reminder that new group started translating the show, 2 new episodes are up on
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well that sucks
been waiting for those tsubasa episodes and now they are translated, I don't even have the time to enjoy them.
>I don't even have the time to enjoy them
that's not possible
An hour per episode. Tsubasa has probably four if I recall correctly.
I hope we eventually get some DVD episodes translated. I've wanted Resident Evil and Sonic 2 done for years.
I never watched these back when Yea Forums was all over them a buncha years back, where's a good place to start?
From the beginning
I should watch some of these again.
>resident evil
I wanna see that too
i havent watched this show, but whats the appeal? should i watch it?
>whats the appeal
it's good
>should i watch it
>Japanese comedian is given a game to play
>Has a time limit to beat it (a few days)
>Fun is had
>Little segments showing off other shit like arcades around Japan
It's good and yes you should watch it.
Quiz games or Tokimeki Memorial.
Battletoads is also fun.
what happens if he doesnt complete the game user?
Can't remember, it's been years since I last watched. I THINK they just kept score?
First 2 seasons of Minecraft Yoiko series are also up on youtube
He fails the challenge. They keep track of how many he wins and loses each season.
I think they'll occasionally do silly things if he loses too many. Like how he's known as the kacho (chief), but he gets "demoted" after losing all of the games one season.
That guy who translated it didn't even do a good job, 90% of the game text is left untranslated with a TL note saying he gave up and most of what Arino and the others say aren't even translated he just threw in random meme lines and swears like "Our guy fucking did it, lads!". Not even kidding, the zombiekabuto group seems to be some sort of joke subber so it's better to ignore it.
It's not a group, it's one guy, not even fluent which he admits, and now he's trolling the actual subbing groups on his twitter. Avoid his bullshit.
The time limit is almost always one day. They shoot for up to like 14 hours if they have to. Sometimes it carries over into a second day. Very rarely a third day.
At least we have Goose Canyon in the game, now.
I'd be very impressed if they keep banging out subs every two weeks or so.
weird face
I think they said they're aiming for two more by the end of October. If it's a little wait, that might mean it's a two-parter challenge they're working on.
sounds good to me. SA can fuck off with their "1 episode per year maybe"
I appreciate how much SA has done, but they basically confirmed some time back that they're going to have a lot less time to sub for a while.
>Arino gets stuck
>Game plan made
>Jack's Theme starts playing