How is this fucking acceptable

How is this fucking acceptable

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Other urls found in this thread:

because pokemon fans have no standards

I will still buy it...

They actually stole a five year old shitpost from /vp/ and made that Polteagheist, huh

bc pokemon is a stylized series in terms of art style. It appeals to kids, and thats the demographic that they're aiming for. Its always been like that, but you grew up and got angsty, user.

I'm buying Pokemon sword and not buying XBC Remastered

Boy you proved right fast.

posting facebook screencaps? it isn't.

Game freak is a small studio that for some reason never really hired more people or expanded despite being a multibillion dollar franchise.


Little Town Hero looked a dozen times better than Pokemon SS and both are made by the same company. What's Gamefreak's excuse?

one of these games has a perfected gameplay, with tons of depth, tons of replayability, it´s easy to get into hard to master and there are every year new ones, with more models than every other game.

other one is a remaster of an existing wii game.

>decide to make something a certain way
>How did you do that???
Yeah nigger I wonder how.

Xenoblade is weeb dogshit with korean mmo design

You mean bad.
Every single video game ever made is "stylized", even the supposedly realistic ones. You said nothing of substance.

I didn't know pokemon SwSh was a remaster

>perfected gameplay
How many games have you played? jesus christ

Pokemon is in no way “hard to master” from a single player perspective. Anyone over the age of 7 could beat every single mainline Pokémon game without losing a single battle.

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Jesus Christ

>How many games have you played? jesus christ
nearly all monster collecting rags user. None of them has this fluid gameplay like Pokemon.

>hard to master” from a single player perspective
battle frontier says hello

>retards who automatically think money magically makes developers more competent

just because a game studio has money, it does not mean they are obliged to actually spend it on making the games better. especially so when they know people will buy it in droves anyway.

New Dragon quest games are stylized and still look really good

The models don't even look that bad. It's the environments. They are straight out of the gamecube

looks like any other switch title?
Dont they all look like absolute garbage? What am I missing here

It's not remastered, it's remaked

That doesn't excuse Gamefreak laziness tho

Holy fuck You are fucking funny. Actually spat out a bit of my drink reading this. Good one, you got jokes

>posting a screenshot of facebook taken from facebook
why do I still come here

Pokémon SwSh was on the Wii?

>the girder with minimal textures looks better than every wall in the image

Attached: shuuu.png (920x720, 114K)

show me another monster catching rpg this good.
smt has a nice atmosphere and story, little bit cringe, but still good. But the monster mechanics are fucking awful.

explain why game freak makes little town hero look all nice and shit and barely does any work for pokemon

Attached: little-town-hero.jpg (1920x1080, 550K)

>if it doesn't aim for photo realism it's not worthwhile

holy shit
this has to be a strange coincidence, right

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Most pokemon fans don't think it's acceptable, even normies are starting to think SwSh look bad

literally a nintendo 64 game. enjoy the turd, guys

Sad thing is the lighting here is actually more technically advanced than the Xenoblade remaster, and there's probably more polygons too. Gamefreak's 3D artists just suck.

How can a console that costs $300 be a whole generation behind?

Playing games for graphics is gay. Give me good gameplay and I'm happy.

yeah it's profitable because they spend like 20 bucks to make the games

It's not a pc gaming port like the other two, kek.

the gameplay is unchanged for 20 years. Go pull out your gameboy if you want this and save the money.

Why did gamefreak get lazy once the switch to 3d happened anyways?

Monolith Soft just know how to make good worlds.
I'd fucking love to see what they could do with stronger hardware.

*and still have better games than its competitors

honestly, i wasn't interested in the new pokemon but the new trailer piqued my interest. it felt nice to explore and it didn't look that bad. i don't really need that kind of graphics in my pokemon games.


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They put in effort into gen 5 and nobody liked it so they said fuck it and decided to just half ass the series for the rest of time.

But I can emulate BOTW

me arrgew semantics me win arrgewment

"I think pokemon games should be hyper cutting edge realistic and look like detective pikachu, anything else is bad"

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Because it's Pokemon and they believe people will buy it no matter what which is mostly the truth.

They are still trying to transitions from the soulful 1G/2G/3G into this weird 3D shit
they will get there eventually

Real talk though, can Nintendo ask Monolith to develop a Pokemon game, or at least aid in creating two main regions?

"Realistic textures good! Stylized art bad!"

Pokemon is a pseudo-annualized game series where they have to churn out a game every 1.5-ish years. You don't expect quality out of Madden, why do you expect quality out of Pokemon?

Yeah Xenoblade looks nice but it'll look like shit undocked which is the entire point of the console. Pokémon looks as is because TPC is full of fags who have to tie everything up and can't, for the life of them, have the IP depend less on shitty merch and GF has to crap out games as quickly as possible.

It obviously helps retard.

Graphics have NEVER been important to Pokemon.
If you unironically post pics of the graphics to indicate poor quality you're too far down the rabbithole of brainletism to realize just how dumb you are. You don't deserve to have opinions. Noone should ever respect your opinions. What annoys the fuck out of me is that you sit there in your room with a smug face thinking you actually have something worthwhile to complain about when it's something so fucking trivial as graphics. Everyone should automatically filter you as a subhuman retard for thinking graphics matter but the state of videogame culture is so far down today that there's legitimately a big portion of you that unironically place graphics on the highest pedestal. You're not smart for looking at a picture amd saying "this game game look bad bad", everyone can fucking see that for themselves. You're not smart for pointing it out, and you're not posting worthwhole critical thought in the slightest. Just do us all a favor and shut the fuck up.

Nintendo doesn't have better games than it's competitors, you should have said exclusives so there could have been an argument and debate to be made
but with only a switch/nintendo etc you barely have any good content compared to a PC or even a console for that matter

Poor Gamefreak the whole hybrid console really exposed them as the incompetent hacks they are.

Also why does that shitty town RPG game run at 15 fps?

They're probably sick of pokemon, but it brings in the money.
The passion is going elsewhere.

Fuck off retard tranny.
The only reason people bring up graphics is because GF used them as an excuse for cutting pokemon. I would tell you to kill yourself, but chances are you're probably already looking into it.

You can be stylized and not have it look like shit. Saying, "It's meant to look like shit," isn't fooling anyone.

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>undocked which is the entire point of the console
Fuck off with this meme

>chances are you're probably already looking into it.

Just vote with your wallet, bro.

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You’re right.
Pokemon is about Pokemon. But we are not getting either good graphics or every Pokemon.

Yo kai watch and Digimon are the only real other contenders in this space, and they suck shit too. At least they have soul I guess. But Pokémon being “the best” in its genre is a really low bar and doesn’t mean it’s exempt from being called bad. Cause it is, GF is lazy as shit

It has had a game every year with the exception of 2015.

The graphics only reflect the lazy nature GameFreak has picked up on. Instead of introducing fun mechanics or putting back in old ones people liked, we get Macro Pokemon battles instead.

Did you know you can vote with your wallet and also make complaints?

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Probably because the Pokemon game is A.) likely just an upscaled formerly-3DS project all things considered, and B.) Game Freak's notoriously lousy with optimization and innovation, so they likely cut corners everywhere they could to even get sword & shield at a "presentable" level.

guess which one is going to outsell the other by a comically huge margin?

big lumps of shit everywhere

People have been bitching how shitty Xenoblade looked on 3DS for four years. They have clearly had this project in the works for a long time and were able to use assets from their newest games in the graphical design for this release.

Pokemon on the other, they basically have no fucking idea how to make a modern console game given they've spent the majority of their company's career on handheld hardware making due with the limitations they've had for over twenty years.

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Xenoblade 2 looks like a blurry mess in handheld mode, why should I believe this will look better

They've been lazy since the DS. Just look at Diamond and Pearl vs DQM Joker, a low budget spinoff that came out the same year. Pokemon was still using tile based maps, grid based movement, random encounters, and static 2d battle sprites. Meanwhile DQM had full 3D environments with 360 degree movement, enemies you can see on the overworld, and fully animated 3D battles. Pokemon looked like a GBA game in comparison.

going to buy both games lol
suck my nuts Yea Forums you bunch of tasteless poorfags

Gamefreak fix your fucking shit

>23 years of pokemon
>at its core it's still near-exactly the same as it was in red and green/blue but with new things on top
okay sure, if it ain't broke don't fix it, but repeating the same thing with a different region and roster every couple years isn't for me anymore
>spinoffs try new ideas and shit like a fucking feudal japan strategy game or console JRPGs that de-emphasize making whatever rosters by limiting what and how you can catch
>they eventually dry up and become mostly the same couple things regurgitated infrequently

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god dammit

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wojakposter please go

Gamefreak didn't make those models and they're also like 8 years old now. They have no excuse to.

>Being such a loyalist shill that rather than fighting for a game that is even of passable quality for [CURRENT YEAR] you eat the shit right from Masuda's ass and beg for seconds like the good brown noser you are
If it fulfils you at least then I'm happy for you user, I'm almost jealous. Wish I could devote myself to someone like that.

It looks better but that's not nice

>Graphics have NEVER been important to Pokemo

Ok can we go back to sprites again then?

Have you ever not cried for a day manbaby?

This doesn't look like it will be as demanding as 2, since it appears to be little more than a port of the Wii game (engine and all) with updated models and textures. It looks like only the character models have improved lighting, the environments appear to just use plain old diffuse textures and static vertex color lighting like in the original.

5 seconds is all it took, neat.

Graphics don't have to be 100% amazing, but could they have put any less effort into making a Pokemon game for console? It looks like they ported over a 3DS game


Pokemon should have never become 3D

why does nobody understand visual style??? the pokemon visual style wouldn't fit a hyper realistic world ffs

This is unfair to GF though. Monolith Soft are just basically the most efficient jRPG developers there is. From 2015 to 2018 they not only release top tier games like XCX, XC2 and Torna, they also helped shaping up BotW's success, and had a had in Splatoon 2. Meanwhile, other jrpg devs strugle to churn out 1 game every 5 years, if not more. other devs, are you even trying? Seriously, get your shit together, GF.

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Then why are you a fan? Why are you hear? Go play gold.

B/W2 was the last time they put any actual effort into the games and that gen sold worse than all the others (while still making them millions). They just gave up for the 3DS and onward as they realized there's no point in putting in effort and resources if you are going to get sales anyway.

It will always, always befuddle me how a multi-billion dollar series cannot for their lives make a game that doesn't look like it should come out an entire decade before its real release date. Game Freak only has less than 150 and employees which is a fucking joke.

It's not even an issue about the money, or even a employment issue. If these dumbasses made a hiring announcement people would kill each other to get a foot in the door around the world. Talented individuals from everywhere would be throwing themselves en masse at the opportunity of making a pokemon game.

You can make an excuse that the hardware they have to work with is sub-par compared to the competing consoles, but it shouldn't look this fucking awful. It screams incompetency from GF that they can't even make something out of the PS2 era in terms of visual design; fucked animations, can't even manage the goddamn pokemon. It's pretty clear something's gone wrong, but as long as it keeps printing money, no will give a fuck.

Gamefreak can make good games (see: drill dozer), just not good Pokemon games.

They are going to buy it. Everyone who complains are going to buy it.
A vast majority of them will pretend they always liked it. Some people are going to change their opinions openly to “WOW, actually trading so many Pokémon was hindering the series because they have to rebalance nearly 1000 characters to make them grow fairly and people won’t butch because there are a bunch of broken characters.”

People will buy and forget, The only people who are mad are Ugly as fuck and Furries.

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Wow, you guys fetishize the hell out of your opposition.
Really makes the cause seem like it’s not completely filled with Tranny man-children.

90+% of Switch owners are over 20 years oId
The "it appeaIs to kids" thing doesnt reaIIy appIy for this market

Just like I bought LGPE, right?

Little Town Hero looked terribIe
Iike babbys first attempt at making a 3D modeI in anime styIe with ceII shading terribIe

>Wanting a game that's decent is now fetishizing one's opposition and makes someone a man-child
Might as well outright ban any and all video game criticism then. Lets get rid of them pesky review sites too!

Oh wow you didn’t buy a non-mainline Pokémon game made for children. How brave.
Someone get the user a trophy.

Keep telling yourself that, user.

A fucking tea pot?

Implying I want to eat a mans ass isn’t fetishized user? Didn’t you make that claim specifically just to vent your extreme emotions about a baby toy because sitting alone in your room on a message board isn’t helping?
Have sex.
Shower first.

I fucking hate you Canadians.

I think this pokémon was inspired by the Crucibelle fakemon...

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A remake of Kanto where you can’t even have a wild Pokémon Battle is mainline. Sure man.

Hawlucha also looks like Tomohawk

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Not really, no. Never did say it was a fetish of yours, that would just be projection on your part.
Either way, stay strong SwSh defence force-kun. Hope Masuda is paying you enough.

As far as GF and TPC are concerned, yes it is. Doesn't matter what your opinion is as a fan if the dev says otherwise.

Strictly speaking, it's a remake and not a remaster.

little town looks almost as bad as sword and shield

Holy fuck, that can't be real

that game doesnt look good either and it has an awful style.
on top of that it looks like it will all play out on the village map so its clearly a cheap small project.

What the.

gen 2 and 3 had good grafics
also the 3d games in those gens were also passable
t. not a graficsfag

the sprites looked better

I hope they'll improve the cutscene direction like in XC2, for the story scenes. XC1 already had great cinematography when it mattered, Metal Face's scenes comes to mind, but I hope they won't cheapen out on the animations and have enough budget

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>We'll never go back to sprite based games
>We'll never have Pokemon games with ArcSys-tier spritework

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gen3 was pretty damn ugly for a GBA game.

they need to tone down the fucking bloom otherwise i think it looks fine

Why you retards think that high quality sprites are remotely easy to do?

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I thought gameplay was the most important thing fir video games. Why is Yea Forums filled with so many graphics whores?

Because they look better than 3D therefore they're super-easy to make quickly.

>a dozen times better
>literally a mobile app game converted to a Switch title
>complete with awful framerate, and ONE (1) town for a JRPG
Thank GOD I don't suck GameFreak's cock anymore after gen 2.

>it's 2d therefore easy to do.


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I'm buying both.

gotta be pretty retarded to compare fighting game sprites to the shitty static ugly sprites pokemon has used for decades.

Spritework is same independent of genre.

Ummmm your wrong sweaty

what kind of a slow ass board is that

You just proved making sprites is easier and looks better than 3D.

fucking retard

>Graphics have NEVER been important to Pokemon.
I guess content and gameplay aren't important too. The talentless hacks even made double battles chug on Sun and Moon because of their garbage graphical gimmicks - Triple and Rotation battles murdered because of this. Why is Pokemon such a sacred cow to the likes of you? It has proven itself to be a false messiah during the last few years. It is not an underdog nor a good guy. So why... emotional attachment to the characters?

> literally a nintendo 64 game
You're literally retarded.

All of GF's effort went into Town, if anything. They're clearly tired of Pokemon but can't just drop the biggest cash-cow in all of media.

Are you stupid, take way less money and effort do a 3d model than spritework.

On top of that not everyone can do sprites.

Attached: kofxii sprite process.jpg (1920x1598, 970K)

I honestly don’t give a fuck about the national dex.
Even when I was a kid I barely gave a fuck about bringing Pokémon over.
I took showers so I didn’t give a fuck about The meta, and I’m not a furry so I didn’t want to fuck them.

>b-but we had it before...
Eh, It’s a video game, not food.

I agree, unluckly it seems not even GF realizes what pokémon is about.

>it's too expensive and time-consuming to do the good things! we'll just do the lazy shit!
And this is why video games are hot garbage.

>looks nice

Same, I'm not losing sleep over no National Dex, and so far a lot of my old favorites are in the game and many of the new Pokemon look awesome.

This, never cared about the dex.
Game still looks like hot trash though.

I mean, Xenoblade 2 looks good on Switch, if you ignore the dynamic resolution dropping down to 240p to maintain the silky smooth 15 FPS.

Videogame development isn't fucking charity and deadlines exist.

Ton of great games use shortcuts to archive the intended vision or gameplay.

Gamefreak only makes direct money on the sale of mainline Pokemon games. Everything else is just their cut of The Pokemon Company profits.

You retards keep buying it

It doesn’t look that bad, the environments look better then Animal Crossing.
Besides I’m buying Deadly Premonition 2, I’m not really a graphics whore

>sacrificing work and soul = intended vision

imagine being such a gamefreak drone that you think fighting game sprites and this are the same

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Don’t buy it and shut up like grown ups do.

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>grown ups are silent and never say anything about anything
No wonder the world is shit, then, if everyone simply accepts everything with no question or challenge.

Who is this referencing?

The fuck is this even supposed to mean? Why are you bringing up Star Wars out of nowhere?

They talk, they just don’t bitch on a anime Internet forum about a pet simulator for hours.

Ah, so your problem is that you think we are only allowed to voice our displeasures in very specific times and locations, mandated by you and your kind, of course.

this bait is fucking retarded and the people falling for it are even more fucking retarded

>Buying Pokemon
>Giving shit about pokemon
I just care the porn

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Nah, My problem is that you are seething so hard that you keep making strawman arguments and instead of dealing with your problems progressively, you instead argue on a Internet forum with exactly 0 People who can fix your problem.

I know most didn’t like the gimmick but mega evolution at always gave a lot of Pokemon a nice new (temporary) design as well as making some old Pokemon more viable.

This is literally just big version of small

Lol, he does it for free.

>Graphics have NEVER been important to Pokemon.
So the models of 807 pokemon dont matter now?

Nessa is a water goddess.

>why should I have to work hard?
You sound like a jew


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>those rock textures
what the fuck game freak

But you've still got the taste of their dick in your mouth

>use shortcuts to archive the intended vision or gameplay

Sure, pal.

You can go on labzero discord right now and ask them personally the whole process about spritework.

Shit isn't remotely easy.

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Mach dich an die Arbeit, lazy nigger

They're usually pretty inexperienced, or bad, coders. Not only that, but they've been developing solely for handhelds for so long, and the switch to 3D caused them a lot of problems they never seem to have recovered from.
Then you have the whole thing of Pokemon being mostly aimed at kids with an autistic adult fanbase that don't care enough to make a fuss about these things, but will cry over not being able to capture more than 700 pokemon. Capture meaning "send from old game".

But, in defense of GF, I don't want realistic environments with the anime artstyle, it looks fucking awful. Xenoblade is genuinely ugly, like a fanmade 4K HD texture pack that conflicts with the style of everything else and just looks like shit.

>Xenoblade is genuinely ugly
Opinion discarded.

You're irremediable, lost and sunk in the dark depths of Masuda's anus.

I ONLY said graphics don't mean shit. I hate everything about the latest 3d games except for ORAS.
>Being critical to what makes a game good is being loyalist
Gamer detected.
The models of course need to match the artstyle of the rest of the game. I'm only saying that Pokemon doesn't need to look good. It has never been a driving point for the franchise.
This we agree on.
HG/SS is the only legitimately good looking Pokemon game to date and the gameplay is still very good. The perfect balance for GF is when the gyms and battles are all pre-planned (remakes) so they can focus on good side-mechanics that brings out the gameplay all that much more.
Still doesn't matter. The gameplay is what'll define it, which I'm actually very worried about.
>I guess content and gameplay aren't important too.
I never said that, reading comprehension please.
GF are lazy, there's no doubt but focusing so much on their graphics when GF has never really been known for putting out good graphics is idiotic.
The games have been stale gameplay-wise since X/Y and I don't think these will be any better.

>because Nintendo fans have no standards


>le gamer

People were going absolutely wild at Pokemon Let's Go because of superficial shit like Double Kick having a poor animation in some webm. When I tried the game though, I thought it was great. It actually looks really nice and the qualms everyone had about animations simply didn't hold up - Let's Go has tonnes of brilliantly animated moves and I ended up being really surprised when I got my hands on it.

I think SwSh is going to be the same. Lots of people getting upset at superficial shit like the texture of a wall, as if that's what I've bought the game for. The only truly disapponting thing about SwSh so far is the (lack of) national dex. Fite me faggots.

It has fantastic designs, it's just shit looking in terms of presentation. It's so incredibly dull that I honestly think it's a massive waste of potential.

is this gonna be another Three Houses episode where people bash the game before release because of graphics but suddenly don't care anymore once it's released?

I bet you're excited to see Pikachu, Eevee, Mewtwo and Charizard (and his new shitty form) for the 20th time in these games.

>You don't expect quality out of Madde
Yes I do, I don't like the Madden series but they're not bad games.


Not really. I'm just excited for some new mons, a new world to explore, doing some trading, leveling up, maybe some breeding and battling. Y'know. The things people buy Pokemon games for.

>Graphics have NEVER been important to Pokemon.
Graphics were so influential on the first gen that the roster was cut and reworked in accordance to who could actually fit on the cartridge.

looks like an n64 rare game

Star Wars

And all of that is probably worse than in previous games.

You're probably a huge faggot without an argument

They're posting in the archives dum dum.

>hurr let me throw my favorite Yea Forums buzzwords at you, that makes me da wiener!

of course you will
you cant go against your programming

Little Town Hero is a game set in a singular town and should look amazing since they have it set in one town, but considering the team is very small, it's not a big deal. I love the way the gameplay looks and Toby being the composer makes sense with gameplay considered. SwSh looks shit and they aren't anything to be excited about, bur I'll hate Little Town Hero if it's as expensive as SwSh

And you're a brainless monkey with no standards.

>A game that's already complete and the only thing they have to do is overhaul the visuals
>A completely new game

>balancing 900 characters
Hardly a thing in the past and sure not now.
>going to buy it
Let's Go was the lowest selling "mainline" game.

Ok user, if you are so clever tell me, where should I put my arguments for things to change?

>completely new
Nope. Xenoblade also has completely new character models, only 2 of which existed before.

But I do. I like fun games. Gamefreak definitely doesn't make perfect games, but they're absolutely are fun. Keep getting mad while I enjoy my games, faggot.

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Graphics don't matter. The persona games are proof of it. All of them aged amazingly well because of art direction.

You're an addict.

"its stylized!"
pokefag cope

Okay user, tell me, does this look like a good art direction to you?

I literally don't care, nobody does.

the moving sprites they were using for gen 5 were already great they just need to polish them up

Stop projecting yourself on others, sub-human.

Do you really expect it to sell at less than $60?

Graphics have NEVER been important to (Insert game here).
If you unironically post pics of the graphics to indicate poor quality you're too far down the rabbithole of brainletism to realize just how dumb you are. You don't deserve to have opinions. Noone should ever respect your opinions. What annoys the fuck out of me is that you sit there in your room with a smug face thinking you actually have something worthwhile to complain about when it's something so fucking trivial as graphics. Everyone should automatically filter you as a subhuman retard for thinking graphics matter but the state of videogame culture is so far down today that there's legitimately a big portion of you that unironically place graphics on the highest pedestal. You're not smart for looking at a picture amd saying "this game game look bad bad", everyone can fucking see that for themselves. You're not smart for pointing it out, and you're not posting worthwhole critical thought in the slightest. Just do us all a favor and shut the fuck up.

Nice copypasta

I don't care what anyone says, I'm buying the game because everything will look new and amazing to me when I haven't played a pokemon game since I was a kid.

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Not saying it's acceptable but they're trying to improve some of it at least.

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I can't really tell if that's a hedge or a green wall

They did the same in Gen 7, but only in the first areas, what I tell you can be noticed after defeating the first pokémon totem.

Unless your playing multiplayer, the gameplay in pokemon is also a fucking joke.

Pokemon is easy but fun which is fine.

It's the same reason why kid's cartoons look like shit now. They realized kids don't care about how well animated they are. The same thing applies to Pokemon. Kids don't care about graphics.

Facebook is actually not that shit nowadays, with every zoomer normalfag migrating to Instagram and/or Twitter

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buy temtem or die