What made him so likable??

What made him so likable??

Attached: Conner.jpg (1200x800, 59K)

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He was innocent

White male

it was literally a buddy cop movie and people unironically love those.

He was a nice bloke

He wasn't Marcus or Kara

The actor not listening to David Cage.

He did nothing but try and do his job to the best of his ability and forge a working relationship with Hank. He was absolutely endearing where Marcus' story progressively drove him away from any bond with a likeable character and Kara's story was absolutely batshit.

The chemistry there was amazing with him and Hank and it drove their story forward in a way that you wanted to end well for the two.

>wasn't a nigger
>wasn't a strong nigger wahmen

Gee I wonder why

The actor put in the effort.

Buddy cop protagonist but with the personality of a golden retriever

Attached: 1528165889898.jpg (1080x1262, 927K)

best part about recycling people is you can recycle ideas that used to be loved by previous generations

it was a 80s style cop flick set in the future in a video game, and the zoomers gobbled that up like a piece of shit

cant blame them tho, it was a good game, sequel please

He was the only actor in the game that ad-libbed.

Literally spongebob.

FUCK this game

Didn't the Hank actor do it as well?


Probably why they were the best characters.
Goes to show that David Cage games are better with less involvement from David Cage.

Being teamed up with Mr Krabs

He was cute

While I absolutely loathe David Cage's "games" and his shitty elitist attitude, I know that people liked his police/detective character in Indigo Prophecy and the FBI guy from Heavy Rain the most out of all the characters in those games. If he made three games where people liked the investigator characters, surely it can't be a complete coincidence. Right?

Him and Roger Clark (Arthur Morgan RDR2) should be in one game

I don't know. IP stopped being good when it became magic/psycho bullshit.
HR stopped being good when it was forcing you to stop using the glasses.
and the only reason people like the detectives in D:BH is because He couldn't ring in the actors.

IP started with some kind of supernatural force making the player kill that random dude. No one really thought the Omikron guy was gonna have the twist be "you were just a crazy guy who deserved to be caught", right? I don't really think quicktime event based gameplay ever let the Cage games get to a level where they could "stop" being good.

He played off GOAT Clancy Brown, he would've had to be awful to not be likable in that position.

Attached: Pet-Sematary-II-1992-2.jpg (1240x700, 464K)

The Cageman was able to souldrain Willem Dafoe in the previous game.

My mission is to neutralize the leader of the deviants

>claims to neutralize deviants
>is a deviant himself

>wow Connor, pretty based
>mfw he fucking kills me
I went out if my way to fuck over Kara and Marcus because of this.

Attached: 28.jpg (800x450, 26K)

>be some small actor nobody cares about
>star in some french hack video game
>now everyone who looks at you see gay autistic robot, and your legacy is hundreds of fanarts from korean single moms
pretty good outcome if you ask me
also correct me if I'm wrong but you cant become deviant Connor and still hunt Markus right?

when is it coming to pc bros i want to play so bad

source on that i’m intrigued