What are the best time travel games?
What are the best time travel games?
Radiant Historia
This series got so dumb.
B-b-but time travel was foreshadowed...that means Eren being an omnipresent ancient God who can reside outside time and space who can manipulate memories make sense!!11
Why the fuck can't this series just be about Levi and Mikasa killing titans and trying to save humanity? Why did it all come to this? It's not fucking fair
Prince of Persia.
I'm glad I dropped this after the first dozen chapters.
Same with Boku no Seven Quirks.
Is this series even popular? Like now. I mean during the first season? This thing was trending as much as Undertale. It was EVERYWHERE. But once the premise of killing evil massive cannibals ended? Not a peep. I keep hearing that the story turned bad because of politics and that it's about to end but that's all.
Is it still popular through and through?
Because that sounds generic and boring as hell.
It's the second best selling manga in Japan
Ass Creed 1 to Brotherhood and Darksiders 2.
Fucking brainlet.
If Eren goes full Lelouch it's going to be 0/10 fucking hack writer
If Eren goes full exterminatus on the other races it will be 10/10
Isayama probably had the general gist of his story right from the beginning. The problem is that he was a 20-something years old dumb fuck and paradoxical time loops were the peak of writing in his imagination.
Not like it matters much since SNK is generally written like absolute ass.
That's honestly very sad. So much bad writing and it's rewarded with success, profit, and high sales? Damn people.
>try to come up with a creative twist on a straightforward story
>it devolves into barely comprehensible nonsense
>Eren will command the wall titans and destroy the world
>Zeke is the one giving the shots, Eren got out keikakued
Uncle Zekzek soon.
Yea Forums, please go back to your shitty board to discuss Attack on Titan along with the other shitty anime you love to discuss
You have made like 3-4 threads about this shit already and were deleted every time
remember, it doesn't matter how much you foreshadow something if what you're foreshadowing is retarded to begin with
Time travel is the hallmark of a lazy, stupid writer who's written themselves into a corner.
based chadlion poster
Yes. How odd of an anime about magic people who create giants out of thin air and are all linked by some imaginary string and are controlled by one Super Admin who can completely reform everything about them at will to go into time travel all of a sudden.
I thought it was reviving characters (usually done to please stupid fantards).
Other than le epic jojo's bizarre journey through equestria, right fellow jojobronie?
Nah this series got MUCH better after characters started actually making progress in the world instead of hanging around inside the walls for fucking ever
because muh epic titans fucking sucked and the series got 20x better after around chapter 40
>it's a fantasy so it's okay for it to be shit!
The hallmark of a retarded fanboy desperately grasping for straws.
It's about the same level as shittiness, except it's 10 times as boring now. Isayama fails whenever he tries to be profound, only redditors and normalfags think his shallow politics and constant asspulls are genius.
Fuck off, it made the show fun and at least had some resemblance of internal logic behind it, until the whole "controlling titans and memories is possible lol" shit that didn't make any sense
They're not time traveling you morons
It always has been exceptionally dumb.
>popular thing bad
no it's fucking great and unique you clown
literally 2deep4u
>popular thing bad
When you have to make shit up and have zero arguments you know you're a brainlet. Have this last pity (you).
When did the art get so fucking bad?
It's way more interesting now than it was at the start, it was boring for the 2 chapters it took to introduce the new setting and then immediately started being good again
If you hold literally any other opinion you're a pleb
Legacy Of Kain
It's amazing how it works. It's not that the Attack Titan has the power to send memories to the past or see the future, it doesn't seem to be a power intrinsic to the Attack Titan. It's about the circumstances. The reason why many Attack Titan users see the future, is because of this particular event in history where Eren got access to the Coordinate place inside the Paths Dimension with a royal blood person (Zeke) in it. Everything seems to spin around this event, it's from this event in time and space that Eren sent memories to the past and made all other Attack Titan users see the future. And it all happened because an Attack Titan user ate the Founding Titan and both titans are connected to the same person.
And the reason why I say that this doesn't seem to be a power intrinsic to the Attack Titan is because this could have happened to any other titan whose user also ate the Founding Titan. For example, if Pieck ate the Founding Titan and got access to the Paths dimension, particularly to the Coordinate by touching Zeke, then she could have affected the past from this particular event and made all the previous Cart Titans see the future, making it seem like a Cart Titan power.
The Attack Titan is not an entity that pursues freedom and affects its users. It's Eren doing that from this event. In a way, Eren is the Attack Titan.
>it made the show fun
So what exactly happened?
Eren is the smartest character in the series and is satan.
You are an absolute fucking retard
there is no way anyone can reasonable rate aot below a 7/10 nobody gives any reasons other than
>popular bad
It had style and charm you faggot
I see what you did there