Spilled water on my only computer. this is the end of me :)

spilled water on my only computer. this is the end of me :)

Attached: ispilledqaterandibrokeit.jpg (1200x627, 120K)

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An MGS thread died for this.

Next time spill cum on it you pathetic casual

omg user your sooooo zany!!!! hahahehe

Oooooooo u cute white boy

we purposely installed water-tamper sensors in your laptop to ensure you cannot use your warranty to replace this one

Put it in a tub of rice. Rice absorbs moisture like a champ and will eventually dry it out.

oh noo looks like the water wiped all the letters off your keys


What are you a rice farmer or something

My cousin Dorian shit inside his dad's dell laptop and closed it while sleepwalking

No user, his body is made of 100% rice

next time spill my cum on it after you jerk me off you faggot

That shit is turned on, chink boy
You can tell from the screen
OP is dead

i'll fuck you in the ass in the missionary position while making eye contact and then kiss you, you fucking fag

If only it was a Thinkpad

Pretty shit thread, OP
Check this 6

for OP it's just called a pad

You know you can just toss it in a bag of rice.
Or throw the hard drive into something else
It's not the end of the world you fucking tinkle trousers

Worked on mine, at least. Take the advice or don't, but I just wanted to share.

My ThinkPad™ does not have this problem.

Attached: serveimage-2.jpg (500x305, 24K)

i am using my expensive asus rog laptop while taking a shit at this very moment. i am literally shitposting


neat, didn't know about this

wait if your computer is fucked then how'd you make this shitty thread?

Attached: 1564794306876.png (979x1080, 1.49M)

It's ok user I was just joking, thank you for sharing your wisdom

Mom will buy you a new one if you stop yelling at her and actually try to do a few chores around the house.

just boil the water out OP

How do I dry my wet rice out though?

Based Dorian

put the rice in a bag of rice

I was doing chores! I was pick up the glasses in room and one of them had water and i didnt know and tipped it over with out knowing it had water in it and spilled it on the computer.

Dump rice all over it, let it sit a few days, clean out the rice, dump more rice on it, let it sit one day, clean out the rice, there you go.

Microwave it the laptop / parts
microwaves only affects h2o and other liquids, therefore your pc/laptop should be fine. do it it worked with my gtx 1050 ti

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Ah right, user you're so fucking smart. I love you for your smarts you know.

>I love you for your smarts you know.
that's fucking gay. get away from me, homo