Back when I got started, which sounds like ancient history...

>Back when I got started, which sounds like ancient history, back then the demographics of people who were into computer games, was totally different, in my opinion, then they are today. Back then, computers were more expensive, which made them more exclusive to people who were maybe at a certain income level, or education level. So the people that played computer games 15 years ago were that type of person. They probably didn't watch television as much, and the instant gratification era hadn't quite grown the way it has lately. I think in the last 5 or 6 years, the demographics have really changed, now this is my opinion, because computers are less expensive so more people can afford them. More "average" people now feel they should own one.
Roberta Williams, 1999

Attached: roberta-williams-screen-21.jpg (500x731, 36K)

Other urls found in this thread:

We didn't deserve her. The Sierra-era was the best ever.

She’s right. Most people with computers early on were academics who were somehow involved with computers in their career.

The guy who made Colossal Cave Adventure was one of the people who worked on creating the first modem.

Damn, video games were already being ruined in the 1990s. We never stood a chance, Yea Forumsros

Il like tho play with her boobs.

Damm i was wish i was rich and smart.

This is true. Who is she? This seems up my alley.

No one is surprised normalfags ruin everything.

Memes aside, true nerd girls are a gift to this world. Normies (males and females) are the real cancer.

Attached: 1548906193502.gif (320x320, 1.91M)

Don't be surprised but that's not a girl. Look at her face.


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Based tranny

Notice how Roberta's name never comes up when the topic of gaming as an industry and a hobby excluding or oppressing women?

She's too toxic.

Attached: Roberta_Williams_Quote.jpg (599x375, 49K)

Based and Red pilled.

Ground Control II, a game I praised on Yea Forums for years... I've had the chance to play it a week ago. It hasn't aged well. ;_;

Redpilled as fuck.

Attached: softporn-adventures-by-on-line-systems-on-atari-400.jpg (1000x1059, 930K)

that's the same reason why Yea Forums is going down the shitter. except this time its smartphones.

Japan and western adventure games should have won. Unfortunately garbage like Doom and Quake had to duck it up for everyone.

the same faggots in here who will agree with her will say they love games like DOOM which is the type of game she was shitting on.

Based and phonepilled!

Attached: phoneposters.png (1007x701, 64K)

The fact that nobody remembers this woman, but people are still talking about Zoe Fucking Quinn make me want to kill myself.

Ken Williams is such a lucky dude god dammit.

She's not wrong. Even up to the mid 2000s PC gaming had an older, more wealthy player base just due to the cost. It started changing in the late 2000s when the increase in system requirements started slowing down, and you didn't need to upgrade every year, only every 3-5 years or even longer if you were a mega cheapass who could tolerate shit graphics and framerates. Then came League of Legends, which brought the masses to PC. The rise of tech youtubers in the early 2010s, who made PC building tutorials even the biggest brainlets could follow, was the final nail in the coffin. The PC gaming audience became the mainstream audience. Now PC gaming is basically console gaming but with better graphics/framerates, mod support, and KB+M controls.