I was rubbing dirt off my skin and noticed that the dirt looked like latios

I was rubbing dirt off my skin and noticed that the dirt looked like latios

Attached: 1567722947747.jpg (500x479, 224K)


gamer dirt.

based autistic poster

Let me guess, you're a Smash Bros Fan.

eat it

He's obviously a Pokemon fan, user.

this is unironically the best thread in the catalogue. thanks man

Fucking disgusting.

then it bled at me and dirt latios flew at my face

I dont see it

too bad, if it looked like jesus you will become rich, or at least famous.

something something dirt balls

I mean, yeah you're austistic, but explain further.

Attached: you.jpg (1077x896, 179K)

dae even remember this gem???

nintendo sweat

I have a splotch on my wall that looks a lot like kirby

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Take it to r/gaming

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How is this gif even possible

>I didnt get enough upvotes on my reddit post so I posted it here instead.

it's shrinking not actually walking away

mmm, salty

Negative iq


Whats impossible about it?

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No, it ain't right to eat a Pokemon
So I let the Pokemon eat me