Gotta make them AAA bucks anyway you can.
Finally a game mode journos can enjoy.
Playing on easy is totally fine. If you care at all about how other people are playing their glorified children's toy you're an incel.
He knows that journalist mode will be the new standard in a few years. Truly a genius ahead of his time.
I mean I don't see why this is bad, as long as the hardest difficulty has the appropriate challenge
so is this an out of season april fools joke?
Why the fuck does watching cutscenes on Very Easy or Hard even matter?
I don’t see anything wrong with this
Dare I say, based.
Wow, Kojima should just drop out and go direct the next Spiderman movie, Sony would let him do it
I'm more baffled someone lacks the brain capacity required to beat the 1st stage of pac-man
If you can play the game on (very) hard then it should not be an issue. Imagine being a developer and alienating/isolating an entire userbase who plays casually. You'd be losing a lot of money
If it doesn't have a difficulty related then I pick this
enjoy your walking movie sim retards
MGS games have had very easy modes before, this is not new or novel you dummy.
It's ok when Japan does it.
There is literally nothing wrong with this. If you're going to dumb down your game and make it easy for casuals, then the best way to do it is to contain it in its own difficulty setting. Let everyone else play "Normal" or "Hard" mode
>inb4 very easy mode is literally just playing all the cutscenes back to back
Kojimbo is going to do some dumbshit guaranteed.
>Journalist mode
truly a visionary.
Total babby modes aren't a new thing, even as recently as Astral Chain has unchained mode that literally plays the game for you
Fucking gook hack piece of shit, I don’t give a fuck about your shit movie anyways
Is this a surprise to anyone?
He hangs out with all these actors, puts 100 film credits into Phantom Pain, needlessly adopts credit sequences in every part of that game, tweets about movies 90 percent of the time..
Bros, he's using video games to transition himself into a movie maker he believes himself to be.
>real actors
vidya actors btfo
He was always a hack mgs fanboys were just too underage to understand back then.
>Went from making masterpieces such as Zone Of The Enders and Metal Gear Solid 3 to make straight up nu-arthouse cringe movie games even a retard could complete
The absolute of Kojimbo
Why not just watch it on youtube for free?
from european extreme to american accesible
wtf? After their hard stance with no difficulty option in Bloodborne and Sekiro they go and do this?
Based Kojimbles flat out admitting it's a movie.
Where the fuck are you tripfags coming from
Go back and die
Know your roots before you speak.
it's a movie game. it's already easy mode.
based kojibro adding kojidrones their personal favorite mode
Never played a single one of his games
This guy shouldn't even be famous. He's using video games, a respectable art form, as a proxy for his failed career as a director. He's disrespecting film and video games with his work.
How much will the difficulty level actually impact though? We know there's some combat but it seems like there's going to be long stretches of no combat, with just climbing/walking while you deliver packages. Will the difficulty level affect the climbing mechanics? Will Norman Reedus's feet get sore quicker? Will the baby's stress increase faster? etc
So what silly item will it be? A tranq gun, a chicken hat, or something even dumber?
What a fucking hack, I bet if he made a real movie it would get destroyed by critics.
You'll have to pee more
If I was an actor I'd be embarrassed to be on his game desu
Didn't MGS4 have like three different easy modes?
you joke but it actually it comes in handy for certain games when journalists need to see all endings of longish games for their review
That'd be pretty funny. In a way, the game's basically giving shit to the player.
Shut the fuck up onsokumaru
he thinks movie buffs are interested in his hacky games writing
what the fuck does that even mean? fuck off you stupid nigger
Behead those who insult Kojima!
Something tells me that even the hard mode is a joke.
then he would go over budget and over schedule on the shoot because he spent too much time hanging out with game devs
He's got everyone charmed. They would praise it like it was the second coming of christ.
Games and movies are different media. If you make AAA title games easy for everyone, they will expect the same special treatment for every game.
It's actually better this way. Instead of dumbing down the game for everyone they have it as an option instead. True gamers start the game on Hard game.
what vidya is the goku character supposed to represent? my brain isnt clicking
>for movie fans
well there you have it. now snoys literally can't argue against people who call it a movie game now.
What does kojima do with the actors when they hang out
We need more games to rename very easy as journalist mode, 'for those who want to get through the game without playing it'
This. You guys need to spin it this way reverse psychology those fucks.
So they added a Journalist mode? Ok?
>adds a mode for movie watchers in Death Stranding
you can't make this shit up
I think I'll just pirate the game through youtube
What the fuck lol
This is "normally after you die, you get a game over and the game ends there" all over again. Kojima just conveniently forgets stuff that's already been done so he can enjoy that sweet dopamine of doing it for the "first time" and being such a visionary.
Can you find the very first one?
Gotta be like 10 years ago now.
I wish I was making movies and fuck videogames t.kojima
>real actors
Damn, that's gotta hurt
fucking based hideous kojimbo
bravo kojimbo we love you
These difficulties don't even matter since I'll be watching it on youtube instead, the only TRUE way to experience DS.
hey im a fucking retard thank you user
This. The worst thing ever is a piss easy "hard mode."
Easy modes are the /vp/ of vidya. They serve a crucial function.
Show them his drive jacket
Stop giving embarrassing triptard newfags attention and they'll kill themselves.
Movie fans fucking kek
Its straight up gonna bomb isn't it?
>video games
>a respectable art form
Who is "they" in this context? There is no overlap between the development team on those games and Death Stranding
Newfag question, why are named users disliked?
Heroin addiction and abusive relationships are someone else's problem too desu. If people make bad decisions and get stuck in a bad situation, fuck 'em.
They are chronic attention whores
The only reason to ever use a trip is if you are leaking things over multiple posts or if you are Kamiya
You're meant to be anonymous on 4channel new friend, nobody likes attention whores
>Thumbs up, gay, crab, awkward smile
What is he trying to communicate?
>Went from making masterpieces such as Zone Of The Enders
Please stop with this fucking stupid meme, Kojima has literally nothing to do with ZoE, he was just the producer of the two games.
Do people like Zone of the Enders? I couldn't get through the 2nd game cause the dialog was just so awful.
>implying they care enough to beat the game before dropping the review
Most the people that go to games journalism is because there are too many useless liberal arts majors and they can't find other work that justifies their degree. Their social connections are far more important than their creditability
They had a very easy mode in MGS2, 3 and 4 though
anyone who plays games on easy difficulties should not have their opinions heard. they will have had a wildly different experience than those on normal and above. certain encounters wont have the same impact on easy players because they know they wont fail.
>For people who don't want to play the game, and just want to watch for the story
What did he mean by this?
is that a gelgoog
Combat isn’t the only thing in games. There are other cool things like exploration, puzzles, story, etc.
inb4 some journalist still whines about something obvious because they are retarded.
So wait, the game is finished? People have already completed it?
Who cares if there is a "super casual" mode? Seriously. It doesn't detract from any other aspect of the game and is literally "more content".
Eh. The Phantom Pain had no difficulty whatsoever (even the higher difficulty SOP missions were easier than an older MGS game on the easiest mode) so this doesn't surprise me one bit.
Kojima can make pretty games, he can make interesting games, but he can't make challenging games.
i assume easy would also make all that stuff easier too like in mgs3 where easy difficulty made survival and supressors easy. easy mode in this game will probably make certain gauges like piss and food easier to manage and drain slower along with consumables easier to find and in larger numbers. i think that would ruin the whole idea of this game.
Just because you've been shitting this place up for years doesn't make you part of any "roots" you stupid tripfag.
>movie fans
What in the fuck
Of course it is. Look at the release date
What if the game's normal difficulty is on unfair levels?
Wtf, based.
name one
>Kenji Yano
>never completed the FIRST stage of Pac-Man
>uncredited(?) writer for MGSV
>writer for Death Stranding
Death Stranding confirmed to S U C K. Here's to it F L O P P I N G as it should.
I'll do that for you user
Seeing em play games, it's kinda hard to tell if it's an neurel network learning to play vs a human
Walking sim movie game confirmed
Mega Man X6.
>actually thinks tripfags are part of this shithole's "roots"
Wow, let's bring back Lanced Jack and Nigba while we're at it.
I wish that I could be so fucking entitled in the easiest job of all time that people would go out of their way to make their games for me specifically since there are less than five thousand reviewers
Can you imagine crying so much at any real job that they just have someone else do it for you
Why not just make a cinema mode where you replace all the gameplay segments with short montages?
AAA games are already easy
>movie fans
knew it... movie game
one and done
>talk about how mads fans will like this game because of all the ands content
>"whoa why are they putting in a mode for people who don't play video games?"
There's probably 3 difficulties above very easy and knowing Yea Forums you faggots won't even be able to complete normal.
>mfw Kojimbo actually convinced sony to patreon his degenerate lifestyle and he gave them this piece of shit in exchange.
The real piece of art is him.
Why do journalists think difficulty means toxic gaymers are gatekeeping video games?
There's things that ONLY difficulty can achieve.
>incentivize learning game mechanics
>incentivize fully exploring the game world to prepare for bosses
>show how the stakes get higher as you move to midgame and endgame
>convey the threat and danger of bosses
>convey the importance of the main quest as an actual struggle
>better reward mechanisms, new skills and new gear feel much more valuable when you actually need them to win
>better feeling of satisfaction when you win
I do not understand how you can accomplish any of the above when you just beat everything on the first try regardless of how well you played. Why even play video games instead of watch a movie at that point?
SwoleBenji is the most based and redpilled tripcoder ever! Check him out on Youtube!
they would seethe with rage for weeks
Not that user, but I've always had this shit saved.
You were a faggot back then, and you're a faggot now. The only thing you'll be remembered for is being an insufferable faggot.
Disgusting, walking and climbing ladders should be on hard mode only.
They don't actually think that, they just need an excuse to make their jobs easier.
Imagine if your job was to review restaurants but you're a massive pleb with no taste. You'd write about how every restaurant needs to serve burgers and fries or else they are toxic/elitist.
Why didn't they learn from Konami's mistake?
An actual unironic moviegame
An easy mode being available does not in any way diminish your experience
i like boco more
Yea Forums always gives the nips a pass
>If you make AAA title games easy for everyone, they will expect the same special treatment for every game.
This is the worst "argument" on the face of the planet and it doesn't deserve a response. You are utterly stupid. I'm guessing you're underage because you seem to think that proving how good at gaming you are is important to anybody.
You'll still be able to do that, little bro. Just because this game will have an easier mode doesn't mean you won't be able to.
Good for Kojima and Sony making good business decisions and raking in the benjamins.
It does because it attracts normalfags which leads to casualization of games. Fighting games and RTS communities remain great because women and casuals get filtered completely by never winning even a single time.
doesn't really matter when you're making a movie in the first place with "gameplay" begrudgingly tacked on
It isn't a competitive game and will likely only be a one off. Video games aren't jobs for most people. Go be autistic somewhere else.
>yfw Kojima is eventually outed from the industry for his refusal to add to the medium
Neither was TES and Fallout and look how that turned out.
How long until this hack gets fired from Sony like with Konami?
>le japanese david cage
>Bethesda is an example of casuals ruining muh secret club and not just lazy hacks
You can't skip them on Hard, you just have to sit through them
Why didn't he just make a proper movie?
because actors can attract movie fans to play the games, if you're a REAL GAYMER you'd play on European Extreme.
Can we have moot back?
>too many liberal arts majors
the ratio of STEM to liberal arts students has inflated almost exponentially in the past decade and a half. most liberal arts careers are really stable - few openings and few candidates, whereas software shit is the exact opposite. the journalism field’s only getting saturated because it literally doesn’t take a degree to do it
>so easy someone who can't beat a level in PAC-MAN can play
So does very easy have a win button? I lose more respect for this nip every day
Because you need some talent to do that, and a film studio is going to hold him to budget and deadlines and won't tolerate him dicking around and taking pics of his lunch instead of working.
>implying casuals won't just watch Death Stranding: THE MOVIE (all cutscenes) on YouTube
Put your trip code back on, so I can keep you filtered.
>being so paranoid you think any user that talks about it is him
Get fucked brat.
fuck you tripfag
>When sony has games that are even easier than Nintendo;s
Holy shit.
I'm not him you idiot, check the IP
you're not better than anyone else just because you have a special unique little name and code
fuck you
Is Kojima truly a genius?
>make drooling retard baby (journalist mode)
>rake in positive reviews
hey, kill yourself tripfaggot
to be fair a lot of things are apart of this sites "dynamic"
Even CP is apart of this sites "dynamic' same as anime.
Besides moot is a shill who works on google maps in japan now so his entire argument is invalidated.
You're fucking retarded
You're so stupid user. Go play a video game.
>pretentious shills want me to be hyped for this shit
This is an obvious fake quote.
MGS3 had, objectively speaking, the best difficulty select of all time.
>the chad cage
who is that guy?
This guy is Jap Chris Roberts.
Is there a way to remove messages from tripcodes?
I want to intentionally ignore all of them because I know they're desperate for attention and validation like this scumbag.
you go back to 2015
shut the fuck up Onsokumaru
Yano-san utterly BTFO
let me guess, that's a tranny
Using a tripcode goes against the ENTIRE design and point of an imageboard, you moron. Why even post something this stupid?
They just want attention. There's no responsibility because they hide behind some random name like the šôy cucks they are. Not like it's going to be traced back to them.
This isn't AOL dummy.
Your manners are terrible. We should all promote a healthy board culture.
Except every software team is begging for more developers and code Monkeys are still getting hired on the spot every day because you have no idea what you're talking about.
>Being this new
I can't wait for summer to be over.
Use > instead of @
Nothing wrong with this, it’s the developers choice, it’s only bad when journalists can’t be it and they complain the developers to make it easier like with sekiro.
The original Japanese release for MGS1 only had one difficulty setting, and that was the International version's Easy Mode.
It is over dum dum. You look like the summer child here.
The director of Indigo Prophecy, Heavy Rain, Beyond: Two Souls and Detroit: Become Human.
>Yea Forums
>discussion discussion discussion
Why exactly would you care when there will be other difficulty options that will be more suitable for you?
tripfriends are based. I love how easily they trigger the npcs on Yea Forums.
Its LITERALLY okay when Kojima does it
shut the fuck up onsokumaru
>someone actually dies
>Yea Forums cries like a bitch
Holy fucking newfag.
It's nice that he's dropping the pretense that he makes games.
He is making a movie so it makes sense to make it brain dead easy
I hate tripfags, too, but you are way to new to be posting. Lurk moar.
This. The only thing that beating video games on harder difficulties accomplishes is proving that you're a manchild.
>He was just the producer of the two games
>just the producer of the two games
Uhh sounds like he literally got thing to do with ZoE you fucking retarded
>being incelphobic
kill yourself.
Yo get a load of this oldfag. I used to play starcraft with a bunch of Yea Forumsirgins in some gay irc nigba was in. That was like 2007. Remember how that faggot used to call every thing entry level? What an annoying bitch.
>he changed it from Western fans to movie fans between his Japanese and English tweets
Yoooo how are you still alive?
wow this game is going to really suck, huh.
>playstation movie game meme is memed into real life by kojima antics
what a life we live in.
Producer could mean anything, its vague as fuck. Often times, though, its just funding the game and checking up on development every now and then.
gonna watch
>death stranding: the movie
on youtube, its gonna be fun
dab on snoytards
>paying 60$ for a movie
>doesn't include popcorn and a small drink
At least Hayter did real movies, even if they were pretty meh, unlike Kojima.
kojimbo what are you doing this is not how you promote your game
show off really disappointing pee and walking gameplay and say it can be completed by a person that couldn't beat a stage of pacman
i am so sick and tired of these gaudy hyper-realistic movie games.
even after all the high production costs and fancy new asshair or wahtever capture technology, the graphics become outdated just months after release.
Then why are you paying attention to it and not the indie section of xbox live?
>Xtrannies trying too hard yet again
I know Quentin is a troll but these are pretty ironclad points
holy newfag
shut the fuck up onsokumar
I have a ps4. That's kind of weird to just insert tranny into random names user. How is it relevant to xbox?
Dumb console war faggot
Poor Ozymandias. He'll forever be associated with Quentinposting.
Like how can you be excited about what you've seen so far? I also just found out in another thread this man literally contacted cliffy b to help him make silent hills.
This man is a hack in every since of the word. You can keep defending him at this point.
Manlytears unban when
>Yea Forums now defends literal movie games
This board has fallen so far.
Snatcher sequel never never never ever
and you're a resetera tranny
Well, at least the game still is in the pc engine mini...ahahaha....
>>Well, at least the game still is in the pc engine mini...ahahaha....
I want Analogue to to a TG16 console just so I can complete my set and also get the best non-32 bit or later version of Street Fighter 2 CE and Rondo...
user, why asking for that when the pc engine mini/TG16 min is coming next year?
emulation of it is made by M2.
I value the actual artifact, not just the game. I want to get me some Hucards.
mgs3 definitely had a very easy mode
Download Yea Forums x, then put "#" into the filter.
it did, but it also mocked the player using it with the rank at the end of the game.
DS will probably do the same.
MGSV made you wear a chicken hat.
Nobody liked you then and nobody likes you now. All fucking tripfags must fucking hang,
Can't believe we're living an era where even losing at a game is too much for snowflakes.
Lising is part of the fun, part of the game itself. Fuck zoomers.
there was also the lil'chick hat, to have it, you had to die 6 times in a short period with the chicken hat.
it literally made you invisible for the AI when using it.
>make a very easy mode, for journalist and non players.
>Make MG survive hard from the start, producer actually said in an interview some month before the release that playtesters had some troubles at the start of the game, don't change anything, annoy journalists in the process (a lot of reviews had them complaining the game was too hard)
From fox, two phantoms were born.
just watch it on youtube
>Pronouns in the profile
Bitter and mentally ill, what a combination
Ah so the reason Kojima is hiring all this actors is to widen his games appeal. Make games reach new audiences.
who knew that konami would actually do something superior
>i like boco more
Shit taste kill yourself
The only people who should be using tripcodes are industry professionals who can actually provide insight into a game's development. This should be a rule.
Fucking seriously? Go back to /pol/ with the all the other nazis
I agree. Games that ask you if you want to switch to easy mode when you're stuck can fuck right off, though. That's just patronising.
>Games that ask you if you want to switch to easy mode when you're stuck can fuck right off, though. That's just patronising.
That's actually just the game giving you shit for sucking at it.
Super Ghouls and Ghosts
Man, this is like entry level, I don't know or want to know how to play video games, tier. A level below casual
Remember Donkey Kong and Walter Joseph Kovacs?
yes how dare someone expect the people who are supposed to be authorities on rating video games know how to actually play a fucking game, only a nazi could think that.
shud da fugg ub onsogumaru :D:D::DDDD:D:DDdd
Very Easy has been a thing since like MGS2 or 3 you fucking retardst
Dungeon of the Endless
Although the mode names are actually a joke in that game. there's only Easy and Normal. Easy is "normal" and Normal is "very hard"
larping as a triggered tranny isnt funny you just make this site a much more unpleasant place to be for general shitposting and Yea Forums related material
shut the FUCK up, onsokumaru..
>Not calling it walk in the park mode
shut the heck up
>Unbased Kojima missing an obvious opportunity like that
>He probably wants to get better reviews for his shit game by not doing that. (while journos could arguably even shill the journo mode as a creative sarcasm if given enough money)
Hell, I'm going to be a Death Stranding speedrunner
I'll just set the video to double speed
>. If you make AAA title games easy for everyone, they will expect the same special treatment for every game.
how is this different from what we have now, just go check out any roguelike or xcomlike game on steam and see the reviews of plebs getting mad.
Who's Yano-san anyway?
it's your fault for sucking, the game's dabbing on you
I think she's Kojima's secretary.
>glorified children's toy
One sentence and 2 BUZZWORDS? What a dumb user...
co-writer of death stranding
Not the worst bait I've ever seen, but not exactly good either.
Hell yes. Lanced Jack is exactly the kick in the ass this place needs.
>Normally there's only Easy Mode
That's a lie. I'm pretty sure both MGS3 and MGS4 had Very Easy modes.
>real actors
Lmao all voice actors and Joost BLOWN THE DICK OUT
options are BAD
>MGS2: Very Easy, Easy, Normal, Hard, Extreme
>MGS3: Very Easy, Easy, Normal, Hard, Extreme (European Extreme added in PAL versions)
>MGS4: Very Easy (Liquid Easy), Easy (Naked Normal), Normal (Solid Normal), Hard (Big Boss Hard), Extreme (The Boss Extreme)
"Normally there's only Easy Mode," eh?
When he made that tweet originally in Japanese it was slightly different.
Does he consider Western fans all movie fans?
West loves the "cinematic experience" and is full of "journalists" who can't play games worth a damn that they need to cater to. The entire idea of "Very Easy" exists primarily for the sake of the west.
Which isn't to say that Japan doesn't have pussy faggots too, but western pussy faggots complain louder.
>hmm how do watashi say gaijin game fan in englishu?
>checks Japanese-English dictonary
>ahh movie fan desu
so why would anyone actually buy the game to play on very easy mode when they can get the same movie experience by watching a no commentary walkthrough on youtube for free?
like you gotta have to be fucking stupid
Wow. As a westerner I am actually mildly offended and a bit ashamed western fan is now synonymous with movie fans in Japan's eyes.
>very easy mode was made specifically for Americans
Good post
ok so that means you must really suck if you need this
>Super Mario Bros. 2
>Mega Man 2
Is this news? This shit's been happening for literally decades.
So it's like nier
What's the big deal?
It is. It's also perfectly fine for a game to not have an easy mode at all. It's also perfectly fine if a lot of people can't finish said game because they're gigantic faggots.
>now its a childrens toy
remember in MGS3 where the hardest mode was named 'European Extreme'
>ruin your game to please non-gaming movie faggets
So basically MGS4 minus the 30 minutes of gameplay?
He doesn't even mention movies when talking to his fellow Japanese. He's putting it all on western fans for needing easy mode.
Then when he speaks to English speakers he is all like hey there movie fans got a special treat for you.
He's raughing at western fans isn't in?
Fuck journalists for creating this perception.
What are you even talking about? The dude is an author for a completely different company. All he ever did was write the novelizations for the books.
Because his game made it's budget back and morr in less than a day, piece of shit or not. The dude prints money.
Hitori Nojima and Kenji Yano are the same person.
Due to the excessively common meme of saying Hideo and Kojima are the same person I actually can't tell if you are memeing or not.
Okay, and that's death stranding. You said mgs V. He didn't write anything in mgs v beyond the translated novelization, and was the one that did the previous games as well.
This is the true cinematic future.
How is that first one a buzzword? He's a redditor for using the second one, but all video games are for children, so he isn't wrong there
Thanks another movie shit.
not to say it's too hard, but Devil May Cry 3 did have the Japanese hard mode as its American normal mode, so one could make a case for that. That being said, if you want to be a good DMC player, git gud or git fucked.
t. loves DMC to death and is currently getting his shit pushed in doing Dante Must Die DMCV
I wonder what will be the biggest disappointment death stranding or cyberpunk
The fucking state.
And snoibois will still deny it's a movie. Even the fucking director is saying it.
If he posted that in English there'd be 100 "Hideo Kojima is racist and here's why" articles from literal who journalists within an hour.
[EASY MODE IS NOW SELECTABLE] is fucking hilarious you bitch.
Lucky for him journalists aren't smart enough to learn Japanese. Or I guess use google translate.
More Xnigger cope, I see.
literally who?
umm sweaty you can't be racist against whitoids
even fucking kojima himself is saying the game is a movie, dude
>Difficulty levels
>itz uh moovy!!!!
It must be a struggle being you
>Sony movies is just a me-
then let them expect that
>people will waste their time watching Kojima’s madness on YT
You know actual movie directors exist
I played with Quentin before and I don't think I ever remembered him doing callouts. He was usually pretty quiet and kept to himself when raiding.
kill yourself faggot
i think it's still too hard for them
What a brilliant creator, truly a genius unfazed by the industry, what an intellectual
You just posted the target audience for this movie
The fact Kojimbo sees his games as movies because that's what he actually wants to make in his life is the problem. If you take away that little neat gameplay their games have all you have left is B tier action movies that get forgotten in a week.
>but all video games are for children, so he isn't wrong there
Poor bait
im not liking this at all. I thought death stranding was supposed to be some type of shared experience that the community collectively figures out and surmounts. if some soimale is playing it on very easy its suddenly not some community based experience like soulsborne
Finally, a mode for gamer girls streamers.
Remember how 50-60% of metal gear 4 was basically cutscenes? Ye.
>if you take away the game part of video game all you have left is a video
European Extreme was in 2 as well.
how the fuck is this bad news? would you rather have only one difficulty toned down for normies and their moms?
Based. Kojima confirms PS4 exclusives are just walking simulators
>Actually made actual movies
>Got Natalia from idolm@ster voiced
what a chad
only an autist thinks hard = good
Seems like he really knows the Playstation audience
>a respectable artform
Hello Jew
Fuck it might as well add a "just cutscenes" mode
Because Mads,Reedus,Seydoux ... are western celebrities that's why they will bring western movie fans
If the game had eastern celebrities he will mention eastern movie fans
uncompromising means good, pandering to the lowest common denominator (you) is compromise
Oh no a mode we genuinely don't have to play, whatever will we do Yea Forumsros.....
My issue is he states typically he wouldn't have a very easy mode but because of these movie fans wanting to be included development funds and time had to be spent on making a special mode to pander to them. He could have had his team use that time to make a frolicking mechanic.
>Playing on easy is totally fine
Based. This is true and having an issue with how other people play a game is pathetic and is not unlike the Nanny states most of you (us) actually live in.
That said, listening to anybody who played the game on easy (or lower) talk about gameplay should be avoided. Same with listening to somebody playing a game on lowest graphical settings talk about how ugly it is.
Basically avoid what journalists have to say about games, but don't get yourself all worked up because they suck at what they do.
you wont believe how many Yea Forums user actually play on easy, dont be fooled my the macho speech.
sekiro was too fucking funny and a eye opener at /V /hypocrisy.
If you play on hard, how does there being an easy mode in the game affect you?
This is why you don't let the "Idea Guy" take full control over game-play development
>Playing on easy is totally fine.
I suppose it depends on the person. I never finish any games on easy and usually not even normal. If there's no challenge I completely lose interest. There's no sense of accomplishment or struggle or improving your knowledge or aptitude of the game.
>Press button
It's boring. I like when a game kicks me in the dick for playing like shit. I like when a game forces me to get better to win. I can only ever finish games on hard and above because the challenge is incentive to keep going.
is this where very easy is ctually top tier hard?
>no overlap
bro they're both made by bug people which are all tied into the same hivemind
More options is not a bad thing
how does this whole immersion thing with the end of the world and struggeling work when everything is very easy to beat?
Shut up, butt-rice.
PS4 MOVIE """""GAME""""
IDK if I should hate Kojima because he's literally making a movie at this point, or love him because hes calling out westerners and in particular journos
Remember when hamburger helper was asking for a button that skipped the gameplay?
She was ahead of her time.
you're doing the same thing with your post
yeah, all classic literature should also come with a very easy mode where every paragraph is condensed into a few sentences full of emojis
when where
Seems pointless. You probably can wait until someone uploads an edited gameplay in youtube.
Most of the MGS games had very easy as an option
I'd pay for an "easy mode" version of Moby Dick.
imagine not getting to the first key in pac-man
Audio books are the easy mode of literature.
in the age of YouTube, this is the most logical step to take. you could just fucking watch the whole game online, so why not just make it so
>Comes to an anonymous board
>Uses a name
Here's another (you), You attention craving nigger
>tourist mode
enemies can't see or hurt you
>easy mode
enemies can't see or hear very far, bad aim as well
>normal mode
enemies act normal
>hard mode
enemies deploy more advanced tactics
>dante must die mode
late game enemy types appear earlier
>european extreme mode
you only have your starting weapon
You mean cliffnotes? They have those. Students use them all the time.
maybe if youre fucking retarded? its probably harder to actually understand a book if youre listening to a reading of it rather than going at the sentences on your own pace. its only irrelevant in books where theres nothing there to begin with that wouldnt let you race by the text
Adding an easy mode doesnt make a game worse. To stay relevent games need to appeal to casuals, so it's either add an easier mode or make the harder modes easier
Personally I think thw whole system is retarded and it's about time we start getting fully customisable difficulties, maybe I want hard boss fights but don't want to fuck around with the trash mobs, maybe I want easy puzzles but hard fights or hard puzzles but easy fights, maybe I just want to ear exp or money just a little bit faster.
Bravely Default had the right idea, we just need to expand on that
>maybe if youre fucking retarded?
That's typically the point of easy modes.
>To stay relevent games need to appeal to casuals,
nope, they need to appeal to casuals to remain as the digital fischer price toys that they are
Guise making the game multiplatform and for consoles doesn't make the game worse. To stay relevent games need to appeal to casuals, so it's either ruin the game or make the ports shitty
>journalist mode
This is great
Is this the first time Yea Forums discovered difficulty levels or something?
This is pretty autistic logical fallacy
i think youre seriously underestimating how bad some people who like videogames are at them, its honestly fine to let the dummies have their fun
maybe if youre a mouthbreathing downie. what games do is give you interaction and the designer gives you emotion through that interaction. something like DOOM is intended to evoke anger, confusion, adrenaline and a lust for violence. whatever kojima wants to evoke with the gameplay of death stranding is going to be instantly diluted and ruined by compromising for mouthbreathers who think mediums need to dumb themselves down to X autists level rather than the other way around
You're a kind user to spoon feed others. But I'll kill you if you do it again.
but you are not playing on very easy mode you lech
This thread is 60 iq glad I stopped reading it after 20 posts
Nobody here is realistic in any sense of the world and lives in their idealistic ignorant fantasy land where everything is catered to their whimsy and lack of understanding of the real world.
Screenshot this post for when you're in your 50s and haven't done anything significant with your life because it's all about luck and you're actually 140 iq and just misunderstood.
Shut the fuck up Onsokumaru
nigga stfu
>comparing video games to heroin addictions
you're delusional
Kojima wants to make movies so badly what a stupid faggot
no you
>still have the Yea Forumsidya albums on my ipod
Those intermission talks are some cringe shit, but they're kind of nostalgic now.
Yea Forums knows nothing about video games. Reminds me of all the retarded kids here being surprised about DMC5 having an easy automatic mode like all the other games.
Posting on Yea Forums instead of playing a game is kinda like playing on a level below very easy mode.
>he announces this right after dehumanizing Solid Snake, one of his most loved characters
Wtf is going through this man mind right now?
It's the usual dull shitposters seething over DS' existence.
spoken like a true woman. maybe one day, pal
>walking simulator movieshit confirmed
>snoyboys will still defend it
Like so.
What's this? Anumati ripoff?
Shut the fuck up Onsokumaru
>capital V
Come on my dude
Why is everyone including kojima acting as if this were a new thing when every mgs game since 2 had a very easy setting?
Hell you were even forced to play through it in 2 if you wanted every dog tag
Everyone must be able to play in whatever way they want to play, and all games that could afford it must have either adaptative difficulty, and/ or several customizable difficulty setting so the biggest casual, the biggest pro and everything in between have the most fun and fair challenge for their skills.
Anyone denying such basic common sense don't enjoy playing videogames, but shitposting about them online.
ultimate soi cringe
>I know I am wrong so I must meme
more like I know Im right but soibois have been given a voice so what can I do. see
Kojima clearly hates video games and would rather just make movies, why can't he just go away and leave us alone.
Because he clearly enjoys making video games.
slightly interactive movies you mean
>game about doing nothing is hard for some people
literally what
You must be mistaking him for David Cage. Kojima's games always have fun gameplay and his last two were more gameplay focused than most modern AAA video "games".
MGSV is 20% "gameplay" and 80% interactive cutscene
again, a literal who posting their opinion and being given attention, let me out please
I hope that was a typo and you meant MGS4. Otherwise that's some pretty pathetic shitposting.
How does it confirm anything apart from difficulty levels mini mind?
Yeah get off your highhorse fag. I've played every kojima game and enjoyed them. They're all 90% cinematic trash that makes no fucking sense and 10% actually enjoyable gameplay.
>more gameplay than most modern aaa games
this is false
huge amounts of meaningless and repetitive activities and redoing the same missions over and over again isn't a good example of gameplay
You don't have to play them you mentally retarded child
How is gameplay in a game 'meaningless'
In what way? There around 30 different bases.
>redoing the same missions
Happens about 5 times out of around 30 missions
>this is false
It took around 10 hours for most people to beat which was perfectly normal for its time and still is.
>You don't have to play them you
of course I don't have to play them, he designs them to be watched instead
ok retard
His last two games were MGSV and PW. Don't give a shit about your opinion of the gameplay, just pointing out how retarded it is to claim he just wants to make movies when his recent games have more far more gameplay than cutscenes.
>he designs them to be watched instead
Did you ever play an MGS or are you just here to fit in with the epic shitposters?
We're gonna get 50minutes of Death Stranding gameplay at TGS on the 12th.
>Source: Kojipro twitter
>le every game must be the same
Don't like it don't play it lol
>I've played every kojima game
No you haven't.
this is the only way he would be near to making a movie
pseuds mad
pseuds mad
>literally just a guy walking through an empty openworld
Truly worthy of the code name Snoy.
Why does anything Kojima attract so many autistic shitposters?
Why not bitch in Yakuza threads instead, that's far more devoid of gameplay.
>A difficulty setting that makes it virtually impossible to actually talk about the game without slipping up and letting on that you played it on 'journalist mode' so that bad opinions can be safely ignored
>His last two games were MGSV and PW. Don't give a shit about your opinion of the gameplay, just pointing out how retarded it is to claim he just wants to make movies when his recent games have more far more gameplay than cutscenes.
he literally just wants to make movies, he began making games because he couldn't break into the movie industry and he is even extremely disparaging toward the medium of video games because they only recent began being as good as movies.
out of his whole library of projects he has designed from policenauts to the total metal gear franchise, one can only seem to cite specifically pw and mgs5 as examples of him definitely not wanting to just make movies is an absurdity, especially considering what is in the OP.
Saying "well of course he doesn't want to make movies, look at the games he is making, they have more gameplay than cutscenes" is because of the literal necessity of the medium. the last of us has more gameplay than cutscenes, that doesn't change the fact it is a decidedly cinematic experience.
Fuck off retard , the pain and ocelot are painfully bad on hard and above but the fury is just a joke 100X harder than anything else in the game
It's a single player game and it needs to make money. You know how many people I know that skipped all the souls games because of their alleged difficulty?
How is it of all the old guard you're one of the few still around?
what kept you from killing yourself or leaving like so many others have
Yes, he began making games 30 years ago because he couldn't make movies back then. Now he actually has a passion for making video games and continues to do so because of that. He's already got enough connections to make some shitty movie if he wanted to.
>they have more gameplay than cutscenes" is because of the literal necessity of the medium
No it isn't. David Cage makes interactive movies which have practically no gameplay yet they his "games" are all successful. If Kojima wanted to make movies he'd just do the same, yet he puts far more effort into gameplay than he needs to.
I'm sorry your "lol movie game" meme doesn't work anymore.
I play games on V.Hard or Legendary and then use trainers or cheats. Explain to me without frothing at the mouth how my gameplay affects yours in ANY way. We're talking about SP games, cheating in a MP game is AIDs as it affects others.
>it means future games will be targeted at casuals and easy mode
They already are because they are the larger market and games are about making money. Either go back to old games that satisfied you, wait for the few games that do come out or mods the new games.
>it means you're shit at the game
Games are supposed to be about fun, you have fun by being challenged and others have fun by being the challenge.
>you're not a true Gaym0r if you're not finding the game challenging
You play games to be challenged, I play sports or things like Seppuku to be challenged. Everyone is different.
>you're experiencing the game differently
No, you're experiencing the difficult differently. The graphics, story, combat are all the same. The only change is that it takes 1 hit to kill you instead of 3, or your troops do less damage, or there's an extra move the boss can do.
god I fucking miss komeiji.
>he literally just wants to make movies
Not gonna read any of your drivel, but you need to provide a source for this.
tr*pfriends like you belong on a cross
I think it's more about Kojima admitting it's a movie.
You still pushing this FUD, Xcuck marketer?
Is there a single person in the entire world who wish he was white as much as Kojima? Not even the blackest guy on /pol/ has this much adoration towards whites as Kojima does. Kojima goes beyond booism and into manic desire.
Kill your self and then die
As long as he's honest about it: Very Easy Mode is for making the game into a semi interactive movie.
>He's already got enough connections to make some shitty movie if he wanted to.
what do you think Death Stranding is? is designing games out of necessity for an individual dependent on the industry which he is limited to? I'd argue absolutely yes.
>No it isn't. David Cage makes interactive movies which have practically no gameplay yet they his "games" are all successful. If Kojima wanted to make movies he'd just do the same, yet he puts far more effort into gameplay than he needs to.
one reason: MGS was a cash cow for Konami. Kojima adds gameplay to his work because he considers them to be a "service", this is the key reason he doesn't consider games an 'art-form" but films are an art form because there is no contingency of servicing a consumer. Kojima loves following trends and keeping up with the market, he knows that's a necessity to be successful.
call it abductive reasoning
Only asians and spics wish they were white. No black person ever wants to be white, they're too proud of their race.
How the fuck laughing at others being shit makes you incel?
Lies. If you could offer every nigga to swap places with whites and no one know they were swapped, most would take it. Hell black dudes don't even find black women attractive
Its his vision so fuck you.
> No black person ever wants to be white
You say this, while people like Ben Carson exist.
But that aside, i guess it's the exotic aspect. For asians, white culture seems extremely different, and visa versa. While black and white cultures have interacted for centuries to the point that "magic" is gone.
haha, i watch mega64 too bro
>Actually forcing me to side with a tripfag just to call out a newfag
Holy fuck you're fucking stupid you piece of filthy newfag.
>No black person ever wants to be white
Dude, everyone wants to be white just because they have it easier than everyone else.
>Your job is to play videogames
>You dont even play them
>Future makes the past irrelevant
How very zoomy muttism of you. True zoom zoom mentality
>what do you think Death Stranding is?
A video game, with a lot of gameplay.
You didn't even read the shit you quoted. Gameplay isn't necessary for a successful "game" as proven by Cage's shit and other literal movie games that sell millions. Kojima loves the gameplay side of video games and constantly experiments with gameplay mechanics. I don't know how the fuck you could look at Death Stranding and say that Kojima loves following trends.
Kojima is the single most cancerous "personality" in the video game industry today. His fanboys are all mentally ill.
I'm really hoping the Kojima defense force is shitposting at this point.
By that logic everyone wants to be a girl, yet we have GG and /r9k/ incels
Eh? Maiji, Easy modo?
Why do shart in the marts keep thinking Kojima wants to be like them? The guy ridicules you in all of his games.
>Only burgers are white
Good job flippo
You're literal NPCs
>Beep boop Kojima bad
Then don't play his games.
>By that logic everyone wants to be a girl
Which is true especially in this day and age where you can do low effort softcore porn and rake in the money.
>Now introducing: Cliff's Notes mode. This mode allows the user to receive a brief summary of the events in the game for the purpose of updating their gaming journalist blog feed.
idgaf about my race tho
>thinks the people who go against the mainstream are NPCs
they could just play botw if they wanted an easy game
hard mode costs extra
His games all feature American protagonists and are centered around American foreign affairs, he doesn't give a shit about Europe.
>A video game, with a lot of gameplay.
and a lot of film actors, del toro being involved, highly cinematic trailers, etc. DS is once again Kojima trying to raise his image in the film industry and create a decidedly cinematic experience.
>Gameplay isn't necessary for a successful "game" as proven by Cage's shit and other literal movie games that sell millions.
MGS sells far more than any trash made by Cage, and far more than other "movie games" by virtue of the fact Kojima designs them as a service.
>Kojima loves the gameplay side of video games and constantly experiments with gameplay mechanics.
he doesn't "love" the gameplay side of vidya. to him, designing a video game is the necessary function of it's inherent form and he wants to service said consumer.
Just because he breaks the fourth wall a couple of times does not change the fact all his games up until mgs5 were linear cinematic experiences that catered to the "mature" market of Sony's respective console at the time. mgs5 is Kojima providing a sandbox service akin to gta (which is what he often compared it to) for the consumer in order to maximise potential profit,
this still does not change the simple fact: he wants and would prefer to make movies, and he looks very much down on vidya.
>hayter became a movie director
>kojima still stuck making movie games
just watch it on youtube then lmao
>difficulty settings bad
Pull your mind out of the Yea Forums memeplex for half a second and ask yourself why you would care.
You ARE the mainstream, dumb fuck, people that have never played a Kojima game or appreciate any form of Japanese media so you go play your Cowadooty #297474 instead.
You can still be an NPC by accepting a set of popular opinions within a small community unquestioningly.
See: religion.
>he doesn't "love" the gameplay side of vidya. to him, designing a video game is the necessary function of it's inherent form and he wants to service said consumer.
All completely baseless trite, you sound the like the type of person to get high from sniffing your own farts.
imagine paying 60 dollars for a movie
imagine that movie was mass effect 3
>he doesn't "love" the gameplay side of vidya. to him, designing a video game is the necessary function of it's inherent form and he wants to service said consumer.
I see we've reached the stage where you just start making up total bullshit about Kojima to fit your incorrect argument. We're done.
And? Real men take genuine pride in being as disgusting and unlovable as possible. Hell we have boards dedicated solely to make ourselves as undesirable to women or fags due our actual intelligence seeing past the primitive insticts. We are no slave to pussy, we are the true free men.
Dialogue skip functions are primarily for repeated playthroughs though. Not people who want to ignore the game.
It's different from skipping gameplay. If you know the dialogue then you know the dialogue. Repeating it won't really give you anything.
But gameplay is a test every single time.
>Everything that happens in MGSverse is due euros
>N-no no, only we count USA USA USA
Very american post, i am impressed. Sorry laddie, but Kojima basically confirms your pitiful "country" as our subordinate. Oh sure, you can larp as free, but once the crown decides literally anything, you step into the line like everyone else.
Not the user you replied too, but hey, ill try to explain why.
Here is the thing with media, each media form has its advantages and disadvantages. Film, and books have no difficulty settings. And games have this unique ability, where they challenge your own ability to continue trough it to the end. It is for the most part absolutely unique to the videogame medium. And as such has to be taken into account when developing the game itself. As the difficulty is part of the game itself. And to actually experience it fully, you have to play it at the intended difficulty.
And now this is my personal opinion and maybe a bit of a tangent, but reducing the difficulty is aking to ripping off every other page out of a book. Yes, its going to be faster to read trough, but you will not get the point the author was trying to get across.
Difficulty is an integral part of the medium of videogames.
What the fuck are you even trying to say by posting this? Are you mentally disabled?
>it's real
I don't fucking even.
Are you fifteen? Or just from some uneducated shithole part of Europe?
That contains nothing that supports your argument that he doesn't love gameplay. What are you doing?
Easy mode is easy - cool, don't care, not playing it
Normal/hard mode is easy - that's a problem
Oh yes, i forgot, Zero was obviously American despite being LITERALLY british!
God damn, not every day you see a brainlet like yourself, unless you check the mirror daily.
souls games are better off without easy difficulty because the designers decided to make the point of those games their difficulty and the learning curve.
many other games are fine with "super babby tier mode".Kojima's games have always aspired to be movies anyway, the focus is on the story and the actions avaible to the character, not how hard they are to execute.
games can be many things and that's ok.
Literally shaking rn
>Top Ten ways to find out a post was made by an American
I love how he basically said "if you're too stupid to play an actual game you can just play on retard mode, I don't care as long as you give me your money".
Majority of the world is still religious, you freaking retard.
We are not the mainstream you moron. Majority of the video game industry thinks Kojima is the best video game director ever produced. Did you not see how many of those people sucked him off at the Video Game Awards? The people who've never played kojima's games are people who don't complain about it. It's people like myself who did play his games and saw the downward spiral because kajima is an idiot that complain.
>Soulsbab thinks his games are challenging
you didn't even provide evidence he "loves gameplay". my argument is a response to your completely baseless statement that he does "love gameplay" is he offers gameplay solely for the purpose of servicing a consumer, selling the product, and that's why he does not think games are as good as film and why he doesn't think game creators are artists in the same way as a film director. he wants to, and I quote, "sell tickets".
it's insane how easy this discussion as been holy shit
>is an artistic style, a form of art
So you're illiterate AND mentally challenged.
he thinks they can be art in virtue of something else
They laugh awkwardly at his out of context, broken english, japanese jokes.
I'll add:
Kojima thinks games cannot be art solely because they are interactive, like cars. He thinks they are a service in the same way cars are. However, he thinks like a car, a game can "look nice" and not be interactive, like a concept car. He thinks games can be art when there is as little interaction and "nice looking" stuff as possible, almost like a movie.
>325 IP’s
Based KOJIMA working all you retards into a shoot,
>you didn't even provide evidence he "loves gameplay".
The gameplay filled video games he's made in which he always tries out new gameplay mechanics and the fact that he's said he wants to keep making games until he dies are proof of that.
You started the whole argument that he actually doesn't enjoy making games yet you've shown nothing to prove that. I don't know why the fuck you're still posting stuff about art which does nothing to support your bullshit.
So.. he makes his games to be fun for customers rather than something only he can appreciate and this is supposed to be a point against him?
>The gameplay filled video games he's made in which he always tries out new gameplay mechanics
not new, he "tries" things for the purpose of fitting consumer demand
>the fact that he's said he wants to keep making games until he dies are proof of that.
he didn't say this, he said he would be "okay" with making games until he dies because he enjoys the challenge.
>You started the whole argument that he actually doesn't enjoy making games yet you've shown nothing to prove that.
I never once said he doesn't enjoy making games, he literally said the opposite. I said he'd much prefer making movies.
>he "tries" things for the purpose of fitting consumer demand
Like all games. Jesus you're braindead but trying so hard to come off as an intellectual.
Why kojima talks like a frustated movie director now?
>you're braindead but trying so hard to come off as an intellectual.
remind me next time to speak dumber to hideo worshippers
>Like all games
I like the fact I got you to agree with me, but now you're just saying it's okay because it's what everyone else does