...This is just a movie game...

...This is just a movie game. Ever since the playstation days Ive head about how great it is but turns out it was just casual retards jacking off over a movie game! every 10 minutes of gameplay is broken up by a 20 minute long cutscene. 2 discs long for 2 hours of actual gameplay. no consequence for dying since you just restart like maybe 10 seconds back. i remember people shitting on mgs4 for being a movie game but it turns out this series was a movie game series all along!!! I guess this is what console fags think "stealth" is

Attached: metal-gear-solid-header-1173356-1280x0.jpg (1280x718, 157K)

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lmgtfy.com/?q=best game of all time #49

it's ok when Japan does it

Nintentoddlers are so desperate to shit on Sony for movie games (which i admit they are right for in some cases in the last few years) they even try to discredit a revolutionary game that tried to do something more than just bing bing wahoo

i dont own any current gen consoles because i am not literally retarded. It was revolutionary in kickstarting the movie game trend i guess. Wow, im so glad for this game. thank you metal gear solid, thank you for inventing movie games

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>no consequence for dying
found the nigga with the shit ending stats

European Extreme, zero saves, zero continues, zero alerts
get on my level you shitter

MGS1 is the 49th best game of all time

cool you memorized 2 hours of gameplay, you're definitely better than me at watching movies.

Of course you're right, MGS1 is literally the origin of the term "movie game."
The real problem here is that you're such a casual faggot that you didn't know this already.

Attached: 1445993567604.png (320x287, 104K)

>memorized gameplay
you still have to DO it nigger, don't pretend to be retarded. I bet you can't even get the good ending on anything higher than easy.

Still a better movie then most shit out today

This, lol. The torture sequence is such a good casual filter on harder difficulties.

I find the highly specific nature of your claim odd.

It's because i have a top 50, but i'm not gonna post it because you probably aren't interested

Google says its Wipeout (1995) but that's in a top 100 list. I'm sure you can find a hundred different lists with a hundred different #49s.

>lmgtfy.com/?q=best game of all time #49

>destroys OP

Attached: integral NTSC.jpg (342x342, 23K)

I congratulate you on crawling out from under your rock for the first time in 21 years, OP. Now could you please crawl back?

>muh score

No one but autists give a shit about score.

You're right, I wont because I don't have the patience to watch 2 more hours of this poorly written movie. id rather be playing a video game. id rather watch something like das boot if i got that much time to waste.

How is VR Missions btw?

A great movie and game. Nothing wrong about this unless you want a game without story telling

its fucking excellent
