Dying Light 2

Do you think this will top the first game?
What are your biggest worries regarding this game?

Attached: Dying Light 2.png (820x462, 493K)

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It’s hard to tell now, but I really hope the MC isn’t just a Kyle Crane clone. I’m worried it will focus too much on fighting humans, when the most fun I had in the first was pissing off a horde of volatiles and killing them/running for your life in the night. I understand they want to create an immersive dystopian plot, but fuck, I just want to kill zombies.
Also, they need to address what happened to Crane after the following.

>Also, they need to address what happened to Crane after the following.

Well he's either extremely dead, or a super volatile, assuming they use one of the endings and don't just make up something new anyways.

>biggest worries
It still looks like far cry with zombies.

Pretty sure the boom ending was the canon ending for Crane

The first game had zombies with breast physics, this game better not have that.

>What are your biggest worries regarding this game?
Another shoehorned shitty story that is so uninteresting and nonsensical even the main character breaks the fourth wall to make fun of it.
A fucking QTE final boss that you can't co-op.
Fetch side quests padding the game length x10.
Giving you an item that completely negates the need to do parkour.
Trying to do too many things at the same time.

How is it like Far Cry? Just because it's Open World?

You just know they're gonna make it Epic Games Exclusive a few weeks before launch.

>Giving you an item that completely negates the need to do parkour.
Grappling hook and glider are both in the game, sadly.


gameplay trailer made it look basically like the first game but with more mechanics, so I'm sure it'll be fun. writing seems kinda lackluster but the first game wasn't exactly the moby dick of video games either and it was still good. idk why people are actively looking for reasons to hate this game.

Watch the gameplay demo. Super scripted but shows some decent stuff. Looks like the grappling hook has been both buffed and nerfed.

I'm pretty sure Baker is playing this character too so...

you don't have to use the grappling hook. what's stopping you from doing parkour because it's fun? autism?

Bloated map, annoying protagonist, uninteresting characters and drawn out exposition that gets in the way of gameplay. Felt a lot like a ubisoft open world game.


>Bloated Map
How big or small should it be then?

What are you, retarded? Can't you fucking read?
I said "bloated". I didn't mention the size of the map. In these types of games the map is always huge but you're always doing the same thing. It gets boring. To answer your question, the map should be smaller with more variation in the things you can do.

I haven't played the first game so, but it always looked clunky with a so fast gameplay that could give you epileptic seizure. I can see why people having fun with it though.

DL2 however feels as if it'd be the best thing since sliced bread - and I rarely play FPS / action games. Weird that I can't put my finger what exactly causes this difference.

Compare the gameplay videos between the first one and second one.

Dying Light 2 seems like the speed is slower, but you can still do more tricks (like running on walls and ascending buildings with a rope).

Maybe it's because this game is more of a straight up RPG is what catches your interest?

Literally had none of this. The map is small as fuck too what? Just admit you never played it cuck

Actual complaints coming throgh2
- human enemies fucking suck. Make them less spongey and for gods sake dont make them immune to drop kicks wtf
- make guns not feel like ass
- make volatiles lessy niggery with their free shits bullshit. Its too unforgiving on anything other than hard and its pure bullshit
- fuck off with the selective hookshot shit. I dont want to climb your ebin shaky radio tower if i got thr hookshot, dont force me to

>not on GOG
Why should i care for this game? Cus i'm definitely not buying it on Steam/Epic.

first one was only fun until you beat the entire game
there's not really much to do in free roam, and there's only so many ways you can kill zombies after you get the orange tier shit that can one shot

Probably looks slower for the video's sake, as it's meant to show stuff. Look how slowly the player turns around and looks. Obviously using a controller.

Entirely possible, even if I take everything that was shown with a grain of salt. At the same time, let's not forget how the first one looked like during it's first (longer) demo: youtube.com/watch?v=a4lAusy35bc

Notice that (similarly to it's successor's E3 video) it was also played with a controller. Which is madness imho, but it definitely contributes to the slower (looking) pace. So for me, the jury is still out with DL2 too until it's release.

Man, there used to be a lot more foliage in the old builds - As well as the foliage reacting more to the breeze.

>le drm-free meme
I like pirating gog games. suck it nigger

Something tells me the story is gonna go full Walking Dead "muh human drama".

How's the Following DLC compares to the base game? Is it worth to get it?

Troy Baker? But the first game was Roger Craig Smith as Crane.

No coop, more qtes

Yes it is, definitely.

>the boom ending
thought the other was

is that cranes voice?

No. Crane is either dead or a super zombie. Guess we will find out in the sequel which one is the canon ending.

Why is the zombie virus out again? Didn't a nuke payload go off underground wiping out the entire city of Herran in the dlc?

less parkour and more driving
actually better story but only because the main game one is absolute trash

And also an actual final boss (in one of the endings anyways)

I know
but I think he really sounds like him
I even think they reused some of his climbing grunts

That's pretty lazy to re-use cranes VA if thw real Crane is either a monster or one of those Hiroshima shadows after getting a face full of nuclear bomb explosion

Plus, isn't this like 20-30 years after the first game? Crane would be at least middle aged. Not the ideal age for doing parkour even if you're in good shape.

It's not even the same VA.

>biggest worries
That the grappling hook will trivialize all of the game's movement mechanics, again

To anyone thinking of trying Dying Light, and playing with friends, play it solo first. The game can be really tense and outright scary at night (the first night is one of the most terrifying things I've experienced in a long while, concerning vidya), but an absolute memefest with friends.

Attached: image.jpg (168x249, 30K)

Crane really got a raw deal, but i guess he kinda brought it on himself when he accepted the order to burn that Antizin resulting in him having to get wrapped up in that cult shit.

Attached: 5908348509384699034868340986034986 dying light Antizin roasting over an open fire.jpg (1280x720, 75K)

That is why I asked
still think they sound alike

Not him, but I agree they sound a bit alike. The new guy has a softer voice though IMO

>just don't use it!
Kill yourself.

Fuck you rape me

Remove any fucking escort mission especially if the zombies are going to take 500 hits to kill one.

>map is 4 times as big but also supposedly going to have deep world changing events that layer on each other
Its probably going to be better but they are probably overselling this shit hard

>are going to take 500 hits to kill one.
takes you too long to get a weapon to slice zombies into bits. At this point the game is over.
I mean, ok it would trivialize the endgame but I want to slash them and not bonk my newest weapon on one 50 times only for it to break.
Grappling and pushing zombies into spikes was the only way to slaughter them fast midgame.

I would be happy if firearms were less represented and there were more interesting melee types. also didn't really like the growth trees in the first, they could totally do better

Unthreatening zombies. Even on the gameplay trailer the guy mostly just walks or jogs past zombies without a care in the world. The first game's early game zombie hordes felt deadly, now they just feel like sacks of feathers waiting to be dropkicked.

I think in the setting, humanity won and the zombies are pretty much reduced to something that only pops up at night.

Considering the mother was sentient during the day I wonder if they'll introduce "volatile Crane".
Maybe as a faction leader.

That was a very scripted "gameplay" video just to show the world and game mechanics.

Humans are almost extinct. There are just a few big settlements left in the world.

Unironically this

>That was a very scripted "gameplay" video
Are we talking about this? Because the amount of jank at display in the video would stand out even during an average Joe playthrough. The fact they let this gameplay slide in a trailer shows either some pretty great honesty from the devs or a complete lack of faith in the project.