This man comes to your house and completely destroys you in Smash Bros

>this man comes to your house and completely destroys you in Smash Bros
What do you do?

Attached: TobyFox.png (378x320, 306K)


I add one of his characters as a dlc costume in one of my games.

Fag I dont even have smash, why are you so autistic bringing it to my home and forcing me to play it?

Is Banjo any good?

He's the guy who plays Spider-Man in the MCU.

I don't play Super Smash.

>okay user, whoever wins gets to give the loser one command they HAVE to follow
Would you play with him? What would you make him do? What would you hope he makes you do?

Ask him if he wants to play Crash Team Racing instead

Sorry man, I only have a PS4.