Borderlands 3

why are you not hyped Yea Forums?

Attached: a borderlands.png (640x643, 594K)

Other urls found in this thread:

I have a sneaking suspicion that this post might be an advertisement in disguise...

Who gets hyped to pirate something?

I can't wait for Randy to fart in my face while Take-Two hires goons to beat me.

Is this goatse?

how do we unJUST randy life?

1 BADASS token has been subtracted from your account

it comes out next year, not next week

>hyped for 2k games
nah, see you next year after all the inevitable 5 billion dlcs are bundled together into one package though. you can shill the game to me then.

Can someone tell me why angel’s holograms in BL2 were “updated” to only show her digitized self instead of her normally with the clouds backdrop like it was originally? It’s such a fucking weird change to pull out all of a sudden

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because i didnt like borderlands 1 or 2 even those faggot people would invite me to play, fuck around for an hour and then fuck off for a year before coming back with some other idiotic shit game of the week.

By telling him not to do magic tricks

Looter shooter in 2019

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>1 bajillion guns
>50 or so are unique
>15 are maybe useful

Attached: 1557043330905.jpg (1308x1620, 556K)

A few lucky winners who buy the physical copy special edition will find the badass special gift, a flash drive that teaches you a magic trick.

I don’t play shit games

Because after Colonial Scam and Battleabortion I've surmised that Gearbox is a bunch of hacks, you shill ass looking motherfucker.

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I'm gonna surprise download the shit out of it
and then delete entire thing without even playing

You guys are confused. Borderlands 3 has macrotransactions.

You mean 1 year and 1 week? Because after 1 week only Chinese spyware bait gets released.


not a single soul:

user: BoRdErLaNdS 3 i

It's not coming out for another 6 months, user.

Going to help seed it because fuck taketwo.

That image is something Randy would make. Is that you randy? Be honest


not a single soul:

user: nobody:

not a single soul:

user: BoRdErLaNdS 3 i

go back to twatter nigger

Because Sans is in Smash!

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>epic exclusive

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not a single soul:


How likely is it that this is cracked at launch? Do we know if it's using denuvo?

You can say anything about Borderland 3, they nailed the commercials

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Who in 2019 would make an unironic and non sequitor goatse reference?

A fucking marketer

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15 Yuan have been deposited into your Social Credits Account.

Probably will be cracked in a week

I preordered the Super Deluxe Edition and am pretty hyped. Fuck that diamond one or whatever with the lego shit

What are the chances I can finish the first one, beat the 2nd, the prequel, and the new dlc in 1 week?

Because Borderlands is just another lootandshoot, and I've been done with getting hyped for years now.

If you watch a video on the story of bl1 and then rush through everything else then maybe

all my friends grew out of vidya so I have no one to play it with

I am, even got the super deluxe edition for hella cheap off GMG when their coupons glitched and you could stack discounts

>those hands
Been a long while since I've seen that.

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But user, this game doesn't release for another six months.

>goatse reference

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Is there gonna be a way to pirate this and still play co-op?

they standardized it with the angel they did in the 1 remaster. i think in 1 originally it was a different actress, so they did a sweep and made them all the same

Thanks for beta testing it user. I'll enjoy my bug free version in april

lmao I completely forgot

It's back.

edit: haha thanks for the likes everyone :D

I just got to Old Haven in the first game

i beat the entire game first playthrough 100 percent in 14 hours. 2 isnt much longer, and TPS isnt worth playing

You're still quite a ways from the end .

Because despite all your shilling, some fucking how, you have literally only managed to make the game progressively worse since the last DLC of Blands 1 where you retconned hyperion to being evil, and started the lore rape of gluing everything to hyperion because WHOA GUISE, HYPERION BAD? THAT'S SUCH A GOOD TWIST BECAUSE THE ANGEL WAS A HYPERION SATELLITE

Stop being mean

Well I tried to play Borderlands 2 on PC and the sensitivity controls were complete dogshit. If it was a smooth gradient across decimal values then maybe.

Stop being shite.
There's no excuse for BL2 and BLPS being as bad as they are and BL3 when it inevitably is shit to be as bad as they are when BL1 was already decent.

I am hyped. I like these games alot. I'm even taking the day off work and being paid for it.


Attached: yikes.png (412x496, 228K)

Yikes (Yikes)

I do
borderlands is fun as fuck

>tfw have no friends to play with

better than destiny tho


Honestly, I am not hyped at all but my mates want me to play with them so they picked me up a copy (for the PS4) with the season pass as a present for my upcoming birthday. I would of rather they bought me Fire Emblem Three Houses but I guess this is fine too.

Same as Monster Hunter. I don’t have friends at the moment. I don’t play these types of fucking games

Just speaking the truth.

Full game won't be out until the steam release anyway.

Because it's not out on the only platform that matters until 2020

I could download the extended benchmark test maybe a week and a half from now

If they still have LAN-play, yes, easily

Knowing modern game devs they probably won't have LAN support just to fuck over customers more in an attempt to stop piracy

Because Borderlands as a franchise is completely fucking awful and it has absolutely no good game.

It is using denuvo but given the hype I'm thinking g It might be relatively quick but who knows


Because I have yet to complete a Borderlands game. I got like 60% through BL2 and 10% through the first one.

Because the game is boring as fuck.

Liar , it's a lot of fun fagnut

Name one fun.


call me when the pirate copy is out.


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>Borderlands 2 remastered is almost 40 gigs.
Yeah I am not holding my breath on this one.

YAAAAAAAAAAS Bros! I'm fucking hyped, and i didn't even realise that i have holidays right when it comes out.

Because it's Borderlands and Epic Store.

Oh boy, I bet Claptrap will say a meme! I need to pre-order the Ellie Funko Pop figurine so I can have all 32 of them!

I played BL2 for about 6 hours 7 years ago but I remember the cell shading! It has style!
Tiny Tina said a funny thing! So Hyped!

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>reaching tina in 6 hours
You didn't even kill Cpt.Flynt, didn't you?

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i can really only afford to buy one new game right now so i'm getting modern warfare instead. i'll pirate this tho

tina is 2 hours in, the game is only 18 hours or so without side quests

I'm not even a fan of borderlands and I preordered, despite hating epic. I'm sure I will be quite disappointed, and that makes me sad.

I'm absolutely down for the sound design. Sounds like a lot of work has been put into it and it just pop pop pop NIGGA

Loved BL1, I remember reading the reveal when I was younger and being hyped as fuck, but Bl2 went too lolsorandom & bacon narwhal unicorns for me. I don't really feel like playing a game that ended up being tumblr and reddit's mutant deformed lovechild.

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Based modern warfare chad

This. I'll be getting it but the PC version isn't due out for a long time.

Do retards actually think people come to a Cambodian anime image board to advertise? Please, have sex!

>Bl2 went too lolsorandom & bacon narwhal unicorns
That is so fucking accurate that it hurts. I still liked the game because I'm enough of a tard to like looter shooters but for every one joke that made me exhale from my nose there are 100 that are horribly dated and painfully cringe worthy.

No playable Torgue, no buy.

Are we supposed to pretend Borderlands wasn't trash from the very first game?

PoE launches a new league today - so i'm good on grinding looter game. Also - fuck Epic and Randy.

No steam no watch no care

>Bullet sponges: The game

Oh yeah wonder why..

After 1600 hours i'm done. I need a new game,

I know exactly what you mean. If the game took itself at least a little tiny bit seriously I could have enjoyed it, but the entire thing was written like a reddit comment chain.

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this post gave me a boner.


Does it have LAN? Would be nice, I could just torrent this shit and play with friends.

you'll be back
they always come back
4.0 soon

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I heard this gif

>Unironically buy barberlands and support Randy
Cmon, guys, i belive in you! You can do so much better!

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Why would I care? I hated borderlands 1, it was the first and last time I ever fell for marketing hype. The only saving grace was that the artstyle was actually pretty solid. I'd say that holds true but it's hard to tear apart actual graphical fidelity from the absolutely abysmal designs they push out, be they for levels or characters or guns or anything.

they have so little confidence in their product they had to get egs shekels

because I've played 2.

It's strange to feel nostalgia for a picture like that.

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>buying a 2k game at launch.

No thanks. Not even buying the thing when it has the complete season pass available for 100$ and final retail price of 130$.

Not even worth pirating.

What do you mean?
Randy is a brilliant scam artist
practically give your game away for free with all its DLC (6 bucks got you literally everything)
companies look at your sales numbers and see everyone not only bought your game but the actual 30 pieces of DLC that came with it
in comes big cuck sweeney to see them numbers and give you a million dollar exclusivity deal without you even having a finished project
go back to medieval times

>It's strange to feel nostalgia for a picture like that
Are you like 12? No, really, why the fuck you even said something like that?

I'll buy it, but only when the 100$+ game & DLC season pass combo is on sale for 90% off steam sales.

Man I haven't seen goatse in a loooooooooong time

You don't have a job to buy anything anyway

Attached: OHHHHHHMYYYYY.jpg (854x1080, 186K)

It's 31 weeks, not 1 week.

>He doesn't have his galleon ready
Arr matey

Are you 12? Brings me back to the old forum days of getting tricked by bad links to YTMND pages covered in Goatse, shit like that doesn't happen anymore.

>you're not paying 130$ for a GAME? What are you, a poor LOSER? LOL

post your paystub you type like a neet

>Yea Forums is immature and childish and is completely ignorant to this
>hates things like this

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I'd rather play Daemon X Machina that comes out on the same day.

I like to call it Stillborn, because it wasn't aborted, but did come dead on arrival.

Only gigachads will pirate BL3

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Can't wait to get my free copy from Tim.

>braindead first person looter shooter
>the fps and gun mechanics feel like ass

So what about the people that aren't even gonna pirate it? Why would I spend my time on something this trash tier? You can't get lost time back.

Sorry you're unemployed my racist friend

>He thinks I'm unemployed

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Who the fuck uses this word unironically on this website in the current year

It's true, but it's not an insult.

I am hyped randy. I’ve already got my friends waiting for it.

Sure nigger.


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I will buy this game and enjoy it as a 2-player couch co-op to pass time with my gf and I will enjoy it.

Stay mad incels.

Just knowing women and trannies made the game kills the hype. Might pirate to check it out but gearbox is dead.

Thank for the filter forgot that one.

show me yours, friend :)

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i am but ill only buy the game when ALL of its content is out.

they will probably make 5 dlc campaigns or so and i aint buying no season pass.

but I am....

Game will be out for 120$ after a year.

will be down to 24$ after steam sales in 2 years.

will be down to 0$ if I pirate.



I've still got to play through Borderlands 2 (+DLC), Pre-Sequel (+DLC), and Tales from the Borderlands before I think of jumping into 3. I may as well wait for the inevitable GOTY edition at this point anyway.

Cant wait. Have it preordered on pc

>buying anything from epic
Fuck you zoomer fuck you to HELL!

I was just watching the Whang! video last week explaining the history of Goatse. I never thought I'd be nostalgic for some dude's gaping asshole.

>Muh randumb humour
>6 gazillion weapons totally unique
>Shit world
>Shit GamePlay/quest design

mind the pronouns for our fictional robot character!!

"Wait here is my autistic son check out his card game hehe he!"

Fuck off Randy

We have fbi agents larping as bronies on here.
Coporate shilling so your game doesn't get hit by weaponized autism seems like a great strategy.

based brasil bro with a job.

Not hyped but i’m looking forward to it, just hope they fix issues like solo scaling and only a couple of guns being useful in endgame builds

Notice all the replies to this post All the fucking /pol/turds who can't handle talking to a woman or minority are spewing the n-word and other slurs like it's fucking nothing. How about FUCK you, you clowns? Go back to your incel containment board. Hate speech does not belong online.

All your games are shit, Randy, kill yourself.

Portugal, that's Euros.

My post-tax income is 1450 $.

Time for you to eat the giant turd you were flinging around just now bro

>buying games on fortnite launcher

at least you tried champ

>only games I like is deep

shuddup faggot

/pol/ is more diverse than you think. It has women and minorities too.
>Hate speech does not belong online
You know, I'm tired of getting insulted online too. But hey, you won't be changing this place since it was your people who were the ones that sent these people to us by banning them from your websites.
Also you are the part of the problem too since you're insulting people.


1/10 an attempt wasn't even made

The problem with these kinds of posts is that it actually attracts gray faces who unironically think like this, that casual internet "racism" is some great evil. Stop trolling, nigger.

>>>/reddit/ is that way friend

Based magapede who came here post-GG telling anyone to gb2 leddit. YIKES as you would say.

I hate that orange faggot almost as much as I hate the fact I'm even responding to this utter garbage post, please fuck off back to whatever discord channel or subreddit you came from, because you're sure as shit a newfag.
We've been saying nigger and faggot since day 1, if that upsets you then leave.

>we've been saying nigger and faggot since day 1
Ah yes, day 1 of the fappening I presume? Is that the standard for oldfaggotry now? You're not fooling anyone.

2006 Habbo raids, newfag
Pool's closed, nigger.

Watching an internet historian vid doesn't count, pretender.

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>day 1 of the fappening I presume?
Was that your first day?

Posting anime reaction pics with the 15XXXXXXXXXXX filename changed doesn't count either, imposter.


you did not play the game, or you have horrible time-sense

>The biggest "contrarian" collection on the internet
Yes, yes they do.
What exactly do they think they will achieve here, I am not sure.

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Why are you so upset? The entire site is reddit now and the average user is 18. No need to lie online about being oldfags when you are clearly not.

I'm sure all those far cry "leaks" were all coincidence. Also borderlands/gearbox is infamous for its shilling attempts.

Even if you assume the first true, those two do not correlate.

frig off

Well I'm not (came here 2010)
I'm just asserting that this fag isn't old either.

>Why are you so upset?
Projecting doesn't make you look any better newfriend

>still this upset
Oh no... How embarrassing...

>the average user is 18.
I'll be glad when a war breaks out and they send every last zoomer cunt to go die in a third world shit hole and there is less zoomers around.
You won't be spouting any of your bullshit to some sand nigger he will fuck you up rape you and your buddy's and cut your god dam head off enjoy PFFT HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!

shalom fellow hebrew

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>Game isn't even out yet
>Yea Forums already coping and seething everywhere
Holy badass.

Personally can't wait for the game, easily Game of the Year material right there

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Randy please

>a memelands game
Too obvious Randy

I'm already set. I have 50 computers waiting to torrent the piss out of it over and over and over and over no need to play just make sure epic dies.

seethe harder bitch we're rolling in that fortnite money now

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>dabbing in my borderlands
Annnnnnnnnnd i'm done fuck zoomer trash.

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September 13th for PC on Epic store, unless this is some cringe meme from steamcucks.

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There is nothing to hyped for. I have all Borderlands 2 DLC if i want to play anything Borderlands ever again. But i don't.

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Why would anyone take the time to do something like this?

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and that's all I had of the psycho skin

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Good i just puked up my lunch.

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Playing borderlands 2 recently is the biggest redpill on not buying borderlands 3, the gameplay just isn't fun

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That's a yikes from me nigger

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It should have local coop. I played the previous ones like that with the gf it was nice.

"why are you not hyped Yea Forums?"
>replacing "midget" with "tink" because of muh huwt feewings
>(((Epic Games Exclusive ™™™™®®)))
>Randy Bitchford's horrific sense of """humor""" with Claptrap and heavily dated memes and unsubtle pop culture references
>those twin cunts that seem like Handsome Jack wannabes
Gee user, I don't fucking know.

Attached: mom fuck line too long.png (431x516, 456K)

i am to far gone to have friends (even online) and singleplayer in my experience is shit in borderlands

there's a variant of the midgets that're called nogs so it's okay

Its £50 before the DLC and I have no interest in shelling out that much

Attached: 0510325012.jpg (630x630, 13K)

>i am to far gone to have friends
>i jack off to midget porn with ranch dressing and dildo machines
>i jack off in front of coma patients then blow a load on them.
...I'm so fucked up.

Attached: Derp.jpg (828x1080, 174K)

Didnt buy on epic. Got it for 32 european pounds of cdkeys

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say what you want but it means that they've been here longer than 90% of the fags here, even if it is a marketer.

Attached: OHHHHHHMYYYYY2.jpg (854x1080, 218K)

I guarantee you have no clue what goatse is and assumed I was talking about boarderlands, when the post I REPLIED TO was about goatse.

You just couldn't wait to jump down someone's throat, thinking "Yes! I'm finally superior to someone!" Look up It was a much, much more hardcore version of "Rickrolling" from the early to mid 2000's.

Kill yourself, nigger.

Everyone knows what goatse is thanks to know your meme and other sites that document internet garbage.

Not on steam.
They shilled on Yea Forums before.

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I guarantee YOU'RE A FAT WHORE!

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go ahead and ask some random people what it is, I don't think you'll find that they know.

Please stop. You are not funny. You are just annoying.

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Fuck you jew

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>Not on steam

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Steam is cheaper and I don't feel like making another account. I'm willing to wait, it's just Borderlands.

No steam no buy no watch no care.

Just pirate you corporate cocksucker.

I week?

>surprise download the game
>whether it's good or bad you spent nothing to get it
imagine not being pirate pilled

No fuck you steam for life.

Only steam matters nothing else fuck everything else. if it's not on steam the game is shit. Fuck consoles as well. Gaben is god!

>Reddit: the game

Fuck off

ill buy it on steam in like 6 months if it isnt shit

Attached: StillBetter.jpg (1430x988, 422K)

>anthony burch
>people getting banned because they didnt id the fagbot as a geth
>so wacky lmao "humor"
goodbye :)

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because i´m not 12 anymore.

I let my guard down for one second you fucking FREAK!


>Ywn ravage Suzi's anus while violently jerking her off
why even live

I play with friends u tard

1 week?
But it doesnt out until next year.

get it on console

Back to your cage James.

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I never hype

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Why tha fuck would I want to do that?
You think I like being forced to deal with DOF/ambient occlusion/motionblur?

How the fuck is AO bad?

Can't say im hyped for it at all, I remember looking at the ability trees and not really finding much that sounded interesting. The character choices seem lackluster as well. I'll probably wait to get it on sale in a year or two once all the dlc is out and bugs are patched.

i like the D.VA clone.

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When it's done poorly everything looks like plastic


it happened for the previous games

I'll pirate it until it comes out on steam a year later.

Can't wait. Just 6 more days!

when is it out?

Epic Games Store and Tencent can eat my asshole, that's why.

Nice, time to reinstall Hamachi then.

Not exactly, but I really need something to tide me over until monster hunter iceborne PC release, and to avoid double dipping

Where's the USB key, Randy?

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Next week Friday. Although some people get it Thursday night.

I wonder who will be the Salvador of BL3. I think it'll be Moze or Zane.

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That's not what AO is.

>not including the piss stains on the floor


is there a more obnoxious videogame? every borderlands game has been full of incoherent screaming and "haaaahaaaaahaa funnny meeemee hahaha you guys like memes righ?T?""" hahahah""
game sucks dont buy

Gearbox have never made a great game.

cool I hope the new villains can out do jack.

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Half-Life: Opposing Force

Doubtful. Troy seems like a lil bitch and Tyreen seems like an annoying cunt.

>the cover art didn't have a guy with three hands pointing finger guns at himself

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Does that claptrap spout random shit from time to time?

>Giving Randy money
Lol no thanks

Borderlands 3 is going to be one of the most replayable and fun games to come out in recent years. And Yea Forums will still hate it due to contrarianism and a general lack of desire to even play video games.

Borderlands was always boring as fuck


What went wrong?

Attached: heres your siren bro.jpg (1200x927, 270K)

>funding randys kid fucking parties
>helping gearbox destroy more IPs in the future

fuck off

>gendered robots
>ugly females
>epic store exclusive
not even worth pirating desu

Aliens: Colonial Marines

>Two feminine white girls
Whew. Way to normative desu, for the sake of equality Amara frequents the loo and has big muscles. Good thing we have the based male robot.

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Randy's son hasn't commited sudoku yet.

>not missing the ring



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More like potatoface

take that back

I am reasonably excited to pirate randy's game!

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I want to put her against the robot and take her from behind.

because your game is shit randy, why arent you in jail asshole

Cause im gonna play it in like a year with my friends on the steam release with the 1 or 2 extra character dlcs to choose from

Ah.... good times.

Get some taste and self respect, you faggots will fawn over any shitty female character.


this, /thread, and fpbp

>Hyped for memelands



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would make a harem of all 3 desu

Daemon Ex Machina looks more fun


Gearbox is dead and Borderlands was never as good as we thought it was

Because it'll take a bit longer to crack denuvo to play the real release.

Got pretty tired of this series with 2 and it's a DLC vehicle anyway.
There's no reason not to pick it up on a sale later.

THISSSSS!!!!! X 103939484929
I have never fucken forgiven them for colonial Marines, and never will, and ever since then I have never bought a gear box game and active tell people not to

The first time I got Goatsed I didn't even flinch.
Am I a sociopath? Or am I just hardened to that kind of stuff?

Borderlands is and always has been boring shit. It's one of those series that I don't get why people like it. It really doesn't excel in anything.

>not on PC
Maybe I can just pray for a good gundam in the future, or maybe Ill go back to playing zeonic front or journey to jaburo on emus again.

I played borderlands 1 with friends back in the day and enjoyed it, i didnt try bl2 until this year. AND HOLY SHIT was it cringey as fuck listening to the dialogue.

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we need more muscle girls

Dude, it has split screen.
Split fucking screen. Even on PC.

Because I enver had any interest in Borderlands.

split screen split my wig

Real reason why I'm nit buying it at launch.

Seethe beats cring retard

Epic exclusive right? I already didnt like the first borderlands.
If its exclusive to one shitty store for a year im just going to skip it. My friend will burn out on it after a fucking week anyways.
Waste of 50-70$.

it's just a big butthole.
it's not like he hurt himself, like glass-ass.

based and superdeluxepilled

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I don't see it surpassing BL2 in anyway

i honestly didn't even know it was coming out next week, do you think Epic will have a functioning shopping cart by then? I'm not gonna play it, just wondering lol

superdelux is like 80 eurodollars

This user was never heard from again after being BTFO

Why is this thread still alive? Is Yea Forums really this slow now?

Alright mister "cring"

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All the bots left when the jannies got fired for being shit

yeah but not with the face of a mandrill and bald spot on her head

>be gay woman
>get added to a group of personalities started by men
>some of the men get accused of sexual harassment with no proof
>Immediately smell blood in the water and attack them
>They get fired
>Constantly associate with Night in the Woods game, avatar is the main cat character
>"I've been battling with depression and being a social retard for many years."
>"I'm basically a female neet, I can't even manage to brush my own hair."
>Night in the Wood creator is accused of rape
>Doesn't even phase me
>Continue to use the avatar of a man who killed himself
Why are women so hypocritical?

I want to get it but have no time to play this month. Are the preorder extras cool?

the bald spot was a clipping glitch retard

Split screen is nice. That's probably the one thing gearbox does right.

Are you me?

Attached: 1567185950783.gif (500x377, 1002K)

filthy dumb bugman scum
farm the rice and drink Xi's cum
spawn ugly yellow fever whores
get nuked before you breed some more

Attached: ching ching ding dong.png (720x1240, 1.65M)

I would have gotten it just to have another coop game with friends but I, and most of them, refuse to use EGS. Why anyone would support something when the creators have come out as anti-consumer and all their business practices show that sentiment is beyond me. Not only that its a barely functional program

she still looks like a fucking baboon you cock wrangler

she doesnt look too bad compared to the other characters

> Epic store exclusive
> Shooter looter
> PR disaster
>'' IT"S THEY / THEM !!! ''

bit slow aren't we?

>Not on steam
I'll pass this one bro