>Everyone was hyped for Geese in Tekken 7
>Everyone was hyped for Mai in Dead or Alive 5
>Everyone was hyped for Haohmaru in Soul Calibur
>Most of Smash players are shitting on Terry
What gives Smash friends? I don't play FF/KoF but I thought his reveal was pretty cool.
Everyone was hyped for Geese in Tekken 7
Hat Ken
>main character of a legendary 30-year fighting game franchise BAD
>side character in one spinoff JRPG 25 years ago that both companies involved have actively tried to bury GOOD
Three fighting games vs. a party game.
It really is as simple as that
Games smash fanboys play without smash inducing them:
Mario spin offs
Baby rpgs
Cult games re released by nintendo.
Games smash fanboys refuse to play unless smash induces them:
First party games from other consoles
Fighting games
50 hours+ RPGs
Games with cinematography
If smash players didn't enjoy to jump into bandwagons the character requests would be all over the place and there won't be clear "front runners and un requested characters"
>if 2 persons use the same pants/t-shirt or have the same hair color or eye color or skin color , they are the same person
thank your for enlightening us with your wisdom
The majority of Smash plays are Nintendo loyalists, and therefore haven't played many fighting games outside Smash games. Terry's a literal who to them.
Seems to me that Crash and Doomguy are the sweetspot for both highly requested + highly likely for DLC characters, so I imagine lots of people were expecting one of them.
>comparing american kicking ryu with a Bogard brother
But this is also false though. He looks like more of a charge character than a shoto (Don't play his series so correct me if I'm wrong)