>new demo releases
>ZERO thread.
Char Aznable&Amuro are main characters in it, as Crimson Lord(who pilots the red mecha) and Diablos.
It's been improved a lot since the tech demo. please play it.

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Other urls found in this thread:


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>Astral Chain
>Gunvolt iX
>Deadly Premonition
too much

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My only concern is that it won't be long enough for me to justify paying 60 for it.I'm enjoying the demo, haven't played a mech game since Mech Warrior on pc.

If you have online there will be events&unique stuff probably.

Anyone got a picture of the kill me later sister in the cutscene? I forgot to take a screen cap of her. Would like to draw get tomorrow if my power doesnt go out
It has co op and is mission based with rng gear. I have no doubt it'll have at least 40 hours of fun available

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Ready to take Silver Chariot for a spin

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>Anyone got a picture of the kill me later sister in the cutscene?
I'll take one when i get there, if the thread lives long enough.

Heaven and Abyss are utterly insufferable.

I didn’t play the other demo, I like it so far but my hand hurts from playing it with the joy cons. It’s essentially a God Eater / Monster Hunter with mechs and more action focus, right? I like the customization in the prologue demo

and Link’s Awakening, FFVIII, Torchlight II, Blasphemous and Ori, ALL IN SEPTEMBER

why couldn’t they spread it out in the first half of the year, when few games got released on Switch?

Ive been playing the demo and Im fucking loving it, I'm so glad they fixed the framerate
Cant fucking wait for the release

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the framerate seems ok insingle player now, but 4 player footage looks R O U G H

Don't forget, the future lies on your shoulders

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>RNG gear

I’m motivated

I'm just finally getting to Three Houses and I bought Astral Chain the other day. I hate to say it but I'm going to have to delay this one for a few months, I need a moment to breath. Next year already has me scared with Xenoblade and FFVII.

For me I’ve got DQXI, Links Awakening, Luigi’s Mansion 3, and since the SNES games on Switch also have Super Metroid I’ll probably replay that too after Astral Chain which I haven’t beat yet and DxM.
Fuck me.

Hard pass it barely qualifies as remaster. that world map&blurry background Jesus Christ.
Any AI would have done a better job, for free, like on FF9

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damn, that HD Mod looks awesome, does it make the game heavy to run on PC? I’ve seen some mods that make old games run terribly poor on average PCs

>invert stick
>gyro automatically inverts too
this it the only game I've found that does this and it's terrible
I really like gyro aiming but now I can't use it

I"m glad they listened.
You're drowned in ammo now, it was so scarce before.

It runs just fine on the steam version

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Are there any secret inputs with some of the weapons?

is gyro on by default or is it activated in the options menu?

You mean alternate firing modes?
I just started the demo and only got missiles so far.

You have to enable it in menu by changing the sensitivity above 0

Attached: Gyro.jpg (1280x720, 162K)

Do you use your femto automatically or do you have to activate it somehow?

I'm playing the demo, its ok. Not something I'd pay full price for though.


>forgot to scan tags around the maps

How do you scan?

Get close to the tags, a "press A to scan" prompt will appear
They made a short tutorial about that in the tech demo, but so far they didn't mention it anywhere in the new one.

You get an ability in the last mission of the demo.

How do you change weapons with the ones on your back?

Press UP or DOWN on the dpad& A to confirm weapon swap

Nice, thanks, I should go look at what the other buttons do.


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Wow that demo was fun as fuck
Too bad this game is most likely gonna flop
That said, I'll probably get this over DragonQuest11S

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>Anyone got a picture of the kill me later sister in the cutscene?

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>Too bad this game is most likely gonna flop
Japan will buy it

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Thats one sexy robot

I tried it for three missions and iunno I'm not feeling it. The aiming feels super finicky. The aesthetic and presentation is cool as hell, though, so I might give it more of a try

Thanks senpai

I doubt it.
I really think this will flop hard.
face it /m/en.....mech dying.....

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I really like the vibrant colors, but I wish the early battles were more demanding, I hope the game gets crazy soon after the missions I did in this first hour or so I played of the prologue. How long is this prologue by the way?

I hope there are insane damage sponge enemies that are always up your ass
This gameplay set up is too good

I'm glad they improved Melee weapons, now they dish some great damage.

Lads, I booted up the demo, made a sweet character, and played the tutorial mission before playing hours of super kirby clash but I haven't gotten far into the demo missions. How good is the mech customization in terms of aesthetics, or was it not included in the demo?

It's pretty good, i expect it to be more fleshed out on full release.

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Wow, there sure are alot of mech threads today.

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Cool Arsenal, cool pose. I can't wait to recreate JoJo characters and their stands since I'm a low-tier weeb

Here's a screenshot so you know what you're looking for

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>tfw blowing up buildings


Anyone else preordered the orbital edition? Mine arrive the 13th

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The missions in the demo weren't all that much beyond a shooting gallery, but I feel like this game is going to be like Diablo or something. A 6/10 at best playing solo, but heaps of worth as a co-op game just talking shit with mates and finding better gear/customisation stuff.
As others have said, the option to invert Y axis on stick but leave gyro aiming as standard is badly needed

Battletech 2018, it's controversal but I like the catapult mech alot.

How do I manually reload weapons?

too expensive in my country

Yeah, i 3-4 slash other mechs down with the sword

There was one earlier. I'm up for another one though.

I'd buy it if it wasn't on Switch. It's honestly the main reason I'm even tempted in getting a switch.

I haven't gotten to the new demo yet are there more big ones to fight? That last fight in the first demo was really fun.

This. With femto you can:
1. Press the rstick to make a decoy shadow clone out of femto
2. Use femto to temporarily empower your attack, defense, or stamina+speed with up and down on the dpad.

Hold A then press the shoot button that corresponds to the weapon you wanna reload

Do you get the special gear from preordering the special edition or just preordering period?

nice, will try it out next time I play

Press A I think

How does the factory work?
I traded my smg for an automatic one with 10000 credit but it just says "in development"

There's one more this time. It's a train. You have to kill it before it leaves the area or you fail.

>dual wield swords
>get under gunfort
>start swinging
>"damage threshold has reached 25%"

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You have to do a mission and come back.

You can't redo main mission?
I wanted to try to kill the immortal in mission 2

You could in the beta, and I think the option is listed but unavailable in the demo. Not sure if it's something you have to unlock in the main game, or if it's just blocked in the demo for some reason.

I tried that he slammed my ass down to 30% HP before i could reach it

Played it. Fps is so much bwtter than in first demo and that was my biggest gripe. Controls are nicely tuned too

Char is such a fucking fag.

But he likes little girls and mommies.

He clearly wanted Amuro to pork him.

That's how rivalries end

anyone know how many decals are unlockable in the demo so far? all i've found are the spade and the star.

There's 1 per mission at least.
Got some Japanese symbols, lips kiss, space, blue mecha graph

Is gun+shield or gun+gun better?

I hate this mindset. It's whatever you prefer

Only CCA Char is a massive fag.

Either can work. I generally used gun with shield against mooks just to play it safe but double guns for the Immortals to burn them down ASAP.

Why was OYW Char, Zeta Char and CCA Char so different from each other?

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Auto firing Gun+sword is best in my opinion
You get a fuck ton of missiles too but i never use them

>OYW Char was busy with revenge and trying to help Sayla.
>Zeta Char is him at his happiest since he prefers fighting in battles over politics but also still believed in the spacenoid shit.
>CCA Char is after seeing Kamille become a potato decided to become the leader of Zeon since his hope of the future has been potatoed. Since then he has been afflicted with some form of PTSD and has somehow rationalized that dropping a big rock onto earth will help the earth and humanity.


Zeon was right about spacenoids.
And most importantly FUCK THE FEDERATION


I can't decide on the face type.
1, 2 or 3?

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I found this in the first mission, but it didn't let me scan it, what's up with that fag?

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So is it like AC missions where they're 2 minutes long max and there's no plot or characters? I tried at least 2 AC games and while the gameplay has a solid foundation, it has absolutely nothing to keep me playing.

What ACs did you play? That's nothing like the AC games I've played

>orbital edition was europe only

4 and last raven.

Haven't played either of those but try out 3 and Silent Line

Why does Europe get all the good stuff between this and the Zelda steel case? It's Sonyfag HQ.

>only spent 14 minutes in the character creator
this has to be a new record for me

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Either 1 or 3.

Sorry, can't hear you over that 100% winrate.

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>there's no option to pet the dog

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You lost the civil war against the spacenoids in Zeta.
Suck it.

Nearly all the AEUG was absorbed into the Federation afterwards, still counts as a feddie win.

>Moving the goalposts
The Feddies lost the Gryps Conflict
Deal with it.

The Titans lost the Gryps conflict, in big part because the Federation stopped supporting them.

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this game is fucking sick but i feel like nobody outside of this thread is hyped

The Titans were the Feddies, stop trying to pretend they weren't.
Take the L.

>no option to press a button to recenter your camera
this makes gyro controls a pain, jesus fuck

threads about /m/ games are some of the few that get actual discussion and arent just 95% shitposting

some of these characters are super fucking annoying sheesh

Buy the game and get other people to buy the game, by force.
I don't want this to go the path of Octopath Traveler where they make a PC port.
It certainly feels like that's what is going to happen.

I want laser sword

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i thought octopath sold well??

Yet it was a Feddie who founded the AEUG, and outside Char the AEUG returned to the Federation after the Titans were dealt with. End result is Feddies dealing with a problem made by other Feddies. Feddie win. Where's that Zeek win?

Except Octopath was a terrible game and cashgrab in true Square Enix fashion.

>Feddie defectors
That means they aren't Feddies
The Titans were Feddies
There for not Feddies beat Feddies.

>Resorts to whataboutism
Take the L Feddie

Someone cast a tie breaker vote before I have to use a post get.


You already voted, 3 times now.

Except the Titans were denounced by the feddies before the end of the conflict. If Blex and all those other Feddies in the AEUG don't count because they were not officially endorsed by the Federation throughout the conflict than the Titans don't count either.



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cute feet

How indepth is the customisation?

>Zeeks on the front page of Yea Forums
Get the FUCK off my board, spacenoid filth

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feet are just for show

Can't stop us (((feds))).

Just because they were denounced doesn't mean they still weren't part of the Federation.
Also there's the Zeta movies where they maintained full control until their destruction.

Feddies taking the Loss.

why not get both user?

>Thinking they're relevant

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Daily reminder that Char Aznable was so fucking asspained that he and his dumbfuck """""movement""""" got BTFO that he came back as a ghost, possessed his own clone, got blown out again by a bananaman and had to be escorted back to the afterlife by his rival and an underage girl he got killed. Daily reminder that the last vestige of Zeon is a sheltered, borderline retarded """""princess""""" who has absolutely no charisma and failed to change anything.

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But all robots are sexy. It's redundant to say "sexy robot".

why don't zoomies like mechs?

>Zeta movies
You were the one who referred to the Gryps conflict as a civil war, you do know what a civil war is right? My point wasn't that the Titans weren't Feddies, it was that AEUG were essentially feddies themselves. The only time the Feddies lost was against other Feddies.


That's necrophilia user...

You can't say you've lived until you have fucked a Newtype ghost.


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>Zeta movies
>Not counting
The AUEG were not feddies, the Titans were, that's how civil wars work.
Your lies are why your soul is still weighed down by earth's gravity.

...and pedophilia.
Also how would you achieve that? Are you a ghost catcher?

Hey Minerva is cute.
Zeon has all the good girls, federation is a sausage fest, your pick homo.

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Gas this colony goggle head.

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After Bloodstained I'm willing to believe that anything can sell on the Switch.

I'm autistic enough to be a Newtype, surely.

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That I won't debate.

>he likes the Zeta movies
They cut out the Dijeh, that alone is reason to disregard them entirely.
>that's how civil wars work
No that's how regular wars work. A civil war is an internal conflict.

Daemon doesn't have "Castlevania IGA" to make it.
Plus westerners don't like mecha.

>Brain damaged girls and absolutely schizo bonkers older women
>Girls you can take home to meet your mother and enjoy the holiday season with

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>Girls who take you home to meet their mother and enjoy the holiday season with
FTFY. Bernie deserved a better faction.

>It doesn't count because it cut something I don't like
Cry more
>A civil war is an internal conflict.
With one side no longer being apart of the country and fighting against it. In this case the AEUG. Which beat the Federation.

>Being a UCfag
AU is where all the fun shit is.

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>Girls you can take home to meet your mother and enjoy the holiday season with
Someone didn't the last /m/ plays Gihrens Ambition thread

fuck switch release schedule
nothing for months then all this
i havent been able to finish anything and now iceborne is out which is gona eat all my game time

>Nothing for months
You're fucking insane or have shit taste if that's the case.

Give me the quick rundown.

Except the only major change caused by the AEUG "beating" the federation was the titans getting BTFO'd and that happened before the conflict was over. If the AEUG were really opposed to the Federation as a whole and not just one element then they would have changed the Federations leadership as well.

he's fine in valhalla, he died fighting for what he believed in, there's no better faction.

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Scirocco did nothing wrong.

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name 3 good games a month for last 3 months before fe

he lost

That's all that matters, the AUEG was not a Federation faction, the Titans were.
Therefor the Federation lost.
Eat it.

>Took Kamille's soul to the fucking shadow realm with him on the way out
Looked like a draw game to me.

A tl;dr wouldn't do it justice with how crazy she got, read the thread.

Kamille got away with no brain problems in the Zeta movie.
I'd say that's a win for Kamille and a loss for Scirocco.

>Zeta movie

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You mean the faction that was going to nuke the colony if he could not destroy the Gundam? The faction that sent him and Cyclops team on a suicide mission so they could excuse nuking said colony? That faction?

>mostly Federation people
>acting to deal with a corrupt element in the Federation
>jump right back into the federation as soon as they get the chance
>oppose Zeon as soon as the Titans are gone
If it quacks like a duck.

I'd take 6 Origin OAV over another IBO or G reco.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Mobile Suit Gundam The Origin - 04 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_01.01.38_[2016.11.25_04.08.01 (1920x1080, 180K)

Can you retards stop talking about a shitty toy commercial and tell me about the customisation in DxM?

Can you fuck off with gundam and say how does this compare to ACFA?

Man, I wish one of those would get translated, they seem cool as fuck.

>Can you fuck off with gundam
Not my fault Char&Amuro VA are in the game.

>It's not a duck, or a feddie
Deal with it

Not quite on the same level as Armored Core, can't change out stuff like generators and radiators and no dedicated shoulder equipment, instead switching between handheld weapons ala Armored Core V. Still more than most other mech games.

>get's BTFO
>d-deal with it
Stay salty Zeek.

IBO is a fucking hoot.
>the warmongers, slavers and child rapists mostly get happy endings
>the slaves get massacred and go down in history as villains
>more children will probably get enslaved and raped

what did he mean by this?

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>Feddie can't even defend his argument and resorts to green text damage control.
Enjoy your loss?

Not to mention how blatant it is, Diablo is voiced by the White "Devil" and Crimson Lord is voiced by the "Red" Comet


>how dare you greentext in response to my greentext
Yet another Zeek loss, last (you) you're getting from me.

Weapon/armour loadouts, or cosmetic?
>Head, body, left arm, right arm, left leg, right leg, processor, left weapon, right weapon, shoulder weapon, auxiliary slot (grenades, additional thruster type stuff), left pylon, right pylon (for bringing stuff along you can switch to).
Stuff can have slots you can insert bonuses into, like +% damage etc

I hope there's a good reason for OOGA BOOGA ME KILL THINGS and "heh.... nothin personnel rookie.... kill ya later" to be acting so retarded, because they are really irritating to watch.

>The feddie taking his toys and going home because he can't win against the AEUG
As epxected of a fag who's soul is weighed down by Earth's gravity, and who's brain is weighed down into his ass.

How about until October 31st?
Moero Crystal Hyper H
Gun Gun Pixies
Castle Crashers Remastered
The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening
Ni no Kuni
Gunvolt Chronicles
Ateliter Ryza
Trine 4
The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt: Complete Edition
Mary Skelter
Luigi's Mansion 3
Inb4 you move the goalposts and say they're not good or add arbitrary caps

I've been out of the loop for a while.
What happened to the Gundam 40th anniversary series project?

>20000000 G-Reco movies
It's a yikes from me

Getting an SD series and it's Three Kingdoms, again, but this time with motorbikes and zombies. Getting another Divers series with a new cast. G-Reco movies might actually happen, not going to count that until they do though.

>more IBO shit
>more Divers shit
>Hathaway Flash, who the fuck likes Hathaway
>god damn Narrative just aired
Damnit. I never thought I'd miss AGE but at least AGE had Genocide Grandpa, Chad Wolf and Super Pirate.

>that helmet kiss at the end after the romantic notes

But I haven't finished FE yet, fuck.

probably some early-stage FEMTO radiation bullshit something-or-other
either that or the same thought process behind putting an ice cream shop in your fucking mech bay

>Hathaway Flash
Is that the Unicorn sequel?

Since this is the designated /m/ thread, who hype for Crossrays here? What system are you getting it for? What units are you fielding? Grabbing it on PS4 and fielding nothing but "enemy trios", druggies, thrones etc.
It better have custom soundtrack, because I'm not fucking playing it without this track blaring every time I attack.

Attached: druggies2.jpg (1280x720, 87K)

No, that was Narrative. Hathaway Flash was a novel with Hathaway from CCA as the main character.

>oh boo hoo, you turned yourself into an inhuman cybernetic monstrosity, go get an ice cream and give your electronic taste receptors in your new mouth a treat, that will make you feel better

>finished Blue Lions, halfway through Golden Deer
>now halfway through Astral Chain
>this comes out in a week
>and then Luminous Avenger and Dragon Quest two weeks afterwards
God damn I'm going to be busy the next little while.

>more IBO shit
It got a new season?
I liked Barbatos and this supreme gentleman but that's it

Attached: [Keepo] Mobile Suit Gundam Iron-Blooded Orphans 13 [1280x720 Hi10p AAC][D5E188B3].mkv_snapshot_07.52 (1280x720, 93K)

the demo from a while ago was okay but felt limited
and do you mean the characters are similar or they have the same VA? Jap or english? or both?

>20 second mark

IBO is getting something new but to my knowledge it's not a direct sequel, it has new characters.

The same JP VA and given very explicit names as stated

Not familiar with that, what is Crossrays?
only thing I'm looking forward to is Battle Operation 2 getting an english/western release since when it launched in Japan I didn't have a PS4 and by the time I got one I had forgotten about it because Nippon onry

Tohru Furuya voices Diablo and Shuichi Ikeda voices Crimson Lord.


Looks cool but my two favorite units are the Zock and Big Zam and they always get overlooked

It boggles my mind how Bandai hasn't made a gacha mobage with this gameplay.
And i don't mean Gunpla warfare

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If it was in MSG it's in Genesis. youtube.com/watch?v=1RJwqGu1lB8

g reco was good

I ain't going back on earth if it's haman

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He has a terrible allergy to watermelons

He's a big guy


>who hype for Crossrays here?

>What system are you getting it for?
I'm getting it for the Switch.

>What units are you fielding?
I'm making a team full of SEED Destiny units (SF, IJ, Akatsuki, etc).

It was entertaining, sure.
But I'd rather have stuff like Thunderbolt.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Mobile Suit Gundam - Iron-Blooded Orphans - 38 [720p].mkv_snapshot_16.20_[2016.12.25_ (1280x720, 135K)

>enter thread
>feds shitposting

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Attached: [HorribleSubs] Mobile Suit Gundam The Origin - 05 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_00.30.49_[2019.04.25_23.10.44 (1920x1080, 265K)

He said the last (past) three months you dumb fuck, not the next (future) three months.

>nothing for months then all this

Fed shitposting is a Zeon falseflag every time
I'm onto you, zeek

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Char lived that long? Where's Amuro in Zeta?

What are the benefits of buying this? is the online in this worth it? I will definitely pirate this otherwise.

It has an online co-op mode, though no idea if it's worth it. Can't you go online with a hacked Switch now, anyway?

realistically how much damage would a colony drop do; would it have wiped all of australia out?

It left a pretty big hole and all the debris fucked up the American continent.
IIm not expert but i'd say it would fuck up the atmosphere/climate of the entire planet

Attached: [Kyoto] Mobile Suit Gundam Thunderbolt - 05 [720p] [932D78DB].mkv_snapshot_06.43_[2017.03.25_15.17.2 (1280x720, 147K)

You can play online with other pirates, but not with buyfags.

I'm going to miss quadlegs

A lot of the damage caused by the colony drop was caused by the resulting tsunami's and debris. Outside Sydney Australia was relatively unscathed.

>her parents are alive?

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Do any of the melee weapons have some kind of combo or are they all still just the single swing?

So is the best mission to farm Arsenal parts the mission with all the destructable buildings? Since there are two strai enemies there.

Dude i could have sworn in the tree house the mentioned it, maybe its just demo locked?

Fuck what is this game?

Post HUDs

Attached: hud.jpg (1280x720, 120K)

>expected women to do a better job as MS pilots
He deserved to be impaled by Zeta

I want to kill heaven and fuck abyss in the ass

Switch between FEMTO Mode is clunky

almost just like in real life


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Welcome to reality

>But I'd rather have stuff like Thunderbolt.

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I'm not big on /m/, I just like that the mission structure reminds me of Monster Hunter. I decided to get this instead of God Eater 3.

Just pirate GE3 dude, it's boring anyway, drop after about 5 hours

in the one week war between the sheer damage to the colonies and the drops wiped out a third of the entire human population.
in one week.
gundam never really did a great job of showing the aftereffects but early in the war colony drops, nukes, and "lol we turned the life support off in this colony with millions of civilians in it" were really common, they had to knock that shit off because if they pushed it too far there wouldn't be anything left for the feds and zeon to actually fight over, especially in space which is where zeon keeps all their shit.

Yeah. There's more Strai on the other one but it takes way longer because of how spread out it is. It's much quicker to attack all the weaker AI at once by going in a straight line and then hitting two Strai with a sword a couple times.

this except I want to fuck both in the ass

Has anyone managed to beat the Snatcher yet? The fight seems way less forgiving than the Gunfort.

>story missions locked after playthrough
fugin negros

if it's anything like an AC game once you finish it you'll be able to just go back and play whatever.

Got it too. Really looking forward to it.

yeah no shit i want to grind the demo tho

I hope so. I forgot scanning decals was a thing.

your kinda stuck with the free missions for now, honestly I seem to have grinded everything there is to grind other than just getting a bunch of money together, unless you can actually get those legs beyond the legion ones.

Does progress carry to the full game?

Do we know if the Battle Data for the Immortals unlocks anything? I maxed out Gunfort and it seems like nothing happened.

>please play it.
PC port when?

If it wasn't £90 I'd have got it

Yes it does.

It probably gonna get released on ps4. It’s a marvelous game and it probably gonna sell there better and graphics and framerate aren’t that bad, but considering how clean the trailer looked - im disappointed. Still might get it though.

>Char Aznable
>main character
is this real or some horrible dream that's going to make me cry when I wake up and realize it was fake?

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Pretty sure Nintendo owns the IP
Sorry bros

I haven't gotten around to playing the new demo but has it made any noticeable improvements on gameplay? I didn't have anywhere near as many complaints as others though

You sure? It reminds too much of freedom wars and god eater, it really looks like a game made for ps4’s audience. I sold mine, so I don’t care but i would play it on pc

there's some guy called lord crimson who literally just uses char's VA, flies a red mech, and is the big ace guy.

Man I wish this was on PC too, on Switch the only people I'll have to bro it up with are beaners.


Attached: the robot that.jpg (500x846, 81K)

You sure? I think this is self published in Japan

Very high. Character creation alone is pretty versatile apart from

To customize your Mech, though, you have to scavenge for parts. There are extensive color and texture options from the get-go, however. You can even make different limbs different colors.

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Can you have sex in this game? I don't wanna be an incel in my gaming life. I'm already one in real life

Stop misusing literally faggot

Port beggers, not even once.

The guy uses the same voice actor as char from the anime mobile suit gundam, the fuck was incorrect about it retard?

I just want a playable frame rate nigger

That's not what the word literally is supposed to be used.
Just because everyone else shoots themselves in the head, doesn't justify you doing it.

The game is great, but the story/world presentation is lacking and pretty confusing.
I was expecting some sort of MW4 Mercenaries “here’s a bunch of shit and giant robots, figure it out” sort of deal from the prototype demo, but the new demo just drops me into an established organisation with veterans and shit and then implies I’m the first person to see GIANT fucking giant robots that are the entire reason the organisation even exists.
The old demo made more sense to me than this.

Are the femto armament mods meant to switch off after a very brief period or am I using them wrong?

>Frame rate fag
I'm here to laugh at you inferior being who has been spoiled.

it's a word for meaning something is exactly what you say it is, be thankful I'm not taking a massive shit on it like most this site and using it for quiet the opposite of what it is meant to be used for.
that shit made a secondary listing in the dictionary for hyperbolic use.

>wanting a stable framerate is being spoiled

Good CC but the artstyle is fucking terrible, every character look so ugly

I don't think this Snatcher fight is even possible in the demo. There's too much stuff flying around, not enough people to spread them out between, and your arsenal is too weak to tank any of it.

No it doesn't. You just need to say he was voiced by Char, there is no purpose to adding literally except as an exclamation point.

>The new demo didn't have a stable framerate
I see you're blind and stupid.

I haven't played it yet, I literally just opened the eshop to download it
I just don't understand what the fuck you're talking about being "spoiled"

Dubbed or subbed char

>I literally just opened the eshop to download it
You cut that shit out too you uneducated faggot.

to be honest I have no idea what dubbed char even sounds like, the JP va's for him and amuro are in though at least, no idea about the english ones.

You gonna explain what you meant by "spoiled" or just keep deflecting?

Ok good because I cared about subbed char

Different guy fag, don't use literally wrong.

People who demand uncessary frame rates are spoiled. 30 is fine.
Anyone who demands more deserves to be culled.

How long is the demo, and are free missions in?

30 isn't fine though
I mean I am really enjoying Astral Chain but the graphics are a bit shit and the framerate being 30 with dips sucks. It's still fun but I wish the Switch wasn't so weak

Nah, it’s fine

Oh forsooth, someone has used the word "literally" incorrectly on the channel of fourth, let us set aside the discussion of interactive video entertainment to discuss this great crime.
You literal faggot.

Thanks for proving my point that you're spoiled.

The defense and speed mods cut off when you fire weapons/swing a sword/use auxiliary. They also run out when the gauge runs out. There might be more to it as well, but I think that's it. I found that using autofiring weapons was such a pain because it'd cut the speed boost.

I'm spoiled because I can afford a decent PC and monitor?

That was embarrassing.

Stay butthurt and retarded over the fact you aren't using words correctly, normalfag.

>He's a port begger
And yes.

How did I use literally wrong when I had just opened up the eshop?
>in a literal manner or sense; exactly.
I hadn't figuratively opened the eshop

Yeah, the speed one is the only one I’ve been using and I just noticed it going out extremely fast, didn’t realise it was due to the auto firing gun.

Port beggar? But I already have a Switch? I enjoy the games I have on it but it would be nice to play Astral Chain at 60fps. Some stuff I have like Gal Metal wont even work outside of the Switch

>Using the term that was forced in because so many people used it wrong
LOL, normalfag

what's the point of the shield if i can't attack while using it

man, SEED had some great mobile suit design. and the druggies introduction was so good.

You're a port begger for thinking games need to be 60.
A real inferior being.

Maybe it works while doing shit like lifting the huge gun you can blow off the old demo boss, so you can not get murdered while setting up the shot

Ideally games should be at least 60fps
30 sucks especially for action games
But I have a Switch, PC and PS4 so I'm not bothered if the games don't get ported to PC but it would be nice if some of the decent Switch games were multiplat
Unsure why you're seething this hard over the fact the Switch is pretty underpowered

I dunno. I guess you could bind it to an analog stick click and panic push it if there's any slow, strong attacks in the game. I haven't tried coop or used the shield mod much, but I don't see it being useful even if it deflects 100% of slow attacks. Maybe it'll have a few uses.


Please show me a better performance handheld so I can buy it.

You're wrong, stay butthurt that you're called out for unreasonable expectations and your port begging

Laughing in Australian at you

will Quattro Bajeena be in it too?

Yeah man I'm so butthurt that I get to play Astral Chain and Daemon X Machina because I own a Switch
Hopefully, would be nice playing these games again with a higher res at minimum

>I'm not butthut! You're butthurt
Stay wrong and butthurt port begger
I hope Daemon X Machina has plenty of slowdowns because you can't handle it.

Why would you hope a game runs bad? What the fuck is wrong with Nintentoddlers? We finally get a new mecha game and you want it to have as many problems as possible because some one on the internet said 60fps is better than 30?
If you'd actually played Armored Core you'd know any fan of the series will be used to FPS drops

this game was way too fucking easy for me. Nothing like the old AC games. I fell asleep near the end. Can't believe they're asking full price for it.

Stay butthurt that you can't handle games.
Such is the life of pot beggers.

depends which AC game you mean, cos sometimes I start a mission in last raven and the second I load in there's already a grenade shell flying at me.

Do you even read my posts or are you just imagining you're winning an argument with a sony/pc fanboy or something? I've said I'm enjoying Astral Chain, I'm probably going to enjoy DXM and I've played and enjoyed AC games which have had shocking framerates
You need to step away from the computer and calm down user

I played some of the demo last night, while I appreciate the other QoL changes to mobility, I think the biggest thing was their ability to fix the fucking frame rate (at least in docked, afaik). Definitely going to pick it up later next week

Yeah I think the same. I might get it down to about 25% but then I am at the end of the line. My mech is just to slow to dodge the missle rain often enough.

>He admits he's a Sony/PC fanboy
You're only making this worse for yourself.
You'll never ever get this game.

the demo had nothing but piss easy tutorial missions dude.

I will, I have it pre-ordered

>Lying on Yea Forums
As expected

I have a switch, dumb nigger, i’m thinking that it would get a port all points considered.
Also this

Nsp of the demo anywhere?

Here's my friendcode, lets play DXM together when it gets multiplayer

How's the online these days? Last time i heard it's an absolute mess

No idea, the only multiplayer game I have is Smash and I don't really like it. Tetris 99 isn't really a good test for MP
I do have Guilty Gear XX AC+R to play online too but it was dead on arrival... and I was too lazy to learn a character in +R. just gonna stick to #Reload and Xrd on PC
However its pretty common knowledge the Switch's WiFi radio sucks, so unless more people buy ethernet adapters its always gonna suck. The bit of Smash I did play went well when playing with a friend who also had his console cabled

stop lying and being butthurt

Amuro is with Zeta gang. He doesn't pilot RX anymore though but Gundam II.

Is it weird that i've been more atracted to this game than to Astral Chain? I want to play both but despite all lukewarm impressions DxM has been getting, i had a lot of fun with the first demo when i got the hang of it.

Attached: welp.jpg (500x407, 35K)

yeah, the writer clearly had no idea what he was doing with IBO. a lot of grand setup and some of the weakest payoff of all time.
The fact that Baal was nothing special was pretty funny, but also a huge what the fuck moment for the plot.

Afro Amuro

>Can set Audio to Japanese
>Can only set text to English, German, etc etc and... Korean? Why korean? I mean I wasn't expecting Japanese text in the European version but Korean was very unexpected
Also odd how it has 日本語 for Japanese instead of just "Japanese" in the Euro version

UC remake when? I wanna get into it but can't stand the graphic. And this comes from a guy who finished SDF Macross.

*0079 remake

for me, it's double smgs

This game is proof controllers need more buttons I can't remember how to do half my shortcuts

you are actually arguing with someone using literally the way it was originally intended though. he's not saying something that's untrue like "I was literally blown away by how stupid your post was"

I bought it already, waiting for it to release now.

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R8 my wife

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>20000 air boost speed before space magic
Oh, I’m feeling it.

Reminder that the Nu-Gundam isn't just for show

so are the only full armor sets available orsa, legion and osafune? I only remember seeing the legion set drop from the merc you fight in a story mission

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I need a Switch to be able to.

Very cute, 10/10. I love this character creator and can't wait for the full game's body modifications so we can turn all these cute girls into hybrid cyborg freaks.

So are you faggots going with a cool name for you merc or using your own name like that loser johnny G?

Wait can you change your name? I just thought of a neat name I want to use but I'd just put my real name in without thinking

The name it asks for at the beginning is your call sign. You can never change it, despite being able to change everything else about your character.

Oh well, guess I'm stuck

The Prologue is barely an hour long. You can always start over. It'll give you a chance to go back, try the story missions again, collect any decals you didn't scan, and potentially salvage something unique from Red Dog.

I suppose when the game comes out unless I get something for importing my demo save i'll just start again
I dunno why I didn't go with Odokuro in the first place

Not that user, but I sent you a request

Sound, I wonder why he doesn't want to play DXM with me though :(

I only use retarded names for my characters.

Isnt it supposed to be done co-op?

Probably. We'll see in a week. I doubt this game is popular enough that anyone would even have four people to attempt it locally.

I named myself Aldric ( a fantasy name i use ) because i thought we were naming the person.


i'm guessing the demo doesn't have a hard mode? I've done all the main missions and now the only missions i can play are the 2 free missions that are way too easy.

Who /android/ here?

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I´m still pretty sure this game will give some bad ending for folks that get too much cybershit. it´s gonna be "OH SHIT YOU´RE PRETTY MUCH A MACHINE NOW HAVE FUN BEING HACKED BY EVIL MOON AYLMAOS AND KILLING ALL YOUR FRIENDS"

someone told me there was a train mission in the demo but i couldn't find it. was i being japed?

I hope there are good plugsuits to unlock

>Needing to be cyber enhanced to become a Newtype

Attached: ywn have a cute space indian psychic newtype gf who can act like your mum.gif (500x375, 1.78M)

>Already completed the Demo

>kill you later~

Why is there even a jump button? I just want the usual upward thrust. I keep overshooting my targets

Well I look forward to play with you user

It's structured like Monster Hunter where there are separate places for solo quests and co-op quests. That tiny terminal off to the right is where the co-op missions are. You need to start a room by yourself to play it. Kinda dumb that there's no way to do it without opening a LAN connection even when given an option to make the party size one person, but that's how it be.


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Zeon pride world wide motherfucker.

Sieg Zeon!

Attached: Asuka_Sieg_Zeon.jpg (772x768, 207K)

I'd say it's more like Diablo. Some random gear stats, fighting hordes, etc. But yeah the boss battles definitely have that MH/GE feel.

No you aren't.