>game has mimics
Game has mimics
Other urls found in this thread:
wut anime
This is true but I've accepted it
Anime traps are literally girls
Irl traps are gay as FUCK but 3d is inherently inferior to 2d
Magician girl. It's not a penis, it's all of her magic tools.
>her magic tool
Yeah it is
What the duck, skirts are for girls
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure
Sempai, I had no idea.
>being a tranner
shiggy diggy doo
good for her
>game has cunny
games for this feel?
would you fuck tranny Yea Forums-tan?
No. 2D != 3D
You haven't proven me wrong because that picture depicts a 3d fag and a 3d trap
how do I get a body like this?
How does one acquire a gf(male)?
Lolis are so much better than traps
By being anime
Stop with the tranny posting
I'm starting to get radicalized
Just to ruin your day, this is an actual girl and she's stuffed her panties with magic tricks because she's a retard.
It's too late if you have to ask. A lot of them relied on amazing genetics or HRT from an early age in order to look like anime traps.
Goes without saying that the latter fucks you up if taken long enough.
>go to tranny thread
>see trannies
>post tranny image