User, stop hitting on the bartenders. They're mine

user, stop hitting on the bartenders. They're mine.

Attached: Dana.png (205x215, 11K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Fuck your gay anime ass

Attached: gamer-cheerful-teenager-playing-his-computer-looking-camera-his-friend-sitting-background-33696885.j (955x1300, 118K)

It's not like I could tear Jill from your arms if I tried.

Attached: 1566637379496.jpg (800x850, 136K)

>keeps posting about this shit game
My guess is that you were infected by the meme spread by the shills

Attached: alm.jpg (1200x1500, 1.85M)

What game would you rather see shilled user?

Attached: rt3_cover_fullsize.jpg (538x522, 374K)

At least one of the devs admits to shilling here.

Shrek Super Slam

Tell me about these games

Attached: dog.jpg (1280x720, 105K)

How about these voices?

They swapped Dorothy and Stella’s voices, Jesus.

I want to play Va-11 primarily because of this bitch

Good choice, she's the only one that isn't a degenerate lesbian

But I want to be yours too

Attached: 5a5a4017c0253c3b7a9c6c71d7374d21.png (819x1157, 974K)

Not the guy who posted it but Railroad Tycoon 3 is probably the peak of Tycoon games. It doesn't focus on railroad management autism, but rather the movement of goods on the most essential level. You really run a business rather than just organize railroads.

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Smelly alcoholic lesbian simulator

Attached: j.png (1052x742, 654K)

Jill will be my wife and you can't stop me.

Attached: Julianne.Stingray.full.2354123.png (393x571, 129K)

wow I hate it

she HATES dudes

>making shit up
next you're gonna say she has that slut shirt because shes an actual slut

Yes but only for girls (since she doesn't like guys)

fuck off tranny

She doesn't hate guys, Jill just laughed at that one guy's dick for being small

Whats being a secondary like?

She laughed at it because she thinks dicks are funny. She’s not a very mature person.

>two attractive people work next to each other literally every day
>neither shows even slight attraction to the other
They're BOTH gay

Attached: 5dc846b8aa00522c4eb37ad8a20d0a6e.jpg (800x820, 159K)

Ignore him
Its a yuri shitter. They're all delusional

God damn I love the comfy Cyberpunk SOL of this game. Same reason I like doing the chill sidequests in Astral Chain where you're buying ice cream for a kid or getting another kid's balloon out of a tree for them or catching someone's cat by distracting it with an empty can.

What are you gonna do, fuck the lust for Jill out of me?

Best girl passing by.

Attached: ECV1RaGUIAA_-3f.jpg (646x900, 113K)

Where's her bot?

On the back, petting some dogs with shirts.

>Astral Chain

>devs support lewds, both lesbo and straight

Attached: EAHMpHJXsAEuDc0.jpg (775x756, 155K)

I see nothing wrong with that

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whatever fuck you bitch im going to n1rv ann-a instead they got real mommies

I wasn't, tho? Jill is (((bisexual))), miss me with that gay shit.

I know Astral Chain isn't cyberpunk but you're still a future cop.

Maybe if guys didn't bully her she would be more interested in them

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I wouldn't mind if she was a lesbian tbqh, I only hate fence sitters.

>meme """""""""game""""""""

She's clearly on one side of the fence and is just kinda leaning on it

>just kinda leaning
Enough for me to consider her despicable.

No bully. She probably goes full les after the game

Stop talking about homos, we all love the girls anyway...

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Isn't she bisexual? Or bicurious or whatever?

She's the only one who outright claims NOT to be gay

Attached: 0ba7d892b811ef2a811a339573c6a6dd.jpg (1920x1152, 691K)

She should've stopped fooling around two years ago.

But what about that one time?

>MC forgoes paying utility bills in order to keep subscription up on her VR porn

Seems perfectly logical.

Attached: VR.jpg (471x356, 36K)

will we ever get official nudes again?

>don't call me gay, fuckboy

Attached: D-e6-g0UIAYuuMa.jpg (850x1200, 142K)

Of course not, gay people made up their minds.

lesbians are indecisive as fuck


>those hips
>that pantyhose
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA I want her to smother my face with her thighs in her work uniform.

Reminder that yuri is just a closeted cuck fetish.
Everyone who posts yuri content in these threads is a cuck in denial.

What’s the scientific source for that statement user?

Sorry user but she has super strict taste in guys and you don't live up to it

no, its not ok, user!


god i want boss to be my friend please god im so fucking lonely

Attached: jillnoodle.jpg (900x962, 119K)

So is Jill supposed to be a flattie or not?


Attached: literally me.jpg (1300x973, 663K)

She explains it herself in the game


>find a girl attractive
>but know she would never ever go to bed with you
>you find that hot and get aroused by the fact she fucks someone that could never be you
Quite obvious.

Bully me sexually please.

play the game

Why would you want that?

I did, twice. I can’t remember what day she talks about that

Toward the end, I think? She actually has pretty low standards, but your average user wouldn't even be able to live up to those.

Are all the women in this game lesbians or something?

Nah, some are bisexual and I think there may be a straight one.

Can I fuck *Kira* Miki

Attached: jill on her break.jpg (1274x2109, 1.17M)


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>I didn't actually play the game
Kill yourself retard.

Attached: mommy.png (828x1206, 919K)

What are you gonna do? Choke me? Take me to suplex city?

prepare your anus

Why does this game give me depression?

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I want her to sing me to sleep desu

Because you will never meet Jill and even if you did she wouldn't be interested

user, Gill may be attractive but he's the kind of guy to have several Cambodian hitmen on his trail and you don't want to be mixed up in that.

They could just fuck

Attached: boss.jpg (1114x640, 251K)

It's still a dangerous game to play, user. It's all good fun until the cyberpunk Yakuza cyborg Mexicans show up at your doorstep.

But im just a normal horny guy :(

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Why doesnt she just fuck her toy already, she clearly likes him

sei is best girl and you literally cannot argue against this its impossible dont even try

Counterpoint: Abs.

me too, user
on all accounts

I don't think K pop is a lullaby friendly genre.

They already work together, riding his (obviously massive) dick wouldn't really change anything

I don't think you know what a counterpoint is.


>tfw no comfy low-traffic bar anywhere near
why even live bros

Most of the people in this game are having a quarter-life crisis and would fuck anyone who made them a little bit happy.

i feel user
i just want a cute bartender gf

Attached: jillblush.jpg (512x470, 29K)

I do, user. In this case it is proof that best girl is not Sei.

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There's plenty of bars like that in Venezuela. You should go there!

i could scrounge together enough money for a plane ticket, but i don't have anywhere to go after that, and i am quite bad with planes so i'll be ill on arrival for sure...
do you think kiririn would take me in if i asked him to?

The solution here is just marry Jill too

I want to lick Dana's abs so bad bros

sei has abs tho, it's just her artist in GFL was too much of a pussy to draw them.

I wonder how badly your hand would break if you punched them.


>No hands.

Is Alma a size queen?

when will she realize that Jill wants to munch her carpet like crazy?

She already knows.

I'm sure anyone would! Venezuela is a warm and welcoming nation.

this all sounds really nice, user, but there's something i can't quite put my finger on bothering me still...

I don't know, did she comment on the whole "Gigantic wiener" scenario near the end of the game?

so she's giving Jill "blue ovaries" by pretending to be oblivious just for the hell of it?

That's only because she got her hymen CAVED IN and then got the pump and dump treatment.
Stupid whore doesn't know how to commit.

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Possibly. Until she comments on it we can't really tell why she's doing it.

My dick felt it.

God, I'd feel so bad for Jill if it turned out Dana was completely straight. It'd be funny as hell though.

I'm sure she had at least ONE good boyfriend before.

Stop me. I will have a threesome with them by the end of the month.

Sorry anons all women are gay.

>oathing Dana
>using the worst costume
I hate this image

What is wrong with you?

It's literally the most garbage costume out of the set.



Gill is just way too nervous to do basically anything, dude is a walking bag of troubles.

Proof? please