Is it fun?

is it fun?

Attached: 1_Gears-5.jpg (1200x900, 240K)

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How fun?
What about multiplayer has some bullshit meta developed yet?

only Gears I've ever played was 1 a decade ago because never had a console and I'm having fun and feeling somewhat nostalgic.
No clue about MP, I want to get through the campaign first. So far it gave me plenty of chuckles during cutscenes and I'm enjoying the gameplay.

Pretty much the only complaints ive seen are from /vtards complaining about wamyn

>bullshit meta

probably going to be gnasher and wallbouncing 24/7 but I could be wrong.

It's great if you wanna kick back and suck your bros dick while displaying your big gay pride flag on your profile.

It's a gears game so no not really

No, it’s transsexual.