Review bombing is childish

Review bombing is childish.

The purpose of a review is to say whether a game is good or bad. If you submit a negative review purely because you want to hurt the game's review score in response to a recent controversy, you're not submitting a valid review, and your review should be removed.

Steam/Metacritic have every right to remove review bombs. A game's review score should represent its quality, rather than represent the number of angry manchildren who are pissed off about a recent controversy.

The only people who will disagree with this sentiment are whiny manbabies whose hobby is screeching impotently on the Internet.

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You gonna say that the GTA V review bombing was bad?

Sorry, I'm not familiar with each and every minor, inconsequential nontroversy that caused an avalanche of whiny, entitled manchildren to jump on a hate bandwagon.

I don't know what you're talking about.

Fuck off back to era.

Games are constantly being changed and updated and sometimes a game that was good at one point might have become shit due to a retarded update or greedy business practices. Review bombs like that are necessary to let people know that the game might not be worth playing anymore even if it had a positive score in the past.

If you're review bombing a game because someone said something that offended you on Social Media then yes, you're retarded.

>enjoy game
>devs become retarded
>ruin game
>update my review
>wow you are so childish
please kill yourself bye

Cool story bro

talking about games in any way instead of playing them is childish. yeah, include me on this one

the concept of reviewing is honestly childish

when valve introduced it i ignored it until i found i could use it for trolling. it only tells if something is popular among a certain group or if a product is broken, it isn't a metric of anything. i wouldn't make a buying decision based on that

If review bombing is the only way for a consumer to voice his displeasure, it's not childish but necessary until devs pull their heads out of the collective ass and manage to talk to their consumers outside of blocking them on twitter.

I think it is pretty clear ingame changes is not what OP is refering to in this case. Honestly if anything it is negative to consumers overall too because it makes a quickly surveyable indicator that was at least slightly better than professional reviews just so much more unreliable when people are gonna go full retard over "onga bonga dey wrote this on twitter" or "No kongolesian zwanhala tribe language pack".

Yes, it is the way some mongs vent their anger and get back at the developers I guess, but is it the right way when the thing in question doesn't have anything to do with the game itself? I don't think so and have to agree with OP.

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it's almost as childish as apologizing to trannies

Gamers are childish and/or autistic manchildren for the most part, what do you expect?

>plz give yous

Kys for posting low quality bait.

Why the fuck do I care if its childish? It's effective because it's simple.

So you dont know and you are just either jumping on the bandwagon or literally shitposting

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>Developers saying things I don't like on twitter justifies it!

>caring this much about reviews
I have no sympathy for people who need to get told what to think. Developers dont actually ever get feedback from there unless the game was selling like shit in the first place anyway.

You're such a baby, you should see how Japs review bomb. They burn that shit to the ground.

I mean people do this for everything, look at movies.
Oh no someone got metoed, now all their previous movies get shit reviews on RT.

Oh no x CEO smoked weed or did something bad, all previous employees shitpost on Linkedin.

Everyone acts like this, calling gamers childish and/or manchildren is extremely hypocrite.

Game fans have no other avenue to make devs listen other than money, and your only options are
>don't buy the game
>leave a bad review
It was inevitable that review bombs would happen

>It's effective
Highly doubtful, doubly so since it is largely removed.
>because it's simple.
Something being simple does not make it effective.

have sex

fuck you zoe


>>ruin game
but if the game isn't changed, how is it ruined?

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>pic showing review bombinb
>player hrs almost all in the thousands
You what?

Like your mind right? Its simple and ineffective

it's implied in devs become retarded
It can apply to any type of action deemed retarded

>photoshop texture overlay
is this fucking 2007

If its so irrelevant then why do you care bitch? Get something better to worry about lol.

I'm honestly surprised that even after all these years Valve still hasn't just completely done away with the review system because of all the headache it causes them.

Paid, shilled reviews are chilidish.

The purpose of paid review is to blatantly promote game before its release to get the IGN sticker on cover. You are not submitting a valid review and it should be never read by anyone.

Metacritic have every right to remove biased reviews which. A game's review score should represent its quality, rather than represent publisher interests.

The only people who will disagree with this sentiment are whiny are so-called "gaming journalist" who hope to get attention from publishers.


>I mean people do this for everything
True, but we're on Yea Forums-videogames, so hence we focus on the videogames.
Does their irrelevant (in terms of game quality) twitter ramblings and intreview/whatever outbursts relate to the game though?

It's so niefective the corprations cry to Valve to "fix" it and Valve can't even fully delete it and leave a *yeah this was review bombed by the way so people know something happened. If it had no power it would either be ignored or Valve would clean purge it.

but if the game already exists and does not change, how is the dev dissing your orange man affecting the game in any way?

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I wouldn't know, but I'll give you a perfect example of a dev becoming even more retarded than normal: Vermintide 2 recent expansion.

review bombs are good and help the devs realize when they've fucked up. We've already seen examples of them fixing their shit quickly and their scores going back up.

Yes, it does when those ramblings insult their fanbase
"Death of the author" is a dead concept

>why would a dev being retarded affect your opinion on whether they deserve support
Are you retarded?

Review bombing is a childish way to spin people voicing their opinions on a change that was made to the game.

i'm not the one that has to drop a game because of what some people said on twitter.
>I wouldn't know
then why argue that point?

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Not even OP, but that is going to be your argument?

>what the fuck, why are you giving a game that you don't like a poor score?!
Fucking retard OP.

>then why argue that point?
I said I would not know your question about the orange man, you are clearly trying to gotcha about something I never stated or argued.

Where is the response about the rest of the post I made?
am I wrong in that example?

>i'm not the one that has to drop a game because of what some people said on twitter.
You are just the one getting assblasted people are.

sage for gay thread with faggy op
Sorry, if you want a post with more substance, here's one: Writing fucking retarded essays about your favorite toys as if your opinion matters to literally anyone else is childish. Grow up and stop being a faggot. Whatever you think a "proper" review is lacks every bit as much validity as a review bomb.

Fixed version:

Paid review is childish.

The purpose of a review is to say whether a game is good or bad. If you submit a paid review purely for own interest, you are not submitting valid review and your review should be removed.

Steam/Metacritic have every right to remove paid reviews. A game's review score should represent its quality, rather than represent publisher's interest.

The only people who will disagree with this sentiment are entitled gaming journalist who will screeching impotently on Twitter.

That just means those other groups are acting just as childish. You really shouldn't be using the flaws of more popular groups as the gauge of acceptable behavior for yourself.

>let me bring attention to this issue
>but it doesnt matters tho :^)
Again, why have this conversation then?

Retardation comes in many forms user. A bad update to the game can be seen as retardation (which would deserve a review bomb) just as much as someone posting something stupid on social media (which probably doesn't deserve one)

>game is bad
>don't buy it
>but the devs make anti-trump comment on twitter
>buy the deluxe version
anyone else do this?

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How does it fix your problem with their twitter opinions? Is it effective? Did it solve anything?

>wahhh stop hating what i like, obey my every opinion, or get executed, my world is fascism

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But that isn't what OP is talking about, he is talking about review bombs based on factors irrelevant to the game's quality.

Anyone with any common sense can look up why it was review bombed. If a bunch of people get banned on GTA online for shit they didn't do, I want to know about it (even if I don't actually care because fuck that normie shit).
By all means, bomb the shit out of patches that break the game, terrible online implementation, etc. It does bug me. If Randy pitchforks wants to be a lolcow, go ahead and milk them tiddies.

Literally who cares.

Truly the mind of a liberal works in nonhuman ways. Posts like this help me not feel sorry for them when the dotr comes.

the cold hard truth, OP BTFO

>The purpose of a review is to say whether a game is good or bad. If you submit a negative review purely because you want to hurt the game's review score in response to a recent controversy, you're not submitting a valid review, and your review should be removed.

Critic reviews have had nothing to do with the actual game for about 5-10 years now.

New user here, you said absolutely nothing about the Vermintide 2 expansion. Literally nothing. Just stated its existence. There's nothing to talk about there, because clearly we both know everything there is to talk about it. And it's a perfectly fine expansion and you just have shit taste. Prove me wrong. Actually say something, literally anything, worth holding a discussion about.



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>falling for the clear bait

>buy bad game because someone says fuk blumph
I mean who is this hurting but yourself?

if I'm so wrong then why is it negative?
I bet you don't even have over 2k hours played before it released, not even gonna waste my time explaining why its bad, just open any negative review, they are all universally equal at explaining the problems.

Have fun on your derelict ship.

so it's bad when they do it, but it's okay when you do it?

best post in this thread

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>Review bombing is childish.
it's more than childish, it's retarded. imagine reviewing books or movies like this.

Well the heart of the problem here is that players and devs have no reasonable way to communicate with each other effectively which is why people feel compelled to review bomb because that's the only way for them to get heard.

Players and devs have no reasonable way to communicate with each other because more often than not the devs that do get review bombed develop a vitriolic relationship with their playerbase. And this relationship is developed because game journos and their incestuous ilk thrive on the revenue created by outrage and division so they fan the flames further.

What I'm saying is, game journos are complaining to Steam about reviewbombing when the reality is they're the very reason they happen in the first place.


People should be able to review however they want for whatever reason they want and saying otherwise is just authoritarian trite.

There's nothing wrong with review "bombing," aside from you getting invested and seething about it.

Especially on steam, where players paid money to shitpost their thumbs down/not recommended button

>but muh chargebacks
>muh negative press
Unless you want to implement anticonsumer policies, feel free to deal with it or ignore, like a sane human bean.

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Cut the shit and stop making your posts overtly long if all you want to say is "I'm not talking to you, I'm right, fuck off, /thread". If you want to convince me you're not a fickle bitch and that reviewbombing is fine, say literally anything substantial coming from your own mouth and not parroting others like an NPC.

Yet here you are. Crying about "little minor consequences"
Why are retards like you always so naieve to their own hypocrisy

he's a trumpanzee, he must always fall for weak bait.

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REMINDER: Review bombing works
See Ion Fury and GTA:V

>Review bombing is childish.
Video games are for children retard.

And no, Discord or leddit are not reasonable avenues for communication.

>review bomb game because someone made fun of orange man

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>The only people who will disagree with this sentiment are whiny manbabies whose hobby is screeching impotently on the Internet.
Agree with me or you are my enemy and get insulted.
This is why I hate you and much of the extreme left and right or whatever place you came from. It's always you either agree or are my enemy. Even if valid criticism or counter points can be brought up. Nah, lemme just insult you with every buzzword available and ignore the discussion. Also let me ban you since this was never a debate to begin with.
I fucking hate the current state of politics. What happened to the days when we could sit down discuss shit?

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A review bomb USUALLY indicates that there is something fundamentally wrong with the game or the developers. Usually serves as an alarm for any would-be consumers. Fortunately, if you scroll down and use the ability to read, you can easily find out what this said issue is and use that to aid your decision on if you want to own the game or not.

For example, an update forever broke the balance of the game or rendered it unplayable in general, that would definitely influence your decision. If the devs said something stupid on twitter, you would be inclined to completely disregard those opinions and look at older reviews instead.

I don't know why its so hard for people. Then again we live in an age where people look at numbers and colors instead of the content of a paragraph.

Are you retarded?


Not that user but good god the left CANNOT meme.

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Steam doesn't even remove reviewbombs you tard.

The reviews are still there and any smart person can still see what the drama was all about.

The reason review bombing exists is because there's a massive fucking disconnect between the consumer and the devs. The devs just block "trolls" on Twitter, so all constructive criticism is filtered. Journalists are actively standing against the consumer at every turn. What exactly can we do? How can we let our voices be heard?

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Review bombing works, long term objective evaluation is not affective.
You're just shattered because it's an effective countermeasure to industry bullshit that's hard to stifle because stifling it creates a streisand effect.

>reddit spacing

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Remember guys it was okay to review bomb and get people fired when ResetEra was doing it.
Now they have had their favourite toy taken from them they suddenly want it banned and sperg out about it.
Really makes me think.

Are you asking me to do something or are you explaining what you're currently doing?

t. assblasted dev forced to wage out shitty games

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It's not exactly review bombing if they have had hundreds of hours played.

>stop reviewbombing

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>The purpose of a review is to say whether a game is good or bad. If you submit a negative review purely because you want to hurt the game's review score in response to a recent controversy, you're not submitting a valid review

Nigga, I'm not fucking Gene Siskel. It's current year and 'review' doesn't mean what it used to. If you open the floodgates to user critique, you have to accept the good and the bad. The only thing that should determine whether a review stays up or not is if the author owns the game.

>t. never wrote a review bomb

>that pic
>hurr durr reddit spacing

lmao, head back off to Resetera

the review bomber didn't pay for it though

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Giving a fuck about what other people are doing is childish.


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You don't. You sit down, you shut the fuck up, and you learn your goddamn place.

How long have you worked in the gaming industry, user? Have you EVER programmed a game? No? Then odds are, you have no fucking clue what the working environment is like at all. It is not your fucking job to tell me how to program a game, and it certainly isn't your fucking job to berate me over it. I can guarantee you that absolutely nobody here understands how game design works. You're the type of douchebag that just vacuously says "J-Just make a good game, bro! It's super easy!"

God, I fucking hate gamers.

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>they hated him
>because he told the truth

The point went fully over your head.

OP is right you now. Steam is way too consumer-centric and it hurts these devs.

A system like this would have been fine if people weren't idiots but everyone knows that gamers are the most childish entitled group of reactionaries out there. Steam already took a good step forward essentially "neutering" reviewbombs when they happen but if I were Valve I'd just get rid of them all together. They're not helpful.

In fact, devs should be allowed to at least moderate their review page just to weed out the undesirables.

The customer is always right, nigger.

>Review bombing is childish.
>The purpose of a review is to say whether a game is good or bad. If you submit a negative review purely because you want to hurt the game's review score in response to a recent controversy, you're not submitting a valid review, and your review should be removed.

Steam/Metacritic have every right to remove review bombs. A game's review score should represent its quality, rather than represent the number of angry manchildren who are pissed off about a recent controversy.
>The only people who will disagree with this sentiment are whiny manbabies whose hobby is screeching impotently on the Internet.

Yea, screw those shitheads that do this

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review bombing is essentially boycotting and standing outside the store with a picket sign but digitally

how is GO for someone that only played 1.2 back then?

He's talking about if some dev releases an update that completly shit on balance, or maybe they abandoned the game after promissing something, or maybe the entire thing was a fucking scam there are a lot of reasons to change a review.


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>People upset moderation works
When I buy a product I want to know whether or not that product is worth buying or not. I don't give a shit about some literally twitter who drama.

Riddle me this.

Why stop reviewbombing when they obviously work?

For example...?

I would fucking kill you if I could. I'm being serious, people like you need to be dragged out into the street and beaten into submission. You are the type of person who screams at McDonalds employees because they accidentally put pickles on your goddamn burger. You're a fucking failure at life.

fucking baaaaaaased

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Enjoying getting fired and your studio shut down because your game was a steaming pile of sjw trash, nigger.

Is that an actual threat? I guess it's time for cancel culture. I hope you used a proxy/vpn to post this.

You ever heard of The Boy Who Cried Wolf, user?

Yeah, enjoy never having anything you say be taken seriously again.

>You can't say this tastes bad, you're not a chef
We get it, you're a code monkey. That doesn't mean you're immune to criticism or that you should ignore it.

Reviewbombing works


>Resetera tranny review bombing because alleged '''rapist''' jontron is in the game for 2 seconds = Bad
>Me, an intellectual, review bombing because the anime lady has her big booby covered = Good
Two sides of the same retarded coin

both me btw

>Can only review game if you purchased product
>They already made their money
>Oh yeah well take this thumbs down!
The life of a cuck


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Yeah because shitty review scores don't affect future sales

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Devs should have the ability to turn reviews off, thank god epic is here to save gaming industry from incels and sjw.

>buy game
>write a negative review about game you bought

I see nothing wrong with this, just because someone doesnt like your shitty game doesnt mean it's being review bombed cry baby.

The only review bombing I dislike is when chinks sperg out over being region locked into their own cesspit servers. I love that chinks absolutely hate being forced to play with other chinks.

>i don't know whats going on
Okay, cool. Your opinion on the matter doesn't fucking matter. Thanks for sharing it though.

The primary means by which consumers can make their displeasure known to publishers is through review bombing. You may not like that this is the case, but, lacking other viable and visible options that have a tangible effect on sales, that is the way things are.

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>/threading your own post

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It really doesn't when retards like your self end up buying those products anyway.

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You wish, review should be about a product. If it's not it should be deleted.

This thread makes me realize why I hate this site so much. Not like any other place is any better, but holy shit some days I think of just ending it all with people this retarded.

This reads like an incompetent dev wrote it.

Based retard

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Friendly reminder that if you review bomb because you find the developers to be SJWs, then what you're saying is that its ok for SJWs to reviewbomb games from companies that Yea Forums finds "based"

It all depends on the context user. If the developer does something wrong (or highly anti consumer) it's only fair that the community is made aware of it through some medium, and review bombing is one of the most efficient ways of doing so. Social media is hit or miss when it comes to reporting issues and game devs do not give two shits about anything said there unless its exposing/disparaging them (in which case they'll just react negatively). Gaming 'news' outlets will never report on issues in studios because it's more than likely the case that said studios are paying those sources, and there's not the slightest chance they'll give that money away by reporting on a controversy.

TL;DR: Review 'bombing' in reality is just taking the issue to the man

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>upload screenshot of reviewbomb
>it becomes some anime garbage image
>can't upload the one I wanted because it's flagged as duplicate

>immediately attacking others' character
Whoa, what's your problem? It's not their fault you don't stay informed.

On Steam you can review it then return it after.

>What happened to the days when we could sit down discuss shit?
because when it come to politics, religion and sexuality people always had the mindset of "Don't ask, Don't tell", only a few person where actually talking about these these subjects and they were either philosophers or had a job about these subjects.
a look at Yea Forums today or any other board with some large activity in post will make it clear to you, dumb minldess shitters can't talk in a conversation no matter the subject without bringing up their politics non sense and when you ignore them they start calling you names, most of these people are usually folks with nothing to do but sit on their asses all day with no passion in anything or not even a hobby, they are litteraly tools

have sex

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Bend over


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>and review bombing is one of the most efficient ways of doing so
You're joking right? It doesn't even convey the issue half the time and makes it look like you're mad about some non issue like exclusivity.
There's a reason why it doesn't work.


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Who even is this?

Only if balls touch

Yeah, it is childish but what the fuck are people supposed to do when devs start acting like retards?

Use the forums

Jesus, is this an actual serious post? Kill yourself

Ion Fury.

>Stop fighting Back Goy
>Lets Us Win
>Just act like the dumb docile lazy sheep you are

>That pic
Are you implying I can't tell people not to play something I think isn't worth it, just because I play it a lot? If anything, playing something a lot would give you more experience and grounds to judge it.
For example, I struggle to recommend Binding of Isaac Rebirth since the updates have simply dumped powercreep and too many items on top of a base game that's barely been tweaked since release, leaving tonnes of unbalanced, buggy enemies and useless items/powerups. I have over 3000 hours in it, so I could write a list of ways to improve every single enemy type in the game at this point.

I hate that they call it user reviews because it is really is the furthest thing from reviews. No deeper reflections or consumer advice most of time. Just three word opinions, memes, trolling and butthurt review bombers.

Because you discussed actual things involving the product, not some social media website controversy.

>It doesn't work

What? Do you know what you're saying? Have you not seen what happens when a game is legitimately bombed on Steam? When the overall claim is valid sales for the game drop either because people read the reviews and agree with them, or people skim over the game's store page and see mixed reviews (or lower) and choose not to buy. More damage is done when a source of water is poisoned rather than when an outlet of water is poisoned. When people see the issues straight from the source (and genuine reviews from people who bought the game and played it rather than paid shills who cocksuck it) they will inevitably re-evaluate making the purchase.

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Is this bait? No, you must be retarded

how else are you going to let the developer know how you feel? if gaming journalists make it their mission to spread a false narrative, this is literally the only way for them to take notice and for your voice to matter, otherwise they shun criticism and pretend everything is fine and it's just mindless toxic buzzword buzzword etc, but if it effects their score, they cant ignore the problem forever.

So find a pic of the actual reviews instead of one that only shows unusually long playtimes, genius

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She doesn't look like a video game to me.

Fucking based. Love how some actual review bomb faggots got mad too.

How many buzzwords
Kill yourself samefag tranny

stuff like this is why those reviews exist

I have a rule of thumb when it comes to reviews on steam, if the dev makes the game bad one way or another, then reviewbombing is okay, if the reviewbomb is about something dev said on twitter but the game is still as good as it ever was, then it is not okay, simple as that

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The user is
that the dev changed their game after they became retarded which i believe is a valid point for reviewing it badly. You are implying that the game stayed the same even after the dev shit the bed which is not a valid reason to shit on their game.

the image of your post does not show reviews, but recommendations, whose verdict encompasses much more than just the quality of the game, making your entire post merely impotent screeching on the internet.

Does ANYONE actually buy a game just by looking at a review ratio and not reading the reviews?

Why should I? I'm not the OP nor am I entitled to put in such effort fag.

are people review bombing games for things someone said?

Saw in Cultist Simulator niggas review bombing due to allegations

And what to do after they ban you from forums?

Review bombing just means you're doing something wrong to the point that your base is vocally angry at you.
Only people who actively want to fuck their customers over care about review bombing.

Thats pretty stupid. If it doesn't have to do with the game it shouldn't be in the review bombing or not.

And yet she irreparably damaged this site more than 5 years ago.

Then don't bother replying if you weren't the one at fault, cunt

Glad we agree

I'll do as I please asshole, I agree with both your responses from before. No need to get uppity about it.

Dev said something controversial, accusations on the dev, price changes, literally anything that doesnt affect the game itself

100% true. I get so annoyed looking at review pages and seeing everyone complain about some stupid bullshit the developer said on Twitter. I don't fucking care.

I'm glad we have the same viewpoint then, dickface

Lack of moderation did that




what's your point? Shitting in your neighbour's mailbox is childish too, but you have admit it sends a strong message.

We're talking about game development, not rape accusations.

It's just reviews breh.