Posting things from a failed fighting game

Posting things from a failed fighting game.

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got any chainsaw incident stuff?

no, I didn't get a chance to save any of their stuff. It was good shit too.

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Chainsaw Incident?

>Birds with tits

Birds have big chests, yes.

the shark is cool as fuck but the other range from eh to terrible at best.

Thank god this failed

I want story-time OP!

Attached: NOW now now now NOW.jpg (300x400, 10K)

What's this?
A western furfag Bloody Roar knock-off?
Yes, that's exactly what it is, checkout that video ^

Is this the one that was a scam or am I thinking of something else?

Of all the fighting games that have failed over the years, still none of them manage to outdo the spectacular failure that was Icons: Combat Arena.

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Icons getting btfo by slap city was the icing on their failure cake

Have you tried not being a furfag?

Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't this project fail because the head dev didn't actually know what went into making a fighting game?

former riot devs is always a gigantic red flag

The dev was like two thirds SJW in social media positions. They also wanted to make the game as esports and as soulless as possible.
I actually tried one of the very early demos in a convention and it was actually fun back then.

I don't know what they did but they made it so esports focused that you literally can't even play it anymore. The game boots up and then immediately quits to desktop because the servers are dead, you can't even mess around in training mode. I'm glad it was free because I'd be pissed if I paid money.

>DON the Loan Shark

The guy behind the kickstart "mismanaged" the money so bad that the whole project went under. He also had an Indigogo for it too.

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