Which game is more fun?

Which game is more fun?

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Super Mario, always. Ahit doesn't feel cohesive enough, at all.

>comparing indieshit to Mario
The fuck?

a hat in time, but mainly because it's more cute too.

A Hat in Time is more funny, at least.

a hat in time is cute and fun

A Hat in Time at least I can plow her.

Who gives a fuck if it's indie?
>comparing tranny shit to Mario
The fuck?

Depends which Super Mario game.

>tranny game

Yeah fuck Mario indeed

Hat. Mario Oddysey feels flat and shallow, in terms of gameplay.
Mario has a flashier, more polished appearance, but Hat's gameplay and worlds are better conceptualized, and better realized.

>bing bing wahoo

copy pasta time

>AHiT is trannyshit

I am so fuckin sick of this meme. The game clearly paints trannies in the most negative light possible if you stop and think about it for more than 2 seconds. For starters, the trans flag that resetera was smacking their hands together over is;

>In a sewer, where it belongs
>a piece of shitty graffiti on a wall
>located in a crime ridden city that's controlled by a dangerous crimelord sociopath

The mustache kid is also clearly a tranny standin and she;

>Is so evil that as soon as she gets godlike powers she immediately starts deciding who gets to live and who gets to die
>has a shallow black/white moral code where all the good guys are people who do everything she says and the bad guys are everyone else
>forces all living, sentient creatures in the solar system to line up in her evil lava hellhole to await her judgement
>a pompous and arrogant totalitarian dictator who constructs a castle that basically looks like it could be Satan's, complete with enormous statues of herself
>betrays you at the drop of a hat (haha) despite proclaiming you to both be best friends
>steals the fuel you need to power your ship and not be stranded in space forever because you don't want to abuse your timelord powers to play god with her
>fucks with time so bad she turns an entire planet from a nice Earth-like parallel to a fucked up lava hellscape incapable of sustaining life
>attempts to murder you because you had the audacity to try and take back what's yours from her
>is hated so much by EVERY SINGLE CHARACTER IN THE GAME that literally everyone not only tells her to go fuck herself, but also cheers you on as you fight her, actively helps you against her, and even resorts to sacrificing their own lives just to help you survive and stop her
>is so irredeemably bad that Hat Kid,and the game itself think nothing of your decision if you choose not to help her out of pity at the end, and instead leave her to her fate

copy pasta time part 2

I'll reiterate that last part: The "trans rep" of the game is essentially turbo hitler/stalin/mao/satan in little kid form and is such an awful and vile person that everyone you met up to that point, from generic enemies, to an evil ghost that steals souls, is willing to kill themselves and die if it means stopping her. That people see her and cheer about BEING ON THE RIGHT SIDE OF HISTORY or whatever while ignoring that the game paints her as a despicable person with 0 redeeming qualities, and ignoring that the trans flag is in the dank and dirty sewers of a city ruled by an insane cartel, shows how shallow and short sighted and just plain stupid your average LGBT activist really is.

Dilate, tranny.


A Hat in Time, hands down.
Mario is sterile and boring.

based cunny vs boring italian manlet cuck, how is that even a contest?

I'm assuming based on the pictures you mean the Galaxies. In that case, I'm sorry Hatbros, but Mario Galaxy has you beat. There has never been, before or since, a set of platformers as good as those two. They're masterpieces and there's nothing you can do about it

I dropped A Hat in Time because I thought it looked ugly and I hated the humor.

Not even the makers of Hat will claim their game is better tahn the best Marios done. Hats better than Sunshine and 64, one was pretty low for a Mario game and the other is dated. But the idea that Hat is anywhere in the same league as Odyssey is laughable.

All these words to distract from the fact that the dev didn't even need to put it there in the first place.

Maybe if you had said a specific Mario there could be comparisons and contrasts but against “THE ILLUSTRIOUS SUPER MARIO FRANCHISE” and it’s no contest

The one that doesn't have a tranny flag in it.

>Mario's a 8/10 to 10/10 depending on the game
>A cunny in time is a 7/10 tops, movement and badges can be fun but platforming and game design is mediocre at best

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Hey man, just because you didn't give Moustache girl the time piece doesn't mean she's you boogieman.

People are way WAY too insistent about their pet evils.

>A Shit in Time
It's made by amateurs and it clearly shows

I'm starting to think the people who shill A Hat in Time haven't played the game. The base game literally takes 3 hours to beat and the only really good level is the Bird Studios one. I heard they added another world and some nigress, but that was months after the game died in popularity. It's fine for an indie game and better that shit like Yooka Laylee, but even the shittiest 3D Mario game is better than Hat.

fuck off zoomer

Odyssey > Sunshine = HiiT > 64
They added one small world and one larger world like Alpine Skyline as DLC.

I had more fun playing this than Odyssey it had soul
Galaxy 1 and 2 are definitely better games though

>Pedophilia vs Mario
Fuck off

hat in time isnt better than any mario game

Unfair, my dude. A Hat in Time doesn't come close to Galaxy, nor does any other game. Not even future Mario games comes close to Galaxy.

Hat does a bunch of different collectathon styles while Mario games tend to focus to one style.

I like both games and I appreciate that Hat added a bunch of hard mode challenges since they game itself isn't very long. Mario games tend to have more content but rarely is any of it actually that hard and the challenges, if added, are not very hard. If I had to choose one to say I had more fun with, it would be Mario since there is far more content across all the Mario games.

Agreed, for me Hat doesn't have the same level of refinement or forethought in what it does mechanically compared to any of the 3D Mario games. It's better than Yooka which just felt more like a field trip guided tour but I think both get overblown due to expectations.

>>Mario's a 8/10 to 10/10 depending on the game

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so you are comparing 2D Mario to 3D Mario Because......??? we're talking discussing 3D platformers here sperg

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In addition to the previous anons:
I like that a hat in time has an active steam workshop, there are some really enjoyable mods