now that the hype has died down, can we finally agree it was mistake to adopt the open world meme. the world was 90% dead and empty space
Now that the hype has died down, can we finally agree it was mistake to adopt the open world meme...
nah, game was great
>Yea Forums IS STILL MAD
Nope. The world was actually fun to explore, the glider also made movement fun and engaging, hope they just add onto what they had in the first game for BOTW 2.
It was Great, lot of room for improvement though.
I've gotten into it recently. You are wrong.
Also, does armor upgrading break the game?
Just don't upgrade hearts and you'll be fine.
No, it was the most fun I've had with a single player game in years. Just hoping they add more like said.
>the world was 90% dead and empty space
you see maybe these botw hate threads wouldn't come off as impotent autistic shitposting if you cocksuckers stopped flat out lying about the game
No. The concept and execution were great, it just lacked content. They just have to make it smaller and denser next time, also make an actual campaign with actual bosses and dungeons in addition to the incredibly fun physics and engine. If they also improve the combat and weapon degradation system we will have the best game of all time easily.
>incredibly fun physics
Mate its just standard physics that was in HL2. Theres nothing special about botw's physics
You never played either.
I did. what made it good? Its just 'thing fall down because gravity' physics. Did the part where you push a boulder into a hole blow your little mind?
Calm your tits user, the game offers more than ragdolls, if you had played the games you'd know.
Absolute cope.
Game was great, you're still a fag. Live with it.
Nice buzzwords retard.
World is pretty dead but exploring it can be fun sometimes.
>Its just standard physics that was in HL2
kek, this is a low bait
It's ok Nintendie, we understand 15 year old tech is new and innovative for you.
It feels closer to 2D zelda now which is an improvement from hub-to-hub 3D zelda since OoT
lol so mad
When will it stop Yea Forums
Not him, but is not the same tech and fnot the same way of implementation in gameplay
So is ur mom but I gave that bitch a 10
>Yea Forums still seething over BotW
My god you're all going to implode when BotW2 comes out aren't you
When BOTW 2 comes out
>Dead empty space bad cuz Nintendo
It's Nintendo bias or something man. I played this and it was pretty good but I enjoyed exploring other game worlds more. Asscreed origins came out the same year and it's world was mind blowing.
My hope for breath of the wild 2 is more scale in general. The world needs more structures, caves, and don't let us climb absolutely everything because there's no point in having a chasm or a mountain when I can summit it in a minute by spamming jump
Open world was fine. Dropping temples/dungeons for Shrines was gay as fuck though.
Nah man, don't get on their level, SotC was great, I would have loved if they implemented similar Boss Battles on BotW.
when you stop giving the easiest replies ever
Downvoting isn't a argument reddit.
>being a (You) whore
enjoy it
Well yeah the remake was trash
Open World is not always just an empty wasteland. GTA games are actually pretty packed with stuff and detail
>metal attracting lighting strikes
>burning grass creating updrafts that can lift you up
>wind propagating fire and moving objects around
>rain making surfaces slippery
>desert temperature lowering in an object's shadow
>edibles freezing in cold climates
>torches and fire weapons keeping you warm
why are spergs unwilling to admit botw did more things than previous games? what a bizarre phenomenon
thats not physics youre describing thats scripted gameplay elements. i dont think you know what physics is
And this is why you shouldn't bother responding to retards.
Game was great except for three things
>shrines and Divine Beasts were too samey. After the first couple it’s a bit of a slog with nothing interesting really standing out
>all of the bosses were unmemorable blobs of neon shit and random armor chunks
>needed more enemy variety. 9 times out of ten it was the same handful of humanoid monsters to justify replenishing your weapon stock
Other than that it was a fun ride
>Asscreed origins came out the same year and it's world was mind blowing.
Seriously? AC Origins? That's your pick for a "mind blowing open world"?
what will they ripoff from rockstar next?
Spawning a upward boost pad whenever fire is spawned isn't physics fucktard.
>nah, game was great
Open world concept was really fucking great, the open world itself was just a bit boring because muh wild.
Make a fantasy/surreal open world, fix unrepairable weapons, and you have the best game of all time. Oh wait, BOTW already is.
The game would have benefited if the map was like 25% smaller.
Calling someone reddit is the most reddit thing you can do nigger
It needs actual dungeons on the dead space.
I am replaying here and there on Cemu, its still solid but the flaws people have been saying for 2 years are still the biggest issues. Now a new issue is I hate the glider but the horse system isn't great either so you are pretty much required to fast travel and glide to get shit done.
This. Its not actually simulating air temperature dynamics
oh I see you're actually retarded, my bad carry on
The inside of your skull is 90% dead and empty space
It literally is though. There will just be a line of code saying something like, if player in shadow = true drop temperature meter. Its not actually simulating volumes of air particles, their temperature, currents and everything. These are just little scripted gimmicks. NOT physics
Note I didn't say gameplay or story. I said open world. The grandeur and scale of all the cities and temples was amazing. Something Zelda absolutely lacked. It could have had ruined cities even if they didn't want living ones.
Describe how physics are coded.
>that asset tiling on the mountain
big yikes.
It was a fun world to explore though. I agree
There's literally 0 western game with as good open world as botw
That's false though, I love BotW but GTAO uses the open world in a great way.