Attached: Check it out, y'all! Ya don't stop! Keep on, to the sure shot! Huh-ha! Uh, uh, uh, uh, oh! (470x250, 3.78M)
Fighting games
Nicholas Davis
Hudson Ortiz
Street Fighter is boring. Play Tekken or Smash.
Aiden Hill
I only play fighting games with a high skill ceiling, 0-frames input buffer, 200+ APM minimum, actual mind games; like the one and only Super Smash Bros. Melee for the Nintendo Gamecube. None of that on rails brainlet tier FGCuck crap.
Lincoln Richardson
Alexander Gray
Anyone feeling like going against a shitty brazilian on Fightcade? Either KoF98 or Garou
Blake Martinez
Melee is based but it's no better than any other fg out there
Colton Ross
1. play footsies
2. poke
3. repeat
what is the best game for this?
Adam Diaz
Fuck fighting games. I always get bullied by some older punks stealing money from me. And I get beat up if I ever beat someone who is older than me.
Jace Murphy
I like them even though I suck ass at them.
Evan Lee
Sagat or Vega in cvs2
Ayden Bell
Samurai shodown
Cooper White
>>push man off ledge
>>guard ledge to force fall
Isaiah Gray
Third Strike feels incredible to pull off parries and combos but that's it.
Tyler Sullivan
Anything that ruins Akumas shit is good in my book.
Christian Hall
When's the last time you made someone ragequit irl Yea Forums?
Colton Stewart
SamSho. You literally don't have to learn a combo or blockstring to win. Learn ranges and on-block frame data for all your moves (note: almost everything is negative enough to be punished by something) and you're golden for the most part.
Christopher Hughes
>Wanna get into an honest fighting game
>The SF4 era is long gone
What is a motherfucker supposed to do? All the other popular fighting games are apparently shit
Lincoln Murphy
I've made two of my friends ragequit in Skullgirls. They won't play it with me anymore.
Jaxon Carter
...and looks incredible, sounds incredible, full of soul....
Jack Long
I've been digging HFTF recently
Anthony Diaz
Take a shower
Austin Moore
Samsho is literally the most honest you can get
William Parker
I just want her back in SFV so much bros...
Is there any chance at this point?
Cameron King
input difficulty and complexity doesn't equal depth
sorry sweatie.
Connor Williams
"honest" is basically a meme at this point so you'll have to explain what you mean by that, but I'm pretty sure you'll like SamSho since it's just spacing and footsies with a bit of zoning and punishing.
Nicholas Lewis
I know you've probably heard the soundtrack before but this time LISTEN to it
Jordan Morales
I'm right there with you senpai, I don't want to play an air dasher, dead stuff, or buy a PS4 for Shamsho.
I've been playing Tekken, but I think 2D is probably more my speed.
Jose Nguyen
just play third strike
Kayden Green
You dont belong here smashfag
Austin Scott
Then what does?
Joshua Davis
Either play jive, tekken 7 or wait for december for samsho port
Cooper Garcia
SFIII=Garou>KoF99=SFA3>xmen vs sf>rival schools2
Luis Reyes
Smash fags be gon
Bentley Collins
lol these niggas adderalled OUT
Daniel Harris
Anyone got some fun team set-ups for FighterZ? I'm feeling like trying out a new team.
Connor Ross
SamSho is hitting PC & Switch this year so you will be able to play it. Tekken takes an entirely different mindset but once you find "your" character and really dive into how neutral, punishes, and combos work it starts to fall into place. I spent a weekend in Training with Marduk and it all clicked. I'm still bad on defense but I understand my combo routes, some frametraps, some oki, wall combos, etc.
If that fails, then that's what Akuma, Eliza, & Geese are for.
Elijah Scott
>searching for third strike lobbies on switch version
>no lobbies at all, not even for alpha or turbo
feels bad and makes me lonely
Cooper Rivera
I wish theres a fighting game that lets you mash to win
Andrew Gutierrez
>Project Justice that low
On that note I really want another Itsuno-directed fighting game before he retires. I'm excited that he's probably working on Dragon's Dogma 2 but man could I go for Rival Schools 3/Project Justice 2 or Power Stone 3, or another Vs game under him.
Nolan Miller
complexity of neutral
for example melty blood has complex neutral
Brayden Roberts
It's also coming out on switch. Japan has a December release date, iono stateside.
Christopher Reyes
But they just gutted geese in the patch
Hudson Gonzalez
mario party if you only play specific minigames
Brody Wood
Well thats not so difficult
3rd strike still looks the fucking best in 2019
Probably things won't change in a few decades
Michael Davis
Akuma & Eliza were already bad, it's just so 2D players can feel familiar. Besides, playing a character that got the nerfhammer bad even after the nerfhammer hits gives you street cred.
Camden Fisher
>Like a week until GG2020 trailer
You hype?
Easton Richardson
heart status = blazing
Noah James
It's a common thing for this guy at least. Gotta keep that org you know?
Robert Brooks
>tfw your boy is guaranteed
>tfw Robo Ky is very likely
Camden Flores
I kind of hate anime fighting games. Guilty Gear was alright but I didn’t really like the combos in it. BlazBlue fucking blows with all the retarded characters and overinflated sub-systems, but for some reason I love Undernight In-Birth to death. I can’t put my finger on it, but something about it separates it from other anime games. It feels... different
Elijah Rogers
French bread are based that's why
James Price
i thought doping was disallowed in competitions
Zachary King
Incredibly cautious. The whole rethinking from the ground up post doesn't encourage me after I just didn't enjoy their latest games that much. I don't like how ArcSys simplify by removing and making stuff less unique. How ever it goes it will cause GG oldfags to get mad, and others to defend it come what may cause pretty graphics.
If nothing else I want to see if ArcSys has built enough of a reputation to get GG a sizeable audience, or if people who like to post song lyrics won't stick around.
Joseph Sanders
sane, kakyoin's animations are smooth as fuck
Camden Martinez
Anyone wanna try some KoFXIV?
I'm on ps4
Jaxson Scott
mashing is not fun. if you wanna turn your brain off go play singleplayer games or arcade mode
James Russell
People describe UNI as being a bit more "grounded" compared to the other anime fighters.
Jackson Lewis
it's easier
Carter Lewis
Does SamSho support cross-play? I will likely get it on the Switch if it does.
John Ramirez
It's anime, but it's very grounded. Characters have gross shit, but they don't get it for free. Air movement isn't free. Aggression/pressure isn't as strong as other anime games but the systems encourage it heavily over defensive play.
You'd probably enjoy Melty Blood (by the same dev team as Under Night) and Akatsuki Blitzkampf (Akatsuki's home game; feels like a midpoint between 00s anime fighters, SNK games, and Third Strike).
Isaac Wilson
Dragon ball fighterz exists though
Joshua Smith
3rd strike Makoto is bad design and anyone who argues against that is a piece of shit.
Daniel Long
no double jumps and simpler air combos
Caleb Myers
The animation and stand system sold me on the game, it being easily available for free helped too
Blake Hill
Damn, that's a good Makoto. One parry into 60% damage.
John Roberts
How so? I don’t play too many fytans but I have a fairly firm grasp on the ones I do play
Lucas Morris
Right. Okay. You want me to elaborate on why the FGC **hates** the smash community? Because they don’t care about tradition, they don’t care about respect, they don’t care about proper decorum at a tournament, they don’t understand the history of the games, tournaments, brotherhood, and rivalries the FGC has had over the years. and they don’t care about any of it.
It isn’t about gate keeping. It’s about people not understanding how shit works. It’s about your community being openly and proudly ignorant about things. It’s about the community demanding something from a community they have no fucking clue about.
The smash community demanded they be apart of something that they had no right to be part of. When EVO and other tournaments started letting smash slide in the smash community immediately bitched and moaned about things not being done “their way”. And they continue to bitch and moan and complain. They want to be off in their own little world but still have the fucking audacity to demand to be part of ours.
You want your series of games that is just a glorified MUGEN (though I doubt you know what that is since you didn’t know who Terry Bogard was) at this point to be on equal footing with ours? Than fucking act like you belong. Quit being the angsty teenager who thinks they deserve to get their way because they’re “special”
Isaiah Peterson
Best fighting game for a complete begginer?
Chase Ortiz
There’s a lot of people in the FGC that actually really like the smash games. We don’t see them on equal footing for a myriad of reasons. Mostly technical and it doesn’t fit the actual definition of a fighting game. One of the major reasons though is how openly and arrogantly ignorant they are to the scene they’re desperately trying to be apart of.
The smash community isn’t at EVO or CEO or any other major because those TO’s want the community to be there. They’re there to make the TO’s the most money possible. Whether it be through entrees, sponsorships, stream revenue..etc.
MrWizard who runs evo even said after brawl that dealing with smash TO’s was one of the worst experiences he’s ever had but he was going to keep hosting Smash due to how much revenue it brought it.
Maybe if Smash community actually gave a shit about the people’s and players that gave their blood sweat and tears to build the thing they’re so desperately wanting to be apart of maybe the FGC wouldn’t think the smash community was a bunch of whiny brats.
Jeremiah Hall
How likely is this leak to be real?
Lucas Lee
SFIV, Smash Ultimate, or MK9 depends on which series you want to get into.
Hudson Powell
Depends. Where would you say your preferred play style leans towards, defensive or offensive?
Thomas Morris
I'd recommend Soul Calibur VI because there aren't any crazy inputs and all the characters and moves are cool. People might say the new Samurai Showdown but the game is hard to find fun for a person new to fighting games. Way too slow.
Mason Anderson
Robert Garcia
Sam Sho. It's do 70% damage on counter hit: the game
Julian Anderson
Literal mashing won't win FighterZ for you, even if you're playing characters with the most busted Autocombo hitboxes like Bardock & Teen Gohan. DBFZ is currently in a spot where you need to tighten up your pressure and defense to near-perfection and be able to convert stray hits in the scramble into optimal combos (or at least knockdowns) consistently.
My hands are too weak to pull off Stand desync bullshit so I stick to the Josephs and Anubis Polnareff.
Connor Stewart
Street Fighter 2
Austin Robinson
It's harder than most fighting games out there but compared to guilty and blazblue it just has less options in general, gameplans are a bit more simple across the board, and most characters try to open you up with throw in a similar way.
Chase Ward
couldn't really get into it but always wanted to. i dont think the combo system is very intuitive and it plays like some mortal kombat shit t b h. been playing mvc1
Evan Phillips
SFV was literally made for newbies. At the total beginner level it's pretty good. Only FGC pros seem to hate it due to lack of complexity.
Nolan Turner
Two days ago in Guilty Gear.
Jack Taylor
why am i so bad at inputs i cant even play smash properly
Evan Johnson
high level UMVC3 is harder than this
Camden Sanders
>Nearly no combos
>3 buttons
>Very neutral based
>Pressure is incredibly limited
>Defence is very strong
After the Genjuro nerfs the balance is fantastic.
Zachary Moore
Im a Dio main myself, it takes a while but active stands are incredibly good.
The hits feel so much better than in Mortal Kombat. You could always try more poke focused characters like an entire horse.
Gavin Lewis
I've been messing around in training in P4U recently, and I really wish I had gotten into the game when it was more active, I still don't know why I didn't considering I had already played P4 when it came out, but it's done now. I'm glad ArcSys are making GG right now because that's my favorite IP they have, but I hope P5U comes in the near future soon.
Justin Stewart
Whatever catches your fancy.
Jace Turner
Fuck off.
Hunter Brown
Jojo HFTF is pretty good and i'm sad they'll never be another game quite like it.
Nolan Harris
>Soul Calibur VI
I don’t think that game is too beginner friendly. Sure if you put a couple of noobs they’ll be evenly matched, but trying to git gud at it is a nightmare. You got so much shit to deal with
>counter hit properties
>3D spacing
>3D movement
>wall splat combos
>hidden character specific mechanics
>soul charge properties
And so much more. It’s honestly overwhelming for most people and would certainly make a new player struggle
Hudson Adams
Get it down to muscle memory. Don't confuse that with autopilot.
Caleb Morales
Just gotta keep putting in the practice. It takes a while to get it down but it's incredibly satisfying when you can start reliably getting things down to a T.
Austin Brown
Are you interested in boosting party VS trophies? I'm trying to help two friends of mine.
David Clark
Waiting for Tekken 7 season 3, dunno what I'll be playing in the meantime
Landon Parker
made a friend of mine ragequit atleast a dozen times over MKX, MK11 and Tekken 7
Dominic James
I'm skeptical there'll even be a trailer, but of course I look forward to seeing the game whenever they show it. I understadn why people are worried about the game, but at the very least, I don't think the game will be ruined by an attempt to casualize things. If it's ruined it'll be because of them trying to be too weird and creative instead of just focusing on the thigns people enjoy about the game, but I trust that they'll make it good in any case, I just really don't think they'll dumb it donw too much.
>tfw your boy is pretty much guaranteed to be out
Angel Allen
thoughts on kolin?
Leo Lewis
Jaxon Phillips
It has insanely well neutral and most of the characters are so balanced the tier list is almost negligible. Only noticeable ones are Enkidu and Mika since they don't have moves that go across the entire screen.
Carter Cooper
>Guilty Gear was alright but I didn’t really like the combos in it.
I feel the exact inverse on that. I think Under Night's alright, but I absolutely abhor the combos in it, I couldn't stand to play it anymore because of that. Meanwhile, I adore GG, but I tend to like anime fighters in general, including UNI, but the combos in it are awful and are easily my least liked thing about the game aside from the lobby system.
Zachary Kelly
What region? I own the game, but barely ever played it, but I wouldn't mind playing. I would ahve to re-download it though.
Thomas Anderson
For some god forsaken reason Iv'e gotten into Touhou 12.3 lately. Its pretty fun for such an off the wall fighter.
Its still a weird feeling practicing such a dead and poverty fighter though.
You bet your crazy ass I am.
Caleb Rivera
I think Skullgirls is too combo heavy for a beginner.
Kevin Rivera
I quit playing on switch and moved to fightcade. So much better.
Matthew Clark
>I don't think the game will be ruined by an attempt to casualize things. If it's ruined it'll be because of them trying to be too weird
That can go hand in hand though. DBFZ serves as an example, super dash is an idea that can work while also making stuff easier for newer players. Instead it is annoying to deal with. Honestly the biggest thing I'd like to see is ArcSys to get their head out their arse when it comes to balancing. They get set on an idea when really sometimes the game being like that isn't for the best.
Owen Thompson
i dislike most anime games too, more specifically arcsys games. they are pretty as fuck but i absolutely fucking hate the mechanics they add to most of their games.
John Jenkins
12.3 community is still alive. Kind of. It's at Evo Japan so that's good right?
I miss the Yea Forums threads
Henry Bailey
ITT: Posts that you can smell
Michael Green
They can go hand in hand, but I mean I think the game will have something like Danger Time, I don't really mind Danger Time for the record, it's just an example, which wasn't added in to make things easier, it was jsut added in because they thought it would be fun. I think stuff like that or the kind of mindset that brought about games like Isuka or GG2 are more likely to ruin the game than an attempt to make the game more accessible. I have never taken issue with GG's steps to make the game more accessible so I trust they know how far to push things without sacrificing the skill ceiling or what people like about the game.
I don't entirely trust that they will hold back from implementing something weird just for the sake of it or because it seems cool even if it's the kind of thing a lot of people will dislike, especially with the talk of "We're taking a big risk with this game."
Zachary Thompson
just pick DIO and with stand off doing jumping light negative edged into standrush on landing and then crouch jab then repeat
Austin Martin
What's wrong with combos? The tutorials gives you a few nice bread and butters you can lab with to learn extensions and mix up. Skullgirls is as beginner friendly as a complex fg's come imo.
Henry Watson
its not about winning, its about having fun and exploring a game's physics engine and mastering it. i dont care for rep'ing a combo all day. i care about meta. there aren't enough agility options in jojoban for me.
Juan Johnson
I've been playing a lot of melty blood lately,also kof all this talk about Terry made me nostalgic,now I can't wait for xv
Jayden Thomas
Is the character named "JoJo" supposed to be Jonathan or Joseph?
Dominic Turner
The combos in Skullgirls are quite long though, if I were new to fighting games and trying to do the combo trials in Skullgirls I feel like I would find it pretty intimidating. I think GG, and probably UNI too, are more beginner friendly, partially because I prefer their tutorials, but also because, in GG moreso than UNI, there are a lot of really short, but practical combos for you available in the trials, that anybody should be able to do with little trouble. Even then, I see a lot of people who are new to fighting games doing those combo trials and they regularly have trouble with the 5D6 combo everybody in the game has. If a beginner can't even handle that then I really don't think they can handle what Skullgirls throws at you in its combos.
Jonathan Russell
>game with an input buffer
>harder than melee's 0-frames input buffer and 300 APM
Blake Ross
Both and more
Jayden King
It's part 2 joseph in this game
Ayden Hill
Noah Davis
Ultra SF IV is on sale for $7, should I pick it up? Huge fan of 2/alpha/3.
Hudson Thomas
To be fair wizard's kind of a dumbass little bitch. Did you see how incompetently this years evo was ran? Between Infexious winning SF and the Snake joke during Tekken I gotta say I couldn't stop laughing. Evo is a joke these days only good for announcements.
Ethan Carter
I suppose its floating around, but I'm not nearly good enough or committed enough yet to really look into it.
Ian Sullivan
Is there a game like Bushido Blade but not dead?
Aaron King
Yeah it's honesty much better than sfv
Charles Scott
One Strike is like BB, but there's no online. Fun as fuck to play with friends.
Isaiah Nelson
Evan Richardson
>constant technical problems; forgetting the overlay through some games' top 8s, stuttering and desyncing during trailers, displaying Infexious's name (3rd place) when Bonchan won grand finals, etc.
>CONSTANT 10–15 minute ad breaks concurrently across every single EVO channel so you couldn't just go watch another game while you were waiting, players had to just sit there through it before playing their matches, made every bracket take much longer, Saturday and Sunday both ran late deep into the AM
>tons of off-stream sets to the point that GIMP was paying people $5 per set to record them with their cellphones, some notorious upsets only witnessed in person may be lost to history
>SC6 had to get through its entire bracket in a single day
>BB:CTB on Sunday despite no one playing or watching it
>Sunday reduced to 4 games, Sunday tickets cost the same anyway, ran just as long 5 game Sundays in previous years anyway
>Ultimate players didn't buy Sunday tickets (which MrWizard chided Smash 4 players for in 2017) so half the arena was empty
>codec controversy necessitated public statements from EVO, Harada, and David Hayter and ruined expectations for Tekken 7's season 3
>Infiltration got banned last year for his wife being a lying crazy bitch, comes back to win Samurai Shodown pissing off the SJW crowd
>woke crowd upset about Infiltration being allowed to participate and win Samurai Shodown, EVO scrubbed him from montages
>video of MrWizard berating a spectator for getting too towdy
>top figures in the FGC are calling out EVO's predatory payout practices and lack of budget transparency
>several people were groped and roofied at the Red Bull afterparty
>Gllty (literal tranny) actually does the creepy for a #MeToo to happen, gets banned
>Chris Ban got #MeToo'd and banned from every notable tournament
>James Chen and UltraDavid getting grilled for old problematic tweets
Caleb Ramirez
Not even worth 7$ lmao.
Caleb White
My favorites to play are the gundam vs. games but Versus is fucking dead online and it doesn't even have local.
At least I can enjoy BBCF and Samsho
Christopher Gonzalez
Is CF not dead online too? It was last time I checked, but I don't check often.
Jack Davis
For the most part, but it at least has some single player modes to dick around in unlike the others.
Sebastian Torres
i have put hundreds of hours into basic shit and i still suck im just a mess
Kayden Gonzalez
>a mess
Luis Hernandez
Noah Richardson
this is still by far, by FAR, the hottest animation ever in a video game
Owen Fisher
Garou is better
Julian Peterson
Samsho bros, who do you main and why?
For me, its Hanzo.
Isaiah Lewis
Would you guys preferred to regress toward to strict input oriented mechanics like sf3, kof98?
Carter Garcia
Hanzo, more like SHITzo.
Brody Hall
Yoshitora because I don't want to do anything but get the seventh sword.
Jaxon Perez
Tekken and Smash are better than Garou, also you don't play Garou.
Landon Foster
Switching between Darli and Shiki right now. I want to like Yashamaru, but he is just a bit too dry
Lincoln Barnes
I'm at 970k bp in dbfz, looks like I'll finally reach living legend this weekend. This is the highest rank I've gotten in a fighter and my gameplay has been super crispy lately so I'm pretty happy.
Nolan Carter
Rimururu because she's cute
Mason Walker
>seichuusen godanzuki
>not using abare tosanami then juggling
Jaxson Russell
If you need a SF fix, may as well buy it.
Julian Kelly
Galford because Poppy
William Stewart
Sometime last year in 3S against two friends. They were getting super salty out of nowhere because they were getting cocky and stopped being cautious about projectiles. Made me pretty uncomfortable so I bounced and am pretty hesitant to play with those guys again.
Jonathan Phillips
SFV. Not because of anything to do with the game itself but because it has the most new players you can play to teach you to block and punish point blank sweeps and DPs and that's what is most important for a beginner.
Alexander Murphy
2I's and New Gen's OSTs are better.
Gavin Rivera
I only watch Saltybet.
Cooper Cruz
Cooper Gomez
Lincoln Carter
God I wish I could get my old crew to play Melty again.
Eli Sanchez
Alexander Baker
David Ortiz
Might as well be doing crack
Matthew Cook
I want Bridget
Brayden Taylor
Is this the game with Sugoi? she seems fun to play
Wyatt Russell
Unironically don't start playing them. If you didn't play them as a kid when they still made good ones, now is not a good time to start. They are too zoomer repellent.
Nolan Hughes
You'd be wasting money on a dead game.
Dylan Williams
All girl team
Landon Bennett
SoulCalibur 6, doesn't have big combos, a more grounded fighter with a big focus on neutral
Tyler Anderson
not at all hopefully, its just mvc without the m
Samuel Bell
>Akuma was already bad
For reference I don't play Tekken but I thought he was supposed to be balls to the wall strong with Geese just being even better. Did they just nerf the shit out of him?
Carson Phillips
Akuma used to be good at launch but he got nerfed. S3 patch nerfed his fireball damage but lets him combo into Raging Demon after a screw. Geese was Top 2 until the S3 patch though.
Levi Collins
Now is the absolute best time to start, since the 09 Revival I spent years trying yo get good in several games to no avail but the second SFV came out people started making a bunch of vids actually explaining you how to play the fucking game (frame data, buffering, how to poke efficiently, etc.) Now I win locals in a couple games and actually have fun playing.
Gavin Ramirez
I need more webms like this
Joseph Perry
God sprites don't get enough love nowdays and they are perfect for fighting games,I want more games like Skullgirls,blazeblue and kof xlll
Jose Lopez
>all that shit damage
Jacob Johnson
Make an AI that conjures HD sprites.
James Sanchez
Punch Planet is coming out of Early Access soon and is 2D, although not sprites. Has a nice style though. Ultra Fight Da! Kyanta 2 is sprite-based but it's got that "one Japanese dude did all this in MSPaint" look.
Camden Flores
>reupload of a reupload of a reupload of a youtube reupload
Parker Perry
I don't know shit about programing user
Punch planet sound interesting will check it out,thanks user
Owen Green
>When she pops super
Gifs I can hear...
Jeremiah Turner
Benjamin Bailey
This. Only thing I can say is that the skill ceiling is slightly higher than most other fighting games. It’s on par with high lvl 3rd Strike or Mahvel 2. Makes sense, they were all released within like 3-4 years of eachother or less.
Samuel Gutierrez
>Currently playing UNIST
>Enkidu main
Somedays I feel solid af win or lose. But some days I feel like I cannot get in and peoples buttons reach further and stuff my 2B/5B attempts. Its a living hell almost every MU feels like a new brand of obstacle course that I have to dash block into and most of the time has better close neutral buttons anyways.
Charles Diaz
I'm sure it is. But I'm also sure it's a thing that about 80% of players do. They just know how to keep it hush.
Easton Sanchez
Melee & Marvel 2 are very similar games in terms of the meta that formed and the legacy they have; the one CRUCIAL difference is that the long-awaited sequel to them was taken very differently by their respective playerbases. Granted, that's mostly Brawl's fault for being designed to be anti-competitive. Still, even the Marvel 2 gods mostly transitioned to 3, even those that didn't like 3 as much as 2.
Then Infinite was to Marvel was Brawl was to Smash, and now Smash has their Ultimate game that's the peak of the series like UMvC3 was even if some of the Melee purists are still around.
James Miller
This only looks fast to people that have never played a fighter in their life, its actually more or less do in ultimate minus the advanced tech
Nolan Campbell
Scared. I wanna see real matches and not a cinematic trailer the new trailer just like Xrds used a lot of camera pans and other shit. I wanna see mechanics and how the game is gonna flow. Rev1/2 might as well be my favorite fighting game at this point and I don't want GG to go back like other series.
Especially since im usually left 50/50 on getting my character in games and I use Faust Ky Potemkin in GG so this is the rare occurrence where im guaranteed my 3 boys regardless so I want it to be good.
Dominic Martinez
Makoto is fucking Unga holy shit
Colton Ortiz
>UN combos
Literally BB style combos but with easier windows. Just OTG limits and constant pick up tools. Also people like to call the game anime SF but you have Seth running around and Hyde the shoto of the game has baby move everything and 3.5K combos that carry from corner to corner off the most mundane shit in the world. Not to mention Phonon that lets retards feel like they can play footsies because almost the entire cast has to eat shit and deal with her pokes until they get in on a character with a godlike 2A and dp.
But its fine they made Akatsuki so any retard can get to mid level like Leo players in Xrd but atleast Leo requires more move knowledge then learning how to apply B tatsu with ex fireball and a few pokes.
Elijah Brown
All couldve been avoided if the Ryu wasnt so obnoxiously aggresive
Blake Perez
I hope Cl-r gets some guests that aren't just waifu fuck bait. Id love Sai from Blitz to get in the game or one of the male MB characters. The first Cl-r reveal has to be the most homo looking shit in the world. I don't get why anime game characters that use Ice have to be extremely gay.
Asher Wilson
The dp was the only mistake honestly. But to be fair against characters that can kill you super fast I feel like its easier to make mistakes because you want them dead faster but in this case its probably just being too zealous.
Jordan Cooper
>I don't get why anime game characters that use Ice have to be extremely gay.
Because ice is pretty and snow is the element of transience, which is interpreted as youth and beauty.
Jason Cooper
Is there an anime fighter where cool shit does more than the equivalent of chip damage in other fighters
Cooper Price
how the fuck are you gonna avoid that? they both already basically had full meter, being constantly aggro is p much all he could've done against a makoto, he should've just been better about mixing in grabs instead of going full balls to the walls on either hits or grabs (see how the mak teched like 3 or 4 grabs at start, it's obvious she knows that she's only ever gonna need to tech or parry)
Daniel Barnes
Danger Time'd anything in Xrd. But people aren't really happy about Danger Time, in general.
Mason Jones
DP is ALWAYS unsafe
Ian Martinez
ok? she parried a lot more than a dp in that webm lol. i guess ryu could've taunted instead of immediately going in when she was stunned, that might have saved him bcuz i think ryu's taunt gives some sort of buff to his stun bar
Justin Jenkins
I dont know why people say smash is Fundamentally different from other fighters.
Mixups and reading opponents are some of the things I learned in Smash that work pretty well in a shit ton of competitive environments, even blackjack
Ryan Brooks
I really hope CL-R doesn't get anymore guests. Both Eltnum and Akatsuki are annoying as fuck to play against and there are lore relevant UNI characters that could be made playable instead.
Evan Gutierrez
Considering I'm pretty new ti fighters in general, which would be the best or worst characters to try first in Killer Instinct?
Ryder Peterson
Does SamSho still have a decent player base on PS4? Payday’s tomorrow and I like the bit of it I played with a friend. Definitely appreciate the slower, more methodical approach to fightan than crazy off-the-rails combo stuff.
Elijah Martin
>Does SamSho still have a decent player base on PS4?
Zachary Walker
Its pretty damn good.
Ryan Young
What are you guys playing? I'm currently trying to wrap my gorilla brain around SamSho with Yoshitora but something just isn't clicking into place when it comes to my gameplan. I could also just be getting thrashed since everyone I've gone up against has like 1000+ games.
Really looking forward to the next DLC character too. At the same time I'm also docking around with Akatsuki Blitzkamph and might finally pick up Lethal League Blaze when the new character drops.
Benjamin Perez
Anyone who plays fighting games and takes it seriously is a fag
Julian Sanders
give it to me straight samsho bros, is there even a chance of my boy making it back in?
Charles Morales
Dylan Ramirez
No but kazuki might get his rekka
Elijah Martinez
No matter the sales, Trash will never have the competitive credibility of fighting games. Now delight us with your absence, or I will make you take a shower.
Kayden Walker
>win the set
>or desperately try to land your last three specials to get the 7th sword
Grayson Harris
I like him because his moves are really good at punishing. You have no idea how many people I screwed with just by using his teleportation move and the sudden ass drop. Don't get me started with his heavy slashes. That's a whole different story
Benjamin King
how to trigger Yea Forums
Dylan Hall
Noah Edwards
Alpha-3 are shit yeah, but I’ll take Garou over New Generation or Second Impact.
Hell, I’ll take ‘99 over those fucking games. 3S is based. XmVSSf is dumb fun.
Colton Rogers
It fucking is, but it’s tutorial is fantastic.
Liam Walker
I don't support any game that doesn't have crossplay in 2019
Brody Powell
so you just play rocket league and sf5 all day? lol
Dylan Cox
Melee Puff mains where at?
Andrew Richardson
Tekken 7 is good, Samsho is good, Smash Ultimate is good. Here is the catch... none of those games have good online, so, you better have some one good to play offline.
Daniel Gray
Fix your aspect ratio you horrid little shitstain. /s
Julian Gomez
The fuck is this shit list?
Thomas Davis
Galford or Hanzo, ninjas are pretty fun
Wyatt Harris
Street Fighter 2 Turbo with videos since it’s pretty old. Skullgirls is great about teaching you how to play but a ducking horrible experience if you plan to play online(most will be but this one especially). Killer Instinct is also good and helping you learn. I think recent NRS games do to but I’ve not touched one in ages.
Any Samurai Shodown game is a decent choice since it’s less about combos and more about fundamentals and reads.
Pick whatever game you want, even if it’s not there.
Just remember 3 important rules:
1. You will get fucked up. Losing is apart of learning so bear in mind.
2. Find someone better than you and make friends. Local play is best but online will do just fine. You learn more playing with better players.
3. It’s fine to use AI to practice actual moves and just having fun but remember you won’t learn shit playing with AI in the longrun. Other players are where the knowledge you need is.
Optional: If you have a local FGC scene or live near a tournament area go to it!
Always support your fucking local scene.
Conventions and arcades also tend to have an FGC.
Aiden Reed
In all the classics (and in some crossovers like CvS2 & NGBC) I play Haohmaru. Just a simple big button -> big damage character with a couple neat tricks.
In the new one I actually like Darli & Wu a lot. Darli just feels really good to play as and Wu just has this interesting kit that can be a zoner but can also scare you in the mid-close range. Feels a little weird since I rarely vibe with female characters but I like it.
Outside of SamSho I nearly always play the biggest fat and/or muscle dude but I really fucking hate Earthquake and have since SamSho II. I can't really pinpoint why exactly, but his moveset and design don't click with me at all. I really hate how he plays, and given how command grabs work in SamSho I'd rather just pick Darli over him (or Gaira in V Special).
Christian Garcia
It’s nothing like Alpha, but you will probably like it.
Gavin Walker
Showers are nice, but "competitive credibility" is gay and unneeded, I prefer quality
Gabriel Ortiz
Sonicfox is a zoomer and look where he went.
Jaxson Hughes
Anyone else honestly prefer keyboards over fightsticks and controllers?
Nolan Brooks
whats your current favourite game bros? I play competitive ||smash ultimate|| but want to dust off my old fightstick again and get back into it
Angel Hughes
Jago and Sabrewulf are pretty easy. Don’t fuck with Aria, Gargos or Spinal if you want easy. That said you should play who you like the most regardless.
Samuel Moore
>the discord spoiler
fuck im retarded
Austin Powell
I do, that's why I made a hitbox
Angel Watson
>le garou is good meme
Garou is shit bruh
Floaty garbage just like Kof 2003
Michael Sullivan
The answer is always try to get my last specials for me.
Cooper Brown
trying to motivate myself to learn rachel in bbcf
Julian Rodriguez
Rev 2.
Anthony Foster
My best friend literally refuses to play against my Joker in Ultimate, and he won't play me in SoCalVI at all
Ryder Cruz
She's too good for SFV
Save her for SFVI provided it's not a linear clusterfuck
Angel Parker
>fighting game releases new revision of the game that forces you to repurchase the game in order to access the new characters, balance patches, etc
>consumers complain that publishers are jews
>fighting game instead makes their new characters part of a season pass, so you can purchase them a la carte without having to buy characters that you don't care about, and balance patches are free, so you don't have to repurchase the entire game to continue playing multiplayer
>consumers still complain that publishers are jews
What the fuck are they supposed to do, then? Damned if you do, damned if you don't. Sure, there are a few cases where characters are arbitrarily locked behind a paywall when they could've been included in the base game (ie, preorder DLC characters). But in most instances, these characters are developed after launch.
Brody Torres
>what the fuck are they supposed to do
make any updates to the game free
Jordan Miller
Jackson Johnson
I only play smash seriously but I respect other games and players, and I enjoy watching the top level matches at majors for almost every game
I honestly think most of the community feels that way, it's just the turbo autists online with loud voices that give us a shit rep
Matthew Williams
free and open source
Bentley Cruz
Some special moves are a bit unintuitive with keyboard like charge moves or half-circle/circle but once you get the hang of it I find them better than fightsticks and controllers.
Henry Miller
Rotting in Hell, Mang0's next
Adrian Foster
Depends on the character. I'd be surprised if I can pull off a 720 decently
Gabriel King
As much as I think Akatsuki is small brain the cast is full of small brain assholes. The top 5 of UNIST all have atleast 2-3 things that are flat out retarded for example Merks full screen hit grab that is confirmable that doesn't even have a hurtbox and can be used on reaction to any fireball of the game to pretty much negate any zoning in a MU that character has to put up with well having all the tools to deal with anyways.
Meanwhile Enkidu is a character designed around spacing -3/-4 situation strings to trip people up in a game where half the cast can reach these things even if they're max range spaced.
Lucas Brooks
Is it even worth it to try to get into the less popular fighting games as a beginner? I'm fairly new and wanted to check out KoF 98 because it seems fun, but there's no way to play against people that have been playing for thousands of hours unless I mess around with getting involved in a discord. I don't have a problem with playing with people who are better than me but the skill gap is so vast I don't think I'd learn anything. I guess I could just lab by myself for an eternity. Also, everyone on fightcade is either brazilian or chinese.
Sebastian Butler
New additional characters are a significant financial expense to develop and the price of the base game doesn't cover their development, especially considering how niche fighting games are as a whole. I think the season pass model is a completely fair way to allow consumers to add additional content to the game without having to rebuy the game over, and allows the publisher/dev to be compensated for their work, and incentivize even more added content. And like I said, the balance patches are free even if you decide not to ever buy any DLC characters, so you aren't locked out of multiplayer with an outdated version of the game.
I don't see how people defend guys like ArcSys and shit on Capcom/Namco, when ArcSys has the same "release a new revision and force everyone to rebuy the same game a year later just to get three new characters" business model that Capcom had 30 years ago.
Joseph Fisher
I will care about Samsho once a punch boy gets in honestly. They all look like Enkidu and have godlike aesthetics. Either that or that dude with the musket.
Aiden Harris
You can't taunt and then also get a damage combo in that situation. It's one or the other. You can mash super fast out of stun in 3S if you're good.
Angel Smith
>Trying to use a character that requires triple digit IQ.
Stick to Eltnum and Elphelt friend the let you keep up with people who didn't flunk out in the 4th grade.
Jeremiah Wood
>>Trying to use a character that requires triple digit IQ.
LMAO nice cope baikentard
Nathan Clark
Pretty cool
Michael Sanchez
So do people like Street Fighter 5 now or is it shit?
Gavin Reyes
based kuroda
Luke Wright
I hate that shit. Like if I do it by accident I feel like I got a cheap win. So I never do it. Id rather keep the fight going until both are damage says 618% or some shit and who ever gets tapped first gets blasted into the void, One-Punch style.
I also havent played melee in years. And now I want to challenge my rival cousin again. Oh, the memories.
Isaiah Nelson
It's shit
Julian Jones
>especially considering how niche fighting games are as a whole.
Why are they using so much budget then if fighting games are niche? Because they know they'll get away with DLC. If they really don't want to be called jews then they should just make development cheaper, simple as that. Games don't even have content these days so it shouldn't be too hard.
Nathaniel Scott
visited my brother who got ragey in smash after I kicked his ass with my day 1 banjo
Brayden Moore
That's the real shit right there.
Brody Cook
Cute. Now post the variant that has Jigglypuff dancing around the ledge for six whole minutes.
Anthony Taylor
Ryder Howard
My friend ragequit from JoJo after I fucked him up with Hol Horse. It was incredible because before that he was constantly praising the game and saying how good it was compared to modern fighting games. His opinion did a complete 180, now he says it's soulless trash made for autists and that Capcom always sucked.
Ian Stewart
Jordan Sullivan
Should add SNK and/or ArcSys to the roster.
Nathan Long
Anyone watching the street fighter league? they have a cute girl but she lost
Camden Watson
I'm not as interested in watching with Idom not being around.
David Nguyen
Sonic Fox literally admitted that he used Adderall and Prozac, but is ok because he have "diagnosed anxiety", therefore being autist = get you an advantage vs a sane person.
Landon Green
Merks' grab differs from projectiles in that it is very negative on block and he straight up eats shit if it whiffs. Hell, Nanase can punish it with 236C on shield for an easy 4k damage
Carson Kelly
I hate hbox for a reason other than being a Puff main
este hijo de mil puta es una desgracia para mi país, me da vergüenza
Juan Butler
Katarina in Tekken 7 for about 10ranks which is about 20matches.
Add an addictional 5 ranks and 20 matches if you spam lows.
Chase Ross
como puedes sentir vergüenza de que este jugando para ganar.
Pena por los demás jugadores que prefieren jugar por el WOOOOOOOOOOOOW MIRASTE ESE COMBOOOOO SIIIIIICKKKKK en lugar de jugárselas a la mejor estrategia.
Jordan Rivera
Dead game so no.
Leo Roberts
Aaron Murphy
SFV has problems but it's still a good game
Brody Nguyen
Dominic Hernandez
Claro porque "bair to win" es mucho mejor verdad? Anda a cagar vos y el gordo teton
Andrew Johnson
si ganas si, culpa al juego no al jugador.
Connor Barnes
Grayson Carter
>FGC shat on smash for years
>smash is the only relevant fighting game and the FGC is basically dead
nothing makes me laugh harder
Michael Reed
Angel King
Baiken is nearly as braindead as elphelt, retardbro
Brody Lewis
While I do appreciate your filename, I want to say that 3S is the most overrated fighting game ever made.
Blake Gray
This is why 2d SF style fighters are so shit. Half the game is starting at someone pushing the other guy into a corner at the edge of the screen.
Charles Baker
>to be on equal footing with ours?
Why would they want to downgrade their game?
Christopher Harris
Who's a good character for learning to play Melty with. I'm liking the look of Kohaku, Nero, Ryougi and Riesbyfe so far
John Hall
play banana shiki
He means your community. It's as bad as your reply
Ian Richardson
If he were anyone else besides one of the "gods" he'd have been out of the community long ago. Sucks how you can be a piece of shit but because you're grandfathered into the scene people just tolerate you.
Ryan Evans
and the other half is the other person doing the same? Do you feel the same about Baseball/Football teams having to swap between playing defense and offense?
Aiden Gutierrez
but Idom is playing right now?
Alexander Martinez
Genjuro because I suck
Bentley Morris
Merk's grab is scrub filter
Josiah Allen
find a flaw
Kayden Roberts
I want a new Darkstalkers
Aiden Smith
My girl got buffs in season 3.
Dominic Perez
Julian Myers
Today. In Overwatch. I play Torb.
Angel Davis
Well fuck I guess I might be watching another season then.
Alexander Fisher
This thread isn't for you, fps shitter
William Cook
I'm a retard this was meant for
Brody Ramirez
Nakoruru because she is fun and cute. I have come to terms with the fact that I just like cute shit and that is okay.
Wyatt Sanders
What does Yea Forums think of poverty? What's your favorite poverty fighter?
John Morgan
Thomas Fisher
Kevin Barnes
Blake Jones
I like poverty. I've been trying out Blitzkampf and Kyanta 2 lately; I play Kanae and Chihiro/Blues/Cocorn personally.
James Turner
I said poverty, not classic.
Kevin Young
My brainlet cerebral palsy'd ass finally went from fucking up 90% of my attempts at basic Hazama microdashs to only 40%.
Asher Kelly
fighting games are cursed. every game I want to play has garbage netcode. so finally I throw up my hands in disgust and turn to fightcade in the hopes I could at least play old ass games I used play only to learn that it too is unplayable trash chock full of input delay and dropped inputs
Nathaniel Long
what would you do with a kolin gf?
Thomas Lewis
Nathaniel Nelson
Play Kazumi in tekken
Zachary Jones
Kyanta seems like it would be great for getting my friends who only play smash into normal fighting games due to ease of inputs except they refuse to even touch it due to its graphics and sound so I don't have anyone to play the game with. I'm a fan of Azuma and his robo counterpart.
Landon Scott
>ctrl+f Koihime
>0 results
Where's the love?
Juan Evans
have you considered that maybe you have bad internet
Kevin Stewart
>is called out on being a whiny bitch
>immediately resorts to ad homenim, implying the FGC is exclusively Evo
Mason Smith
He's right you know. SFV sucks.
Luke Thompson
The one I haven't started.
Wyatt Watson
As someone who plays him as a secondary I know this feel. Those off days when playing him can be pretty intense and lead to lots of mistakes but when it's a good day, getting the counter hits and baiting out with proper spacing feel so satisfying.
William Bailey
You could try showing them Fantasy Strike and Blade Strangers since those are similarly simple. Blade Strangers is also a crossover game of sorts; if they know Code of Princess, Umihara Kawase, Cave Story, Shovel Knight, or Binding of Isaac, then they'll know at least one character (and there's leaks that say that there's a few more characters coming, including Plague Knight).
Oliver Cook
Chaos Code, Arcana Heart 3 and Koihime are all surprisingly fun in the few hours that I've got to play them so far.
Kinda wanna try the Umineko fighter too, looks fun also.
Matthew Roberts
Hah. Ask Ally about that one.
Jose Jones
I don't know, latin america looks pretty poor to me.
Anthony Bailey
i dislike fighting games
it's always about one kind of beef or another and there always has to be drama in the community somewhere
i want no part of any of it
Luke Gutierrez
I've just gotten into Street Fighter Third Strike and I'm gonna pick up Dudley. I've purchased the Xbox 360 online version because I've heard people say that it's the best version of the game next to the original arcade version and the PS2 port. I'm looking to purchase a cheap fight-stick cause I just can't stand playing on a 360 pad, any recommendations?
Alexander Jenkins
>I don't like game because of thing that happens outside of game
Yeah, I agree with you, but how about playing the game tho? I honestly play fighting games to have fun.
Colton Scott
i mean i play smash but i know that's not a part of the fgc
but as for the games themselves i think just limiting gameplay to just a single flat plane with no platforms i mean, im not talking about 2d removes a lot of the fun for me
Jordan Brown
I used to use keyboard for 4-button fighters. Could never get used to playing SF on it, so I ended up getting a stick.
IaMP (Touhou 7.5)
here ya go
Nathaniel Lee
kill yourself.
Julian Williams
Carson Lee
I only like Tekken and Smash. What does that say about me?
Aiden Hughes
That this is you on another IP
Elijah Sullivan
Congrats, you have the same amount of input complexity as Fate Unlimited Codes.
Thomas Adams
Cope. Sfv is a better game objectively
Grayson Gonzalez
There are smashers lower than hbox in notoriety who have done far worse and are still fucking around
Owen Fisher
The cutest shota
Christian Green
Play and beat Street fighter 2 at 8 stars
Once you succeed in that, you will have the foundation to try any other fighting game.
If you can't do that, you will never be good at fighting games.
Cooper Rogers
focus on the movements themselves. practice slowly if you can't do it at full speed. think ahead.
Grayson Sullivan
3 > 4 > 5 > 2 Ultra
Prove me wrong
Logan Morgan
Fighting games are for blacks and asians. The games are made by developers to get the two together around the world to settle disputes between the two clans. Each year the black and asian clans meet at evo where yearly peace treaties and politics are discussed between the two clans.
Gavin Garcia
This poster has never beaten a minority or left pools
Jayden Walker
Samsho for 2D, sc6 for 3d
Brody Perez
at least you admit it
Ethan Sullivan
>Playing Smash
>Dumb Roy walks into my chainsaw sword while I'm charging F-Smash and dies
>He does it again
>He's not DIing out of it at all.
>Keep charging
>He's locked into place where the animation looks like his ass is skewered on the sword taking constant damage.
>Smack him with the fully charged F-Smash, which shouldn't even land.
>Sudden lag
>Replaced with a bot.
Josiah Hernandez
What's wrong with skullgirls onling?
Isaiah Ward
Season 2 when
Gabriel Green
>good enough to beat friends so they don't play with me anymore
>not good enough for discord people so they play 2 or 3 games with me and never come back
Luke Brooks
>Getting your ass kicked by the Box from Portal
Austin Gutierrez
Jason Rivera
Easton Long
Carter Sanchez
This one stopped working for me when I got a new computer. Is there a special setup you use?
Jaxson Price
>Get hit once
Nice "game" you have there.
Austin Miller
I'm not taking it, user. Bait somewhere else.
Ayden Gutierrez
My favorite part about melee is that one of the best DMC players used to be a melee fag. He finally switched to DMC because melee was too slow
Jose Mitchell
Been a Tam Tam main since V Special and on Day 1. Not a fan of his now-useless command grab or getting punished for landing my IOH jC but he's still great at what he does. Gotta love clap clap brr.
Canonically he got whirr'd into Kazuki's sword so no chance unless they decide to break out Slash/Bust variants for whatever reason. That's a shame because Enja and Suija were fun to use.
Sebastian Thomas
SFV hate is a Yea Forums phenomenon. It's one of the most popular lighting games right now for a reason and it makes people who play less popular games angry especially on Yea Forums. I'm sure some autist will try to prove me wrong now but it is what it is.
Ethan Wilson
You either like the crush counter, +/- 2 meta, or you don't.
Robert Bell
Justin Anderson
>play virtua fighter
>it's kinda cool
>try the characters slowly learn them
>try Jean Kujo
>hey, he's easy to learn
>learn his ropes
>Getting a real good feeling for the char
>Still practice other characters
>Man, I might be decent soon to play online
>Time to move on from these consoles
>The new games aren't as interesting
Samuel Morales
Evan Green
can anyone here that actually plays alpha 3 (no one lol) explain to me why the negative edge is so fucking retarded? I constantly get codys rock if I try to cancel a punch into a ruffian kick unless I fucking hold the punch down.
Leo Scott
Whatever happened to Bloody Roar fag? He hasn't shit up fighting game threads in a while.
Brody Thomas
Josiah Perez
What's this dude play like? A cute boy forced into bloody battle is a trope I can get behind.
Isaac Bailey
Floats around with his umbrella, has a DP with bullshit priority and a TAP that's unblockable if you hold the button down for long enough.
Grayson Bennett
Soul Calibur 6. I play as Seinfeld all the time and I use that move where he rotates and dodges to the side and then slam them with his blade.I have perfect Gaurd reflects as well, and tend to deflect a lot of Ultimates. I get a lot of hate mail
Aaron Brown
Doesn't work on win 10 gotta do it on 7
Noah Brooks
Disappointing if true
Julian Rivera
Its inspired by KoF, so no surprise there.
Sebastian Harris
I really hope you realize what you said makes no fucking sense. I really hope you realize you don't know what an input buffer is and that you mixed it up with input delay. Which Melee ALSO has because there's no such thing as zero input delay. I hope you're trolling and not an actual moron.
Ethan Nelson
This is a fighting games thread. Out
Luke Ross
>all those replies
>those arguments in thread
oh my god Yea Forums is so fucking retarded
Ryan Wright
I try, but the size of keys means my hand is all cramped up. I want to get a hitbox, but importing one is expensive to bongland and the alternatives don't seem like great deals.
Landon Martin
FGCucks can't help themselves, they actually think their tired "XD not fighting game" memes will altrr the reality that Smash (especially Melee) has far more depth than their autocombo simulators.
Brandon Miller
They're fun. I play a lot of them.
Dylan James
How so? You just sound like you suck at the game.
Connor Mitchell
Post under appreciated fightan tracks
Jordan Gomez
Bro what are you gay?
Dominic Clark
when is it coming to pc?
Julian Hernandez
i've only gotten poop projectile to come out once
William Davis
It's in their competitive nature to talk back when someone gives you shit
Easton Brown
Why dont you play her sister? She even cuter and funnier and has some of the nastiest setups in the whole game.
Dylan Williams
Because she has significantly worse neutral and I don't have the luxury of llaying as often as I would like so I stick to what I know for the time being
Zachary Long
Austin Carter
Landon Nguyen
Superior EVERYTHING-based combat
Oliver Richardson
>No numpad
Why would you even WANT this trash?
Aiden Richardson
Smash is aimed at kids and casuals
Tekken/Street figther is aimed at your typical gamer, it is what it is, you can cope rope or whatever I dont care.