
are we the baddies?

Attached: thinking.jpg (1010x1865, 517K)

just the shitties

>>open general topic board
>>news and event specific curated forum
no, go to /vg/ if you want coherence.

That's what you get when you have actual content moderation.

Attached: 1482932554988.jpg (813x683, 202K)


The reddit posts are talking about things that people LITERALLY knew during the trailer.
We are actually talking about shit instead of just announcing like autists what everyone already knows.
Fuck off already

It's near impossible to post anything on Reddit I've heard. One user was talking about how each sub has so many rules and subrules and sub sub rules that literally everything gets deleted. Anyone can confirm?

Theres only like 5 actual bad threads on that image, and one of those has potential for discussion but just opened up with porn bait.

Attached: ignore shit.png (602x104, 4K)

>go to /vg/ if you want coherence.
one waifu thread after another and people screeching at each other about which Souls was the best? you have never been there if you think there is any difference

Reddit is better than Yea Forums.