Warcraft 3 reforged
can't wait to pirate it
Release date or don't start a thread
Hmm doesn't look like W3 Tyrande
They gonna release the whole thing at once, or just one campaign at a time? lol.
anyone know if its possible to get a refund if you bought with tokens?
So now they're ripping off Luna and Mirana? Valve ought to sue them
Yes, thanks for illustrating my point.
Nu-Blizzard sucks dick so I'm just sticking with the original.
yea how could it not look just like this thing
What point? that you're a fucking retard?
looks like shit
Least they didn’t cuck out and cover up her tits I suppose.
>covering up everything
but why
Said before and I'll say it again, no cute barefoot girls no pirate.
those looks pretty fucking good
that said
i dont trust blizzard one bit and im sure the game is gonna be always online only. and even if not, fuck them im not giving them any money
OP, where's this from?
is that supposed to be funny
I'm excited to play through it again, been a good 12-14 years at least. Old Blizzard games were the best.
It’s literally just a skin for the original WC3 client not a whole new game, like SC Remastered.
multiplayer is the only reason to even consider playing this
Didn't they say end of 2019?
Dota 2 hero designs were WC3 knockoffs, now reforged designs are Dota 2 knockoffs.
DOA, just like all RTS games, where they belong.
Chinese love Warcraft so ofc you dont see SJW trash on this