
Heritage for the Future; the CPS-3's swan song and an excellent fightan game.
Le Bizzarre Avventure di GioGio: Vento Aureo; A fun little beat 'em up that does a pretty good job at retelling Part 5
>Bandai Namco
All Star Battle; Bretty gud fightan game that brought characters from all 8 parts + Baoh together to duke it out
Eyes of Heaven; Generic anime arena brawler #4859739547234
Gacha shit
Last Survivor: >Soulless anime-only battle royale with 0 depth
What the fuck happened to JoJo vidya?

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It died with Part 8.

Should I cave and try out 7th Stand User?

You'd think there'd be more JoJo vidya considering it's immense popularity.

I just want another fighting game.

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>We get a new fightan game
>But without Parts 7 or 8 because westfags don't read the manga
A JoJo fighting game in the year of 2018+1 where I can't play as Funny Valentine is far worse than having no JoJo games at all.

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That's what I thought was weird. The moment the anime started to make it the biggest it's been since the 90s, all the good games stop. I think the reality though is that anime games are in a dark place right. Almost every anime game is a generic brawler, gacha shit or a poorly made/balanced fighting game, which OP pretty much pointed out.

Meant for

There are, theres a game for phantom blood and a SNES game of part 3

The PB game was a tie-in for the movie. Just a few years before JoJo became popular in the west.

Would a JoJo's RPG work?

Well there's that 7th Stand User fangame I've been hearing about.

>>But without Parts 7 or 8 because westfags don't read the manga
Westernfags love part 7 because Cowboys

Yes but most recent JoJo vidya only spans Parts 1-5. I'd expect only 1-6 if we got a new fightan and SBR DLC if we're lucky.

Does anyone play ASB or is it dead?

Part 7's fans mostly come from the west, japs don't care about it much

Attached: x10.jpg (760x1200, 886K)

It's dead Jim

What most recent JoJo vidya retard? EoH was the latest release and had all parts.

Honestly, HftF was especially great not only because of excellent combat, but it focused on one part, so it had a great and cohesive sense of aesthetic that might not be possible even in a great 2D JoJo fighter. Focusing on a single part also allowed characters like Devo, Chaka, Mariah, Midler somehow and Alessi to make it in.

It already has

The last game you played is now your stand's name. What does it do?

「Planescape: Torment」
Traps an enemy in a field that injures them over time, prehaps?

I'm cooler Avdol