How ya doing banjobros?

How ya doing banjobros?
I got a question for you, which rareware character is the most likely to get in after banjo? My money is on Conker but I would like to hear what you guys think

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Hows it feel being completely invalidated by a meme skeleton?

banjo's already in, you can't invalidate that

You just want to start a fight, I didn’t even mention sans in the post. Now please fuck off

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Being in doesn't matter if people don't even remember. That's why Sans fans are so happy. They WON the public.

>more furries
No, this degeneracy has gone far enough.

Remember when Sakurai told you to go back to Xbox, then proceeded to suck Toby's cock dry?

I don't care what the zoomers think, I got the character I wanted as a full character

Banjo is zoomer tho. That's why you, a zoomer, want him.

Low tier bear. Reminder that he’s getting cut next game

Yup. I'm pretty sure Sans showed Sakurai that Banjo doesn't actually have that much push behind him

BK released before you were born.

Same faggots that tried to push the Banjo vs Bomberman shit and failed miserably are now trying to start a Banjo vs Sans rivalry when that’s two thing that have absolutely nothing to do with the other

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it's weird seeing such contrived arguments, as I like BK and UT

Time to move on bandwaggie.

So of the five people left on this board who actually unironically play Smash, what do you think of Banjo's gameplay?

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I actually don't like 1v1 Smash very much but murmurs of a remaster I like.

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He sucks. Glad I won’t have to see his cereal box looking fuckhead online anymore in about a month tops

You know what, I really like the way he plays. I'm not very good so I won't mind giving up my familiarity with my current main (Peach.) I think I'm going to play as Banjo Kazooie for the foreseeable future. It's such a fun play style.
I just really hope we get a Reignited/Rehydrated type remake soon

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in case any banjobros lurking that used to frequent the stage builder threads are here, I updated some of the banjo custom stages with new music and tweaks.

doubting another rare fighter will be added, but I'd welcome Battletoads or Conker - as long as they go with their original look.

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Upper mid-tier, feels like a straightforward character from Melee or Brawl.


Is say he’s high tier, but on the lower end of it, around where Mario and Fox are


Conker in smash would be absolutely cool

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What's next? Banjo vs Birdo?

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Pic Related or Gruntilda would be dope

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Mario and Fox have better tools. I think he's solidly mid-tier but will do fine against anyone online because side B is way less reactable in that environment. Grenades are a bit limited by their fuse and he has some blind spots. He's fun though, and I prefer him to be where he is rather than overtuned garbage. He also doesn't seem to be a character who can function well under setplay which is a bonus for playing him, but a negative to the character in an environment where setplay is good.

Blast Corps J-Bomb

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These are great man, thanks for sharing

Imagine his moveset
>side be is him riding on mr. barrel and works somewhat similar to wario’s side b
>for down b he transforms into an anvil
>neutral b is him shooting either his slingshot or his guns
>for up b he turns into a bat
>fsmash is the frying pan
>for up tilt he swings his baseball bat
>he’s second jump is the helicopter tail thing
He would be a pretty interesting character

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If Banjo was revealed the same day as Sans the Banjo hype would've blown the Sans hype out of the water.

Personally I want Fulgore or Joanna Dark, but anyone from Rare would be incrdible. I'd only want Conker if he can "swear" with bleeps. Never been too big on Conker's gameplay honestly, so he'd have to be really entertaining.

Yeah, it'll be Conker if it ever happens. It's not like they can wrangle in the rights to James Bond.

Why not Joanna? She'd have basically the same moveset.

I love this chubby bear!

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Well not really, see

that's autistic
are you telling me if your never ever got in and you were the only person on earth who wanted that character you wouldn't be happy? you're too reliant on what everyone else thinks

Battletoads or riot. A bit bummed out they didn't get a Mii costume.

Oh, sorry, I meant Joanna would have the same moveset as Bond.

I was just joking about Bond. I don't know much about Joanna other than the laptop gun and the aliens, but I'm alright with her.

Oh ok, no problem

How does one with autism this severe even operate a computer?

not sure what happened to my previous stage uploads, I guess they reset when the update dropped or something?

>They WON the public

>Banjo's reveal trailer is has millions of views
>The reception surprised Nintendo and Microsoft
>Rare Devs are now backing a Crash Bandicoot style remaster of BK and BT

We all can see you, Steve. Take the mask off. Cease your lies.

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>Rare Devs are now backing a Crash Bandicoot style remaster of BK and BT
where'd they say this?

I think you replied to the wrong post, but here’s the reasons, there was an amazon leak that said that a banjo game was coming to switch and the fact that the cable guys figure hasn’t been fully revealed yet, and those things tend to be released when the represented character gets something new

I don't think Steve works for Rare anymore, but I'm still hoping MS sees the demand for something.

Oh shit, the post you replied to actually says that, sorry I didn’t see that

>A bit bummed out they didn't get a Mii costume.
but user that just means they've a chance at being an actual fighter

Not expecting anymore MS reps, even with the bonus characters they mentioned. But well welcomed.

cute paw

he's fun and I don't care about tier lists because I'm not a tourneyfag

Cute everything.

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This isn't a Terry Bogard topic.

Any time I see an artist that draws paws in extreme detail I just assume that they're a disgusting degenerate. I'm usually right.

You're right, he is a disgusting degenerate because that artist DOESN'T draw porn, like some kind of freak.

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he doesnt? what a waste

Maybe some day he will.

Haven't mastered him yet but he's a lot of fun. Just the right blend of zoning and brawling. Had the biggest smile on my face after side-bing through PK fire and killing a Ness. I just wish Wonderwing refilled on a slow timer, like 1 per 15 seconds after you run out. Campy zoners can be problematic for him.

I've been wanting her in since melee was announced, but I know it's not going to happen

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