Why does Doom Eternal look worse graphically than Doom 2016?

Is it the wonky art direction? The kiddy-color scheme in Eternal? Something just seems off about Doom Eternal...It looks like an arcade ripoff of doom 2016.

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Because it needs to be in the switch. Fucking tablets.

but 2016 was on the switch too

people complained nudoom was lacking in color and barely recognizable as doom game
id software tried to solve it with an extreme "solution"

It's truer to the high contrast colour scheme of classic Doom.

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What's the problem???

>big dumb video game has big dumb video game stuff in it


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Have you seen the graphics on that port? Its practically n64 doom.

They're also taking visual cues from Quake though

bright neon shit
How many colors does the hud need?

to be fair, at least half of that shit were just place holders and will have actual models

RIP AND TEAR >:) !!!

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Thw whole globo homo specteum :^)


spinny glowy pickups doesn't seem weird to me in doom at all, but I agree the hud isn't very good.

>baby isn't black
this edit is big disappoint

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>spinny glowy pickups doesn't seem weird to me in doom at all
original Doom's pickups fit with the world of the game

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Original doom didn't look this colorful. Try playing on software renderer, low resolution 320x200 and with an old monitor. Everything is brown beyond 5 meters on software renderer.

My only issue here is the HUD. It was perfect in 2016. Now it looks weird.

arcade style>modern cinematic dogshit

Glowy pickups looked better in doom 2016. Quad damage had a cool demonic skull inside and invisibility looked exactly like classic doom.

My only gripe is the fucking neon colors everywhere.
It wasn't that bad in 2016 or was it?

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True, those don't really glow. I must have been thinking of quake 3 or something.

Have they shown the powerup pickups? Maybe those are still fine.

Gotta make it bright'n'colored so it pops more off of phone screens running Stadia! ;)

Didn't they already state you can edit the colors of the hud?

also you guys find anything to whine about.

That's what the leaker here said


>Didn't they already state you can edit the colors of the hud?
please be true

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About that

No it wasn't. They want to make it less "serious Sci-Fi" and more "arcade fun"

ok thanks
maybe I wait with buying it till it goes for cheap. I really can't stand those colors.

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just pirate it bro bethesda doesn't deserve any money

that is what makes me feel interested in the game this time around


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There is literally nothing wrong with any of this. Only faggots hate rotating gun pickups

God you're so gay. Is your favorite game Modern Warfare 2?

I dunno why you get upset about this but ok let me try to stay civilized here.
No I stopped playing COD after 4 and my favourite game is not even a fps.

This desu. Doom 16 was incredibly orange to the point where you couldn’t tell if enemies were bleeding. Almost nothing stood out visually from the hell/mars levels, and it would’ve been piss colored too if they hadn’t gotten feedback about it


I played it on the stadia at pax, definitely better graphics than doom 2016

People are always misled by video compression. Nothing compares to playing a game yourself.

yeah you fucking think people would have learned from now. Luckily gamersyde I think still puts up original video source files from companies for most demos/trailers

DOOM was never serious sci fi you dork