Where were you when Gears of War 5 saved the franchise from toxic masculinity?

Where were you when Gears of War 5 saved the franchise from toxic masculinity?

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>please turn gay please turn gay
>be more accepting and turn gay

Who cares because the only people who'll play Nu-Gears are faggots

I blame Sony for this

>Make a shit game
>Add in a bunch of pointless pandering cosmetics in order to get attention
That's just sad

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>Big gruff men barely containing their lust for each other
Did anyone really think that anyone else played these games besides gays, "straight" men, or deep down homos?

>Big gruff men barely containing their lust for each other
Why would you bring your weird fanfiction into the discussion? Nobody cares that you're gay user

There are literally zero fags in Gears. They're either asexual or shown in heterosexual relationships.

They (LGBTWTFBBQ) are sick people. Don't hate them, hate who did it to them. Here's the thing with faggots and trannies - they love to believe that everything was their choice in the first place, but it wasn't and there is no turning back for them. The schools, the corporations, their blind parents that just wanted to smother them with love instead of telling them how it is - it fed their sickness. They are low-t, they are chugging the plastics and female hormones in the water, developing female breasts (and that's a good thing?!) their brains are completely FUCKED and going haywire. Feel sad, not angry. They are like rabid animals. You don't feel angry at rabid animals, user. They made turn other animals rabid, but you don't hate them for it. They will fight you tooth and nail for these decisions they've made to warp themselves around the poison they've been bound to, but we must save them.. somehow.

who the fuck keep buying these game?

in one of the other 10 threads you've made about this this morning already

> lose your audience
> don't get a dime from the SJW

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Literally no one cares or knows about this.
No one is gonna buy a game based on if it has a flag.

Why don't you save them by transitioning and becoming my gf instead of them uwu

>World is being destroyed by alien worm monsters killing 80% of all life off the planet
>Alright guys, we gotta make sure our society openly cares about homosexuality and we use our resources to make flags to display this

>MMMYY WWIIFFEEE!!!!!! = Big gruff men barely containing their lust for each other
Yikes and fagpilled.

Waiting for Doom Eternal instead.

>It’s a small but important step.

An important step towards what? What is any of this shit actually accomplishing? What is the end goal here, that eventually every character in every game will be gay and racially diverse? And then what, the gays win the superbowl or what? Every queer black woman gets $500 and a new iPhone? What is any of this random shit doing to actually help LGBT people in any way?

>gays of war

Every time a dev shoehorns pride shit in games, they always call it a 'small step'. They demand inclusion but when they get it its just a 'small step'

It will never be enough. What constitutes a 'large step'?

Its a rhetorical question. Only when everyone's trans and everything emasculated will they be saying 'steps are being taken' for their agenda.

they're trying to normalize it so they won't feel like outcasts anymore
but that's not really their goal
notice how they take normal things and retroactively assign them names like "cisgender"
they won't be happy until it's literally opposite day and it's no longer ok to be straight

i hate how bad it looks

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but most people dont give a shit if you like dicks up your shithole

what is annoying is having faggotry announced 24/7 on all media

I'm amazed at such a low amount of the population is able to be so vocal and gain so much prominence. It's sickening.

They shouldve been stopped in the 60s

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It will always be a "small step", up until the protag is a gay trans nonbinary poc who fights the one lone blonde blue-eyed white guy (who is the antagonist) and kills him by unloading a shotgun into his ballsack and making a joke about how now he's a woman.

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Here's my first impressions so far im at act 3 and its okay so far, i haven't unlocked the open world thing but i dont like that the game had an hub like area and the shitty comedy convos, the multiplayer is good but i only played one match of it. also how can i disable that retarded TAA? there's no option for it ingame but i can of course see it on

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Low iq Xbox faggots and trannys

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There's going to be a gay character in the next Gears. Mark my words

why is this shit even ingame

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Shilling for Terminator 6: I Live in a House

Now you know who to target

>gibs me a small step, there are other places for you CIS
>*changes the language to make normal thing now transphobic
>gibs another step
It's a crime to be heterosexual.

Wasn't Gears 2 the last good game anyway?

They need to make people talking about the game somehow.

pride is one of the seven deadly sins

The others are L, G, B, T, Q and +

There's so much side shilling in this game it's unbelievable.

>population of sera becomes more gay/gay accepting
>planet gets worse and worse off
What does it mean?

I sure am glad I'm not some alt-right SJW clutching pearls all day :)

more like queers of war amirite?

this. fuck drumpf and fuck white people

reminds me of the worst parts of AC Unity

yeah like that

Gotta make rounds for woke media.

Who cares? I'll be using that long snub execution on anyone rocking it anyway lmao, and i'm sure the people tweeting it are trash at Gears anyway. Funny how the people praising this are the ones who cry that games are toxic as fuck nowadays, yet Gears literally has a mechanic to BM other players.

Why havent you join the winning team yet

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How to defeat the tranny:

You dont need to hate them. You just need to never date them.


>game includes gay shit
How does this happen?

This is JK Rowling levels of apologetics. Rowling’s captive fanbase became increasingly progressive as they aged and here she is with the whitest book series ever, so she started retconning characters’ sexuality and shit. In Gears case, they’ve milked this series for so long that the staff is now full of people who could never unironically enjoy it as it was, so it’s become this.

>get this
>dont even get the best murder bot in video games

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Just pirate every game you inbred

I think trannies are fucked in the head but who cares jus don't accidentally select that flag

It's more like "society has traditionally told me to hide under threat of death but I'm not going to" but sure. It also lets people know who you're interested in since straight is the default. It can also be used to show support.

All these faggots are white and support white supremacy.

People will take issue with this because they're brainlets but as for me, people are willingly identifying themselves by using those flags and i'm unironically stoked to gun down and chainsaw some trannies

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grow up, sweetie

Men are very very brand orientated, if you have a brand they like then you can shit on it and they will still buy it. women are not brand orientated and demand you pander to them.

As such developers hit on men and pander to women.

Rowling also wrote a children's book in the 90s about a boy getting help from an old mentor. It's no surprise she hid and/or had no reason to explore the character's sexuality.

haha gay

People who buy games like Gears are mostly trannies. They must be really happy right now.

Who the fuck cares? Are you that triggered by a fucking image?

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>Don't hate them, hate who did it to them.
I'll hate them both, thanks.

>having pride flags in Gears game #45534 is an important step

>Literally no one cares or knows about this.

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He's pretty much right. You need to seek help if you think even 1% of consumers knows or cares about this.

Resetera obviously.

>women are not brand oriented

Jesus Christ turbo virgin, go outside. Women are fucking obsessed with branding. Ever heard of fashion or the cosmetic industry you fucking retard?

I was linked to some twitter posts and it seemed like quite a few people care

why are leftoids so seething that when corporations get woke they go broke? almost like people dont want to buy their faggot shit lmao!

Seek therapy.

the only people seething are the poltards upset about a flag though

Not even 1% lmfao just pulled that one right out your ass

i mean it's not beneficial but it's also not detrimental.

Do you think a handful of twitter posts with 5 likes constitutes 1% of the consumer base for video games?

"5 likes" lmao proving my point
right out the ass

Based schizo

Gears 5 yet another flop and franchise killed by gowoke getbroke, based Nips will always be there to enforce the patriarchal structure of fun and good vidya

cope leftcel

We need Chad Warden at a time like this.

>single out anyone using or adoring pride flags
>chainsaw them
I do not see a SINGLE problem with this great addition. Based devs giving us priority targets.


Queers of War is now canon and no longer a meme.

>Single out the progressives and kill them with massive prejudice
>Get banned for "trolling"


Y'all niggas bitching about inclusionary shit laugh at the retards not seeing that anyone playing will be able to curbstomp and chunky salsa faggots and get away with it

As if PS isn't equally as gay these days.


Wow it's fucking nothing.
You faggots whine about everything.

Can't have stars and bars, because that's evil.
Can't have swastikas, because that's evil.
Can't have sickle and hammer, because that's controversial.
Rainbow flags are fine, it's not shoving in your face!


No, sorry. I don't see it that way, sir sucks a cock.

Outcasts don't get to have parades in every major city world-wide wherein they are able to flaunt their naked junk in children's faces with zero repercussions.

I can only imagine what the nigger queers are thinking.

Now THIS is schizoposting!

Now THIS is mossadposting!

This game is peak american culture. Generic FPS trash with dudebros on steroids and a STRONK WYMYN waving fag flags. You literally don't get more stereotypical than this. God damn, what a shitty country.


is it possible to have a gay muslim character? need to know please

But is it good? The single player, specifically

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What a time to be alive

>Reverse SJWs found a rainbow flag in their safe space.
Imagine getting TRIGGERED so easily.

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