What did you play today?

What did you play today?

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I watched porn for 6 hours straight and ate some chik fil a. The rest of my day was just shitposting on Yea Forums.

Sleep tight, Popper.
I just played some Mario Odyssey to try and while away the time until the SNES service launch, only for them to come out too late to play today anyway. I need sleep.

Sleep tight, Popper.
I am so tired of life

I've been a massive degenerate in sims 4. not bad

Drifter allegiance quest in destiny. Fuck snitches

sleep tight, Popper

I played Fire Emblem for a few hours at work.

Eat shit and die, stupid Popper

Mostly I hunted for game deals. Today I bought:
>Dark Souls 2
>Dark Souls 3
>Soul Calibur 6
>Witcher 3
The games I actually played
>3rd Strike (fightcade)
>Mario Kart (SNES on switch)