RDR2 on PC
too late I dont care anymore
No one with good taste gives a single damn about rockshit
I dont give a shit about the single playing and the online is shaping up to be GTAO 2.0.
This was one of my most anticipated games in over a decade and they fucking ruined it.
nice, but i guess R* is going to shit more online expansion again adn live the solo to die
this desu
Quite the opposite, only right-wing crybabies hate Rockstar.
Arthur gets TB and dies.
this, nobody cares about this game anymore
And yet it's one of the best fps games ever released. GTAV is still the best looking game of all time, I'm fucking stoked to see how far rockstar can go. That said it's probably not coming to pc until after next year but it'll be worth the weight
>This was one of my most anticipated games in over a decade and they fucking ruined it.
RDR2 summed up perfectly
>R* double dipping again
>focusing on online content
hoped it wouldn't turn into GTA V 2
> GTAV is still the best looking game of all time
I remember when we had threads about this on the first Red Dead
Prove me wrong with something that isn't a hallway similator
About fucking time. Now I can actually play the game properly like a western max payne instead of whack a mole.
Crysis 3 exists
Bamham arkham knight
Far Cry 5 looks better
Maybe on a technical level because it's a newer game too bad Ubisoft can't into art design
Call me when the nude mods are out
Also KC:D
looks good to me, and there are way better pics of the game than this out there.
I've heard and seen nothing but mixed feelings for the main game, and knew from the start that RDO would be a total sham of the original and would only disappoint me.
Just don't care any more, and fuck Rockstar's double dip coaxing bullshit.
This is probably going to be an EGS exclusive, T2 won't turn down free money.
lol no
I bought it yesterday for XboneX
This is easily the prettiest game of this generation, you should be excited
I hate poltards too, but that doesn't prevent rockstar games from being shit
God i forgot how good this game looked. Might find the crack so i don't have to deal with its double drm tanking my fps
No one talks about RDR online anymore, everyone has only ever said negative things about it when they did. The general consensus was the singleplayer was was bare bones just to get people into the online. I don't give a fuck.
Those are some nice hi rez textures, too bad about the game..
rdr2 is ugly
Lmao it will be the best selling PC game whatever year it finally drops and it will become the greatest game to mod with how everyone will wanna take advantage of this Rage Engine tech
Never even bothered to finish it. Every fucking mission was just riding your horse for 10 minutes to a 2 second gun fight.
i never cared
only retards cared for this garbage
>Cyberpunk 2077 and Baldur's Gate 3 are on their way
now those are games i care about and both are coming on GOG DRM free
RDR 2 was shit any probably the worst Rockstar game.
The game was pretty good to me, the best game from ubisoft since chaos theory, shame the gameplay itself is boring like every other ubisoft game now.
Looks much better in 4K on XboneX
Popped the game in yesterday in my one x again. It still looks better better than new games dropping in late 2019 and early next year.
Can't wait to have some actual gun fights with actual mouse aiming, instead of just tapping L2+R2
>modding RDR2
At best it will get a cheat program similar to every GTA where you can swap your model and spawn things in. The singleplayer doesn't have enough content or replayability to warrant modding it, and Rockstar of David barely tolerates GTA V multiplayer mods.
Literally every game nowadays has a native PC version somewhere even if incomplete, they're all made on PC dirst
>being an auto aim shitter
after how shit the epilogue was i never want to play this game again
>actual gun fights with actual mouse aiming
The inferior specs of PC won’t be able to run it. It’s designed specifically for the game-focused graphical light of consoles.
most people dont live in Brazil or Russia
an average PC still have more power than a console
I just plopped it on yesterday and after 200hours of playtime on single player was still having a blast. One of the best shooters ever made hands down.
Why would I care:
don't care
>le ebin story
don't care
>on rails missions
don't care
>open world
don't care
>attention to """""""detail""""""""
don't care
>braindead gameplay
don't care
>euphoria animations
care but they are not used to their full potential
>The singleplayer doesn't have enough content or replayability to warrant modding it,
You're a fucking idiot. People will throw Pokemon, dragons, aliens and any sort of random shit in the game like they did with GTAV. The Rage engine and R* allows for possible the most flexibility when it comes it mod support. They'll probably find a way throw vehicles in.
But games are designed for consoles. The entire PC library is just a bunch of half-assed ports.
you cared enough to come into the thread and post
inb4 epic exclusive.
I can't wait to play 60fps and have free aim with kb+m, will be waay more fun.
Nerds in here acting like it makes them interesting individuals to hate rockstar. Pathetic.
>fumbling with an analog stick for 40 seconds to kill anyone no standing still
From Bejing with Love (1994). It's fucking good
This has been known for months now
Or hopefully as was the case with GTA V, available directly from Rockstar with no middle man
>pc cucks getting hyped over the potential release of a year old game
Why are other brain dead studio fags so insecure of Rockstar?
it looks so fucking shit
trash still looks like trash even in 4k
we aren't
no shit. it'll come out 2 years later like gta5
Honestly I don't mind it taking a while, so when I try RDO it might have enough updates to make it worth the time.
>le funny pikachu model swap xDDDD
>le funny piano car
I can't wait to get the top trending gif on reddit! haha
Absolutely fucking based.
Fuck those Jews at Rockstar.
I haven't played it yet so being old doesn't matter
Also gonna pirate lol
It's amazing how much better a kill cam becomes in the hands of a competent developer
there is no "we" retard
Who cares. Game was kino and discussed to death already.
>It's amazing how I will leap to defend an idiotic feature like a kill cam in a shooting game just because it's Rockstar
there is, i just wrote it.
Oh no you better not call them a competent developer with these other insecure man babies in here
speak for yourself dumbass, I bet you feel so validated jumping on this little hate circlejerk
why are you getting mad?
I remember the kino moment where people were fishing all day long in order to get enough cash to buy anything in the online because the prices were fucked. It sure kinoed my kinos right in the kino.
you're a drone
Yeah online sucks shit. SP is possibly the best story ever told in a video game.
What’s so bad about Jews? I know a few, they’re really nice people.
i'm not the one getting upset on behalf of a company
This "news" are like 6 month old... i used to care because i liked RDR on the PS3. Just not enough to get a PS4 for it.
Most of the games i wanted came to PC anyways and even some of those like Kuni 2 ended up being a big deception. Thank the gods for DQ XI and Automata though. Ten years ago those games would have been PS exclusives but now even FF is on PC.
Add to that that TRPGs are finally making a comeback. Divinity original sin 2 was fucking amazing and those guys are working on Baldur´s gate III. (there are also several other tactical RPGs on the horizon. At least one cyberpunk one for those of us that actually want a cyberpunk RPG and not a shooter, and even a western and prohibition based ones).
That's literally just crying about some side component of the online mode that is literally about grinding. The neat thing about this game is that the fishing is fun to do in its own right anyway
not really I just hate circlejerking retards in general that write off games they haven't played
>wanting an even more boring version of GTAV
At least gta has cool cars and planes and shit.
hating other people on behalf of a videogame company, sad.
This desu
This news is old as fuck, they found references to Oculus Rift as well so its going to have VR
>Divinity original sin 2 was fucking amazing
Holy cope
And every single one of them is better than their console counter-part
I'm excited. I still play gta 5 single player on PC. Such a refined experience, I fucking love it. Can't wait until this comes out. I own a PS4 but id much rather wait for pc.
I know a few too and they are worse than the memes.
I'm excited for it
Not him but isn't it considered to be very good?
R* keeps leading by example. When will these other developers especially Japanese catch up lads?
No no, console drone, that game was on consoles. You just think it was a PC exclusive because it's an isometric RPG and your zoomer brain zoomed right past it.
not really, crpgs are dead
Typical pc fags, cheering for the leftover scraps that people stopped carrying about ages ago
>Divinity original sin 2 was fucking amazing
we aren't
>t. RetardEra
It's been less than a year. I know you're baiting but people seem to think like this. I still play games that are old, even though they've been available on PC forever
PCfag here, I bought an xbox just for this game, it's still better than any FPS that has come out on the PC in the last decade at least
Othrodox jews are literal parasites and should be sent to the showers
t. A Jew only because of a technicality
You really are a jew
>people in here talking and Jews
>there's not a single dev or publisher that's not one.
Ridiculous imo
Are you implying that half-life 2 is good? Because that would be dumb
shut up, zoomer.
I don't believe those aren't mods
I was born in Russia and live in Israel, not even cut and am only legally listed as a jew because my mother happened to be one. I never followed a single religious tradition, eat pork and mix meat and dairy on a daily basis.
Technically, I'm a jew.
I always wonder if there are any non-kike Jews because no matter how you twist it the majority of them are completely and utterly fucked.
No wonder games are so shit these days.
>SP is possibly the best story ever told in a video game.
kys retard
>the online is a "side component"
>in a rock* game
>in the year of our lord, 2019
you're joking?
The GTA IV pc port taking forever made somewhat sense, because we were still in an weird era where no one wanted to make PC version of vidya, but ever since then, when R* pulls this shit it's straight up Judaism
>another moviegame gets ported to PC
who cares? call me back when RDR1 gets ported, that shit was FUN online
this, the game was sub par but we hyped it because it was console exclusive
you got tricked i guess
I wasn't expecting much myself but RDR2 delivered on the SP front
Fine, FPS.
Are you kidding? After the lump that was V, nobody thought this was going to be any good
Sniper Elite does it well too
Tim could only afford Borderlands 3 for 6 months, he'd barely get RDR2 for a month.
windows 10 needs an update bro
fuck man i've seen this film
>best version of the game that will live on in eternity
Thanks for beta testing
>it wasn't
Believe it nigger
people still seething about this masterpiece? can't you just deal with the fact that this is the THE best game that has ever came out.
Pc is happy to have it. The seething is console negroes losing an exclusive.
this looks like dogshit lmfao. even modded fallout 4 looks better than this muddy shit
Honestly this - they nailed the forest feels and the landscapes like no other game
too bad it looks like shit outside of carefully staged screenshots.
Take it from me who bought a PS4 Pro just for this game, it's overrated.
What kills this game is how linear and scripted every mission is, before a long and unnecessary "walk and talk" segment but on a horse. They even limit your speed.
I wanted a PC version but I ended up buying the ps4 version since I didnt feel like waiting. I wasnt very impressed with the game on ps4 so I dont give a shit about a PC version. I'd be more excited for the first red dead coming to PC.
good thing there's a shit ton of content outside of the impressive mission setpieces
Holy shit that looks great
Nigger the gameplay is fucking shit, mashing X the whole time for running aside from the input delay is cancer
nice memepost why is mashing x to run bad?
>in a video game
He’s not wrong, there isn’t much competition. It’s certainly better than kingdom hearts or any call of duty
It’s kind of a meh game desu. It was more a flavor of the month type, which is a shame because the first game is one of my all time favorites
>release game on consoles
>months late hype starts to die off
>"oh boy, time to get that PC version ready to release"
So thats what they do huh
Oh look it's another game so good you wont want to play it twice and certainly not at higher framerates. Thanks for beta testing once again bros.
i'm looking to build a desktop, but I have no idea where to start with this, or if i even should jump on it now. i have a laptop thats 7 years old, still works fine, and i also have to save money.
i'd rather have the original teebeeaych
Wait for the next gen
hey steam boi! when will the key to home be released?
>get ps4 to play this
>haven't used joysticks for ages
>can't aim shiy
>get killed if ambushed by a group of outlaws
don't know how you guys handle it, for me it's stressful.
Don't forget to make threads laughing about the online having a battle pass now
>reinstall GTAV last night
>hop online
>fifteen fucking minutes of unskippable cutscenes about their new ingame casino
>finally leave
>immediately bombarded by ingame pop-up ads about stupid missions and new ways to waste actual money
>phone calls from annoying characters, that interrupt gameplay, that you're forced to pick up, every 5 minutes
>modder fucks with weather and causes lightning effect to flash on and off repeatedly
>killed by a kid on a rocket bike that apparently costs 30 fucking dollars
>finally remember that the game is 90% grind, 6% cutscene, and 4% interesting content
I'm not interested in buying another R* game after the bloody dumpster abortion that is GTA:O
The trick to consoles is to tap the aim in button and then the fire button. Also, just take shots at things you're clearly not aiming at. The bullets will curve to find the target.
>Six circle bars on left
Why devs do this?
I wonder what kind of PC optimization they're gonna put in.
I just recently looked up some of my PS4(not pro) screenshots and this game is legitimately the most beautiful game I played at times.
Morning mist coming out of the woods while you ride alongside them, or that one screenshot in which I was riding with the indian guy while it was raining looks legitimately photorealistic.
>its not fake
I feel the same when I try to use m&k.
I know it's better, I know it's actually acurate, but it doesn't matter, I always play with controllers.
LMAO good thing i never cared about the console version
will be nice to play it at 144fps
>online PvP will actually be fun with normal aiming
>will also be rife with hackers since R* doesn't believe in anticheat
this, i can wait half year for mhw iceborne or other games
but 2 years is overkill, fuck that
your loss
thanks for the beta testing!
>I'm ok with knowing that computers are aiming for me
Are you disabled?
Same. It's actually good when a game doesn't come out at first in the platform(s) you own because then you can't be a victim of manufactured hype and shilling. There's just too much peer pressure to consume the shinniest new product that's come out, even when it might not even be good. The actual masterpieces keep getting talked about regardless of time. The fake wannabes that only get propelled to the podium through multimillion marketing campaigns vanish from existence entirely sometimes not even a week after release, as was the case of God of War and specially Spiderman, both of which don't even feel like they even came out due to how instantly forgotten they were. RDR 2 past the first week had nothing but complaints about its seemingly poor controls and clunky gameplay. More often than not I see people saying how it was a goddamn chore to try to play it.
Besides, all rockstar games play the exact same and once you've played one, you've played them all. I'm thoroughly done with walking from point A to B following the minimap while I listen to clever witty dialogue and then kill some generic baddies on my way there. It was fun at first but nah, already over that shit.
glad pcbros get to enjoy it too, had a blast on ps4
>improving controls/player responsiveness
I hope this carries to campaign
plus, mods
I love the graphics of it, totally amazing. But honestly i had to force myself to finish the game, by the end it as just literally a chore. The gameplay and riding 3 hours on a horse while an npc talks over and over and over gets so old. All the enemies are just the same, there is no variance in them like pushers/snipers/rushers/dodgers/whatever.
retard. There's enough variation in the enemy reaction alone to make it one of the most engaging shooters ever
The game has a nice 60 fov first person mode
>RDR2 finally comes to PC
>It's only the online component, no story
>Game is still 120gb
>FPS free-aim with mouse & keyboard
Will this be kino or will the now classic molasses controls you get from Rockstar make it shit?
lol ok
I just hope it opens the door to a proper RDR remake on PC.
>new trailer frontier pursuits
>another sassy black gal the soi filled kikes make so they can jack off
this isn't a video game screenshot, right?
>developed on PCs for consoles
>remnants of development process still in files, because lazy
Wow, totally confirmed.
It's misrepresentative of the console's capabilities. You see that hill in the backgroubd? That's where the level of detail takes a shit and everything is covered with fps fog. So technically, yes that's a real screenshot. But it's taken in the perfect possible way to mask the engine's/console's shortcomings
why does this game make people so very angry
Wow how exciting another scripted piece of garbage like every Rockstar game, normalfags sure love eating this garbage
Huh, really? Maybe ill pirate it someday to get comfy and fuck around again. Someone will probably mod LeMat into single because these fucking nigger faggots from rockstar wont put it in on consoles.
This is after all the graphical downgrades that started after like the 3rd update. They want to sell you back the best graphics next gen with their remaster
It's still relevant and has higher praise than their recent favorite games.
It was essentially an Ubisoft moviegame with a cash grab multiplayer
i agree but whos paying for this multiplayer beta stuff?
No shit portbegger
All I heard about the multiplayer was all the whales spending hundreds of dollars to get the endgame gear immediately. Not to mention the aimbot 100 yard lock-on isntakill bullshit.