good and bad about it, and look for those traits in other games accordingly. But if you take criticism less as advice and more as a personal attack, then you are not listening to the criticism, you are too attached to see things from a unbiased point of view. When someone criticisms something you enjoy, your first thought should be to imagine being in their shoes, asking someone else that question from their point of view, and what you would feel like if the person just started shit talking you instead of giving a proper answer about the video game in question. Otherwise, you are just giving into raw emotion, like a certain overly emotional being who speaks based on emotions first, and reasoning second.

>proceeds to play Undertale and jack off to ponies in his smug victory. That'll show em!

I bet you were just too lazy to git gud.

This. Be honest, you're just talking about Yea Forums

>people claim buzzwords for things they don't like are valid criticism

This kills fun. These people would take one look at early Yea Forums and call it cringe and reddit.

Doing it "ironically" changes nothing. Go and talk about a game you like for fuck's sake.

Also, frogposting makes you part of the problem

Your post was okay until you defended gachashit
Have some self control mate.

or you could quit being a fag and play whatever you want

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He meant Gachas without paying, right?

Many v users think if you download a gacha game that you also instantly spend $500

Just leave this place user. Yea Forums has nothing of worth, especially Yea Forums. Forums in general are shit. Focus on something else, you'll feel better and won't have to suffer through the endless shitposts

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It’s just a coincidence that trannies have those same views, but that’s just crazy talk. Nobody here would ever side with trannies

No matter what you do, some miserable person's gonna be jealous you're not as miserable as he is and seethe, user. You know what kills them? Being ignored.

It's a real edgy teenager attitude, being terrified to enjoy something or be passionate about something out of fear others will ridicule you for it. Part of that whole 'desperate to fit in with people who will only like me if I put on a fake, cultivated persona' phase.

More like braaaaapposters

Quick reminder that some anons’ brains are starting to melt at the thought of “Gachas”

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He had the trips

I have no idea what's going on in your mind.
No idea. What do you mean, do you mean anything?

>normal people

Im sure you dont understand many things. Im top keking at your life right now .



The emotional connection is the whole point of the game. Treat it as a 'normal rpg', whatever that means and you'll miss the whole point.

That's not being a cultist, that's judging his work based on what he endeavours to do.

100% Gamepilled, holy fuck.

Well duh.
So it had no meaning at all, you were just parroting?

Do you understand anything at all, user?

I know it's peak Boomer, but Vinny from Vinesauce absolutely flipped shit on cringe culture during a Bloodbourne stream once, and it was glorious.

Best part was, he somehow snuck on to the front page, and curious clicks led to a lot of people getting their first exposure being a chronically depressed New Yorker shouting "cringe, bro! Gonna go play some Fortnite because my cock is huuuge!" in a falsetto. My sides barely found their way home that night.

The trick is to not let it cloud your judgement, or at least state that you know that your opinion isn't subjective. I love a lot of shit, yeah, but I know it isn't perfect.

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I agree with most of this but gacha is terrible and shouldn't be encouraged.

I try to be the most honest I can be while posting here. You're actually right, irony culture is cancer

Wasn't this the entire reason, or at least a big one, why chan culture always looked with disdain on username-based foruming?

And now it has come for us.

Irony "culture" has plagued fucking everything for too long. I need to find a place online (because in real life you just need to talk to someone over 35) where people genuinely like things without hiding behind 5 shields of "it's ironic" or some other retarded way they can dismiss any criticism of it.
I like things. Video games are good and I still enjoy them. Not even /vr/ is immune to this irony shit though so I can't just jump ship to there. Every other site with any sort of traffic doubles down on irony shit 5 times as hard as Yea Forums and every other game board here does though.

Not that user but I have undertale and I've been rused. The SOFTWARE punishes you for playing it like a game and not treating it like a fucking "2 deep 4 u" visual novel. Toby already said he wrote the music first and THEN had to think of a game to layer over it and this is where the real bullshit is. Yall praising some kid who didn't even fucking try at making a game but just needed an interactive mix-tape platform because the modern "gamer" is so fucking brain dead now.

>taking Yea Forums seriously
>taking Yea Forums as the word of the outer public
>actually getting assblasted over Yea Forums
>I bet he also thinks Yea Forums talks about music and Yea Forums talks about shows and films

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If you watch ecelebs that's fucking sad, my man.

I meant objective instead of subjective. It's late and my brain isn't working right.

Undertards are the worst. I swear they're the same mentally challenged losers that play minecraft and watch FNAF lets plays.

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That's just Yea Forums OP, i suggest you start going out and interacting with other people, don't take this site as your main source of interaction because Yea Forums is like twitter, completely unrelated and disconnected from actual real people. Do it before you become socially crippled.

All the statetments are true, retard.

This, honestly. The are the same people that see "youtuber" toys and think "yes, that's a good toy. I need one."

vinny is hardly an eceleb
he's basically what would happen if anyone from here got any sort of attention/recognition in videojame streaming

As much as it irritates me, it's the one upside to ghetto culture. You have to deal with race-baiting, with your employees treating being asked to do their jobs as the return of slavery, with an inability to not talk about fucking bitches and shooting niggas in front of grandma Edith spending her WW2 War Bond money with you. But goddamn, if some dude likes vidya or animus, he'll talk about it without a goddamned care in the world.

I have never posted an ironic statement on Yea Forums in my life. All of my opinions are radiantly honest and completely impartial to any political or personal bias.

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Listen, you stop defending those retarded gambling games and I stop bullying you. I will promise you.

What’s wrong with Gachas if I don’t pay for them?

Ignore them. They act like feminists saying all men are rapists. To them all gacha users only play that one phone game and spend $100 dollars on it hourly.

Hey, as far as something to put on while doing paperwork, trying to wrangle inter-departmental blameshifting, random office shit, etc, it's serviceable, and Vinny's at least more genuine than twitch thots or "Oh god this is the funniest/scariest thing evur gaiz!!!1one" bullshit like Markiplier or whatever the fuck is popular nowadays.

That’s because they ARE the trannies

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That's dumb (of them) to think that way. It has been proven time and time again that most gacha's make money from whales. Meaning most won't pay, but there are whales that will sink hundreds or even thousands into it. Rather than the belief that everyone is equally putting tips in the jar, which isn't the case.

>”How dare this person find entertainment in a videogame”

I think they identified fallacies by understanding how normal people act.

That was an insane gook

As much as I hate contrarian cunts that consistently try to be too cool for the room by dryly rolling their eyeballs at absolutely fucking everything, I still think that wojak, frog and phoneposters are a million times more cancerous.

>has fan base of Internet users
>not another obnoxious eceleb who hates his fans and just does it for Google money

The denial is painful.

The only person i knew who hates pepe was a liberal mexican girl who would volunteer to democratic elections.

>my obnoxious eceleb is better than the other obnoxious ecelebs or the ones hiding behind avatars and puppets

Sounds more based than the ironic pepe/wojak trump supporters on here that aren't even old enough to vote.

Its just a picture, bro. If these get to you. The psyops will keep you under the eye

plz don be meen to pepe

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Cringe culture has plagued Western society, perhaps global society as a whole at this point. There's some stupid fucking reddit-chanigger speaking dipshit who a mutual friend somehow thought was a functioning enough human being to come to weekly social gatherings, and all his little cringe-bringe infested "brain" can command his fat lips to utter out is 'MLP-Sans-SJWs-gonna fuck a shota brb-Trans Rights-We Live In A Society Rise Up-Based Diaperfurs' or whatever else he gleamed off Yea Forums for two seconds. Everything in his """"""""""life"""""""""" is ironically talking about CRINGE.

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Yes, I just said that. Have any other gems to share? If I did not literally think that, I'd not be listening to him, now would I?

Fuck this gay clown world and fuck Jannies

I will post Pepe’s and phonepost because I refuse to leave my comfy bed to go to my cold pc chair

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generally people who constantly whine about irony are the kind of professional victim types you would find wasting their lives withering away on twitter

grow some thicker skin you pathetic virgin

You know, honest opinion, I was getting sick of him. He's been around a long time, longer if you count the old "feels good, man" meme. 2016 actually got me to like him again. Autists spamming Hillary Clinton's twitter with art of Pepe shitting everywhere was absolutely hilarious. Then again, maybe I'm just getting old because the last three years have passed like nothing.

I guarantee you made similar comments but on stances you felt were justified

Pepe is a played out posterboy for IRL activism faggotry and should've attained dead meme status years ago. No amount of permutations will change this.

I don't know what that really means but good for them

It means two things. One, nogs tend to be rude, stupid, and selfish, but they're at least honest in what they like. Two, it was a long night at the office and I'm posting on Yea Forums, playing vidya, and a drinking Irish Coffee creamered with hundred proof.

That's not even the real pepe. Yall zoomers just took something good and bastardized it so Redditors could use it.

you are all a bunch of faggots.

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Thanks for being apart of the problem

>gaming industry
no just Yea Forums

my pee is red help

Irony culture has infested the games themselves as well. You have so many fucking games doing shit tier subversions and outright fourth wall breaking in the main fucking story. Not even as some side joke, but part of the goddamn plot. And it's not even like a game such as Undertale making it a popular gimmick, they'd been doing it for years prior.
No one can be fucking genuine anymore.

Keep Going.

this is what you get in a hyper individualistic society that has peaked and removed any ability for anyone to chart new lands save in the tech industry, values decay

I agree.. For all except gacha - 'tis no irony. Gacha needs to die.

I noticed it's mostly western games that have started to do the whole "Meta jokes" and "LOL isn't that dumb LOL" self-aware stuff like they are afraid of being genuine about literally anything.

Ah yeah I guess, I met a nice one who liked 3DS games
Have a good night mate

I just don't even talk to people who say things are "cringe" anymore.

Absolutely retarded post. The only people here agreeing with you are mindless bumbling retards who blindly hate Undertale and are looking for any sort of justification to hate it other than they find the fandom annoying. Undertale advertises itself as the RPG where you don't have to hurt anyone first and foremost, but if you're too blind to see that then Toriel also makes it a point that you don't have to hurt anyone. Still, if you decide to ignore those very obvious signs of what the game is about, you aren't punished. If you kill a few enemies here and there, the game won't "punish" you, you get to play till the very end of the game and get a neutral ending. Now you may say "Well, that isn't the true ending, user!" , and you'd be right. But if you care about getting the true ending to a game, clearly you're emotionally invested, so you should've been playing it how it taught you to before you even purchased/pirated it.

>nooo, stop hating things I like
>I- I don't have shit taste, it's the irony culture!

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close your eyes nigga walk away from the screen

>"irony culture has plagued the gaming industry for so fucking long." he says, posting an upscaled pepe twitch emote(?) with an iphone filename

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>list of fallacies
Of logical fallacies, not abnormal behavior.
>don't understand how normal people act?
When did anyone ever accuse people of being logical?

You don't need to reply to everything.

You mean, like fucking Yea Forums, where "the internet is serious business" is an absurdist joke, everyone isn't a touchy little bitch, and the idea of taking offense at someone not sharing your taste would get you laughed off the board?

Oh, right. Then the americans came.

here you go, mate
>pepes/wojaks/eceleb image hashes'
>text filters
#Iphone filenames

You should be nailed to a cross

Nobody wants to make any actual arguments on this board. They just want to throw out the same phrases they see parroted on this board and use them to their advantage so they can feel like they "won." It's the biggest waste of time I've ever seen.

"Serious business" was a mantra appropriate for Yea Forums and to a lesser extent the rest of the site. The difference was you could actually have conversation on those other boards, but not anymore thanks to shitheads like you. You're a newfag loser and you have no identity.

>frog nigger talks about ruining something
ironic irony

>"Serious business" was appropriate
Yeah, as I said, then schmucks showed up.

what if i told you the jews were behind irony culture

If you unironically thing shit like pic related is funny you should eat a tide pod

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A kilogram of steel vs a kilogram of video games. Which is heavier?

It's too late, user. We're already long past the stage of the actual idiots feeling welcome thanks to acting like one. People didn't heed the warning.

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a kilogram of feels ;_;

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Nice try newfag gacha addict but Yea Forums never liked you

You ha-ve b^een visited by Ga-mer Vixe`n Laura.

This Laur~a is abou^t to die (jus~t l^ike this thread).

Press 'B' to bump^!

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