I'm gonna say it!

I'm gonna say it!
Nintendo is the cancer ruining this board!

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Nintendo didn't do that, shitty posters did. And the fucking mods should have done something about smash threads years ago

I demand a fucking smash board to clean these humpty dumpty niggers from Yea Forums this has gone one too fucking long. Worse than pokefags, ironic seeing how both are nintöddler franchises.

nintendo is the only thing that can save gaming.

Van was right. Fuck the Score.

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If only smash threads are the problem then it's only smash that is the cancer.

It's not Nintendo's fault they're the only one making games worth talking about. Enjoy your twitter screencaps and wojak posters I guess.

Nintendo is crippling gaming by making games for adult infants and people who don't know how to wash the shit from between their cheeks when they go in public. Smashfags are the nastiest ashiest niggers you will ever smell.

just get rid of smash threads. those fags either need their own containment board or they can fuck off to reddit.

If this isn't proof that Nincels are the cancer of this board, you're crazy. Seriously, make a Nintendo board. Nincels can make their basedfaces there all they want and suck corporate cock every time some faggot posts some Nintendo rumor or whatever.

low key bruh nigger shit yo

pray tell user, what video games thread were you planning to make that the presence of 11 daily smash threads would stop you from doing so?

It's more so Smash, low-quality post like this >476908863 and a pure lack of proper moderation of that kind of stuff.
But I see your point.

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What do we do about the smash problem?

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I really do hate the nintendo threads
Mainly the fire emblem ones
Why don't we talk about games we like?

Il start.
Who here loves FF3?
I thought it was amazing. The graphics, the story, the gameplay. Everything was done really well.
I really think its one of the greatest JRPGS and video games ever made.
Whats your favourite game?

This but ironically

>Nintendo is cancer
>But this isn't
Shiggy. Shiggy diggy fucking doo you faggot, now go poo in your loo.

Shut up you fucking child and go back to playing with cardboard. You must be 18 years or older to post on 4channel.


Yea Forums is good as it is. If you need shills, go to Netorera. If you want normie shit, go to Leddit. Yea Forums is to pass time and having fun joking with anonymous people.

Don't try to think you know or understand how Yea Forums worked/works, zoomer newfag.

I only agree because every negative thing I've said about Nitnendo is given a suspension but if I shit talk Sony or MS I just get warnings. Jannies need to unironically eat a bullet.

>t. Nintöddler smashfaggot
Other people would like to make topics without getting autosaged because some basement dwelling morbidly obese fat faggot nigger fuck is spamming 30 smash threads every day.

Nintendo is the only company that makes video game consoles designed for playing video games. They also inherently need to care about the long-term sustainability of video games as it's their primary source of business (unlike sony and m$, who happily shove lootboxes into everything and constantly lie because they can drop vidya whenever they want.)

Nintendo also makes video games that are fun which is exceedingly rare. also they have the best waifus by an enormous margin.

Smash threads are threads discussing video games and are infinitely better than blatant shilling (OP) and thinly-veiled political threads which combined are 90%+ of the """content""" on /vpol/.

OP is a homosexual shill for Actiblizz/EA/sony/m$/ubisoft/bethesda etc etc.

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I know I'll get called a chink for this, but as much as I hate Epic for bringing console war type bullshit to PC, I can't really fault them for their buying exclusives strategy. Steam is so ingrained that even if they were to release a store that had the same exact library and better features than steam, no one would use it over steam. They need something to be able to compete. As much as they're the "villain" for taking games from Steam, I'd honestly go with the same strategy if I was in their position. The only problem is that they're actually retarded and their store is still lacking a ton of features and they've bungled a ton of shit due to their own incompetence, but if a non-retarded company were to employ the same strategy, they'd probably be able to at least take a nice chunk out of valve's marketshare and light a fire under Gabe's ass.

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>n-noo! we should only talk about the things I like!


If it had the same features, and simply sold the same games at better prices they'd likely do better and also have a pretty solid PC reputation. Fucking up their image this powerfully with the exclusives, banning people who buy games too fast, doxing people that send tech support errors and getting publishers to pull games because of unannounced sales isn't really that desirable of a strategy, in terms of brand image at least.

absolute cringe. let me guess, you're a white male age 16-20, kissless virgin (will be for many more years) and constantly butthurt that black males have social, romantic, sexual, and professional lives.

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Completely inaccurate, and quite possibly a projection of some sort?

Have sex.

You mean nintendo fans.

I unironically agree

>14 year old thread
>2 year old image

This is new. This is content. This is new content.

A Smash thread is fine. 50 Smash threads at the same time are not.

smash doesn't deserve its own fucking board, just banish these faggots to /vg/

There's a /vg/ for it already so I don't understand why mods don't cull the threads from Yea Forums

I wanted to talk about old school isometric computer games in a slow, comfy format but with at least 7 "HE'S IN" threads up at any given point being bumped they're doomed to fall off to page 5 without a single person noticing because you faggots can't keep it in your pants and think you're not being disruptive when it's overtly obvious that you are by not just keeping your bullshit in one thread.


>I wanted to talk about old school isometric computer games in a slow, comfy format

You are part of the problem, not the solution.

Ironic, because all the Smash threads are making it hard to talk about anything else. Threads are dropping down a page every 10 seconds.

Unironically this.

Can't argue with that.

Jokes on you, Desperados came out in 01 you fucking faggot.

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Geneforge, Arcanum, Wizardry 8 and Icewind Dale 2 came out after the 2000 cutoff. Another reason for /v2k/

Friendly reminder that Yea Forums is full of projecting manchildren that only hate Nintendo because they reveal what video games really are: Glorified toys for children.

/vp/ needs to be changed to /nin/
exile those fuckers and their closed network.

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I hate Smash because the fanbase has ruined this board and made it impossible to discuss anything but hot button issues without a thread sinking.

I'm GLAD animal crossing got delayed!

it's funny how Yea Forums now seems to collectively hate what is objectively good when they hate PC and nintendo. what is to blame are all the zoomers and wannabe boomers who got (back) into video games during the big nerd trend boom that really took off around PS4's reveal and release. son'y didn't plan this -- it just fell into their laps, and then they started catering to this newer crowd who is more-willing to bow down and take less, and have things stripped away or worsened. it's all because they don't know better

if you take a look at normalfags, a lot of them admit they hate nintendo when they don't have a switch. i say "switch" because it's the only nintendo that matters to them now because their views on such simple things are narrowed by their strange hivemind for sony. i dropped sony around mid-gen this gen because i realized i just wasn't a part of their audience anymore

Why are you trying to pass the buck to anybody but Smash autists. Who are you lying to?

explain that question again


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>it's funny how Yea Forums now seems to collectively hate what is objectively good when they hate PC and nintendo. what is to blame are all the zoomers and wannabe boomers who got (back) into video games during the big nerd trend boom that really took off around PS4's reveal and release. son'y didn't plan this -- it just fell into their laps, and then they started catering to this newer crowd who is more-willing to bow down and take less, and have things stripped away or worsened. it's all because they don't know better
>if you take a look at normalfags, a lot of them admit they hate nintendo when they don't have a switch. i say "switch" because it's the only nintendo that matters to them now because their views on such simple things are narrowed by their strange hivemind for sony. i dropped sony around mid-gen this gen because i realized i just wasn't a part of their audience anymore

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I don't have a Switch, but I'd rather be with Nintendo autists than Sony normalfags. Sonyshitters are the ones who rave about Marvel movies and pay to watch them a few times. I like Smash, but I've always played and not cared for any of this DLC reveal shit. It's all about GAMEPLAY.

>I don't have a Switch, but I'd rather be with Nintendo autists than Sony normalfags. Sonyshitters are the ones who rave about Marvel movies and pay to watch them a few times. I like Smash, but I've always played and not cared for any of this DLC reveal shit. It's all about GAMEPLAY.

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>all these butthurt Sonyboys that have to browse Yea Forums because the PS4 hasn't had any relevent games in over a year


>well-informed, lengthier post intimidates these normalfags
my knowing this got you shaking even know. stay pleb

After pic related just happened to me I couldn't agree anymore. You Nintendofags always sperg about Sony's censorship.

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If by "well-informed" you meant "intellectually dishonest" then sure.

Seething cope cringe and yikes with bikes

>When the board was anti Sony everything was jolly and shitposting was a art
>now that the board is anti Nintendo we only get wojaks, pepes and extreme shitposting

If you dont like Nintendo so much just strat your own tread and dont click on Nintendo ones is this that fucking hard ?

And what are you all doing here if you're not playing your precious games you hypocritical sack of shit.

Fucking seething

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I'm so fucking tired of smash threads.


But you're not talking about the video games most of the time. You're shitting on each other's bullshit fantasy picks and barely even talking about the game itself.

The Snoybois have never shat up the board as bad as you nintöddlers

This. Nintendies can't defend their obnoxious behaviour without strawmans and misdirection.


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I think you're all fucking awful